absolute-eyesore · 2 years
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... out now for Bandcamp Friday! A special release for those of us trapped in this end of year hell. A very noisy and disturbed time, here's another contribution to the war on christmas.
special thanks to @lokifreign and @veresiine for suggestions on what songs to destroy.
Times are tough! Support us on ko-fi or read through this post to help us out.
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absolute-eyesore · 3 years
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[image ID;
Four gifs that are largely laid out the same way; a pastel holographic skeleton with horns, a beanie, metallic jacket, and headphones around their neck, to the left of the screen on a pixelated background in blue, green, and purple tones. The skeleton is turned to face the viewer, a dark green speech bubble with bright green text hovers up and down beside their face.
The text is all that changes between these images, and reads as follows:
"Hey, you there. My name is Hollow and I'd like a moment of your time if you don't mind." 1/4
"I'm unemployed due to pandemic reasons, and my previous source of income has been completely tapped. Looking for remote work... Pretty abysmal as well." 2/4
"To try and make ends meet to some degree, I come to you offering my services as an artist. I specialize in digital illustration, photo editing, and I have some basic animation skills as well." 3/4
"Let me show you what I have on offer... " 4/4
/end iD]
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[image ID;
The same skeleton from before, now in front of a semi-transparent blue background with pink trim overlaid on top of the pixelated background. The hovering text bubble has moved up to beside their horns, and has become slightly smaller.
To the right of the scene, a squared image cycles through five stages of a piece, starting with a basic sketch then going to color, inked, full render, and ending in render with background.
The text in the speech bubble reads
"Shot from the shoulders up, either front-facing or 3/4 view. Alternatively, a 1600x1600 piece of your proposed concept."
The text on the price table reads as
"Basic Sketch: $6 (+$5 Extra Character)
Color Sketch: $12 (+$10 Extra Character)
Inked: $20 (+$15 Extra Character)
Full Render: $25 (+$20 Extra Character)
Render & BG: $35 (+$25 Extra Character)"
/end ID]
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[image ID;
The same format as before, with a mid-body art example cycling through where the portraits had been previously, with the title "Mid-Body" in pink text above it.
The text in the speech bubble reads
"Shot from the waist up, either front-facing or 3/4 view. Alternatively, a 2600x1600 piece of your proposed concept."
The text on the price table reads as
"Basic Sketch: $10 (+$8 Extra Character)
Color Sketch: $20 (+$15 Extra Character)
Inked: $30 (+$20 Extra Character)
Full Render: $40 (+$25 Extra Character)
Render & BG: $50 (+$30 Extra Character)"
/end ID]
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[image ID;
One more image in the same format as the last two, with a full body image cycling through examples with the title "Full Body" above it in pink text.
The text in the speech bubble reads as
"Full shot, pose negotiable, otherwise front-facing or 3/4 view. Alternatively, a 2600x1600 piece of your proposed concept."
The text on the price table reads as
"Basic Sketch: $20 (+$15 Extra Character)
Color Sketch: $30 (+$20 Extra Character)
Inked: $40 (+$25 Extra Character)
Full Render: $50 (+$30 Extra Character)
Render & BG: $ 65 (+$35 Extra Character)
/end ID]
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[image ID;
The backdrop has changed to pink lines with pink text resting on top of the dark blue overlay.
The speech bubble reads
"Naturally, there are boundaries and other things you should know..."
The pink text reads
"Payment via PayPal
Delivery in 3-6 weeks
Delivery via Email
Relevant progress updates
No explicit sexual content. Suggestive and/or lewd art is acceptable.
Must be 18+ to commission NSFW content. Minors who try anyway will be ignored.
Any project may be turned down for any reason, be it discomfort or inadequate skill to deliver.
Final product will be shared across the social media platforms unless specifically requested not to.
No refunds unless the project cannot be completed."
/end ID]
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[image ID;
The speech bubble reads
"Here's how you can contact me, as well as other places you can support me."
A page of different icons now rests on the blue overlay. Three small icons with text beside them, and three large icons across the bottom.
The three small icons are an email icon, the discord icon, and the tumblr icon, respectively. The three large icons are for Threadless, ko-fi, and bandcamp, with the avatar icons from the relevant accounts beneath the titles.
Discord: vaporwavelich#5675
Tumblr: @vaporwavelich / @absolute-eyesore
Threadless: thepolyesterfriends
ko-fi: vaporwavelich
bandcamp: thepolyesterfriends
/end ID]
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[image ID;
A final image, returning to the appearance of the first four with just the horned skeleton on the pixelated background with the large speech bubble beside their head.
The text in the bubble reads
"Thank you very much for your time. Please, if you are at all able, feel free to message me to inquire about a commission. If not, reblogs help to boost my reach. Stay safe, and have a good evening."
/end ID]
further examples of my art skills can be found on this blog. 100% of the glitch content that comes from here is original content, including the photos being edited. the images in this post are an example unto themself. as well. as you can see, i put a lot of work into the content i produce. contact me for something and you're sure to get your money's worth.
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