#there are bits about the Highwind clan in the cards
ajora · 4 years
So, in the course of translating a whole bunch of secondary materials (guidebooks, cards), I was able to discern the following:
Tycoon is a fairly new country. Alexander Highwind was the third king. Which would make Lenna the fourth ruler once she takes the throne.
Alex’s predecessor, the second king, likely wasn’t related to him. There are no relationship/kinship markers whatsoever used between them; in comparison, the books have been happy to expound on the relationship between Alexander and Lenna. Sometimes at length. Alexander probably married into the family. 
The second king embarked on a war of expansion 50 years before the game--Basic Knowledge says he was a warmonger and that Alex’s reaction to that was to rule in peace. The 50 year marker is given by a NPC in Carwen, which suggests to me that the war of expansion went at least that far.
Related: the extra material about the Dragon Knights’ Association and how war was one of several reasons why the sky dragon population crashed so hard. May do a whole post about this later.
The second king abdicates (禅譲) to Alex sometime after the war, given that Alex would have been a child at the time. The wording for this is extremely specific, given that there are other words for abdication that don’t include the linked translation, and pretty much states that the abdication was done willingly. My thinking is, the second king was allowed to retain power after his war of expansion, but he was unable to keep Carwen.
My thought is that because of the second king’s war of expansion, Tule and Lix might actually be under Tycoon governance, rather than their own. This is supported by the statement in Basic Knowledge that protection of the Wind Crystal is the king of Tycoon’s responsibility, and the Wind Crystal is placed far from Tycoon castle.
This actually presents a fascinating conundrum for Lenna’s background. Tycoon’s founding is very recent, comparatively, and the war of expansion is still part of living memory. She will come into the crown knowing that Tycoon was built in blood. How is that going to clash with her being as kind and generous as she is? I’ve really been enjoying touching upon it for fanfic fodder.
Anyway, just some thoughts about these things I’ve been translating. I may end up posting my current batch of translations on Christmas Day, even though I’m pretty sure no one would actually care. 
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