#there are now government services (including EDUCATION) that you cannot receive in english
sethshead · 1 year
Dromi recalled how, as he sat on a bench, a young ultra-Orthodox boy approached him and asked, “What is democracy?” “It touched my heart,” Dromi recounted. “I said, ‘In democracy everyone is equal, like you and me, and if something happens between us, we go to the court.’ He said he was told you should not go to an Israeli government court because ‘it was a goyim court,’” meaning it served gentiles. [...]
“The new government budget includes an unprecedented increment in allocations to the settlers and ultra-Orthodox, including full funding of schools to not teach English, science and math. This budgetary increment alone is more than Israel invests each year in higher education altogether — or 14 years of complete funding for the Technion, Israel’s M.I.T.,” said Dan Ben-David, a macroeconomist who has focused on the interaction between Israel’s demography and education at Tel Aviv University, where he heads the Shoresh Institution for Socioeconomic Research. “It is completely nuts.” The ultra-Orthodox share of Israel’s population doubles roughly every 25 years, added Ben-David. “Today it is 24 percent of the infants. By 2050, it will be half of Israel’s infants. None of them learn basic civics or separation of powers and how liberal democracy works, let alone receiving the tools to thrive in a modern economy,” he told me. “Unless we get our act together now, this will be the final nail into the coffin of our future,” he said.
If Israel faces a demographic time bomb, it is from a community that has been shielded from the most basic of secular education and civic responsibility. Soon, despite having no understanding of how a state functions in a modern world, the sheltered and entitled may have the numbers to rule over an otherwise diverse, vibrant, and forward-looking Israel. Yeshivot should have never been exempted from national educational standards. Haredim should have never been exempted from military service. Negia should have never been respected among those who did. Subsidies for all-day kollel and davening should have never been made available.
Israel is at serious risk of voluntarily falling behind the Saudis and Iranians due to the short-sightedness of its religious and right-wing leadership. This cannot be allowed to continue. The Haredim must be dragged into the 21st Century from the 18th, kicking and screaming if need be. Otherwise there will be no country to defend their religious prerogatives at all.
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things2mustdo · 3 years
The iPhone afterlife. Your next iPhone will cost much more. There are only two obvious ways to lose money: charity and stupidity. Leftism works by appealing to charity of stupidity-prone drones. From feminization of the general populace to European Union endorsement of Syrian invaders, Western governments have successfully metamorphosed from charitable to cuckold. The European youth need some deep introspection to solve this infiltration and betrayal, as do us Americans.
The American public has been sold out by its politicians, wealthy elite, and professional victims. But before we solve any social and cultural issues, we must first solve the American economy. After all, how can we revert to genuine charity when nobody has any money? Here are the five steps to reinvigorating the American economy:
1. Reduce “Made in China” imports and strive for a trade surplus
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Factory manager holding monthly Walmart orders. For Chairman Mao!
There is common paranoia that our new Chinese overlords are inevitable. We run trade deficits with China so habitually that American defeatists just cry their way to Walmart. Of course, people always think the grass is greener in foreign pastures. The truth is that China is anticipating its own Baby Boomer pension collapse. During Mao’s “Great Leap Forward”, Chinese birth rates soared to meet his agricultural and manufacturing ambitions. He wanted each Chinese household to farm and smelt iron.
Mao’s economic policy failed, and China eventually enacted single child policies to relieve future pension burdens. It was too late. These Chinese Baby Boomers are now supported by China’s export-based trade surpluses. The Chinese are racing against nature’s hourglass, similar to our impending Social Security crisis. In order to avoid collapse, the Chinese economy depends on producing Gap khakis and Walmart toys, while rushing to switch to developed services such as finance and technology.
How does this relate to America? Our consumption of cheap textiles, toys and televisions is feeding their Maoist Baby Boomers. While nations like China operate on currency depreciation and mercantilist behavior, Western nations foolishly prop onto the moral pedestal of “free trade.” Western nations used mercantilism from the 1500’s until abandoning it after WWI.
Once we pull the carpet from under the Chinese and balance our trade ledgers, their welfare and pension bubble will pop. Once America revitalizes its manufacturing bases, the Chinese bubble of cheap export goods will burst. China will meet the same fate as late Rome.
How can we achieve this? The American government must offer tax incentives to corporations who shore employment to American workers. Forced employer-provided services, such as Obamacare, must be suspended. Finally, we must collect punishing tariffs on Chinese imports until they properly revalue their currency. It is time to play rough once again.
2. Reallocate foreign policy funds to subsidize nuclear power and renewable energy sources
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Greatest place to build a nuclear power plant? The nation where four tectonic plates meet, of course!
Humanitarian aid and offering asylum are noble efforts, but should have no priority in times of economic turmoil. The most useful is energy, the fuel and lubricant of every economy. Israel loves boasting about their strength and independence, right? So American dollars are just scraps to them. If they are truly great allies of the American people, won’t they forgive that we can’t spare any missiles this fiscal year?
Liberals wet themselves over everything European, right? Well, the French get over 80% of their electricity from nuclear fission. Are Americans paranoid about nuclear power because of the Chernobyl and Fukushima disasters? Firstly, engineered products of Communist regimes were always of infamously low-quality. Chernobyl was the result of “socialize losses, privatize profits.”
After all, why should an industrial firm under Communism innovate or guarantee product quality, when state owned enterprising dictates that failure is rewarded with research subsidies? Fukushima was in Japan, a nation atop multiple tectonic fault-lines, so an earthquake-induced disaster was inevitable.
The French have a perfect track record with nuclear power plants. Nuclear power plants should utilized within inland states free of frequent natural disasters. The coastal and riverside states should receive research and construction subsidies for hydroelectric and tidal energy plants.
3. Strictly enforce immigration policies
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She’s here for some English learning. If you don’t support it, you’re a misogynist.
All illegal immigrants share two characteristics. Firstly, they have propensity to break the law, as their presence is already evidence of laws already violated. How can I depend on a neighbor to be well-behaved, when they broke the rules to become my neighbor? Secondly, their presence skews economic and logistical calculations. Although they are not legal citizens, their presence interferes with census data, district allotment, and native wages. I won’t even start on the high rate at which they receive welfare.
Now contrast this with the characteristics of a foreign student graduating from an American university. A graduating student obviously bothered to learn the English language. This graduating student has shown an ability to pay (or will pay) tens of thousands of dollars of tuition, as well as ensure enough earning potential to not receive welfare.
However, we are rolling foreign students through our prestigious universities before forcing them back to their home countries. This process of “brain drain” is moronic and suicidal. Why do we expel the intelligent, stable, and studious members, while ignoring potential criminals entering our borders? We should therefore offer work visas or citizenship to foreign exchange students graduating from American universities.
4. Encourage electronics recycling within the United States
While we are distracted by subjective issues such as “equality” and “patriarchy,” there is an investment that garners no attention—American supply of precious metals. Precious metals, such as gold, copper, and lithium are found in everything. American manufacturing is based on highly sophisticated goods, such as Boeing aircraft.
As we demand smarter smartphones and missiles that fly further, demand for computer chips will skyrocket. However, for a pretty view and cheaper disposal costs, American electronics are dumped into Asian and African landfills. This is an issue where only pictures can show the magnitude:
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There’s more copper in that bowl than all the pennies in the USA.
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The iPhone afterlife. Your next iPhone will cost much more.
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This bounty should have been ours. We are playing them dollars and precious metals, to charge us more dollars later.
Those foreign recycling firms scavenge and recycle these precious metals and resell them to American manufacturers at a decent markup. As these landfill nations emerge, they will either a) hoard these precious metals for domestic technology firms, or b) hoard these precious metals and charge American firms monopoly prices. If you think a replacement battery for your laptop is expensive now, how much will it cost if China’s landfills held 70% of the world’s lithium reserves?
5. Abolish affirmative action quotas based on ethnicity and gender
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A woman trying to be even less productive.
The original purpose of affirmative action was in education for African Americans, rightfully justified by atrocities committed by a subset of Southern agriculturalists. It eventually included women and Latin Americans. Nowadays it has become the Olympiad of Victim-hood.
Let’s examine Rachel Dolezal. She was the white woman who tanned and changed her hairstyle for positions in Howard University and NAACP:
Leftists say race is a human construct and not real. All races are therefore equal.
Rachel Dolezal wasn’t allowed be Black. Leftists insist on separating Black and white.
“Separate, but equal” is also known as segregation.
So affirmative action is segregation.
Affirmative action disincentivizes both the “privileged” and “victim.” The “privileged” won’t be productive because of the threat of being displaced or plundered. The “victim” will receive the spoils of plunder or displacement regardless of productivity. The country thus loses two shares of productivity, all for some fairy-tale rendition of fairness, equality and sparkling unicorns. The American government needs to gradually abolish affirmative action policies, and start heading for meritorious rewards.
All these steps encourage self-dependence, abandoning unnecessary burdens, and accumulating resources for the future. We need a long-term energy source, a domestic manufacturing base and precious raw material. We cannot afford foreign aid, providing economic asylum or pandering to victim-hood.
I’m not saying to abandon charity or sympathy for the unfortunate, simply that it is dangerous for a government to contort economic outcomes for its own ideal of charity. It is time for America to stop feeding from the cauldron of guilt stirred by the Leftists. It is time for America to rise again.
