#finishing this blog somehow turned into a life goal for me haha
Season 4: Complete
Hey, guys! We’ve made it through Season 4....and the entirety of PnF!!
To all of my followers, to everyone who’s ever sent me an ask/submission, to anyone who’s ever liked/reblogged my posts: thank you all so much!!!* I’m so happy that so many other people share such a deep dedication to Doof/PnF! I also especially appreciate those of you who’ve sent me asks expressing your appreciation of this blog--those always made my day! These past few years have been great, and I hope many of you will decide to continue on with me into the future!
I started this blog 2 years and 6 days ago because: 1) RPO blogs were a fad and I noticed there weren’t any Doof ones 2) I wanted an easily accessible archive of Doof screenshots. Throughout these ~2 years, i’ve posted 20 screencaps of Doof every day, except during days where I was overloaded with homework + finals. I’ve gone frame-by-frame through PnF, and I honestly can’t believe i’m finally finished.
Phase 1 of this blog is officially over, but here’s what I have planned for Phase 2:
1) I’m taking the rest of this week off.** My first vacation from this blog that doesn’t involve intensive studying, wow!
2) 7-17-17 will feature the submissions that I have received and been unable to post (either because they were screenshots from a season i’d already completed or because they were edits, which I wanted to keep off this blog during its original run to make things cleaner/more organized)
3) From 7-18-17 to 7-30-17, I will be going back and making/posting gifs of scenes from Season 1, 2, and possibly the beginning of 3 that I was previously not able to do. I also may be posting some videos, as I mentioned before (no quotes, since @pnf-quotes has that covered). During this time, I encourage you all to send me requests if you have a particular gif or scene/video you want me to post (keep in mind tumblr’s gif and video size, though). Posts will be sporadic.
4) From 7-24-17 to 7-30-17, I will be posting any gif/video requests i’ve received/decided to fulfill. Posts will likely continue to be sporadic.
5) Regularly scheduled posting will resume on 7-31-17. We’re rolling back to Season 1!
Finally, if anyone ever has a question about what episode a screencap comes from or wants the full/uncropped version of a screencap, feel free to send me a message (full screencaps will require off anon so I can send them, though)!
*I also have a more personalized shoutout post queued
**I mean, after today’s shoutout post + the Best of Tumblr thing that i’m going to try and do
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mer-m-a-i-d-s · 5 years
on anxiety
I felt a lot less like writing today/tonight. I decided that I should even if it isn’t a worthwhile post because I have a bad habit of starting and never finishing projects. I don’t really even know what embarrassing facet of my life that I want to talk about today. OCD tendencies? body image? eating? self worth? my failures? love? interpersonal relationships? my health? cats??? my unmet potential? the passage of fucking time as the planet descends into chaos and we all get old and watch our loved ones die before we ourselves die a horrible death alone? the fact that for some reason I seem to be incapable of spelling embarrassing without the aid of spellcheck? cats??? Really the list could go on and probably will unless somehow this blog bites me in the ass and I am made a social pariah in my personal and professional life. 
I guess I will start with some positives: 
I drank a ton of water today. 
I’ve had a fun time at work this week and really enjoy my job and the people I work with.
I was super productive today and got a lot of stuff done that I had been seriously procrastinating about. 
the two new korean skincare items I purchased seemed to be doing a good job so far. 
I settled on a halloween costume and I don’t look half bad.
Ok, I’ve decided. Anxiety. I have it. I’m sure everyone does to an extent and probably many people have it worse than I do. It’s funny how the symptoms kind of creep in and we all live with this unnerving feeling like it’s a perfectly normal thing and then suddenly you realize that you’ve chewed at your cuticles so much that your fingers are in constant pain (I realized this about 45 minutes ago) or that your OCD is showing and you’ve taken 5 showers in one day (sunday) and washed your hands so much the skin is bleeding a little bit (last week) or that you’ve eaten roughly a dozen large cookies like it was nothing because they were there and you needed them to not be there anymore (this morning). But those things feel routine. I routinely overwash my hands and body, I routinely eat until I feel sick. Anxiety is part of me (and especially the last year) and I don’t know if I know a time when it wasn’t or if I would be okay if it wasn’t there. 
Today at work I turned in some photos I had taken of a training. The documentary style photos I’ve been taking for my work are not really my forte but I think they’re fine...even good? Either way, I submitted them to a woman that works for a different department as asked. I made sure to end my email with the pitiful “I hope they’re okay! :(” She happened to come by my office and let me know that she had gotten the email but hadn’t seen them. I echoed “I hope they’re okay :(” again and I got a weird look (BECAUSE THAT’S A WEIRD THING OF ME TO SAY OVER AND OVER.) and a “I’m sure they’re fine.” UNSATISFACTORY. I’ve been thinking about it since then and even now I am pondering the possibility that she hates me. Does she hate me? Rationally no... She’s super nice to me all the time and by all accounts a caring person with no reason to hate me. She has bought me lunch..TWICE. BUT HERE WE ARE.
