#then snaps is chaz wolcotts brooklyn newsie
In my brain, all of the Brooklyn Newsies I've ever seen are canon to my brain, and now I just have, like, a whole universe mapped out in my brain.
Spot is the head, while Mack and Hotshot are her second and third in command. The three run the Borough with an iron fist. Well, the iron fist is probably hollow as they let their newsies away with just about everything.
Pips and Graves are extremely close, always being selling partners and usually selling by the Brooklyn Bridge. They always sell the most papers, mostly because they win over the adults with puppy dog eyes.
Splint, Joey, and Bart can't stand each other. Nobody knows why, but they won't even speak with one another. Ritz thinks it's incredibly funny to put them in situations together and watching as they try to do it without even looking at each other.
Speaking of Ritz, her and Snaps are siblings, Snaps being older by 2 years. Despite the short age gap, Snaps does tend to baby her sometimes, but she has put him in his place on numerous occasions.
Scope, Rafaela, and HoHo escaped the refuge together when they were each 14, 9, and 11. Lucky found them trying to steal apples from a stand and brought them straight to Spot, who made them Newsies the very next day.
Specs used to be a Brooklyn Newsie with his sister, Stray, but was far too scared of Spot to stay any longer and joined Manhattan instead. Stray still picks on him for this.
Hildy and Myron both help out at Medda's theatre when they aren't selling papers for some extra money. Hildy sells the food outside the stage, and Myron works as an usher. The Bowery Beauties have a soft spot for them and allow them to hang out backstage with them from time to time.
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