scoxndrel · 7 years
theprincessladyswan replied to your post: vitiummorale replied to your post: ...
“he anything af.” I don’t know why but that made me laugh, haha.
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survivingnemo · 7 years
saviourisms replied to your post “|| I probably said last time I was here I was going to try and get...”
I've missed you around here! My Maggie muse has been dead for a long time... haha. This is Casey from theprincessladyswan and kxepbreathing btw if you were wondering. I moved my Emma blog to this one, haha. :)
I noticed you had! Thank goodness I found you or I’d be sad, I missed you too! Shame it’s gone, it may come back. I’ve been thinking about doing manips when I have the time, so maybe that might work ;)
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laceyiisms-archive · 7 years
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I meant to make a post about this back when I first archived Laceyiisms, but I got preoccupied with other things and forgot until now. This is a sideblog from my old Emma (theprincessladyswan) and has been moved to be a sideblog of my new Emma (savourisms). All threads I have here will not be dropped but moved over to my new Lacey blog. It’s still the same URL as before. Just wanted to let everyone know before questions are asked. <33 
I hope everyone’s doing well and that I will see you over at my new blog for Emma and/or Lacey/Belle. :)
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OUT OF HOPE. So... I’ve decided to archive this blog. I have so many sideblogs of my main here ( @theprincessladyswan ), and it’s just really difficult to follow Star Wars blogs and not see everything they post, etc. I’d like to actually follow them from a Leia blog, reply to posts, reply to people like @scoxndrel and @galaxyslasthope easier, create more friendships easier as well, etc. Just wanted to give y’all a heads up. Will probably be working on that until I fall asleep. If I do. xD
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theprincessladyswan replied to your post: YOU PORTRAY ALL OF YOUR MUSES SO PERFECTLY. I...
maybe i’d just fetch lucille out to play? what? 
Casey I wouldn’t do either bc ily <33
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scoxndrel · 7 years
theprincessladyswan replied to your post: theprincessladyswan replied to your post: ...
I guess it was how you worded it idk. I just laughed so hard, haha.
my pan son is precious what can i say. 
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“People always underestimate a girl in diamonds and furs don’t they? I mean nobody guessed what I was really after. Not Gold, certainly not you. But now that the author is here, today is the day that I get mine. Now be a good girl, lay down, and take a nap.”
“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t tempted to wring her scrawny neck right now.”
“Oh at last I feel I’ve aged a decade waiting for you.”
“I do hate it when you’re right, darling. Though I do like this new shade of confidence. It’s so... Masculine. Are you sure you can’t help a girl out? For old time sake?”
“You destroyed my James... The best toy in the whole play pen.”
TAGGED BY: @princesircastic
TAGGING: @ofdarkmagic @theprincessladyswan @herocsandvillains
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captainofthejewel · 7 years
Send me a ♦ for me to describe a plot that I’ve been wanting to do.
Get to know the rper - RP related | status: accepting
Oh geeze. Um, anything in my wishlist tag? As broad as it is, really anything set in his main verse that involves his PTSD. I know I’ve answered with this before but it still applies I haven’t done nearly as much with that as I’d like, and I know it isn’t always an easy topic for other people to include, so it’s understandable, but I really, really would like to do more with that part of him.
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ofdarkmagic-a-blog · 7 years
theprincessladyswan mentioned you in a post: @ofdarkmagic  I see you. 
@ ofdarkmagic  I see you. 
ic u too <333
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ofdarkdust · 8 years
theprincessladyswan replied to your post: �� (from jyn at storyisms to your cassian? haha :D)
omfg casey look at the url next time.   
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sonofthedarkone · 7 years
Emma woke up several hours early before her first class of the day. Instead of turning over and falling back asleep, Emma decided to take advantage of the free time she had only to end up walking about her room half asleep. The women’s bathroom was right down the hall from her room and given the early hour, Emma knew she was safe from a lot of unwanted attention from the typical group of guys that refused to take no for an answer. Her exhausted state made Emma forget to bring a change of clothes and her toiletries, but the young blonde failed to realize that until after she finished showering.
Cursing to herself as she turned off the shower, Emma wrapped the towel around her body and her evening wear in hand while peaking her head out of the door. The hallway was still clear of people and she took a deep breath before walking out. She began running down the hallway towards her room and turned the corner only to collide into someone.
“I am so… sorry.” Her eyes widened realizing that the person she had collided into was her crush, Neal Cassidy “Well, this is… this is awkward…”
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The inability to sleep played through the majority of the night, easily calling for an early start to the day. His first class wasn’t for another two hours, which supplied an ample amount of free time. Neal figured a lot of people would still be in bed and decided to take advantage of the gained solitude of the morning. A shower was taken right away before he decided to head out for a bit, maybe find a quiet place to get in some studying, something he neglected to do the previous afternoon due to a preferred trip off campus. Still, he figured it was worth it despite the tiredness clinging to his eyes.
The idea of skimming over notes, however, became less appealing as he headed back to his dorm room. Instead he rounded about and turned down the opposite hallway, having to go past the girl’s dormitories to get to the cafeteria. Before Neal could make it a few strides beyond the turn he collided with another, causing a single step in reverse to regain proper balance.
“No, It’s okay. I should have been paying more attention.” Realizing it was Emma standing before him, the only girl he had his eyes on since they met, clad in nothing but a towel, his gaze immediately veered away. “Yeah, I’ll just… let you,” a hand gesture was made towards the direction of her room as he stepped aside for her to pass.
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jollyrogerjones · 8 years
“so… what are we now?”
◢☸◣He had been staring blankly up at the ceiling, blue eyes trailing over a crack in the plaster as his head still swam with post-orgasm euphoria, his palm smoothing back over his forehead and into his hair as the tip of his tongue darted out over desert dry lips, finally having caught his breath.
Her question would bring him back down to earth, tipping his head to gaze at the set of flushed features framed by a mess of blonde tendrils that all ten of his fingers had been buried knuckle deep in little more than five minutes ago. Dark lashes would bat at her quizzically for a moment as brows ticked together, wondering briefly what sort of answer exactly she was fishing for. 
“ — is now really the best time to be having this talk?” He would chuckle at her, glancing between her green hues, realizing as the moments ticked by that she was dead serious; the thought had apparently been wearing on her enough that it could no longer wait. He would clear his throat, sobering a little before nodding once and pushing himself to sit up in bed, the sheets slipping off his chest as he propped his back against the headboard. “I thought when this all started we agreed we were too busy for anything serious… “ he would pause, angling his head toward her a little, “but you promised to tell me if anything changed — “
They had been at this for several months now, him in the thick of his masters degree in marine biology,  and her a budding journalist — both far too absorbed in their respective fields to have time for something like a steady relationship. But people still had needs, and they’d discovered they managed to fulfill those needs for one another quite nicely indeed.
…Perhaps a little too nicely. 
“— has something changed, Swan?” ◢☸◣ 
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captkillianjcnes · 8 years
theprincessladyswan replied to your post: ( why is tumblr acting like I’m logged out...
Go home, Tumblr. You’re drunk.
( it definitely is. silly (annoying) tumblr! )
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