Read More: Why The American Economy Needs The Beta Male
Our understanding of the beta male’s status as an underappreciated, and downright derided figure in modern American society is reasonably well developed, but what is his true utility? While an answer to this question has been touched on before, I posit that an even clearer resolution can be found through an examination of the modern American system’s consumerist imperative.
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Our society starts adhering to this consumerist imperative by promoting the growth of rampant materialism amongst Americans from an early age, with the media as a main tool. Young Americans learn early on that “bigger is better,” regardless of whether it actually is. A celebrity-centric, materialist culture heavily focused on spending and the trappings of it (as well as how to look like you have it) is the result. Add American culture’s uniquely competitive and adversarial nature to this and you’ve got an even bigger phenomenon, with Americans all striving to outdo one another in this materialistic effort (“Keeping up with the Jones,” or Kardashians) and spending money they don’t have in the process.
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Then the society uses a host of clichéd but heavily romanticized tropes about the “American experience” that are designed to reinforce all of this.
The first important trope is “The American Dream” (sizable suburban home, some land, fence, two $30,000+ cars, etc.), which is romanticized to an extent that many Americans can’t be satisfied with anything less as a long term goal. That, combined with the promotion of the rabid materialism mentioned earlier, makes them susceptible to overspending in order to reach that goal, ensuring that they never have much to save. Of course, thanks to the promotion of the trope, most Americans still feel it is all worth it even if they can’t afford it and go into debt.
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Then you have another important trope involving work ethic. This stems from America’s puritanical roots, and is a key reason why Americans work more and vacation less than almost anyone else in the developed world. This is the type of trope that keeps the average American worker bee laboring almost constantly.
All of these things, combined, help to ensure that the average American is always spending, never saving, and constantly producing with relatively less leisure. The wage slave, the majority of the USA’s populace, can’t save and thus can’t stop working. The average American is, in essence, a slave to consumerism.
The tropes noted are particularly important, since they essentially cover the bases even for most of the minority of Americans who earn more (upper middle class or above) and could in theory end up saving more. Because materialism and consumerism are so heavily promoted and “bigger is always better,” those who make more rarely use the surplus to save or build any real wealth—they just spend more.
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Thus, you have a game in which nobody really wins. Even when you do “win” (read: succeed as a capitalist and gain a high income), you end up losing because you spend it all trying to outdo everyone else and live up to the materialistic ideals that have most likely been drilled into you (and if the consumerist impulse doesn’t get them, then absurdly high school debts will). In the end, even a good number of these high-earning individuals have nothing more to show for it than those below their income level (unless, of course, they’re aware of these tropes, which most Americans aren’t).
This is actually kind of an intricately brilliant formula, and would probably do wonders for anybody at the top of society looking to maintain hegemony. Such individuals may maintain an ethos of inter-generational wealth (read: controlled spending, prudent wealth-building investment, etc.) that preserves their status and allows them to maintain control of America’s financial and industrial life.
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This entire system counts on one crucial piece, however, without which things would likely grind to a halt.
The Indispensable Beta Male
Seeing through the rigged nature of the sexual marketplace is as hard as seeing through the larger economic game. In fact, I think a lot of the tropes associated with our modern sexual marketplace are intimately related with the consumerist and materialist tropes we’ve been talking about. Yes, it is true that the vast majority of the grunt work that keeps the foundations of our society sound (e.g. infrastructure maintenance, defense, law enforcement, etc) is carried out by beta males. I’ve written about that before, but the beta’s usefulness to the economic system goes well beyond that.
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Married men make for vastly superior wage slaves, and the beta male is the most common and most useful of all married men—they form the backbone of this entire system. Their instilled “duty” to their wives and family is easily co-opted and exploited to fit the rigged materialist game. Now it is not just about competing with other individuals, but rather outdoing other families (bigger houses, two or three nicer cars in driveway, bigger vacations, better and more expensive private schools, etc.). The element of family just makes the stakes a lot higher, and it is the beta’s support that makes such an increase possible: his labor and devotion facilitate vastly greater sums of expenditure (he’s got a lot more to pay for), while subsequently freeing those he supports (wife and children) to focus almost entirely on consumption. He’s doing all of the producing, ensuring that they are free to lay back and take more than they give without much thought.
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The ability of a betatized and married man to see through the game and avoid its pitfalls is much lower than that of a disconnected single guy, especially when said single guy is anything like Roosh, Heartiste, or any other number of manosphere men. Because he is a devoted beta, he’ll see few other options aside from slaving away into eternity and going into debt to provide the American Dream for those he loves, who are free to benefit immensely from said labor and consume absent much thought to how much of a contribution they themselves will make.
The game knows that the consumerist ethos it promotes is especially effective on women, who shop and consume more often and more leisurely than men do and are much more wary of their social status relative to one another (which means they’ll want to compete more with other women, spending more in order to do so). Modern marriage serves to link the beta male to these women. Result? He is likely to face a lot more pressure from his wife to push further and further (bigger house, money for shopping, bigger cars), pressure he’d be less compelled to give in to as a carefree bachelor. Women are often a little less willing than the average guy to drop out of the consumer culture and generally more willing to invest deeply in it. By linking these women with devoted betas who are willing to provide at all costs, the game helps to keep men in the fold more firmly. If those men were on their own, they’d be far less likely to play.
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The presence of a wife will also make it more likely that more of his income goes into consumer purchases than it would on his own. Women do much of the shopping in these families, and thus control how much of total household income is spent. All of this is key to keeping the worker bee in line, and also ensuring that there will be more future worker bees (kids = much more money spent come Christmas time and many other occasions = even more indebted and dependent worker bees = profit).
In the case of divorce? The game has a simple solution: shift laws in women’s favor so as to guarantee that, more often than not, they will garner a larger sum of the male’s income (alimony, punitive child support, etc.). The game realizes that women are more prone on average to their message of consumerism, so it seeks to ensure that a decent sum of money still remains in their hands in all scenarios.
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Thus, the sexual marketplace is geared to create more married, beta males and, in doing so, shift a larger portion of the nation’s money supply into the direct or indirect control of those more likely to spend it (women). The game needs devoted, married betas in order to work, and they’re the main force holding it all together. If too many men start going their own way and forgoing marriage (and the expensive duties now intimately linked to the institution), the game might lack for players.
Will enough of the male population remain invested in order to keep everything going? This remains to be seen.
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Why Learn English in Hong Kong?
Is it necessary to learn English in Hong Kong? Well, it depends who you talk to and who you are talking about. 
If you’re talking to a local Hong Kong person they’d probably tell you that it’s very important if not vital for them to learn English. 
If you’re suggesting to a foreigner that it is necessary to learn English in Hong Kong and that it is a great alternative location to further their English studies, they might raise a skeptical eyebrow. 
It just depends where in the world they are from and their knowledge of this great world city.
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Should Locals Learn English In Hong Kong?
Firstly, English is one of Hong Kong's official languages, so for a local to not be able to speak English is at times frowned upon. 
Secondly, from a very young age Hong Kong children are strongly encouraged to work hard at their English studies with a view, for those who can afford it, to eventually studying at a Western university. 
Thirdly, the level at which you are able to communicate in English can have a significant impact on your job prospects. 
" Not Everyone In Hong Kong Speaks English"
It would be inaccurate to say that everyone in Hong Kong can speak English well. On the contrary, many do not - or at best, have very limited English communication skills. 
However, a lot do, and the vast majority strive to various degrees to improve their level of English throughout their lives, with good reason:
" Learning English in Hong Kong is a great career move!"
If you are a Hong Kong local and plan on having a future in any type of business, particularly if you want to do business which extends beyond Hong Kong and China, it is advisable to learn English and master it to a level where you can communicate your thoughts and ideas with ease. 
Likewise, if you aspire to a future within either the Government, or legal and medical professions - as many do - you'll find that the English language is as widely used in those circles as it in the business world.
Similarly, the Hong Kong tourism industry expects you to have a good command of English. 
Indeed, in 2010 Hong Kong received a record high of 36 million visitors from around the world. Perhaps you can imagine how many of those visitors were English speakers who rightly expect Hong Kong (which boasts of being a major world city) citizens to be able to communicate adequately in English? 
It's safe to say that learning English in Hong Kong is a good career move! You may also want to study English in Hong Kong if you, like numerous Hong Kongers, wish to study abroad in one of many renowned universities in either the UK, the USA, Canada or Australia. 
There is a lot of competition for university places these days and applicants are required to have a high standard of English as well as good grades in their chosen subjects.
Foreign Students Study English in Hong Kong
If you have ever had the inkling to study English elsewhere in the world, some place new and exciting where you can explore a radically different culture, then perhaps you should consider Hong Kong. 
If you hail from the Asia Pacific region, studying English in Hong Kong can be a great alternative to more obvious countries in which to study English such the UK, US, Australia or Canada.
Basing yourself in Hong Kong will make it easier and cheaper to visit home on a more regular basis, which can be good not only for you but for your family. A short break home can do wonders for the soul and those homesick blues so often experienced by students studying abroad; and let's face it, wherever in the world you are from your parents will always miss you and worry about you.
Flights to anywhere in the Asia Pacific region from Hong Kong are relatively short as well as inexpensive making short breaks home to keep you and your folks in touch is easy.
On the other hand,  if you are not from the Asia Pacific region, why on earth would you want to travel all the way to Hong Kong to study or to learn English, apart from the fact that you will be immersed into a completely new culture?
