#then everything changed when we got netflix...i could pause wherever i liked and the bar would drop :') it saved me so much time
Season 4: Complete
Hey, guys! We’ve made it through Season 4....and the entirety of PnF!!
To all of my followers, to everyone who’s ever sent me an ask/submission, to anyone who’s ever liked/reblogged my posts: thank you all so much!!!* I’m so happy that so many other people share such a deep dedication to Doof/PnF! I also especially appreciate those of you who’ve sent me asks expressing your appreciation of this blog--those always made my day! These past few years have been great, and I hope many of you will decide to continue on with me into the future!
I started this blog 2 years and 6 days ago because: 1) RPO blogs were a fad and I noticed there weren’t any Doof ones 2) I wanted an easily accessible archive of Doof screenshots. Throughout these ~2 years, i’ve posted 20 screencaps of Doof every day, except during days where I was overloaded with homework + finals. I’ve gone frame-by-frame through PnF, and I honestly can’t believe i’m finally finished.
Phase 1 of this blog is officially over, but here’s what I have planned for Phase 2:
1) I’m taking the rest of this week off.** My first vacation from this blog that doesn’t involve intensive studying, wow!
2) 7-17-17 will feature the submissions that I have received and been unable to post (either because they were screenshots from a season i’d already completed or because they were edits, which I wanted to keep off this blog during its original run to make things cleaner/more organized)
3) From 7-18-17 to 7-30-17, I will be going back and making/posting gifs of scenes from Season 1, 2, and possibly the beginning of 3 that I was previously not able to do. I also may be posting some videos, as I mentioned before (no quotes, since @pnf-quotes has that covered). During this time, I encourage you all to send me requests if you have a particular gif or scene/video you want me to post (keep in mind tumblr’s gif and video size, though). Posts will be sporadic.
4) From 7-24-17 to 7-30-17, I will be posting any gif/video requests i’ve received/decided to fulfill. Posts will likely continue to be sporadic.
5) Regularly scheduled posting will resume on 7-31-17. We’re rolling back to Season 1!
Finally, if anyone ever has a question about what episode a screencap comes from or wants the full/uncropped version of a screencap, feel free to send me a message (full screencaps will require off anon so I can send them, though)!
*I also have a more personalized shoutout post queued
**I mean, after today’s shoutout post + the Best of Tumblr thing that i’m going to try and do
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keelywolfe · 3 years
FIC: Just Swimmingly ch.4 (BAON)
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Summary:  Jeff doesn't know where they are or where they're going, but he knows one thing. It's probably not good.
Tags:  Spicyhoney, Established Relationships,  Hurt/Comfort, Additional Tags To Come
Part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
By the time the van came to a stop, Stretch still hadn’t woken up. Not that it mattered very much, there wasn’t a thing Jeff could have done to change their situation. At the moment, they were very much outnumbered, overpowered, and even if he’d had a clue where they were, it wouldn’t have done them any good. Before they dragged him out of the van, one of the thugs yanked a bag over his head. Blinded, he struggled to stumble along as two guys pulled him out, trying not to cry out as they led him barefoot across crumbling asphalt into a building with rough carpet.
He kept as quiet as he could, trying to not only listen in case they said anything useful, but also for Stretch, praying to a God he hadn’t spoken to since he was fifteen and his father threw him out that they didn't hurt Stretch. Jeff could survive a few bumps and bruises, but he didn't know how much Stretch could withstand. Intent was key when it came to Monsters, he knew that much, and these guys seemed to have plenty.
At first, he tried to keep track of where he was being led. An impossible effort when the twists and turns of being dragged along left him too disoriented to know his way up or down. They seemed to walk forever until his captors suddenly stopped and Jeff was shoved down into a chair. Rough hands grabbed at him, rope suddenly binding his wrists and ankles. He didn’t struggle as he was tied, only tried to tense his muscles as much as possible, some shitty internet meme he vaguely remembered reading said that it could help slip free later.
Turned out memes weren’t the best source for escape plans. When they were done, Jeff subtly tried to move and the best he could manage was a painful rope burn. The ropes felt like they were wound through the slats in the chair and unless Houdini decided to make good on his possible return from the other side, Jeff was going nowhere fast.
He could hear their captors moving around, muttering too low to be understood and the other sounds might have been more rope. Tying up Stretch, maybe, he hoped that’s what it was; at least if they were together, that was something, hell, that was everything right now.
