#then my classmates will start judging the weirdo who gets anxiety from gifs
bmongmong · 3 years
Chapter 1 - Just me
Blue pill or red pill - Jungkook
Description: You're a young girl, who's a little bit introverted and afraid to be under everybody's eyes. You only have your best friend, but it's ok for you. You don't want to be popular and believe in minimal things. One day you meet a guy. Or two?
Jungkook x Reader
The imagines I used are not mine Credit to the owners
Y/n pov
"Ufffffff" I scoff.
"In a couple of days, school starts" I complain.
Right now I'm in my bedroom, talking to my favorite teddy bear. Don't worry, I'm not crazy. But sometimes I need to talk to someone when my best friend is not around.
My best friend's name is Rosé. She's very kind and funny and also very reliable.
We've know each other since kinder garden and, since then we've been together.
Talking about the devil: she's calling me right now.
I smirk. I'm not going to answer, because I know what her reaction is going to be. She's going to be so mad at me ahahah. I always do this, I like to bother her a bit.
I'm sitting on my bed, with my legs crossed, with an evil smile on my face.
She's calling me again. Ok I'll answer, but I have to be ready...1....2...3!
"Hi Ros-"
I can't help but laugh at her.
"Good morning to you too princess!" I say, trying not to laugh.
"Yeah, yeah. I swear y/n, I'm going to kill you someday" she scoffs "By the way, school is going to start in two days!!" she protests.
"Don't tell me about it. Oh Rosé, I have an idea" I say whispering.
"Tell me, tell me!!" she seems excited.
"Why don't we meet up tomorrow? It's going to be our last day of freedom. We need to have fun!!"
"Yeah, why not?"
"Oh by the way" I say twirling a lock of hair "How is it going with the prince of school?" I smirk really hard and she seems to notice.
"I'VE ALREADY TOLD YOU THAT THERE'S NOTHING BETWEEN US! He just likes to tease me. And you know that we hate each other" as she explains this, she seems kinda annoyed.
"Ok flower, calm down, I was just kidding" I say laughing a bit.
After chatting for a bit, we end the call and now I'm looking outside of my window.
There's a really bright sun and a clear blue sky. It's really beautiful, but I don't know why it gives me anxiety.
"My life is so boring..." I snort as I touch the glass wall in front of me.
That's right. I'm just a normal student that only studies and hangs out with her only friend.
Regarding her, she's more popular and beautiful than me. I'm not saying that I'm ugly, it's just that I don't have much confidence.
But now I'm used to this. As much as I complain, I'm starting to like this lifestyle. No troubles, no enemies.
Just peace.
My parents are a bit worried, because I just stay in my room all the time.
I mean, I guess it's understandable. Their only child is a nerd, who just studies all day long and comes out of the room just to shower and eat.
But that's the way I like it.
When something is wrong or I have the feeling that something bad is about to happen, I just rush to my room and lock myself inside. Maybe I'm just running away from responsibilities. Or maybe I like to stay alone. I really don't know.
I look at myself through the mirror attached to my closet.
"I'm actually not that bad" I say as I try to look like a model during a photoshoot. But then I realize I'm talking to myself, again.
Why do I have to be this cringy? Luckily I'm alone.
Now it's time to eat and I can hear my mum calling my name. I have to go downstairs to the kitchen.
"Bye bye, my little shelter" every time I have to leave my room, it kinda hurts. And I'm a bit scared.
I swear, I look so dramatic ahahah.
I'm walking down the stairs and the first thing I see is a big picture of me and Rosé. It has always been there but every time I see it, my heart becomes warm.
My mum insisted on hanging it on the wall. She really loves Rosé, because when I talk about her my face lights up. That's what both of my parents say.
"I'm here mum and dad" I say as I walk towards them and sit at the dining table.
"Hi beautiful" my dad says as he sees me "are you ready for school?"
"Yes, as always I have to be prepared. I've been studying for a while" I tell him as I smile.
"Y/n, I know you want to be the top student" my mum interrupts us "but you have to enjoy life, go outside, make some friends and maybe bring home a boyfriend"
"BOYFRIEND?!" both me and my dad shout.