Excellent Hong Kong Language Schools
Well, first of all, you can be sure that you will find some very reputable international English schools. 
Similarly, there are many excellent Hong Kong Language Schools, which, by and large, employ well qualified, native-speaker teaching staff. 
English is one of the official languages of Hong Kong and, perhaps due to its colonial past, this great city has strong historic ties to the UK. 
This could have something to do with the popularity of educational establishments at which you can further your studies or even start to learn English.
Hong Kong Is Safe
What's more, unlike various other renowned places in the world, Hong Kong happens to be one of the safest cities on Earth, even at night, when people generally walk alone with confidence. 
Furthermore, it is very rare that Hong Kong visitors are scammed or harmed in any way by locals.
October 11th, 2019 update:
Protests and violence have caused much of the Central area of the city to shutter, including MTR, Starbucks and other common areas. Most protest violence is in Wan Chai and Causeway Bay and is expected to continue through the weekend.
Protestors are targeting any and all Chinese businesses and have set fire to metro stations. Be advised that leisure travel to Hong Kong in the near term is likely not a great idea, as unrest has spread to a tipping point where restaurants, bars and other tourist friendly businesses are closed.
Hong Kong is in the midst of change, as China seeks to gain a stronger political grip on the special administrative region, which puts the SAR in Hong Kong’s official title. Recent government proposals to extend Beijing’s power to Hong Kong have caused outrage amongst locals and outrage has lead to large scale protests around government buildings and an expanding range of the city, including the airport.
Naturally, all of the above has people wondering if it’s safe to visit Hong Kong right now.The short answer: mostly yes, but the situation is worsening and with new emergency powers in place, things could get worse as tensions rise.
If you’re coming for tourism or relaxation purposes, you may now want to reconsider travel if it involves the Central district. Many businesses are closed and all metro stations have also shuttered as violence and destruction are now more widespread.
So Is It Really Safe To Visit Hong Kong?
Hong Kong is one of the safer cities in the world, with low crime rates and excellent standards of medicine and healthcare, even with current unrest. With that said, this situation doesn’t seem as if it will come to a close anytime soon.  
Unless you’re planning to join the protests, Hong Kong should still be safe for visitors, although clearly much less enjoyable than usual. A Level 2 warning from the United States State Department means they equivocate all the action in Hong Kong to be of a similar level of caution as daily life in London, or Rome.  
Basically, be on alert, but no one is saying not to go. That’s up to you.
Source: https://www.godsavethepoints.com/is-it-safe-to-visit-hong-kong/
Cheap Accommodation in Hong Kong Is Possible
When it comes to the living arrangements, chances are that you will find some very reasonably priced accommodation that will leave you with more than enough money to go out and explore the marvels that Hong Kong has to offer when you are not studying English. The same cannot be said of many other cities around the world.
Most hotels are located close to the harbour in Central, Wan Chai, Causeway Bay and North Point on Hong Kong Island and in Tsim Sha Tsui (TST), Tsim Sha Tsui East and Hung Hom in Kowloon, as well as the bustling areas of Yau Ma Tei and Mong Kok.
" If you find the right Hong Kong language school they will have a student accommodation service where they will find you clean, safe and affordable accommodation whilst you are studying in Hong Kong.
If you find the right Hong Kong language school they will have a student accommodation service where they will find you clean, safe and affordable accommodation whilst you are studying in Hong Kong. (Some also offer a student visa service which you will likely need if you intend to stay there for any length of time. My understanding is that you need to study at least 15 hours a week to be able to apply for a Hong Kong study visa.)
" Hong Kong Island is relatively small, so students are never too far from shopping areas and major attractions. What's more, getting around is simple, with cheap public transport easily accessible wherever you stay."
Hong Kong Attractions & Public Transport
Hong Kong Island is relatively small, so students are never too far from shopping areas and major attractions.  What's more, getting around is simple, with cheap public transport easily accessible wherever you stay. There are trams, taxis and buses everywhere and very modern rail networks (known as the MTR and the KCR). Arriving at Hong Kong's international airport is also a delight. It's modern, very spacious and very efficient. Some Hong Kong language schools will even meet you at the airport.
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deniscollins · 4 years
For Millions Deep in Student Loan Debt, Bankruptcy Is No Easy Fix
Bankruptcy gives over 700,000 debtors a fresh start every year. Bills for credit cards and medical expenses can be wiped away by a few strokes of a judge’s pen, and debts that don’t vanish are reduced. But student loan debts don’t go away as easily. For decades, politicians have slowly made them harder to discharge. If you had a large student loan debt that was extremely difficult to payoff due to losing your job, would you: (1) try negotiating a deal with the lender to delay paying the loan or (2) declare bankruptcy to significantly reduce the amount owed? Why? What are the ethics underlying your decision?
With two mortgages, three children and $83,000 in student loan debt, the financial strain finally became too much for George A. Johnson and Melanie Raney-Johnson.
New bills kept piling up: The couple had to buy another car when Mr. Johnson wrecked one in a snowstorm, but their insurance didn’t fully pay off the totaled vehicle. Old debts never seemed to get any smaller, either: A mortgage modification they spent months working on fell through when the bank lost their paperwork.
And their student debt, an albatross born of aspiration, grew heavier each month.
Bankruptcy was the only way out.
“It was not an easy decision,” Ms. Raney-Johnson said of filing for bankruptcy in 2011. “It was a feeling of despair, for sure.”
Bankruptcy gives over 700,000 debtors a fresh start every year. Bills for credit cards and medical expenses can be wiped away by a few strokes of a judge’s pen, and debts that don’t vanish are reduced.
But student loan debts don’t go away as easily. For decades, politicians have slowly made them harder to discharge, while differing standards in courts across the country mean a debtor’s chances can depend on where he or she lives.
The few debtors who attempt it are subjected to a morality play unlike anything else in the world of personal finance: so-called adversary proceedings, where they must lay themselves bare in court as opposing lawyers question how much they pay for lunch or give to their church.
The Johnsons tried anyway. They had borrowed about $45,000 for Mr. Johnson’s degree in sociology at the University of St. Mary in Kansas and Ms. Raney-Johnson’s pursuit of a bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Davis. Unable to pay, they had received permission to put off their payments, but their balance nearly doubled as interest charges continued to pile up.
Mr. Johnson lost his job after they filed for bankruptcy and, unable to afford a lawyer, Ms. Raney-Johnson prepared their case. She remembers how she felt when they arrived at the Robert J. Dole Federal Courthouse in Kansas City, Kan., on a sunny September day seven years ago.
“My heart was beating, and I was sweating,” said Ms. Raney-Johnson, now in her mid-40s and a billing supervisor for a federal agency.
In 2015, the year the Johnsons got their ruling, 884,956 personal bankruptcy cases flowed through the courts. Only 674 sought to discharge student debt, according to a recent analysis by Jason Iuliano, assistant law professor at Villanova University.
The New York Times reviewed dozens of cases in which a judge issued a published opinion — the Bankruptcy Class of 2015 — to understand the pains and payoffs five years later. Some debtors are on a better course. But for others, the struggles never went away — or came back after they thought they were free.
Rising Costs, Rising Debts
Bankruptcy begins with debt, and student loans are the second-biggest form of household debt in the United States. More than 43 million borrowers hold over $1.6 trillion in student loans, a sum that has more than tripled in 13 years. It exceeds what Americans owe on credit cards or auto loans and trails only mortgages.
Sixty-two percent of students who graduated from nonprofit colleges in 2019 had student loan debt, according to an Institute for College Access & Success analysis. Their average balance was $28,950 — not including borrowing by their parents.
Many struggle mightily to pay: Before the government’s coronavirus relief efforts paused federal student loan payments, 7.7 million borrowers were in default and nearly two million others were seriously behind.
The solution has been a public-policy patch job.
About eight million additional borrowers use income-driven repayment plans, which can be challenging to enter. And while the plans lower payments, borrowers accrue interest on the unpaid difference. The debt is eventually forgiven — usually after 20 or 25 years — but the forgiven amount is taxable income.
A related program forgives the federal student loan debts of public-service workers, tax free, after 10 years, but it has been deeply troubled. Borrowers have made payments for years only to learn they were in the wrong kind of payment plan. It got so bad that Congress had to create a separate pot of money to try to fix it.
The election could give momentum to a change: President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. — who supported a 2005 law that made private student loans harder to discharge — has vowed to change the loan rule back if elected. But few Republicans have voiced support for a plan to change bankruptcy rules. A House bill has one Republican co-sponsor, Representative John Katko of New York, but the Senate’s version, led by Senator Richard J. Durbin of Illinois, has only Democratic support.
All the student debt poses a problem. Its weight, experts say, has macroeconomic effects, dragging on homeownership and small-business formation. But the fallout goes beyond simple economics.
There is also a mental toll.
‘No Way Out’
Noelle DeLaet earned a bachelor of fine arts degree from Nebraska Wesleyan University in 2008 — the teeth of the Great Recession. She tacked on another year for a degree in English to make herself more attractive to employers. Perhaps in publishing, she thought.
She left school with $110,000 in debt: roughly $27,000 from the federal government and the rest in private loans co-signed by her mother. The $810 monthly bill, set to climb when the payment plan on one private loan expired, soon overwhelmed her.