The bag suddenly getting ripped off his head made him gasp, flinching from the glaring light pointed directly into his face. Squinting, he could barely see the shadowy figures standing behind it, but he was sure he could see a cell phone pointed in his direction.
“Say your name,” a rough voice demanded.
“Andy—” he began automatically. “No, Jeff, I’m sorry, Jeff! My name is Jeff!” There was nothing else and Jeff shifted, grimacing as the ropes dug in. It was on the tip of his tongue to go on, to blurt that he worked in public relations, that he was nobody important and not worth ransoming. He bit the inside of his lip to keep those rambles from pouring out. Partly because it was probably stupid to tell kidnappers your value or lack thereof, and partly because of Edge. He’d always told them to never offer more information than was necessary and yeah, he’d been talking about board games at the time, but Jeff doubted that Clue was where Edge learned that particular rule. If these assholes wanted more info, they could damn well ask.
Either his name was all they wanted or they already had whatever other info they needed. Jeff didn’t even have a chance to try squinting through the too-bright light when one of them came towards him and yanked the bag back over his head. He sat there, sweat beading on his face and his own breath threatening to smother him as he listened to their captors moving around next to him.
“He can’t talk,” one of them said disgustedly. “He’s still wasted.”
Stretch. That meant he was right next to him, thank fucking god.
The rough sound of a slap made Jeff tense, protests bitten off when the same voice cursed and there came the sound of someone rubbing their head, “What the fuck, man!”
“That’s exactly how we want him, dumbass! He doesn’t need to talk, all they need is a good look at him. Come on, they’re waiting.”
Footsteps and then the sound of a door closing. Jeff strained to hear if anyone was still in there with them around his own breathing loud in his ears, his pulse thundering. There was nothing, no shuffle of feet against the floor or the creak of a chair. Jeff waited a little longer, curling his chilly toes against the rough carpet.
Nothing. Jeff took a long, slow breathing, trying to calm his racing pulse. He needed to be cool right now so he could try to think of something. Even if the Embassy was willing to give these assholes whatever they wanted, they sure as hell couldn’t count on that saving their lives. He was no strategist, his degree was in sociology, for fuck’s sake, but. Stretch always called him Handy Andy and it made him feel like someone different, someone braver who could stand up to a violent asshole on a bus and help Stretch with crazy experiments involving swinging bottles of Diet Coke rigged with automatic mentos dispensers. Jeff might not be the best for this situation, but Andy was sure as hell gonna try.
“Stretch,” Jeff said softly. He waited for someone to shout or a slap followed by a demand that he shut up. When none came, he went on, soft and urgent, “I know you can't hear me, but, just in case you can. It's gonna be okay. I know you're big on promises and I'm promising you right now we're getting out of this. I promise you." If he could glean anything of what Jeff was saying, he hoped he could hear that much. At least maybe he wouldn't be afraid.
"i sure hope so, i didn't get this far in life to get dusted by a low rent group of third rate scooby doo level villains. seriously, they tied us up with rope, were they out of packing tape at ‘kidnappers ‘r’ us’ or were they just eager to try the knots they learned in boy scouts before they got kicked out."
Okay, that wasn’t quite the last thing he’d expected, but it was close.
"Stretch?" Jeff gasped out. He couldn’t see a damn thing through the bag, but he could hear a muted popping sound. Suddenly, the bag was gone, far gentler than before and then he was blinking up into Stretch’s smirking face.
Jeff looked around a little wildly and next to him was another chair, the still-tied ropes hanging from the rungs in loose coils.
“yeah, sorry. i woke up back in the van, didn’t want to tip them off. wherever they buy their roofies must not have given them a dosage chart.” Stretch settled his hands on Jeff’s shoulders. “hold still, this is a lot easier than fighting with knots.”
It was the gentlest and shortest teleport he’d ever felt. Only a brief disorientation and when his vision cleared, he was sitting on top of the ropes that had just been binding him.
Jeff scrambled to his feet, swiping his sleeve across his sweaty forehead. Holy shit, maybe he should take up praying again more regularly, this was the fastest service he’d ever gotten. “Can you get us outside?”