And I fully acknowledge that I make a great show of it though. Even now with this blog I am turning my darkest, saddest and most embarrassing thoughts and feelings into something that I hope at least makes people do that weird laugh where they blow air out of their noses. It helps me cope to act like an unsure and overly concerned hot ass mess. I like when people laugh at me making fun of myself because it makes me feel like I’m in control. But am I? I regularly roast the shit out of myself for everything. Am I protecting myself? The old “HAHA I ALREADY KNOW I’M SHITTY SO IF YOU SAY IT ITS ALREADY OLD HAT AND NO ONE CARES.” trope. But as I’ve grown into adulthood I see that sometimes this behavior does nothing but teach the people around me that it’s okay to treat me this way. And I do not want to be treated this way. I want to be admired and loved and petted and wrapped in a warm blanket. Not everyone takes this as a cue to mistreat me and not all the time but enough that I sometimes find myself the butt of jokes that I orchestrated and I really have no one to blame but myself. 
Control has been something I’ve always desired. Not in the shitty way, I don’t want to control others, I just want control of myself but I do it so, so, so badly and in such unhealthy ways that it is almost comical. I see it in my OCD and disordered eating, I see it in my refusal to do things that I am not absolutely perfect at the first time, I see it in my desire to reach this unattainable perfection. And what is the opposite? What happens if I didn’t do this? I fail? Someone laughs and judges me? I am pitiful? Am I not already ensuring all of those things happen? I used to tell myself if I obsess over the worst possible outcome, I can only be pleasantly surprised when it turns out better than I thought, or prepared when it turns out exactly as I predicted but now I am not so sure this is the best course of action. 
I think I like the idea of giving myself some small goals to work towards so I think I’m gonna do that again:
 - Give myself a compliment in front of myself
- Give myself a compliment in front of someone else
- Give someone else a compliment (I already do this a lot but you can never do it enough.)
- keep drinking water  
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eternalsterekrecs · 7 years
Hey there ! Do you know any good fic with teacher!Derek and student!Stiles ? (Or the opposite, I reaaaally don't mind haha) Thank you, you're making a great job with this blog :)
Hey, thank you so much!!!!
We just added a new tag in our tag navigation dedicated to you. You can check our Teacher/Student AU tag now for some fics to read!
However, have some other ones (I’m a big teacher/student fan so I’m here to fulfill your needs -C)!
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Intro To Art For Non Majors by otatop
Derek has one more class to pass before he can finish his degree but he can’t bring himself to give a shit about art. He can, however, give a shit about his professor.
Paper Airplanes by RemainNameless
The road to unfortunate, accidental, and possibly career-destroying relationships is littered with good intentions, snark, bad timing, and not a few paper airplanes.
Quakin Aspen by popfly
College!AU where Stiles is a fine arts major who decides to take a sculpture class because the instructor, Professor Hale, is hot. He spends a lot of time sketching Derek instead of paying attention to the lecture parts of the class, but he still aces his final project.
i want to say all those things that would be better unsaid by aeneapsych
Derek is a lonely professor who decides to call a phone sex line.
Stiles is a poor grad student who needs to make a living somehow.
“One night stands were never this good. Hell, his previous relationships were never this good. Derek was so screwed, but right now he didn’t care.”
Circle Yes or No by blacktofade
Stiles is a TA for Professor Morrell’s class, where Derek happens to be a mature student.
Put Down in Words by paintedrecs
“Oh,” Stiles said, his voice coming out low and breathy, “fuck me.”
“I don’t think that’s on the syllabus, but we can check to see if there’s a spot open in any of his classes,” Scott said, grinning.
“This isn’t an actual professor, though,” Stiles insisted, unable to resist brushing his thumb over the sharp line of the man’s bearded jaw. He was laughing at something off-camera, the shot taken in three-quarters view, his coat collar casually rumpled and opened to reveal a sliver of a simple grey t-shirt. The whole thing was deliberately calculated to lend him a more accessible feel, and god help him, Stiles was falling for it.
When Stiles signed up for Dr. Hale’s intro to history class, he had two goals: knock out the credits his advisor was bugging him to complete before he graduated, and spend a few hours a week daydreaming about his sexy professor’s salt and pepper beard.
Derek, a few months away from turning forty and not sure when his life had started feeling so damn lonely, had never encountered someone like Stiles before. Bright-eyed, sharp-tongued, determined to throw Derek’s carefully cultivated world into disarray…and absolutely the last person Derek should be falling in love with.
