puns4priya · 6 years
The Online World Wind of Thoughts
Well, well, well, the digital world is sure an outer world experience. No really, you can even access the internet on the moon these days. Is there anywhere you can’t keep updated?
I can guarantee that when you woke up this morning one of the first things you did was check your phone and see what news there was to be updated with, I sure did. Instagram has up to 400 million users daily and twitter has a whopping 126 million! That’s a hell of a lot of people sharing and reading information for just one day. But is this a good thing? Yes, you may always be updated but have you ever thought to consider that maybe what you are reading is in fact fake news? Are people just trying to get your attention to get across their viewpoint? Or, even worse are people trying to make money out of you?
If we look at other platforms like online magazines there are hundreds of different articles published all about the same thing just worded slightly differently. So which stories true or which product actually works best? The decision is yours.
In the past the way to find out what product works best for your skin or to get slightly dark, who murdered who was only by your local newspaper or your family members and close friends. But now, you could read an article written by somebody across the globe or find out about a product by simply doing an Instagram poll and sharing it with your audience you have created yourself. But it’s important to bear in mind that if you don’t know all your followers personally then how can you trust their opinion on something like you would with your family and friends? The answer is, you can’t. By putting yourself online you take the risk.
It can also be argued that by using the internet to constantly find answers to your questions and your curiosities you lose contact with the real world and valuable human connections. In the past we would have to go out and about asking lots of different people in order to find the answers but now, with just one click of a button you will have hundreds of answers waiting for you almost immediately. Although this may lead to less human interaction, there’s no denying that your knowledge will expand much faster when you’re in the online world than compared to the real world because the internet is a supermarket of knowledge.
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