His heart sank as Stretch shook his head. “that's gonna be a no. with the bags on our heads, i couldn't see where we are. shortcutting is tricky, it's dangerous to teleport blind. that's how you end up stuck in walls or halfway inside a table or some shit.” Stretch waved a slender hand at the chairs. “dangerous, not impossible. a few inches above where i was sitting was a pretty safe bet to get out of the ropes, but anything else is more likely to get us dead than on the street.” He frowned, glancing around the room thoughtfully. “plus, i'm not going anywhere without a little intel. they’re fucking idiots, but they knew enough to drug me and how to do it. that's not information you can just look up on a wiki-how.”
“Okay,” Jeff took a deep, steadying breath. "So, what do we do, then?” He glanced at the door. “Can you pick locks?"
"sure,” Stretch said absently. He was looking around the room. It was a storage room of some sort, there was more dusty furniture aside from the chairs, including a rickety desk, and metal cabinets lined the walls. “but i can't do much about the door being barred. i heard something get braced against it when they went out.
"Oh. Right."
“yeah,” Stretch agreed, “at least one of them has a brain cell or two rolling around up top, enough to get them this far. but the road trip is over and it’s time to pay the tolls.” Stretch shook his head disgustedly. "first rule of kidnapping is never leave the kidnappees alone. seriously, i'm getting my cues from netflix and even i know that.”
His eye lights paused in their survey of the room, brightening. Jeff followed his gaze and saw in one corner there was an honest to god old-fashioned rotary telephone pushed into the far corner of the desk, nearly buried under the clutter.
"can't be that easy, can it?” Stretch marveled. He picked it up the handset and held to his skull, then sighed unhappily. “nope. no dial tone, no surprise there, no one has a landline anymore. don’t you worry though, little phone.” Stretch gave it a soft pat. “you’re gonna be real useful in just a minute. seriously, this is just embarrassing. my first kidnapping attempt and they locked us in a room with an entire arsenal.”
“I must be missing the vendor in the corner willing to hand over gear if we do a mission for them,” Jeff joked weakly.
“everything is an arsenal if you’ve got the skills.” Stretch rummaged through the desk and came up triumphantly with…a paperclip? He set it on the desk, adding a pencil, some scotch tape, and what looked to Jeff like an old tube of superglue. “kidnapped by the ebott equivalent of the america’s dumbest criminals, fuck me. edge is going to be up my ass for a month.”
“I don’t think you’re giving him enough credit.” It was easier to be calm in the face of Stretch’s ease. “I think six months is the bare minimum.”
“i really wish you weren’t right.” Stretch glanced around the room again, this time directing his gaze upward. “hm, that’ll work.” Tall as he was, the ceiling was still out of reach even for him. Stretch pulled one of the chairs over, ropes trailing behind it like tentacles, and stood on it, reaching for the smoke detector. Jeff could only blink in confusion as he yanked it right off the ceiling.
"You're going to burn down the building?” Jeff asked. Not that he didn’t trust Stretch, but, uh, that seemed extreme for a first escape attempt. “That’d get us out, but I don't think we'll be any more alive."
"nah, just need some parts,” Stretch jerked his head towards the door. “keep an ear on the hallway, will ya, in case they remember that leaving us alone is probably stupid."
“Got it.” Jeff went to the door but before he could press his ear to it, Stretch called his name.
"hey, kiddo, i'm gonna get us out of this." Stretch offered him a familiar, lopsided smile. "i know i don't look like much, but i've been known to keep my head in a bad situation."
"You already saved me once,” Jeff said honestly, "why wouldn't I believe you now?"
Stretch’s pale eye lights flickered with memory, his expression briefly tightening. How did he remember that horrible night in that parking lot, Jeff wondered, what nightmares haunted Stretch’s sleep? He knew something happened after the ambulance took him away, but he’d never heard the entire story. After he’d been released from the hospital, he’d been wrapped up in healing enough to start his new job at the Embassy and as time passed, he hated to ask, didn’t want to dredge it all up again, not when everyone was slowly getting past it. Besides, the others had their own shit to deal with, what with the attack in California and everything happening in Ebott. His trauma was his to handle and that was the end of it.
At the desk, Stretch got to work, humming the ‘mission impossible’ theme under his breath as he dissected the phone and smoke detector with a makeshift screwdriver made from a bent paperclip taped to a pencil. His hands were as deft and easy as any demonstration he’d done for the local kids and Jeff could only marvel at his ease.