Ms. DeLaet, now 34, landed in the child welfare field as a foster care review specialist in Lincoln, Neb. — rewarding, but not lucrative. She sent out hundreds of résumés for better-paying jobs and pleaded with her lenders to reduce her payments. Soon, the creditors started in on her mother and put her on the verge of bankruptcy, too.
Ms. DeLaet’s breaking point came in May 2012 when she ran up against the $4,000 limit on her credit card while trying to buy a burrito at a Mexican grocery. She felt so helpless at times that she considered suicide.
“I looked all over Google for some sort of support group for others going through this,” Ms. DeLaet said. “I felt like there was no way out.”
When Ms. DeLaet squared off in court against her student-loan creditors, they quibbled with the $12 she spent each month on recycling. She should have tried harder for a promotion, they argued. Or moved somewhere else for more money.
Judge Thomas L. Saladino bristled at that idea. In his opinion, he wrote that she lived in the state’s second-largest city, “as good a place as any to seek a better-paying job.”
The judge discharged about $119,000 in private loans, and an additional $23,000 was forgiven by one of her lenders. But her $27,000 in federal loans stuck: She’s paying those back through an income-driven repayment plan costing about $260 a month. Because she works at a nonprofit, her debt should eventually disappear via the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program.
For Ms. DeLaet, the process was worth it: She has married her boyfriend, had two children and bought a home. Her mother is an “amazing” grandmother, she said, although they still cannot discuss the past.
“It is an untouchable subject,” she said.
Rumors and Rules
The transformation in the bankruptcy rules began in 1976, with unfounded rumors.
A handful of legislators claimed to have heard about a parade of young doctors and lawyers who were trying to game the system and shed their debts while embarking on lucrative careers. The lawmakers toughened the rules, largely preventing borrowers from seeking a discharge within five years of graduation. The rules only got tougher over the next three decades.
Borrowers must show that their student loans are an “undue hardship” — a standard interpreted differently, depending on where you live. Some judicial circuits, including those in Nebraska, where Ms. DeLaet filed, have the judge review a “totality of the circumstances” for the debtor and make a decision.
Other jurisdictions employ a less flexible standard, the Brunner test, named for the case that established it. Judges must answer three questions affirmatively to discharge the debt. First, has the debtor made a good-faith effort to repay the loans? Second, is the debtor unable to maintain a minimal standard of living while making the payments? And, finally, is the debtor’s situation likely to persist?
But even jurisdictions that use the Brunner test apply it differently. Some require the judge to find that the borrowers have a “certainty of hopelessness” in paying off their debt. Other jurisdictions do not.
Here, the Johnsons may have benefited from geographic good fortune.
‘Virtual Lifetime Servitude’
Lawyers for the Educational Credit Management Corporation — a nonprofit that collects defaulted loans on behalf of the federal government — examined how the Johnsons spent their $2,100 monthly income.
Every expense was scrutinized, including Ms. Raney-Johnson’s $35 monthly union dues, her $100 retirement contribution and $215 to repay loans from her retirement plan. None, the nonprofit’s lawyers argued, were necessary to maintain a “minimal standard of living.”
In his opinion — written more than a year after hearing arguments — Judge Robert D. Berger disagreed. He wrote that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit, which covers Kansas, had shifted from the most rigid interpretation of the three-part test, which he described as “an unfortunate relic.”
Judge Berger wasn’t sure how the Johnsons were subsisting at all based on their income, and he said courts shouldn’t rely on “unfounded optimism” about a debtor’s future.
“It is disconsonant with public policy and bankruptcy’s fresh start to leave debtors in virtual lifetime servitude to student loans,” he wrote.
The judge discharged their student loans: $83,000 in debt, wiped away.
“I was ecstatic,” Ms. Raney-Johnson said of the moment she received the decision letter. “I probably said some curse words.”
Their good fortune didn’t last.
Laughs Over Lunches
Opposing lawyers — whether they work for the federal government or for private lenders — are tenacious. Their approach can feel like bullying, if not humiliation.
When Pamela Monroe went to an Arkansas bankruptcy court in 2015, she was 57 with a student-loan balance of about $56,000. She was working in the fragrance section of a Dillard’s department store, and her lunch habits — like $6.10 at Taco Bell and $12.72 at Olive Garden — were a focus of intense interest.
Eating out, Ms. Monroe testified, was her primary form of recreation and a midday necessity: Co-workers would sometimes steal colleagues’ lunches from the break room.
“They laughed about that when I told them,” she said. “I felt at that moment like I was a cornered animal and they were poking sticks at me.”
Ms. Monroe said she had spent her life making choices that others seemed to dictate — marrying two years out of high school and becoming a mother, as her parents seemed to want. After two divorces, she reached for higher education in a bid for independence.
She graduated from the University of Arkansas-Fort Smith with a communications degree and pursued a master’s in speech language pathology. She didn’t finish that program, leaving her with the debt but not the advanced degree. And she couldn’t seem to break out of low-paying work.
“I would have loved to pay them back,” Ms. Monroe said. “But I never could, because nobody ever saw any value in me.”
Judge Ben Barry found Ms. Monroe’s restaurant spending excessive, but noted that she had changed jobs frequently seeking higher pay. Her income, he wrote in his opinion, about doubled between 2010 and 2015, to over $26,000.
But even a reduced budget he outlined would not leave her enough money to make her student loan payments, so he discharged just over half of her student loans.
She would most likely have been paying that off until she was in her 80s. But last year, Ms. Monroe, now 63 and dealing with osteoarthritis and other health problems, received a disability discharge for the rest of her debt.
Now all she wants to do is live out her days in her $510-a-month apartment in a retirement community. “It has a sprinkler system and an elevator, very safe,” she said.
But she hasn’t stopped thinking about the way the system and its actors — like the lawyer on the opposite side in her case — seemed to render judgment on her life choices.
“I didn’t do anything wrong,” she said. “I was just living, but I got in trouble for eating.”
Back to Haunt Them
In 2016, the Johnsons learned their loan discharge was being appealed by lawyers for Educational Credit Management Corporation.
Paradoxically, they were worse off because their financial situation had improved: Ms. Raney-Johnson earned a promotion, and Mr. Johnson, now in his mid-40s like his wife, found a stable government job. A year after discharging their loans, Judge Berger concluded that the couple could now “easily” maintain a minimal standard of living and reinstated their debt — which had ballooned even more because of interest charges.
Preparing to send their own children to college, the Johnsons requested another forbearance. Their balance continues to grow: It’s roughly $104,000 today.
Ms. Raney-Johnson took the final class she needed for her biology degree over the summer. But the debt was already piling up for the next generation. Their oldest, a college sophomore, expects to owe about $45,000 when she graduates. Their middle child, a high school senior, is looking at colleges now. Ms. Raney-Johnson said she and her husband — who are putting about $5,000 a year toward their daughter’s tuition — would try to remain in forbearance for now.
In August, they received a notice about an income-driven repayment plan, which would start out costing about $550 a month. From there, the cost depends on many factors, including job changes, raises and eligibility for forgiveness programs. If they’re able to get into the public service program, the debt could go away a decade after they start paying. If not, the bills could continue coming for about 20 years — right around the time the Johnsons will be trying to retire.
The experience, Ms. Raney-Johnson said, has been “disheartening.” She and her husband had run up against opposition that could keep going with little regard for time or expense, knowing that they couldn’t.
“It feels like getting screwed over by someone with a lot more power and money,” she said.
0 notes
rajpersaud · 4 years
How To Think Like Shakespeare - Scott Newstok discusses his new book
Scott Newstok teaches literature of the English Renaissance as well as film, rhetoric, education, lyric poetry, and the humanities. In 2012 Professor Newstok received the Campus Life Award for Outstanding Faculty Member and in 2016 he received the Clarence Day Award for Outstanding Teaching. Before joining the Rhodes faculty in 2007, Professor Newstok earned his doctorate from Harvard University, taught at Oberlin College, Amherst College, and Gustavus Adolphus College, and held the Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the Humanities at Yale University Library′s Special Collections.
Dr. Newstok has published five books: a scholarly edition of Kenneth Burke′s Shakespeare criticism; a collection of essays on Macbeth and race (co-edited with Ayanna Thompson); a monograph on early modern English epitaphs; an edition of Michael Cavanagh's Paradise Lost: A Primer (CUAP 2020); and How to Think Like Shakespeare (Princeton, 2020). Newstok′s work has been recognized by grants and fellowships from the American Philosophical Society, the Folger Shakespeare Library, the Institute for Research in the Humanities, the Marco Institute, the Mellon Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Humanities Center, and the Newberry Library.
Newstok is the Founding Director of the Pearce Shakespeare Endowment and is a board member of Opera Memphis, Beth Sholom Synagogue, and the Libertas School of Memphis. He previously served as Co-Director (with Dr. Judith Haas) of Postgraduate Scholarships, Humanities faculty member of the Rhodes Board of Trustees, President of Rhodes′ Phi Beta Kappa chapter, and trustee of Humanities Tennessee, the state chapter of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Prof. Newstok's Website
Book projects
Orson Welles, Shakespeare, and Race, supported by a fellowship from the Folger Shakespeare Library
Duluth in Mind, on the place of the Zenith City within the American cultural imagination
Twinomials: "Residual Bilingualism and Philological Citizenship in English Renaissance Literature," supported by a fellowship from the American Philosophical Society
How to Think Like Shakespeare: Lessons from a Renaissance Education (Princeton University Press, 2020).