"Yes. B-O-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D" my mum marks that word and then continues "you're already 19 and you've never brought home a boy"
"Thanks for reminding me how single I am" I say giving up.
After I finished eating and cleaning the kitchen, I went straight to my room and now I'm here in my bed, looking at my white ceiling.
That color reminds me how much I love simplicity. Even when I was a little kid, I loved minimalism. When my dad was painting my room he asked me what color I wanted the walls. "White" I said. Even the furniture it's all white. Back then I thought that if my room was all white, people wouldn't have noticed it that much, so that I could stay away from problems.
I guess it was the same with my personality. I wanted to be noticed as little as possible. Until I met Rosé. The first thing she told me, when she first saw me, was "Why are you all white and black?". But that day I was wearing a pink skirt with a purple t-shirt. So I looked at her confused and she told me "I was talking about your personality".
Even though she was only four years old, she was very smart and fast-learning.
Since then, when I'm with her, I act like myself, without being afraid to be judged. Only when we go outside I contain myself in order to not be noticed.
She knows that I don't want to get in trouble, that's why, when it's only me and her, I'm a crazy weirdo, while when we're with others I'm the basic nerd who sits in a corner.
"Mmmh what can I do today?" I question myself still laying down.
"I think I'm going to study today too, since tomorrow I'll be with Rosé"
And that's how my afternoon and evening went.
Now it's Sunday morning. I'm very nervous for tomorrow, because today I cannot review my notes. This gives me much anxiety. But it's ok I guess. I think I need some fresh hair.
In the morning I cleaned a bit my room, I don't like when it's messy. Every single thing has his little spot, like everything in this world. Also I have a very very little spot in this planet and I don't actually mind to stay there.
Now it's early noon and I receive a message from Rosé.
Y/n I know you don't like to go outside, but at least wear something cute. I'll be there in 30 minutes!!! 😊
Something cute? I usually wear a basic pair of jeans and a white or black t-shirt.
I only have one cute shirt, but I've never worn it because I was afraid people would look at me.
It's not that I don't want to be observed by others. I just think that if someone starts complimenting me, people are going to talk a lot and then I'll be under everybody's eyes.
I just don't want to become "popular" among my classmates and other teenagers.
While thinking about all this, I changed into today's outfit. It looks cute, I already knew it. I just hope nothing will happen.
In the end it's nothing special. Just a pair of blue jeans and a white cute shirt.
As I put on my shoes I hear my phone vibrating. It's Rosé. She says that she's waiting for me outside.
I quickly run downstairs, say hi to my parents, who look at me shocked by seeing their daughter wearing something different, and then head outside.
I see my friend waiting for me. She's so beautiful, I swear.
"Hi y/n!! I was waiting for you!!" she says smiling brightly.
After walking down the street, we decided to stop at a cute café. We asked the waiter, if we could sit outside, because it was such a beautiful day.
While we're enjoy our coffees, someone greets us.
"Hi Y/n, Hi Rosé!"
We turn around and it's him.
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I look at Rosé. It looks like she has mixed emotions. She seems nervous but at the same time annoyed.
"What are you doing here Jimin?" she asked him.
"Calm down honey, I'm just hanging out with my friend here" he answers pointing at a guy next to him.
"Honey my ass!" Rosé seems pissed. But I'm not really paying attention at what she's saying back to Jimin. I keep looking at the guy next to him.
Not going to lie. He's handsome.
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Why am I even looking at him? He's way out of my league. He's too much. But I don't know why I can't stop looking at him.
"Why do you keep looking at me?" this mysterious guy says.
"O-Oh s-sorry..." I say at a really low voice looking at the ground.
"Ahahaha don't worry y/n" Jimin says smiling "he's always mad. It's not because you were staring at him. Nothing will happen"
After cutely arguing with Rosé, Jimin snd his friend leave.
"I swear to god, I'm going to beat Jimin's ass!" my friend says angrily.
"But it looked like you enjoyed talking to him, even though you seemed annoyed" I say smirking.
"W-What?" she's all red. Ahahahh I love making her feel all flustered.
It's the end of the day and now I'm in my bed. I'm so nervous. Tomorrow morning will be the first day of school.
I have a whole plan in my head. Be plain, white. Like the wooden beams on my ceiling.
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