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imnotmessedup-blog · 7 years
How to Deal with the Frightening Fact That You’re Becoming an Adult
by Ace Mamaril 
     Alright y’all, I haven’t written in a while and I apologize for that; I’ve been really busy with school, work, and band stuff. Before anything else, I’d like to thank my friend, Kristine, for giving me an idea on what to write next. I honestly ran out of ideas. And I’d also like to thank YOU for reading this blog entry. :)
     I am aware that most of my friends and the people around me are almost adults now. Ergo, they (and you!) must feel pressured and frightened about what lies beyond our teenage years. I’ve also felt this way before. When I graduated from High School, instead of being joyous and excited I was completely terrified and anxious. You see, my biggest fear is not being in control. Honestly, I’m a control freak. And I felt like my youth was slipping away from my grasp. It felt like I was in a roller coaster to adulthood; I was going to get there before I was ready and I couldn’t do anything to stop this roller coaster of life. I thought, gone are the merry days when my biggest problem was just how my crush will notice me. I had to face real life problems.
     After High School, I worked as a (y’all will not believe this) service crew in a fast food chain. I stopped studying for a while in order to have a taste of the real world. And believe me, it was a NIGHTMARE. I can say I went to hell and back just to be where I am today because of that experience (TA song reference!).  But even though it was hard and I hated most of it, I also learned a lot from this job. I met a lot of people that made me realize how I shouldn’t take things for granted and how grueling it is to earn money. That experience made me want to strive towards my goals. I graduated High School as an immature, egotistical girl, but I entered college as a clear headed, confident lady. So yeah, I guess that’s one of the reasons why some see me as an authoritative person.
      By the way, I’m turning 20 years old this September. Yes, omg, this is a milestone for me. I will officially say goodbye to my teenage years. I’m not a pro and I’m still immature at times but I would love to give you some tips to prepare you for adulthood and help you deal with the frightening fact that you’re becoming an adult.
 1.       Get a job.
    This is what I always tell my friends, try being employed. It can just be a summer job, temporary job, or part time job. Just get a decent one and from this you will surely be learning valuable stuff you can’t comprehend inside the four corners of a classroom. I suggest trying this before you graduate so it will be less hard to adjust to life after university.
 2.       Fake it until you make it.
    Seriously bruh, the secret lies with how you present yourself to others. It doesn’t matter if you have to fake your confidence because along the way of lying to yourself and lying to others, you will start to believe in it too. So fake it, pull it off, and then make it. Trust me, I speak from experience. Just recently, I had a job as an assistant documenter for an international conference in New World Manila Bay Hotel. Bruh, I was in a meeting full of Executive Directors, company owners, chairpersons, etc.! I WAS LITERALLY SITTING NEXT TO THE CHAIRWOMAN OF UN ENVIRONMENT! I was anxious as hell. I mean, these people were professionals, and I haven’t even graduated college yet. So, yeah, I was scared to make a mistake and everyone was very intimidating but I didn’t look scared or intimidated at all. I faked my confidence, acted like I was also a professional and it worked. I even had the guts to have a chat with the chairwoman of the UN Environment, haha! Next time you’re in a situation like this, you know what to do.
 3.       Stop trying to please everyone.
    Trying to meet everyone’s expectations takes too much effort and time, so meet your own. As you grow older you will realize that the only thing that matters is your opinion about yourself, because whatever you do, people will always have something to say.
 4.       Start with small tasks.
    If you’re an extrovert, you can go ahead and skip this number.  But if you’re an introvert or a socially awkward person (like how I was before), this is my recommendation for you. Try volunteering to pay the electric bill or ordering for your friends in a fast food chain. Don’t get nervous if you can’t put your money inside your wallet fast enough when you’ve finished ordering, just step aside and take your time. The truth is, cashiers or other people don’t really mind if you’re having a hard time doing this as long as you don’t disrupt the line. So step aside, mi amigo, and the person behind you can order. (Don’t even pretend that this isn’t your problem too, haha!) This task will help you practice your skills on verbal communication and will boost your confidence, I swear. Like what they always say, ‘practice makes perfect’.
 5.       Live alone.
    Alright, I know not everybody gets the chance to live alone but for me, this is an essential in order for an individual to achieve the maturity and sense of responsibility needed when becoming an adult. You don’t necessarily have to be ‘alone’; just try moving out of your parents’ house. If you won’t have the chance to achieve this in college, you can always try this once you graduate.
 And that’s it folks, I hope this entry helps you somehow. You can send me topic ideas you’d like me to discuss on my next blog entry on the question tab, hehe. Thanks for reading!
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