"Insightful and joyful, this book is a masterpiece. It invokes and provokes rather than explains. It reminds rather than lectures. It is different than any book I have ever read. And it works. Drawing on the past in the best sense of the term, it reminds us that we are part of a long tradition. Few books make the case for liberal education as creatively as this one does."—Johann N. Neem, author of What's the Point of College? Seeking Purpose in an Age of Reform
"Ranging widely from the classics right up to the present with apt quotations, all in service of ideas we lose at our peril, How to Think like Shakespeare winningly blends respect for tradition with thoughtful steps toward a more equitable society. It is the work of a Renaissance man in both senses."—Robert N. Watson, author of Cultural Evolution and Its Discontents: Cognitive Overload, Parasitic Cultures, and the Humanistic Cure
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        5 Shakespeare Scholars on the Past, Present, and Future of Theater Amid COVID-19
In Honor of the Bard's 456th Birthday
  By Literary Hub
April 23, 2020
  It’s strange to think that on the day we began contemplating a roundtable to mark William Shakespeare’s 456th birthday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo created a containment zone in the city of New Rochelle, formerly the epicenter of the state’s coronavirus outbreak. We were on the eve of the pandemic declaration and approaching the day Broadway would go dark for the first time since 9/11. It became apparent that just as the death toll would rise, so too would there be consequences for the social and cultural fabrics that bind us to one another.
Briefly, the prospect of a conversation centered on the Bard seemed, at best, like a convenient escape. But the following discussion, between five scholars who have devoted their careers situating Shakespeare alongside issues of performance, education, identity, partisanship and more, feels uniquely primed to our moment. It is an essential guide to the possible futures of our collective engagement with theater.
    Scott Newstok (author of How to Think Like Shakespeare) moderated this discussion with Emma Smith (This is Shakespeare), James Shapiro (Shakespeare in a Divided America), Jeffrey Wilson (Shakespeare and Trump), and Vanessa Corredera, who is currently at work on a book about adaptations of Othello. I hope you gain as much from their vibrant dialogue as I did.
–Aaron Robertson, Assistant Editor
Scott Newstok: I suppose we have to start with our inescapable moment: social distancing policies have led to cancellations of public gatherings, and we’re now all teaching remotely. Artistic companies have gone dark; some worry whether they can survive the coming months.
Are there any precedents for this fraught moment in theater history—whether in the UK, the United States, or elsewhere?
James Shapiro: If plague closures in Elizabethan and Jacobean England hold any lessons for us, it’s that theater is precarious, actors and companies are vulnerable. Many wonderful companies will go under, as talented ones did in Shakespeare’s day. Airlines are sure to get a bailout; I doubt that theaters will, though they will need it just as badly.
  Jeffrey Wilson: English theaters closed due to plague outbreaks between 1592 and 1594. So Shakespeare, as he was launching a career in drama, took some time to write poetry. That poetry was very dramatic, and his later drama very poetic. A lot of teachers with campuses closed due to the coronavirus are undergoing a different shift. They’re wondering how their physical classrooms will transfer into online settings. I’ll be very curious to see, six months from now, how our experiences with online teaching transfer back into our physical classrooms. 
    Emma Smith: It’s hard to imagine an equivalent. I’ve seen people comparing the situation in the UK to the situation during the Second World War, only for our seniors to say that they spent much of the war in theaters and dance halls. I’ve been interested to revisit the old chestnut about early modern companies releasing scripts for publication when the theaters were closed, in light of the National Theatre London and the Royal Shakespeare Company releasing their live screenings during the lockdown. 
Vanessa Corredera: I share concern over the vulnerability of the arts during this time, especially since the powers that be (at least for the moment) do not seem interested in what would be a modern version of patronage—by that I mean extending monetary and structural support to the arts. I also think our current situation continues to spotlight issues of access and theater. For instance, many people (my family included) cannot access Shakespeare on the stage on a regular basis because of prohibitions ranging from locale to time to finances. 
All of sudden, out of necessity, artistic institutions are turning to streaming, for which I and others are very grateful. This decision opens up a new audience for these performances. What remains to be seen is not only which institutions will be able to weather the storm, but also, how the effects of
  their changes in mode inform their decisions regarding audience and accessibility moving forward. 
  JS: I’d only add that King James I provided Shakespeare’s company with “a gift” in “the time of infection” when theaters were closed in early 1604, and then again in 1608, 1609, and 1610. We’ll see if the governments of Donald Trump and Boris Johnson will be as generous to the arts.
JW: Vanessa makes such a good point—this difficult episode has shown that artistic institutions have the desire, ingenuity, and infrastructure to use technology to make art freely accessible to people who aren’t able to make it to a show in New York or London. And wouldn’t it be wonderful to see initiatives like those continue after the current emergency subsides? But that costs money. I suppose the question is: Would it be possible to develop a born-digital version of the Public Theater’s Mobile Unit? A Digital Unit? 
JS: I work at the Public Theater and am closely involved with the Mobile Unit, which has had to put its upcoming and dazzling production of
  Cymbeline on hold. I can tell you that there are no plans for a born-digital version of the production, which tours prisons and other facilities in and around New York. But one thought I’ve had of late—as odd as it might sound—is to enlist actors who have already had the virus and have developed immunity so they can rehearse and create a taped version of a production and be poised to perform publicly once a vaccine makes it possible for the rest of us to attend shows safely.
  JW: Perhaps one historical analogy could be the world wars of the 20th century. A Google Ngram suggests that Shakespeare’s popularity declined—along with interest in other arts, I have to imagine—during the wartime years. But then the post-war periods saw big rebounds in interest in Shakespeare. Perhaps some post-war theaters might provide models for how today’s theaters can respond to the inevitable thirst for art, reflection, and human connection that will come after social distancing subsides. 
  ES: That’s so fascinating that interest in Shakespeare declined during those periods. I think that streamed theater productions will be wonderful for those who already include Shakespeare in their cultural life. For new audiences, it might not be as easy to make a space for those amid all the other digital offerings.
    Most likely begun in the plague-free summer or autumn of 1605, King Lear was almost surely not written during an outbreak of plague.
SN: You all have probably seen social media posts along the lines of “When Shakespeare was in quarantine, he wrote King Lear” (some citing Jim’s The Year of Lear). There’s cold comfort in recalling that some artists have flourished during prior outbreaks. What other kinds of solace can we derive reading Shakespeare now? 
JS: It’s maddening that my book was misread in that way. Most likely begun in the plague-free summer or autumn of 1605, King Lear was almost surely not written during an outbreak of plague (though Lear horrifically calls Goneril a “plague-sore”). What I actually wrote was that the return of plague in late 1606 led to theater closures, and a remarkable season at the Globe—that included
  King Lear, Macbeth, Volpone, and The Revenger’s Tragedy—ended prematurely, once weekly plague deaths rose to above 30 or so. 
  That said, all of Shakespeare’s Jacobean plays, from Measure for Measure through Coriolanus, were written during or not long after yet another outbreak of plague, which struck London repeatedly (if not always as punishingly) from 1603-10.
ES: It’s interesting that “solace” hasn’t really been what we have looked for in Shakespeare—or in literary texts more generally—for some time. I remember A.D. Nuttall saying something in the preface to Why Does Tragedy Give Pleasure to the effect that we used to praise work by saying it was comforting, but now the greatest praise is to say it is discomforting, or something similar. 
    And now that we need solace, perhaps we will need to return to some less disquieting interpretations of the plays. The great solace I think we could get is the solace of concentrating over something knotty and rewarding. Most people I know feel their ability to focus has been really challenged by the current circumstances. 
VC: While I love Shakespeare, I don’t think his works are particularly unique in their ability to provide solace, at least not any more so than other literature that may speak to our affective needs right now. If we are even seeking solace—which Emma interestingly challenges—the beauty of Shakespeare’s language might provide it, but so might the familiarity of the barnyard animals as I read Charlotte’s Web each night to my son, or the complexity people experience upon finally reading that long novel they’ve been putting off. 
    SN: All of you have worked with digital mediations of Shakespeare, whether Emma’s podcasts, Jim’s recorded lectures, Vanessa’s scholarship on Serial, or Jeff’s extensive online resources. What’s one bit of advice you would offer about teaching remotely? 
ES: It doesn’t need to be perfect. And it doesn’t need to be synchronous—that adds stress with technology. Recording things people can play in their own time has worked for me. 
VC: I agree with Emma. Also, since we lose community by being asynchronous, lean into online experiences that help form virtual communities. Encourage students to engage with these digital meditations of Shakespeare—like Patrick Stewart reading Shakespeare’s sonnets—and then participate in an online forum, thoughtful debates in comments, or a Twitter discussion (like #ShakeRace). 
JW: Vanessa’s point about the possible loss of community is so important. It’s been a big challenge for me. I’ve tried to think very deliberately about how to maintain those connections that students make in the little conversations before class, and the fun we have when we jump into an impromptu performance of a scene. They’re called “plays” for a reason: this is supposed to be fun. I’ve found it vital to spend valuable class time developing those moments and using things like group chats to keep the energy of the course strong. 
    SN: Parents are improvising schooling at home. Any suggestions for helping children engage with Shakespeare beyond their conventional classrooms? 
ES: I admire anyone who is improvising schooling as well as everything else right now, and I’d say, do what’s fun. That might be watching movie versions, or acting out scenes with Lego figures, or learning speeches to show off. I think we need to take whatever advantages there are here, but not to be overambitious! 
