eighthwcnder · 4 years
@theperfectpsychic​ | penta starter call.
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this human was kind of cute. as far as humans go. he can’t see her currently. maybe she should prank him a little bit? before she shows herself and spooks  him. her long, thick tail moves in his path. she’s aiming to trip him--
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kleinemeine-m · 4 years
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@theperfectpsychic​ said:
🔥 art? Or another topic!
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     listen, if someone is GIFTING you art, never       nitpick on it. that just makes you out to be an      asshole. i’ve had this happen in the past where      i wanted to surprise someone with a piece and      they decided to nitpick at things i had to go off      from guessing as there was no reference image      to use. just don’t do that. not even villains do that.
meme // accepting
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badxsshottiexllie · 4 years
Who Are You Gonna Call? A Ghostbuster and a Psychic!
If you asked Ellie what she did as a hobby, chances are that you wouldn’t expect her to answer with finding the supernatural. The supernatural was so cool and out of the ordinary, that of course she’d want to become a freelance ghostbuster! The woman would travel all over the place to see if there were any supernatural sightings...with a 50/50 chance of actual success. Of course, her main job would be as an Industrial Designer, so its not like she would be struggling financially.
However, it was one of the few times that she needed help with taking care of the supernatural. Yes, the ghostbuster had the technology, but it wasn’t enough this time around. Reigen, who she had met a few weeks ago, was one of the few people that didn’t think she was crazy. Hence why the redhead made her way to Seasoning City in the first place.
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“I’m not sure if you remember me, or...blocked out that event from your mind from a few weeks ago. But...I need your help. Um...please?” Hopefully he can look past what happened between them and work together as professionals.
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ragemuses-moved · 4 years
♡ –} “ Oh...I’ve gone on too long...”
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♡ –} “ But you see, they’re just so- ”
And there she goes, running her mouth about the latest object of her affections. Who knows how long she’d been gushing without actually asking for any advice? It seemed that every session up until now tended to devolve into just that and Cotton Candy was completely oblivious to the fact. 
Hopefully the consultant she’s been subjecting to her energetic blathering hasn’t gotten too mad at her.
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ergojustice · 4 years
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     Well, this Reigen was late. Jaesung knew he had picked out a bit of an odd time-- six in the morning wasn’t exactly everyone’s favorite time of the day, but it was the only time of the day when the premises wouldn’t be over-run by kids and teens trying to get their otherworldly experience of... terror? exhilaration? Jaesung really didn’t understand what the trend was these days with video recording and instant sharing-- but it had served useful in helping to locate interesting things like this. 
     He usually wouldn’t be concerned with seemingly cheap gimmicks of ghost videos and tiktoks but a body had been retrieved out of the building just three months ago. Putting two and two together, it seemed plausible-- provided that ghosts actually existed in the first place. Which was why he had been emailing a rather strange consultation business that someone had referred him to from the dark web. They did seem a little sketchy-- there were scandals and there were recoveries-- but he figured, if they were still up, running and successful, despite having been smeared in the past, they were probably legit.
     He stands on the sidewalk, just outside the path that would lead to the docks and the warehouse that had become a recent surge for youngsters to film their encounters with the mysterious entity, his gaze on the watch on his wrist, waiting for Reigen and his consultation service to arrive-- any moment now.
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multiversehell · 4 years
@theperfectpsychic​ | Franken Stein and Reigen Arataka
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The professor decided to take a simple smoke break, exiting the school and leaning against a pillar to take some time to himself. “Hmm...:” ... Something about the air feels wrong.
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silentaint-a · 4 years
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undercover missions were far from higuchi’s favorite thing to do. she was a bodyguard - she should be with akutagawa, not sitting here in some con man’s office trying to recruit and get close to shiego. this was humiliating.
it doesn’t show, however. to anyone else, she appears as a calm yet troublesome woman simply looking for answers. hands folded in her lap, she looks across at the gentlemen. 
did people really believe the crap he was saying?
❝ my husband died . . he’s been haunting me ever since, ❞ ever the clever liar, the tears begin, and she grabs a tissue off of his desk to wipe her cheeks with it.  ❝ i just want peace,❞ there’s a crack in her voice.  ❝ do you really think you can help me? i’ll pay anything to just be able to move on. ❞ 
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@theperfectpsychic​ liked for a starter! | Accepting! | Mob Psycho 100 Verse
Max wasn’t your average young adult. Infact, you could say that he was cursed. Well...at first thats what he thought when he first got his supernatural powers. To make a long story short, he ended up at the wrong place at the wrong time and the next thing you know, he could now turn into a spirit!
After a while, the redhead had gotten use to being half human and half spirit. Having no desire to have a normal lifestyle. Not that anything was going on in his life to begin with. He just seemed unlucky and could never catch a break. So you could say that having acquired this ability was the best thing that has ever happened to him!
He spent most of his time causing mischief where ever he could. Today was no exception as he was causing all sorts of chaos around town! Well...except for women and children, they were off limits...
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“I’m gonna have fun til the cows come home!” Not aimed at anyone specifically, but it sounded like he wasn’t going to stop causing a ruckus anytime soon.
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vibinjustice · 4 years
theperfectpsychic replied to your post “Give Justice a color and they’ll describe someone they feel associates...”
Turquoise? (If it's not way too late for this!)
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      “Turquoise,  huh? I don’t hear much of that color. I usually really know of it once I go about and my friends mention it. It’s usually on items ‘n shit. Always sayin’ they’re so pretty ‘n all. Or a nice stone of some kind? It’s described to me once as a bright, almost gentle type of color. Hmmmm, I guess other than Miranda, I can’t think of anyone else who fits that currently.”
