#then moved to the city for a better life. needless to say it uh. didn't work out great 4 her
missr3n3 · 8 months
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save me from this truly atrocious creative block sarah cabin tales
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justsomerandomweebo · 5 years
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(I messed up the eyes and I'm too lazy to fix it :') )
Ok so!
Name: Lucy Smith
Personality? Uh she's super nice. Painfully so. She's the quiet type. Sure she'll talk a lot to friends- if they hadn't abandoned her ;-;. She's never been to college but has more than enough experience to run the library she ends up owning.
Ah. Family wise, she has a few aunts she hasn't seen in forever. She's closest to her mother who lives outside of Ninjago city, in their home village called Sanbukai. It's close to the beach, a couple miles out from the city. Her mother's name is Kyoka Smith.
Lucy has her mother's last name since her father died before she was born. Her mother was very close to him (Lucy was the product of a one night stand) and she was more than fine raising her on her own. Lucy never knew what it's like to have a father but she doesn't care to find out. Her mother has always been more than enough.
Lucy moved out of the village since she didn't quite feel like she fit in. She moved at 18 and got herself a small apartment with the money her mother gifted her. (Her first apartment was worse than the one the ninja got on S2). While searching for work, she ran out of luck since the jobs available for her, a person with no degrees, were either far too underpaying or require several hours of hard work she couldn't manage. Then she ran into the old librarian and it was history from there.
The librarian went by the name Grace and had taught Lucy all she needed to know about the library. She worked there for 3 years before things started to go south for Ninjago City. She got a better apartment during since the pay was decent enough to allow it. Grace signed the library over to Lucy then returned to her home village after the Great Devourer's attack. It took a few weeks to adjust but with the support of the other librarians she called friends, she made it work.
Those friends left after the Overlord's first attack. They either went out of the city or to newer, better jobs as the city was being reconstructed. It was good since she wouldn't be able to explain the stone general she found in the library.
Kozu is the most exciting thing to ever happen to her though. Years down the line after they get married, Kozu would have her life extended by basically bullying the freshly returned overlord to do it without her permission. That leads to a pretty big fight but she accepts it and they love on. Her appearance doesn't change much aside from slitted eyes and slightly pointier ears but she's stronger, faster, far more resilient too. She can also hear and see far better than she had before. She does have a kid for him down the line by the name Kierra. Twins follow when Kierra is 5. (How this is possible with Kozu being a stone boi is very complicated.)
Noteworthy stuff. Ah the library is located right next to the park that holds the Temple of Fortitude. Kozu was heading there for the armor to make them resilient against the golden energy but failed to make it.
She may be nice and kind of a doormat (Kozu make sure nobody walks over her) but she is hella fierce when standing up for the things and people she loves.
After rescuing the other stone soldiers Dareth had in DotD, just before s7, the ninja and the police found out about Kozu's existence and wanted to have him and his brother's sent to kryptarium prison. Kozu was shook as to how fierce she was with protecting them against both ninja and police. She even recited words from law textbooks. They left then be under the condition that if they break any laws or anything, she'll be arrested with them. Needless to say, Lucy wasn't arrested at all throughout the fic.
Oh! Height. She's 5"5 and with Kozu being roughly 6"9… yeah. The other stone soldiers that would stay with her now are also taller than her at 6ft. So most of the time she was a ray of light with 5 stone soldiers hovering menacingly over he, effectively scaring those with bad intentions away. Add her mom and they're all #LucyProtectionSquad
Lucy and Kozu's ship name? Stonescrolls. UwU
That's it for now! I'll add more later if it comes to me.
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