VC: As someone trying to homeschool and work right now, helping children engage with Shakespeare is not really on my radar! That said, my kindergartener is now around my work much more, which gives me an opportunity to explain who Shakespeare is and what he wrote or to pause a movie or clip and explain more about Shakespeare when he asks about what I’m doing. 
    JS: One of the initiatives we’re undertaking at the Public Theater is the Brave New Shakespeare Challenge. Every week a new passage will be posted, and we’re encouraging everyone—starting with schoolkids—to share a link with their performance of that speech, poem, or scene. It’ll be fun, and a necessary break from the boredom of quarantine.
VC: James, this sounds like a great initiative! 
SN: Shifting gears, Shakespeare is, exceptionally, the only author named in the Common Core. As secondary school curricula increasingly focus on contemporary prose, Shakespeareans find themselves in a discomfiting position: we teach a figure who is sometimes the solitary pre-20th century poet on the syllabus. Which of Shakespeare’s peers do you wish were assigned more often? (I, for one, love assigning Christopher Marlowe’s deceptively simple “
  Come Live with Me” ballad.) 
  It’s impossible to know what the world will be like in a year or so, once we’re all vaccinated for coronavirus. But it seems likely that theaters will suffer, schools and universities too.
ES: I also love “Come Live With Me”. Texts I enjoy—and my students too—include revenge tragedies by Thomas Kyd (The Spanish Tragedy) or Thomas Middleton (Revenger’s Tragedy). John Webster sometimes makes it onto our high school curriculum in the UK—some A Level students here study Duchess of Malfi. 
JS: Emma’s list dovetails with my own. I’d only add John Donne.
VC: Some of my non-Shakespearean favorites to teach are The Spanish Tragedy, almost anything by Marlowe (last term, it was Dr. Faustus), The Duchess of Malfi, and Elizabeth Cary’s The Tragedy of Mariam. I wish they were taught more so that we could see the different ways authors in the Elizabethan and Jacobean eras approach the same topics (revenge, race, gender, etc.), as well as identify the ideological and social concerns to which they return. 
    SN: Vanessa, you’re writing a book that examines adaptations of Shakespeare’s Othello. How did Shakespeare’s “Moor” come to be “American,” yet also “Global”? 
VC: In an essay on teaching Othello, Francesca Royster notes that it has become the play for thinking about race and Shakespeare in America. I think that’s because Othello taps into long-standing American stereotypes about black masculinity that a wide range of scholars on race in America identify. The work of Joyce MacDonald, Ayanna Thompson, and Robert Hornback, for example, shows how burlesque and blackface versions of Othello were key to reifying these stereotypes of black masculinity during Reconstruction. Othello is angry (the Brute), he endangers and then murders white femininity, and by the end of the play, he threatens the white social order (the Nat). I’m interested in thinking about what has to happen to Othello to make it an anti-racist play.
In Citing Shakespeare, Peter Erickson also calls Othello Shakespeare’s global emissary, pointing to the way the play and character speak beyond America. Issues of race, otherness, religion, and anti-blackness aren’t distinctly American problems.
  Ambereen Dadabhoy’s and Dennis Britton’s respective work, for instance, aptly highlights the importance of religion, specifically Islam and issues of conversion, when intepreting Othello. I don’t want to suggest that Othello’s narrative is universal so much as it’s easily adaptable. As Kim F. Hall remarks regarding Othello, “one of the gifts Shakespeare gave us is the ability to use his texts to talk about the modern world,” including issues of race, sexuality, and status that appear in the play. 
  JW: Vanessa, if you were to swap a scholarly hat for a creative one, how might you do Othello to achieve that anti-racist aspect that you describe? 
VC: I get asked this question so often, and I think I always provide such haphazard and inadequate answers. My responses reveal my vexed relationship to this play. The most hope for an anti-racist version of Othello, I believe, remains with creators willing to let go of Othello almost entirely. One example is Keith Hamilton Cobb’s American Moor. In the play, the unnamed African American actor auditioning for the role of Othello weaves together the threads of Shakespeare and authority, race in America, and the problems with American regional theater (among other topics) into a provocative, hopeful dialogue with the director he’s auditioning for, and the audience itself. 
    SN: Jeff, I know that in addition to your recent book Shakespeare and Trump you’ve been thinking about Shakespeare and stigma. Where do you find overlaps across your projects?  
JW: Literary works create contact zones for conversations spanning the centuries from the early modern period to today. Shakespeare—as both written text deeply shaped by the classical tradition, and living performance often acted and adapted today—is the most obvious example. Under a banner of better living through historicism, I study the past to better understand today’s ethical and political questions. Sometimes that means historicizing the modern manifestations of early-modern literature, as in Shakespeare and Trump. Other times it means using modern ideas to unpack early-modern texts and traditions, as in the “Stigma in Shakespeare”
  VC: Jeff, could you speak to what you see as at odds between historicism and presentism in Shakespeare studies? 
JW: Perhaps it goes back to Ben Jonson’s statement that Shakespeare was “not of an age, but for all time.” Shakespeare’s works—as both very old printed texts and plays often performed today—call for both historicism (“of an age”) and presentism (“for all time”). A historicism that doesn’t account for the present is as limited as a presentism that doesn’t account for the past. And this dynamic, which grows organically out of the multi-temporality of Shakespeare, provides a model for other fields of humanistic scholarship.
SN: Jim, you close Shakespeare in a Divided America with a guarded statement about Shakespeare’s future, which, you write, “seems as precarious as it has ever been in this nation’s history.” Have the crisis developments allayed or amplified your fears? 
In times of crisis, we tend to neglect Shakespeare’s poems in favor of his plays, which (rightly or wrongly) appear more readily amenable to contemporary concerns.
    JS: It’s impossible to know what the world will be like in a year or so, once we’re all vaccinated for coronavirus. But it seems likely that theaters will suffer, schools and universities too. Colleges will close, faculties will likely be downsized. When that happens, the study and performance of Shakespeare will suffer too. It would be nice to imagine people emerging from self-isolation eager for culture, but without government support, it’s likely that few companies will be back on their feet anytime soon.
  VC: I agree that it would be great if people emerge eager for culture, and I think they might! But if economic resources aren’t evenly distributed, and there’s no reason to think they will be, then the divide in America may only deepen, and the arts will be affected by that. 
JW: Jim, more broadly, could you predict the future for us: “what’s past is prologue,” etc. How might some of Shakespeare’s plays interact with the issues likely to exacerbate partisanship in America in the coming years—climate crisis, automation, tax code, public education, etc.? Any Shakespearean resonances you see?
    JS: I recently taught the opening scene of Coriolanus to my Columbia students and I couldn’t help imagining, while doing so, a grim future in America in which—given the scarcity of resources—protests and violence were once again a defining feature of our culture. Anyone who imagines higher education and the arts in America won’t be diminished for years to come will have to persuade me otherwise.  
SN: Emma, Shakespeare’s works seem prone to being “weaponized” in the US cultural sphere. Does such weaponization function differently in the United Kingdom?
ES: I learned so much from Jim’s book, and as I was reading it I wondered whether things would be similar in the British context. It’s been interesting to see in recent years the role of performed Shakespeare in ideological debates about so-called “color-blind” casting, or in arguments over casting women in male roles. Because it touches on ideas of cultural propriety, the question of who gets to perform Shakespeare may be our version of the weaponization that Jim interrogates so brilliantly.
    SN: In times of crisis, we tend to neglect Shakespeare’s poems in favor of his plays, which (rightly or wrongly) appear more readily amenable to contemporary concerns. Let’s conclude on a lyrical note: what’s your favorite Shakespearean sonnet, and why? What do you cherish about its formal details?
ES: Confession time: I find Shakespeare’s sonnets alienating. Difficult, yes, but that’s not the problem. To me they are just a touch onanistic—solipsistic, rebarbatively masculine. The space I find for myself or for alternative voices in Shakespeare’s plays I struggle to find there. I’ve been rereading Venus and Adonis, and thinking about it as the signature work for Shakespeare during his own lifetime. 
JW: I do a PSA in my classes every Valentine’s Day: be careful giving your beloved one of Shakespeare’s sonnets
   because they’re a lesson in toxic love. Nowhere is this better captured than in the lines that open Sonnet 138: “When my love swears that she is made of truth, / I do believe her, though I know she lies.” 
  That also captures the follow-the-leader partisanship we see right now in America, and later in the sonnet Shakespeare gives a good gloss of the audience that enables post-truth politics: “Simply I credit her false-speaking tongue: / On both sides thus is simple truth suppressed.” The closing couplet is a searing takedown of willful self-delusion—whether it’s in love or in politics: “Therefore I lie with her and she with me, / And in our faults by lies we flattered be.”
VC: At the risk of seeming much more sentimental than Emma or Jeff, I have a soft spot for Sonnets 29 (“When in disgrace with fortune and men’s eyes”) and 73 (“That time of year thou mayest in me behold”). 
I remember reading these sonnets in one of my first college English classes and being struck by the beautiful language of love and community in Sonnet 29, and the stunning imagery in Sonnet 73. As a novice major, I was excited that I could understand that symbolism! I’ve come a long way in my training and thinking, but those sonnets stay with me for very affective reasons. 