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lovelornings · 4 years
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@theperfectpsychic​ said:  Not Over It ((If it's okay since we haven't interacted before?))
Send “Not Over It” and my muse will talk about something from their past that still haunts them to this day. ll No Longer Accepting 
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❥ “’You killed my mom’. That’s what she told me. I took her pretty literally at the time, so I had no idea what she was talking about. I’d never killed anyone - never even hit somebody else. What could she be talking about?’ Her foot dragged along the ground as she walked, kicking up dirt as some form of self entertainment as she talked to an adult she  didn’t really know. She’d take what she could get at this point when it came to companionship; since all the other adults and children from her hometown had always avoided her. 
“”I’ve never hurt anyone”, I told her ‘I don’t even know who you are.’ She got really angry at me for that; but I let my body hit the ground after she pulled my hair pretty easily...I was used to other students getting angry at me- even if i didn’t know why back then. It was just part of life.  
“She told me it was my fault her mom had committed suicide and she was....really upset. I didn’t understand it, and when I told her that - she said it was because my mother wanted children that she’d killed a lot of people. I think one of them must have been related to her mother...maybe a friend or a crush....because she told me that as soon as she saw my face, picking her daughter up from school...it just reminded her of ‘everything’. 
“So I let her keep hitting me. I hope she got something out of it - maybe some sense of closure for going against the cause of it.” 
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cxrnxticn · 4 years
“Uh.. I think I’m lost.”
@theperfectpsychic // first-time interactions
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Another monotonous day of sidewalk sweeping. Not that it was in dire need of cleaning but the antsy young woman was in need of air and movement after the constant sitting in front of the computer checking emails from inquiring customers. Luckily, the social fuss was mainly online and not in person; so that saved her a lot of stress and energy. 
Humming to herself, and making sweeps to match with the rhythm of her spontaneous musical accompaniment, she happily drifted away to that familiar realm of imagination, her happy place, her means of salvation from the worries that came with being a homeless adult with two minimum wage jobs. These moments were brief but precious to her, as they reminded her of the simpler times before her move to this city that was once a labyrinth of terror, now an every-day sight that has become her home away from home.
“Maybe next paycheck, I can go visit dad,” she muttered out loud to herself, gaze cast towards the clear sky in deep contemplation. “I miss the bastard... and I miss breathing actual fresh air...”
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In the midst of her daydreaming, a nearby voice could be heard, one she wasn’t certain whether or nor it was addressing her. It was still a blur to her since she was so caught up in her reverie but being the responsible worker she was, she took it upon herself to acknowledge the person behind her, hoping they hadn’t heard her external monologue. The man, a grey-suited blond with a rigid demeanor (and sweat for days), was looking right at her; so she was relieved her assumption was correct, and that she didn’t accidentally make a fool of herself. Now to see if she can keep up the cool act.
“Ah? Lost? Well, this is the north side of town. Where exactly are you trying to get to?” Thank goodness she had lived here long enough to develop a clear enough sense of direction. Being on her own, the country girl had no choice but to adapt to her concrete surroundings.
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eighthwcnder · 4 years
@theperfectpsychic​ | continued.
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her eyes seem vacant. she was staring off, eyes focused on something that just wasn’t visible. an energy force, but not a mean one. eveona, funnily enough, has always been sensitive to the dead. people always joked about she herself being a ghost with her abnormal appearance.
and then, she snaps back to reality.
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     ❝ huh ...?         oh ... oh, that’s not good ... ❞
while it didn’t SEEM too bad-- she has ... health issues.
     ❝ i will be possibly needing a hospital. the smallest wounds that bleed on         me bleed for a VERY long time. ❞
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kleinemeine-m · 4 years
@theperfectpsychic​ replied to your post ○
Oh, it'd be interesting to hear a "character arc" for Plum, either one that has happened in an rp or one from their backstory. Or one you'd like to see happen? I hope this makes sense!
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     ngl i have been thinking on making a visual      novel-like game for them. it might take a lot      of planning but one thing is i might have then      not be the playable character and instead      someone else where you learn on them and      things like that. but that’s still up in the air since      right now i want to focus on helping my friend      with her webtoon since i’m her editor.
     but i can also say that i would love to do      something like that for a thread too cause there      is things i want to talk on about them that’s actually      big but at the same time i don’t wanna bother      people on things vhfbhjfvbf. one thread is kinda      like that though and it’s with my friend tami over      at @house-of-tales​ with her muse grimory which      is diving in on plum’s soul being something unnatural
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a-adventurer · 4 years
Scarlett was beginning to regret telling the ghost her name as she tried to jump away from the ghost. "Do something! You're the expert here!" Scarlett shouted, still unaware of the little white lie he had told Scarlett. "Throw salt or whatever!"
//New Post for ghost thread since tumblr is being an ass xD
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ragemuses-moved · 4 years
♥ ♡ Your writing really puts the reader into the world of your muse?! I feel like you embody the theme of the series in your narration, and that sets the tone for your muse!! (I have no idea if I'm using narration in the right context!) Anyways, your dialogue is absolutely amazing!!
Positivity Meme
♥: Your dialogue
♡: Your narration
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Awww shucks dude! That’s so nice...AND SORRY I GOT TO THIS UNTIL JUST TODAY i went to sleep....
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ergojustice · 4 years
reigen: 👈👉🤙👎🙏👍✌👐☝ jaesung: 🤝 okay now stop that 
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