“How can you be so calm?” Jeff blurted, wincing even as the words escaped. He hadn’t meant to say it, didn’t want to distract him. Stretch only flicked a glance his way, both browbones raised.
“me?” Stretch snorted, “i am not calm. beneath this gorgeous cookie crust exterior is a honey pie of a person who would start shitting themselves if i could grow the prerequisite equipment. but we're gonna be okay.”
“How do you know?” Jeff hated the faint pleading in his own voice, he shouldn’t be distracting; Stretch was as stuck here as he was and with his HP, it was even worse. He was supposed to be the one helping Stretch, he’d promised, and the best he could do was lookout.
“you seriously think red isn't already on it?” Stretch asked and as terrifying as Red could be, thinking about him right now eased some of the aching fear that was settled in Jeff’s stomach. “all he needs is a clue and we’re gonna get him one. i only hope he can keep edge from razing the city and salting the earth beneath it until then. people might be a little tetchy about that and i’m not even sure you can come up with a press release that’d cover ‘sorry about starting city-wide armageddon, my bad.’”
Before Jeff could think of a reply to that, either an agreement, or a protest that a little chaos could be excused considering the circumstances, he heard footsteps coming from down the hallway. Panicked, he hissed out, “They're coming!”
“fuck, okay, okay.” Stretch scrambled over and set some kind of contraption on the floor near the door that was all waggling wires and circuit boards. He grabbed Jeff by the wrist and dragged him along. “over here, come on, this a harder trick, but you can do it. i need you to hold as still as you can. if you move, they might see you, you get me?"
Jeff managed a hasty nod as Stretch shoved him into a corner, cramming them both in tight, out of the way. "don't move, don't talk,” Stretch reminded him, a low murmur close to his ear. The slim, bony arms around him were comforting and even knowing that Stretch couldn’t physically protect him, having him towering overhead as he caged Jeff against the wall felt oddly safe.
Then something happened. He didn’t know how to describe it. It felt like a heavy curtain fell over the world, everything going distant and muffled, even his vision greying like he was about to faint, only he’d never felt so awake. There was a sudden popping explosion as the door swung open and collided with Stretch’s contraption, but it sounded miles away, the kidnappers’ curses as muffled as if they were speaking from another world.
He didn’t move, held perfectly still even as that curtain slowly grew claustrophobic, nausea starting to churn. Jeff closed his eyes, swallowing convulsively and just went he thought he couldn’t stand it a moment longer, that he either needed to move or he’d start screaming, it was suddenly gone and Stretch was stepping back.
When he opened his eyes, he saw Stretch was pale, sweat showing visibly on his skull. "are you okay?" Stretch asked.
“Me?” Jeff blurted. He caught hold of Stretch’s arms to brace him as he wobbled on his feet. “I’m fine, what about you!”
"i’ll be okay.” Stretch wiped his face on the sleeve of the crummy shirt he’d been forced into with a grimace. “i pulled us halfway into the void. it works, but it burns a lot of juice. the assholes booked it out of here, but more importantly, they left the door open."
The door was opened, they could leave, and yet, Jeff found himself blurting out, “They’ll get away!”
“no,” Stretch said grimly. “they’ll look for us first, thinking we couldn’t have gotten too far. these guys aren’t gonna ditch and run that fast, they know too much. think about it. drugs work on monsters but how do they know what kind and how much? lucky for me, skeleton monsters are different. our systems are finicky, we’re hard to drug. whoever tipped them off about how to roofie me didn’t know that.”
His sockets narrowed suddenly, Stretch turning away to look in the rusty cabinet next to them. “oh, honey,” he said gleefully, “jackpot.”
Jeff joined him, peering into the cabinet as Stretch cautiously wrenched it open. “What did you find?”
He held up a bottle of bleach and said, smugly, “just some nice, normal household chemicals. they can be lots of fun if you know how to mix 'em up and i'm a one hell of a bartender. but first.”
On the desk was another little contraption that was mostly wires and tape. Stretch picked it up and walked over to squat next to a wall outlet. Carefully, he pushed it into the socket. There was a sputtering spark and a tiny red light blinked to life.
“there we go.” Stretch stood, dusting off his hands. “i don’t even want to think about how pants-shittingly angry edge probably is right now, but we can’t let them get the ransom that asgore is probably going to pay and we sure as hell can’t let them get away.”
