#then theres some fun stuff outside of the canon like zeph growing close and fond of pebbles while trynna hunt suns down
spotsupstuff · 1 year
wait are your OCs in anyway related to canon characters?
i mean like yea? i guess? the Eo group doesn't exist in a vacuum, the canon characters n stories take place in a group southwest from them still (my personal take on them, at least- this all is called The Serotonin Take for a reason). all Iterators are essentially siblings to me (though cuz of the lack of much communication between the groups, those relationships feel more like cousin stuff). the canon chars group has some in-lore historically important people too, like Moon- one of the first Iterators ever built- so the Eo group is well aware of them
the canonical relationships that there are: • Zephyr and Boreas (and other Gen 1s) know and interact with Moon and Nish cuz Gen 1s have a giant global group chat while the comms r workin right. Zephyr and Moon don't like each other much, but could do some teamwork if needed. Boreas is usually quiet so he's mostly unknown- Nish ofc tries to drag him out of his shell by poking him with jokes. Boreas would very much like to punch him. Orion is usually left to mediate and is very business-like since representing the Eo group falls on him what with Zeph's condition and Boreas' lil coward bitchass. Gem is a "friend" of Moon's and while Sporadic attended the chat, people liked her • Euros looks up to Nish VERY veeeery much. boyo thinks the metal veggie is one of the coolest Iterators ever. being the Phone Operator Chief of the Eo group means he can pick up broadcasts from Moon's group even though he's basically the furthest possible from them. like he knows about Potscug cuz of this (Potscug is exclusive Moon's group content) • Sparrows is a fan of Iterators overall n could probably tell u fun facts about any standing-in-her-time ittie while whipping out a pokémon-like card with their picture on it. she, too, is a fan of Nish • aaaand finally: the Seafarer is the one the Artificer had The Pups with. just cuz i find it funny and kinda sweet since Seaf was paralleling her like mad before i even realized n started this whole slug romance thing
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