#then its just business and music/art classes bc i gotta graduate
alltheglowingeyess · 6 months
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gamerwoo · 6 years
Seventeen headcanon: friends to lovers!Hansol
Anonymous asked: Yoooo... If you're not too busy, could we have headcanons for being best friends with Vernon, and then y'all get together in the end? Like you both really like each other but you're also best friends
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you met this cutie in your art class freshman year of high school
your school requires you to get at least one(1) art class and he wanted to just get it out of the way because “I’m awful at art why is this a requirement”
so he sits as far away from the front as possible and kinda doodles whatever he wants
you never really spoke to him at all
he was pretty quiet and stayed in his own world
but one day
the teacher says yall gotta make abstract art
and hansol immediately perks up
he can do abstract
so the teacher leaves yall to it, and hansol makes a bee line for the paint
he starts splattering paint all over his canvas, getting it all over his apron and even his clothes that the apron doesn’t cover
and then some yellow hits the side of your face, getting on your skin, in your hair, and got on the collar/shoulder area of your shirt
you turn and there’s hansol looking at you in horror
his mouth is in an “o” shape but he can’t even make any noise
he doesn’t know what to do but holy shit he just splattered some stranger with paint
so he kinda just walks over and wipes off your face and hair as best as he can with his own shirt sleeve
“i-i’m so sorry...” he mumbles shyly
but hey its just paint
so you shrug and say “its not a big deal”
but he cant get all the paint out of your hair and he knows the paint will stain your shirt and he’s panicking more than you but he feels awful so he offers to buy your lunch today
so you end up sitting with him too
he sits alone because he likes to listen to music
at least thats what he told you
but he actually talks to you during lunch
and yall go from there
you become closer and closer each day
the second day, he sits beside you in class
and yall are inseparable after that
hansol’s always making mixtapes for you to listen to with songs you like
and he only listens to you half the time because he either has headphones in or he’s spacing out
but he’s always there for you
will drop everything if you’re upset
and that’s why you started to fall for him
yall make sure to hang out after school at least once a week
or on a weekend if you have to
tbh hansol didn’t fall for you until homecoming sophomore year tho
you both had dates but your’s ditched you in the middle of the semi formal dance for another girl
and hansol, as always, dropped everything for you
including his own date who he said was boring anyway
and yall danced together and he just knew
he caught the feelies for u
yall get even closer throughout high school
yall plan to apply to the same colleges because you two are joined at the hip by now
you have so much in common and cant get enough of hanging out with each other
always helps you study for important tests
especially the ones to get into college bc yall wanna go to college together
and then things escalate junior year when prom season is coming up
you didn’t think hansol had feelings for you like you did him, so you tried to forget those feelings
so when someone else asked you to prom, you said yes
you found out through mutual friends that this person wanted to frick frack after prom
so you went home early
hansol went without a date, so he went home with you because he could tell something was wrong
“you were having such a good time, what happened?” he frowned as you drove home
you didn’t want to admit it to him, but he was your best friend “they wanted to have sex with me...”
“you didn’t want to?”
“I...never have...”
truthfully, hansol figured you had your first time already, so he was kind of surprised
but you thought he meant it in a bad way
“no! I’m not judging you! I’m a virgin too!!”
one thing led to another aaaaand
you would rather have your first time be with someone you trusted
guess who got laid that night
but did either of you admit your feelings for each other then?
no, that would be too easy
yall were still somehow afraid it was just a platonic thing
so it continues to be a secret
straight into senior year, where yall are voted “the couple who should’ve dated” for senior superlatives
and he’s voted for “best smile” but that’s besides the point
yall just awkwardly laugh it off
but toward the end of the year when prom season comes back around, hansol realizes this might be his last chance
sure, you could go to the same college, but there are more people there who might take you away from him
hell, he’s liked you for so long, he’s in love with you
and you love him
so he asks you to prom and it’s so fuckin’ cheesy
he sent you on a whole scavenger hunt that leads you to the art room you met
and he’s standing there with paint all over him
and “WILL YOU GO TO PROM WITH ME?” painted on his shirt
and he’s got a whole bouquet of your favorite flowers and his smiling his signature gummy smile at you
and you almost cried
now he just gotta figure out how to confess to you
prom rolls around and things are going pretty normally
but then the DJ announces that it’s the last song of the night and plays a slow one
and hansol’s like ‘ok now is your chance just fuckin’ do it’
so while yall are dancing together, he slowly leans in and presses his lips to yours in a really sweet kiss
and you don’t even gotta think about it, you just kiss him back
you’d kissed him before but this was just kinda out of nowhere
so you’re like “what was that for?”
and he finally tells you that he’s loved you for at least a year by now and he wanted you to know
and you tell him you feel the same
and he get so excited that he doesn’t even know what to do so he just kisses you again so he doesn’t start lookin like an idiot
that night, yall become official
the whole damn school saw it coming
yall take the cutest graduation photos
and go to college together
and nothing can tear you apart from each other
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