He grinned then, wickedly sharp for all that his teeth were blunt. “so, how’s about we have some fun, yeah?”
Jeff nodded determinedly. Fuck, yes. If he was going to add to his repertoire of nightmares, he was damn well going to make sure someone else paid for it, in spades.
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thebrownblog · 4 years
The Year of Our Lord 2020
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I was in New Orleans when the world truly went nuts. It was surreal, I flew out to meet my friend on the 5th of March when it was still kind of a big joke (looking back, I don’t really know why it was), and in the 7 days I was down there it all became real. It was still the source of jokes and one-liners when someone coughed at the bar on Bourbon Street, or when I had a hay fever sneezing fit. I flew back in to Montreal on the 12th. By this time, when I yawned at the airport someone nearly jumped right out of their skin. I arrived just in time to be part of the first group of quarantined folk in Canada (cheers to being part of history!).  
I remember those weeks in mid-March as being intense, scary, and...unprecedented. Not really seeing another human for two weeks is no fun at all, and something I pray to avoid having to do a second time. ‘Unprecedented’ is a word that has been used over and over again this year, because we’ve been living through the unknown since that aforementioned week in March. The faith that society would pull together in a crisis, that even the more grotesque politicians (ahem Boris, cough Trump) would step up and lead...that nothing too bad could ever happen to us in the shiny West, has been eroded. The safety blanket is gone, we see how fragile things really are, and how so much of what we took for granted was an illusion.
They say the novel coronavirus mainly has serious effects on people with pre-existing conditions, ‘comorbidities’ as they call them in the US. Well it turned out that western society had a fuck-ton of those things, and now I often feel like it’s become this revolting, sick thing made up of polarised extremes. Some days it feels like half the world is sitting at home in front of the TV, terrified that the virus is stalking just outside the front door like Michael Myers in a Halloween movie (I was like this at the start before I turned off the news and put Netflix on), while the other half are in a collective delusion/mass psychosis in which the virus doesn’t exist, and somehow every government in the world (despite how obviously incompetent most of them are), along with every health worker on the planet, have somehow pulled off the world’s greatest conspiracy just to stop them eating in at McDonald’s. To me it looks like being a giant, screaming baby denying everything which inconveniences you somehow (for an even clearer example of this behaviour, check out this year’s shambolic US election).  
And no, I’m not here to pick sides or insult people, I’m calling it all as I see it when looking back on the year as a whole. I’ve personally flip-flopped with my own feelings and thoughts many times, and it’s normal in an evolving situation. There is legitimacy to questioning the measures at times if you’re prepared to have a reasonable, adult conversation. In fact, there’s legitimacy to most (not all) opinions in life if you’re prepared to do this. Sadly this is a skill that seems to have by and large died a terrible death in recent times. Another crucial thing that would help dig us all out of this shitheap is people possessing the ability to change their mind about something when presented with new evidence instead of doubling and tripling down no matter what. It’s okay to be wrong and make mistakes, seriously. Acknowledge it, apologise if you need to, and move on for the better. Oh, and if you’re offended by any of this, take a hike, seriously. I don’t care.
I’ve never been down the conspiracy rabbit hole, but yes I have felt anger at the restrictions because I want to live again instead of exisiting and holding on, it’s simply human nature at work. I want to see my family (at Christmas this stings worse than ever, and I will go in summer no matter what), I want to travel, to do work I get pleasure from again (and not from home, sitting alone). Today this feels like a year wasted. You can always make more money, but time is something you can never get back. 
If you’ve stuck with reading this up to this point, you’re probably ready to call the Samaritans, but there’s no need. It would be pretty difficult (and incredibly false) to write a glowingly positive piece about 2020. My emotions have been like a yo-yo all year. Sometimes life has been almost normal despite the pandemic, and other times it has hit me in the face all over again. In spite of everything I have had good times this year, and I am grateful for the friends I’ve made over the years here, without whom all this would have been 10x worse. I’m also grateful to have my own place, I feel this would have been truly horrendous if I was sharing a living space like I have for most of my adult life.
Oh, and the defeat of Donald Trump in November certainly didn’t do me any harm, even though I’ll never understand how he got that many votes!