    JS: The Public Theater initiative I mentioned earlier just posted Sonnet 29 as its first selection, with Phylicia Rashad reciting it in English, Raúl Esparza in Spanish, and Steve Earle doing a beautiful musical version. If anyone is interested, add your own version!  
Check out this episode!
0 notes
leverage88 · 4 years
Dealing With The Student Debt Crisis
Karim Harouni
English 2010
Fish Burton
4 December 2019
Dealing With The Student Debt Crisis
Ever since I was a child, my loving parents taught me that to succeed in life I need to get a good education. As I finish my first semester of college it has become quite apparent that college is quite expensive. With increasing expenses such as tuition, room & board, transportation, and food, it makes sense as to why so many students are going into debt and are having a hard time paying it off. Some students may never be able to pay off all their loans as the amount of student debt in the U.S. has reached an all-time high of $1.5 trillion and it is still rising. Our nation, especially lower and middle-class families, is currently facing severe consequences from this crisis as student debt continues to become a predatory industry that is in desperate need of regulation. The nation is currently divided on how to solve this crisis, as countless politicians are trying to offer solutions to Congress that aren't being passed due to a lack of agreement. To find the right solutions for this problem, we first need to better understand all the crisis by answering basic questions. What is the student debt crisis? How did it start? Why is the national student debt an actual crisis? What are we doing to solve this issue and is it working? What can else can we do about this crisis? It is by answering these questions that we can make decisions that support everyone’s best interests.
The whole purpose of a student loan is so that a student who may not have enough money at the moment to pay for their education, can have the opportunity to eventually pay it off in the future after they start earning a higher income thanks to the career they received from earning their degree. While it can be assumed that the student debt crisis is defined as the continually rising student debt, but CEO and economist David Klein explained in an article for the business-oriented news website "Quartz"  that college tuition is the actual root of this crisis. As tuition continues to increase, many students are left with no other choice but to take out larger loans without the guarantee that they will get jobs that could earn them enough to manage their debt. David Klein continues to explain this point in his article stating “Some students are able to land jobs after graduation with salaries that justify the monthly student loan payments, but others are not able to do so, rendering their student loans a particularly heavy burden. (Klein, David. “The US Doesn't Have a Student Debt Problem. It Has a College Tuition Crisis.”) This has led to an unforeseen consequence of doubt in the education system. In a recent article by the Wall Street Journal, four out of 10 recent college graduates now have jobs that don’t even require a college degree (Mitchell, Josh. “The Long Road to the Student Debt Crisis.”) and because of this statistic, there are parts of our nation starting to re-evaluate the true cost of higher education and while others are beginning to question whether higher education is truly worth the risk of taking on debt that could follow them their entire lives.
To further our understanding of the student debt crisis we need to know its origin. Interestingly enough, the start of the debt crisis is part of a well-known piece of American history. The date was October 4th, 1957 when our world was completely changed. The Soviet Union had just launched the first artificial Earth satellite the world has ever seen named Sputnik. While this event was a momentous occasion for mankind and spoke well of our ingenuity as a species, the United States of America was in a panic. Compared to our Cold War rivals, our nation was lacking academically in science, technology, foreign languages, and every other subject at the time. It seemed impossible for the U.S. to catch up with the Soviets. In retaliation to Sputnik, Congress came together and passed the National Defense Education Act of 1958, also known as the "NDEA," which was the first time our nation started to offer federal loans and scholarships to encourage student enrollment. (National Defense Education Act of 1958, 85th Cong.) As we all know, the U.S. was the first to nation to ever land a man on the moon and college enrollment increase exponentially while the U.S continued to offer financial aid. 
Unfortunately, after nearly 70 years, we can see that student debts have only increased since passing the NDEA, and since the U.S continued to give loans to college students the Department of Education has become one of the largest banks in America in regards to loans. Since the Department of Education was meant to be a bank they instead have to outsource management to Loan Servicers. The comedian and internet talk show host, Hasan Minhaj, best describes these companies on an episode of his Netflix series “Patriot Act” as a part of a “multi-billion dollar predatory industry that ruins lives” and one of those companies is called Navient. They are one of the largest and worst debt collection companies in the nation and they have recently been accused of abusing military members, double-charging borrowers, and systematically misdirecting borrowers into types of forbearance. (“Student Loans.” Patriot Act With Hasan Minhaj. Netflix, Manhattan. 24 February 2019. Web Television) It was due to this dishonest practice from Navient that thousands of borrowers were disqualified from the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program, which offers public servants, which are people employed by Government organizations at any level (federal, state, local, or tribal), the opportunity to have their outstanding federal student loans forgiven if they meet the requirements. (Friedman, Zack. “How This New Navient Lawsuit Affects Your Student Loans: Q&A.”)  Companies like Navient are not the only problem with the student debt crisis as there are nearly fifteen states that maintains laws allowing for licenses (professional, medical, drivers, and hunting)  to be revoked for defaulting on federal or state education loan as well as other state-specific criteria. (Hentze-Jane, Iris, labor-and-employment/license-suspension-for-student-loan-defaulters.aspx) Many parents and students are suffering from the national student debt crisis as graduates move back home with their parents since it is too expensive to move out on their own, they cannot afford to get married or even start a family. (ONeil, Overcoming the Student Loan Crisis) 
In the past few years, more and more politicians have begun to make student debt a part of their policies. Vermont senator and Democratic presidential nominee, Bernie Sanders, is a big advocator for the student debt reforms. It is common to see Sanders on the debate stage or in interviews exclaiming that the student debt crisis is out of control and in April, 2017 Sen. Sanders introduced a bill called the College for All Act of 2017, where Sanders proposes several solutions to the crisis that includes; eliminating tuition for household that makes less than $125,000, lowering the interest rates for those who still need financial aid and keep them on a fixed loan rate, preventing the federal government from profiting off  of student loans, and even a dollar for dollar match for states “that provide extra funding to reduce the cost of college beyond eliminating tuition and fees. (College for All Act of 2017, S.806, 115th Cong.) Sanders is not the only politician asking for reforms. Fellow Democratic candidate Cory Booker's signature proposal is aimed at closing the racial wealth gap that could provide families with a new resource to pay for college. Mayor Pete Buttigieg has a slightly more conservative plan as he believes in making public college debt-free for low-income students through creating a state-federal partnership and combining it with an expansion in the Pell grant, which are already used to support low-income students to attend college. (Berman, Jillian. “Where the 2020 Candidates Stand on Student Debt and College Affordability.” MarketWatch,)Under his plan, middle-income families would pay zero tuition at public colleges. So while this crisis may seem hopeless at the moment, we need to remember that there are elected officials that are trying to protect our best interest and we need to be educated in these issues so we can select the right candidate.
Politicians and students are not the only ones trying to push for reforms on the student debt crisis. Author Anthony ONeal dedicates his career to help educating young adults to make smart decisions with their money, as it affects their relationships and education. ONeal relates with students burdened by student loans as he, himself, was homeless and deep in debt at the age of nineteen, but after making changes to his life he wrote a bestselling book called “ Graduate Survival Guide: 5 Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make in College” to help guide college students so they can avoid being crushed by student debt. Actor Michael Torpey currently hosts a show on TruTV called “Paid Off with Michael Torpey” where he gives three college graduates, all of whom have outstanding student debts, the opportunity to have their debts completely, if not partially, paid off if they answer questions correctly. In an interview with late-night talk show host Seth Meyers, Torpey explains that his show raises awareness for the student debt crisis and blames the government, the loan servicers, and the universities for causing this crisis. Torpey continued to tell Seth Meyers that when he talks about the show that it “is a very dumb way to pay for education.” (Episode June 19, Late Night with Seth Meyers) The funniest part about this is that the host himself thinks this event is a weird way to pay off student debt but it is still having a social impact as people are starting to learn about the crisis. These two men who have very different careers are still advocating for change and if they can do it, so can anyone else.
As the U.S. is working to resolve the student debt crisis, other first-world countries have their own solutions to the issue. When talking about student debt, policymakers think of Australia as an example of a nation that properly handles its debt. This is because Australia created its student loan program in 1989 to help charge tuition for public universities. Their program is meant to have borrowers pay a low-interest rate equal to inflation and no payments need to be made until the borrower starts earning a set amount and as they continue to earn more the rate rises so that the debt can be paid off sooner. (Ey, Carol Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) and other student loans: a quick guide, 2017)  Australia was able to implement this program by placing regulations such as limiting the number of students permitted and restricting loans to only four-year degrees and other advanced programs. Many economists believe that Australia could be on the brink of economic crisis of their due to removing restrictions and allowing federal loans to students undergoing training and other alternative education programs for careers that don’t necessarily earn enough pay off said loans (Delisle, Jason, and Alex Usher. “Australia's Student Loan Problem Is a Teachable Moment for the U.S.”) This led to loan servicers like Navient to enter the Australian market and continue to harm innocent people. Australia's plan wouldn't be very difficult to implement in America because it involves capping university seats so only some can attend college and the U.S. should be encouraging higher education and make it accessible for all.
