#therapy isn’t enough I need to fight all mcd aphmau haters
mcdenthusiest · 2 years
Ramble/rant time!
I don’t like how ppl say stuff like “ mcd aphmaus the worse garroth and Laurence did all this for her only for her to reject her what a bitch :/“ like DID YOU WATCH IT WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED???? Aphmau was DISTRESSED over having to chose one of them im a laurmau lover just like all of you but like in retrospect it may not have been a super healthy relationship. Like rewatching I GET what Jess was trying to do with Aaron, despite being horribly executed bc of Aaron’s role and how characters has to be essentially written ooc or written off completely to get there, *aaron I don’t know let her make a choice and was able to be there when laurence couldn’t bc of his own trauma and Shadow knight troubles.* And like,,, has aphmau not done alot for them too?? What about when aph learned who garroth truly was and still gave him her trust, doing anything and trying to find a way so that he doesnt have to leave PD? What about laurance? Every time she wanted she NEEDED a way to get to him in the nether, she didnt care he was a shadow knight she wanted him in her life and has been there for HIM emotionally MULTIPLE TIMES THROUHOUT THE BOTH SEASONS? Shes been there for both of the boys and cares so much for them, but SHES the bitch for not wanting to be with them romantically? What im trying to say is that it doesnt matter how much gar or laur did, they ARENT entitled to aphs romantic life, they NEVER were. Im with you that aarmau was very obviously pushed for in the dumbest and incoherent way possible, but ffs you can hate aarmau without being a little misogynistic!
That being said aarons role in the story was a weird one and i agree like you can TELL how badly aarmau was suddenly pushed for to where at times i felt like aaron was just taking someone elses place, what made him cool in the first place was how little we knew and how distanced he was from the group, to me he feels out of place in the main group. And im not saying new characters can join the main group (s2 Travis!), its just how their character was established and their roles and actions that define it. Aaron got his revenge on zane and was just chilling for the rest of s2, it would’ve been cool to see him settle in to PD but nooo guess who voices jaso-I mean aaron guys 🥺
(*HOWVER, j feel the calling and the way lau acted the last episodes of s2 were really trying to push a narrative of oh laurance bad laurmau bad this why aaron and aarmau good get out of the story laurance hes gonna go thru an emo phrase lol)
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