#there are classes in uni - especially vinés - that non-casters can take that teaches them all about stardust and casting
nobodieshero-main · 9 months
youth learning - basically kindergarten + pre-primary, more focused on teaching kids about boundaries and sharing etc, gets them ready to go into primary school
primary school - from ages 6-16, teaches regular school shit (reading, writing, maths, health, arts, social studies etc); for casters there are often specific classes, after-school programs or out-of-school clubs to teach them all about the hows and why's of casting - in some cities or larger towns there might even be a separate school (eg. the Academy in Prota, which also partially acts as a boarding school)
usually after completing the 10 years of primary education, kids will go on to do a 2 year (minimum) apprenticeship in the subject/trade of their choice before going to university; but it's not a huge deal unless you're in the fancier parts of Nevmones (those fuckers are judgy about education).
secondary education - things like university and apprenticeships, really any kind of semi-formal education that goes beyond the 10 years in primary school
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