I am also grateful for all the free time I have had this year to indulge in many old pleasures I haven’t had so much time for in years. Reading through all seven Harry Potter books at the park probably wins the prize, but honourable mentions go to my eternal comrade Stephen King, as well as all the films of my childhood and adolescence that made a strong come back this year. Thanks go also to the PS1, PS2, and the XBox/XBox 360. For real, there is genuine comfort and refuge in nostalgia. When the present is crappy, look to the past. You’ve probably worked it out already too this year, but if not, try it...seriously. Just don’t get lost.
It was also nice reconnecting with a lot of old friends I hadn’t spoken to in years at the start of this covid story, but sadly it does seem that all that sense of unity didn’t last very long.
Nevertheless, there’s no doubt that being outside in summer and autumn was better than being cooped up indoors now. I don’t like this time of year at the best of times, so it’s no surprise I barely feel like getting out of bed some days presently.
I’m down, but not out however. All things must pass, covid included. It is my personal feeling that the next three months will be as bad, if not worse, than what’s gone before, and then things will slowly but surely begin to change and improve. I’m not sure we’ll ever go back to the way things were, but the way things were was far from perfect anyway. We’ll just have to wait and see, we’re still like mushrooms in this scenario; kept in the dark and fed shit. Life has been on pause most of the year, and it still is, frustrating as it is.
As for the future, there’s still not much to do other than hold on for a little while longer, but I’m sure when this shitstorm is over there are changes to come. I’ve certainly had plenty of time this year to think and reflect! When I can I’ll make the changes required to improve my situation, wherever the opportunities happen to be on the map.
Happy New Year, Death to 2020.
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You're in a big city, bustling away in cabs, subways, juggling between morning coffees and missed brunches, calling out your apologies to people you haven’t met in ages or you could be in a small town, tending away your yard, cleaning the porch, picking up kids from school, basically, being anywhere, being in existence, happy, though, wherever you belong, living your daily routine, day after day, night after night.
  And one day, you’re browsing the internet and you’re reading a few posts about letting off some steam and amongst the bunch of ideas that surf up the google search, someone comes along to pop up the question, when was the last time you were on a mission “break?"
 And now you start thinking.
      Click here for direct information on the suite
Imagine resting your head in a place like this for a while? Imagine pausing the "routine" to take a breather in the patio, grilling away your hamburgers with your family or friends, taking that long evening walk afterwards, calling it an early night with a few laughs from watching your favourite sitcom, tucking in finally, lights out and to wake up early over the east coast to prepare for a morning of a newfound trail exploration, coming back in the noontime to have a heart lunch at a Bar and Grill and signing-off with some lazy golfing.
 Why don’t you scroll up and read that part again for what you’re going to read next, may sound too good to be true.
 Imagine, all of this, everything that you read above, everything that you’d seen above, every sentence, every emotion, every feeling and every picture, to be a reality. Am I kidding?
 Welcome to Mission, Texas. A place where the picture painted from the words you just read is, in fact, an epitome of truth. In this tucked away town near the east coast, you find this pearl in the ocean, in Hillcrest, at your service, by a superhost (really a superhost!) to make you feel at ease, a place that definitely will prove to be a necessary change of scenery from your life of routine. You can visit here for a weekend with your friends, relax away your pining week or treat your family with a week full of bonding time and activities or hey! Stay in for a month! Connecting remotely with the world, with a fresh view, giving your work life a fresher perspective. You’re more than welcome to avail the beautiful services, enjoy the comfort and explore the beautiful town of Mission, Texas.
  Mission is one of the fastest growing city in the country and thanks to worldwide web, you can see that for yourself. The accessibility to various amenities is only a few minutes away and our place, in Mission, is located very near to all the utilities one might need for the comfort living.
 I know, it is so easy to read all of this from where you are, it is so easy to close the tabs, book an Uber and move to your next meeting place, continue the reading the article and forget about our well imagined place.
 Allow me to bring you back to our fantasy-land.
 It is just as simple in Mission. We just read a lot about change in landscapes, laughing away weekends with friends and probably dreaming about that candle light dinner in the beautiful patio with your spouse while the kids are tucked away, working remotely through a month in a new place (which, sir, happens a lot here) and what good will that be if the world was disconnected?
 We got you there, didn’t we? No worries! We have you covered, already.
 The location of our BnB is absolutely convenient for easy access to transportation services which is going to be a smooth experience, thanks to the fast internet connectivity with our Wi-Fi. The suite is complete with a sweet bonus of Netflix and Amazon Prime. We sure know that at times, you may be away and the familiar feeling of the “chill” can come with some subscription TV.
