calling-for-kins · 8 months
haven't done a call for this kin ever but im giving it a shot! ^^
I'm Éowyn from LOTR and looking for basically anyone, but especially Faramir, Merry, Éomer and Théoden. (Also Boromir, if there's one out there that survived and we interacted ig? idk, things went differently from canon for me at least). Basically anyone I might have come across, I'm looking for you, lmao.
I think things were largely closer to the books than the movies, though I am pretty sure that it was me who saw Théoden die at Pelennor like in the movie and not Merry the way things play out in book!ROTK.
Also I think I might have snuck around as Dernhelm before that point in canon or I might have used that disguise after? Not sure, but I do think I got more mileage out of that disguise.
I'm a little uncomfortable with doubles but I won't not interact with any I might come across, if that makes sense. Really, I'm down to talk to any LOTR kins or anyone from the legendarium in general, even if we don't share a canon.
I do remember more that I won't go into here, just because it can get into some potentially triggering stuff but yea.
you can message me on my tumblr but honestly I don't check here as often lol, I'm usually a good bit more active on discord, though. My user there is moonlight_lark. Please don't message me if you're under 18, because i'm 22.
Ok that's it :D
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