#then there's Corwin Leech
spotlightstudios · 1 year
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Mm, I love my Pirate misfits.
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spotinthespiral · 3 months
Imagining how fucked up the meetings between Ryan, Griffin, and Leech must be.
Like, Ryan (automatically accompanied by a member of her crew to translate/speak for her) trying to take the lead and explain her plans. Griffin, prideful and distrusting of Leech (who also has unwittingly Sibling Energy with Ryan), trying to pick a fight with him and tell Ryan her plans are too dangerous. Then Leech (who was in it for the pay but now just finds Ryan's journey interesting) standing there humoring these teenagers and letting them argue it out until they figure out a plan.
And that doesn't even account for which crew member is translating for Ryan. Subodai and Jack usually are pretty good about just following what the captain says, but Dead Mike? Sarah Steele? Old Scratch? They'd put in their two cents without a second thought, which only makes everything more complex.
I just love my silly pirate captain and her dysfunctional little crew of pirates. She runs her ship With The Power of Friendship (her crew) and This Gun She Found (Griffin's Crew of Musketeers).
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spotlightstudios · 1 year
Shout-out to the Corwin twins, who will inevitably hate everyone the other knows, besides eachother.
I think they'd get into a verbal argument immediately upon seeing eachother, but seeing as both their mom and dad sucked, it became super clear to both of them that neither had it easier and they both had to cope in their own ways. Law by becoming the golden child so he could be the support to others that he never had, and Leech by becoming so isolated and unlovable that no one would ever be close enough to abandon him a third time.
Law hates Leech's pirate friends, hates his crew. He's usually using chaotic magic to attack and steal, and the pirate crew is only encouraging him. Meanwhile Leech hates all Law's little followers because they're all so soft and reliant on him. And yet they'd jump to defend eachother in a heartbeat. They're all they have left (and both of them knows that if they'd traded places, they would've made the same choices to survive).
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spotlightstudios · 1 year
P101 oc lore ramble beneath the cut!
Sooo Corwin, right?
He was born a pirate, but escaped to Krokotopia after his parents were found doing magic by the Armada and killed. He's been in Krokotopia learning fighting and magic, but I like to think that he was one of the few students of the Balance school who managed to study there, even before the yw recovered the school for Ravenwood.
Leech chose to spread his balance knowledge with the rest of the Spiral, hense why he was caught and imprisoned by the Armada, but after that point he wants nothing to do with them. He just wants to go back home. To Krokotopia.
He studies under Madam Vadima for a few years (he's lurking around when Ryan and Griffin bring in the Wizard they found) but ultimately he realizes he never wanted to be a Witchdoctor. He was a balance wizard.
So, when Ryan and Griffin have hold of Blueflower, the yw, he insists on trailing them in the shadows, and when the yw returns home, he's left to ponder if he should follow them or not.
For now Leech is remaining as a pirate, his ship is pretty well cloaked and he usually only steps in when he needs to, but his plan is to simply find a way to Wizard City and return to his Balance Studies. Unfortunately, the Armada is always in the way of that progress.
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spotinthespiral · 5 months
Corwin-Posting again, but the twins are my favorite concept I ever rolled with.
Law was raised by his Wizard Mother and had to fight tooth and claw to find his spot among Ravenwood students. Magic didn't feel right to him, but the last thing he wanted to do was be magicless like his deadbeat Dad so he learned. Balance magic eventually was his strong-point, but it took him forever to find.
Leech was raised by his pirate father, and no matter how much training and teaching his father gave him, he was never going to be a good pirate. Until he learned to talk to the spirits of those his father killed. They lent him power, a connection to the spiral and *magic*. His father had outlawed magic in their lives, and yet Leech thrived using it. It was taboo to most pirates, but that was alright with him. He'd just scare *everyone* away.
And then these two, who would've thrived in their opposing lifestyles, don't meet until way later in life. Until Law is the go-getter and most helpful student in Ravenwood. Until Leech is a feared pirate captain with a bad attitude. And they couldn't be more different, and everyone expects a fight to break out.
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spotinthespiral · 10 months
So, all of my pirates are in cahoots. Ryan hired Griffin as an information smuggler and diversion man. Leech was on the run from the Armada and got caught, but Ryan needed him so she broke him out. Griffin babysits Leech, and Leech becomes the new diversion-guy for when Ryan needs to get somewhere unnoticed.
But, I like to think that Ryan never taught Leech her tapping code that she uses instead of talking in an attempt to keep him from betraying her for fun. He's clever though, and he learns it through observation alone, and he just never mentions it.
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spotlightstudios · 1 year
Law (On Ravenwood's Campus): Hope everyone has a great day! Don't forget to restock ur mana potions! Call me if you need help with assignments! :D
Leech (In Avery's Court): Hope everyone's having a horrible day, and if you're not the fuck off with yer positivity. Don't ever speak to me again. >:(
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