 Let’s talk about some sweet sins, our indulgences, about a camaraderie of cuisines, the suite is equipped with complete kitchen appliances and accessories, a full set of refrigerator, a freezer, electric burners, fryers, oven, dishes, linens and more. We are insane aren’t we? However, let me share about the time when we were setting the place up with my family and we really had a hard time with take-outs or dine-ins. The point is, if we have a completely serviced room with amenities, why not gear it up with some homely armament and by that we mean with some familial dining experience. It really is up to you to choose from all the options, we just ensure you don’t run out on those any time soon.
 Boy, oh boy. That is a lot about our sweet suite, isn’t it? What do we do in Mission, now that we are here? Our family is looking for some peaceful, carefully paced track of fun. The friends would love to go a little crazy and if you’re on business, we are sure you’d love to be minding the business.
 The city has a lot to offer. With the Birding center to South Texas Equestrian center and the butterfly park in vicinity, the younger ones would be enchanted by being closer to the zoological nature. Mission has its own bike and hike trail to explore that suits and is loved by both family and friends alike and my dear amigos, one of the most beautiful aspect of being in Mission is its access to another cultural paradigm, with our neighbours in the south right across the International Reynosa bridge, you can taste and experience Mexico’s best in a matter of minutes!
 Here’s the deal. You did not just read about what a place, a building in that place and the people around have to offer. No. You just had an elaborate discussion with us about a highly desired, make-believe place that turned into a reality right before your eyes in a matter of minutes and in the next few moments, you will have the urge to come around to see this imagination-place for real. You want to? Right? Okay look, here’s a sneak-peek, just for you, click here and you’ll see the beauty in the truth of the words come to life.
 Now, if you’re reading this, I’m about to share a very personal story. It’s a fun one, yes, but it’s personal. If you want to check out the beautiful Hillcrest suite in Mission, Texas, please go ahead, and I can share my story with in person. If you’re going to be waiting with me for a while, I’ll just take a few more moments before I see you in Hillcrest.
 You see, I am not the host. That’s Ramon. Great chap, superhost, you will see that when you speak to him, he is prompt, kind, has worked really hard to put together one of most comfortable BnB’s you’ll ever come across. Those pictures you saw above? Yeah, that’s Ramon’s craft and I have heard he’s got more such gems of sweet spaces hidden away in different parts of the country. We’ll get to that soon.
 I’m not speaking on behalf of Mission either, I’m not the sheriff. The town’s credibility speaks for itself. One of the safest border cities, that it is, I have even heard people enquire if we have a store around, so, hush, keep it a secret for as long as you can because I would be spilling some loud beans about it, we have a Walmart right across from where I am right now, Dan just got off his duty, he’s the cashier, quite sharp with the numbers, hands out the exact change before it flashes up on the counter.
 You see, I understand all of your concerns and wishes equally. You saw this city on the map and wondered if you’re going to have fun or going to have to make an about turn back to the “routine” so you asked around, found out whatever you could from the people who may have been around town or everything that may be heard from their peers.
 Me, I have heard straight from the guests. How much they loved to be in this part of the country. Something they never thought America had hidden in its bosom. Yes, there’s the Big Apple and the Hollywood and the Sin City and they have their own charm but Mission, Mission has its own aura right here.
 We have had friends spending weekends and towards the end, I see them walking away, happier than before. We have had families spending their days of joys right here and towards the end, I see them walking away, closer than before. I have had jacks of the trade, the business maestros spending months at a time, planning and crafting and creating the prospect of the future, right here, sometimes in the patio, sometimes at three in the morning, waking up with a Eureka moment, they leave too and I see them walk away, hopeful than before.
 I am this suite of the Hillcrest in Mission, Texas and I have seen days become brighter than sun, shining out on people’s faces making way for others to follow and witness that much needed change, the much desired wishful thought come to life and be blessed because with every person that I had to see leave, I was eager for the next visitor to come by and feel the awe for you see, they too had a make-believe place that they once believed was too good to be true and I have seen their eyes switch beliefs as they walked past my doors into my abode, every-single-time.
 And today, it is your turn.
 We welcome you to Mission.
 The hidden beauty, in your wait.
 Reserve your days here.
 For any information, please feel free to connect with our Superhost. He will be more than happy to help.
 Thank you for your time.
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