 As much as everybody wants a simple cure-all solution there is more than just one single solution to the student debt crisis. The effective way to respond to the debt crisis is by having both short and long-term goals. The short-term goals are the little things that can be done at the moment that will slowly build to the long-term goals which are defined as the plans of higher difficulty and they will take a larger period of time to achieve. An example of a long-term plan would be Senator Bernie Sanders College for All Act of 2017 which has a lot of progressive policies that, while beneficial to everyone, Congress won't be able to be implemented everything overnight. After reviewing the causes and effects of student debt it seems like the small and simple things the U.S. can implement now are better financial education starting at a younger age. The reason why companies like Navient are able to mislead borrowers and cause them financial torment is due to the fact that borrowers don't necessarily know any better. We could do this by having high schools and universities introduce more aggressive courses that will not only educate students but also assist in applying for financial aid like scholarships and grants. By implementing these smaller policies it will help the nation progress into more progressive policies. The long-term goals for the nation should be to lower the tuition for public universities, at the very least, and place more regulation on loan servicers. Not everyone has to go to Yale or Harvard to get a good education and college is typically cheaper in-state so if the U.S. can lower the price of tuition of public universities, more people start attending school without the fear sinking into a monstrous debt and with more students, more money can go into these public institutions. By continuing to restrict loan servicers we can stop it from being a predatory industry. In order to make any of these changes in this nation, the public will have to come together and focus on want is most important and that is education. If the U.S does not decide to act then this crisis will only continue to get worse.
Berman, Jillian. “Where the 2020 Candidates Stand on Student Debt and College Affordability.” MarketWatch, 30 July 2019, www.marketwatch.com/story/where-the-2020-candidates-stand-on-student-debt-and-college-affordability-2019-02-20.
College for All Act of 2017, S.806, 115th Cong. (2017)
Delisle, Jason, and Alex Usher. “Australia's Student Loan Problem Is a Teachable Moment for the U.S.” Brookings, Brookings, 1 Mar. 2018, www.brookings.edu/research/australias-student-loan-problem-is-a-teachable-moment-for-the-u-s/.
Ey, Carol Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) and other student loans: a quick guide, 2017, https://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/pubs/rp/rp1617/Quick_Guides/HELP  
Friedman, Zack. “How This New Navient Lawsuit Affects Your Student Loans: Q&A.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 12 Oct. 2018, www.forbes.com/sites/zackfriedman/2018/10/11/student-loan-forgiveness-navient-questions/#6f365e262a07.
Hentze, Iris, and Jane Andrade. “License Suspension for Student Loan Defaulters.” License Suspension for Student Loan Defaulters, 2018, www.ncsl.org/research/labor-and-employment/license-suspension-for-student-loan-defaulters.aspx.
Klein, David. “The US Doesn't Have a Student Debt Problem. It Has a College Tuition Crisis.” 
Quartz, Quartz, 12 Sept. 2019, qz.com/1707593/were-thinking-about-the-student-debt-crisis-all-wrong/.
Mitchell, Josh. “The Long Road to the Student Debt Crisis.” The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones & Company, 7 June 2019, www.wsj.com/articles/the-long-road-to-the-student-debt-crisis-11559923730.
National Defense Education Act of 1958, 85th Cong.
ONeal, Anthony. “Overcoming the Student Loan Crisis.” Daveramsey.com, Dave Ramsey, 23 Sept. 2019, www.daveramsey.com/blog/student-loan-crisis.
“Student Loans.” Patriot Act With Hasan Minhaj. Netflix, Manhattan. 24 February 2019. Web Television
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labourpress · 7 years
Jeremy Corbyn speech ahead of the UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Jeremy Corbyn MP, Leader of the Labour Party speaking in Birmingham today, ahead of the UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on Wednesday 22nd March, said:  
I would like to start by thanking Race On The Agenda and the Runnymede Trust for hosting this event today.
And for all the work they do to highlight the issues that impact the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities in Britain.
Birmingham of course has a long race relations history.
It was in Birmingham almost 50 years ago, that the Conservative MP for Wolverhampton, Enoch Powell gave his notorious ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech. I remember it like it was yesterday as I was living in Jamaica at the time.  The outrage on the streets was palpable.
An evil appeal to racial hatred, made just a week before the Labour government's Race Relations Bill 1968, the first legislation in the country to prohibit racial discrimination.
And some of you will remember that it was in 1972, Stuart Hall, a Jamaican-born cultural theorist and political activist became the director of the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies at Birmingham University. I learned a lot from Stuart.
His writing on race, and identity, and the links between racial prejudice and the media in the 1970s, was certainly ground-breaking.
And of course, Birmingham's Handsworth, now a vibrant multi-ethnic commercial area, was rocked by unrest three decades ago following years of social injustice, poverty and racial inequality.
This coming Wednesday, the United Nations marks the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
So it’s particularly fitting for me to be here today to set our Labour’s vision on race equality and economic justice for Black, Asian and Minority Communities.
Labour is a party built on the values of social justice, equality, internationalism and human rights. That is why I have devoted my life to it.
Theresa May will tell you she wants a society that works for everyone. But friends, I and many others in the Labour party haven’t just talked the talk; we have walked the walk as well.
I have stood side by side with your communities, to campaign against Apartheid in South Africa, against increasing Islamophobia in this county against Racism and against anti-Semitism.
And under my leadership the Labour party will deliver a credible plan to break the racial injustices in our economy and social institutions.
Now more than ever, we need to celebrate the profound and enriching transformation that the diversity of people in this country, with all the different experiences, talents and contributions has brought.
And we are privileged to have this reflected in the mass membership of the Labour party, now the biggest political party in Western Europe.
In my constituency of Islington North, we are all made better by the dynamism of cultures and languages from Ghana, Somaliland, the Kurdish region, Ireland and many more.
Here in Birmingham, one of the most diverse cities in Europe, people have come to Britain from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
Birmingham is home to an elaborate variety of ethnic and religious communities:
Kashmiri Pakistanis in Sparkbrook. Bengali Muslims in Perry Barr. Hindus in Sutton Coldfield.
Britain wouldn't be the place it is today, people living and working together side by side, without the contribution of Black and Asian communities.
Following the Windrush Generation of 1948, it was the help of African- Caribbean communities that kept the nation moving.  And of course many who came before then.
Asian people in the industrial cities like Leicester and Bradford were recruited to work the night shift when Britain retooled its textile industry after the Second World War.
Today, Britain has the world’s sixth-biggest economy – no mean feat for a small island nation you might think...
That’s partly about inventiveness and organisation, and it’s also the legacy of immigration and an exploitative relationship with poorer nations as an imperial power. The echoing voices of Empire two point zero from this government are rightly making BME people feel very unsettled.
Labour rejects a post-Brexit Britain based on trade deals that profit from the exploitation of the world’s fragile economies.
We remember the great British heroine, the late Mary Seacole, originally born in Jamaica, who set up the “British Hotel” during the Crimean War, providing care for wounded servicemen on the battlefield.
Over 150 years later, and without the contribution of your communities, our health service would struggle to survive.
The NHS was established the same year as Windrush docked. It's our most cherished national institution.
NHS England figures in 2015 show that nearly one in five of all staff were from ethnic minority backgrounds, with over two in five NHS doctors from a non-white group.
And the Tories are squeezing the NHS dry, as they hand over chunks of it to their friends in the private sector, just as they refuse entry to desperate refugees, and allow the migrants, who keep the health service going, to be demonised.
Your communities also play an important role in our civil service, local government and voluntary sector.
Today Black and Asian owned businesses are an important and growing feature of our economy and society.
These businesses are important not just because of their financial contribution; they have also helped transform particular sectors of the economy and in the regeneration of inner-city areas like Birmingham.
In the wake of the Brexit decision, it is vitally important, that we value, celebrate and protect our diverse society.
And that includes the 3 million EU nationals who live and work here, and who have made lives, have families, friends and colleagues here and so are connected to many millions more of us.
Equality is the central bedrock of Labour’s values, and that message must be heard loud and clear, particularly in the current political climate.
However, the challenges remain stark.
It’s indefensible that in Britain today, if you’re Black or Asian you are more likely to be living in poverty than if you’re white.
And that young black men have experienced the worst long-term employment and economic outcomes in generations.
Or the fact that women of Bangladeshi and Pakistani origin are less than half as likely to be employed compared with rates for other women.
How can it be just or fair that black people with degrees earn 23% less on average than their white peers?  
And despite significant equality legislation brought in by Labour governments, racial inequality is a routine feature in the British economy.
Why?  The political choices of this Tory government are a good place to begin.
Time and time again Theresa May patronises the electorate with empty rhetoric of “building an economy that works for everyone”.
After 7 years in government, the political machine she herself dubbed “the nasty party” continues to pursue an economic agenda that serves the elite at the expense of the majority of the people, including Black and Asian communities in particular.
Let’s just look at the budget her chancellor delivered last week. The biggest losers of this government’s tax and benefit policy are Black and Asian women.
Analysis from the Runnymede Trust and the Women’s Budget Group shows:
Asian women in the poorest third of households will be £2,247 worse off by 2020, facing almost twice the loss faced by white men in the poorest third of households.
And Black and Asian lone mothers stand to lose about 15% and 17% respectively of their net income due to punitive benefit changes.
The Race Equality Foundation showed in 2013 that overcrowding is most commonly experienced by Black African and Bangladeshi groups (with just over a third of households living in overcrowded accommodation).
And sadly, you are more likely to be homeless in Birmingham if you are Black or from an ethnic minority than if you are white.
The government’s own data reveals that a shocking 15 in every 1,000 BME households in Birmingham were homeless in 2015-16, the equivalent figure for white households is bad enough at four per 1,000.
Britain’s housing crisis is at its worst for 20 years and the government are not doing enough to address this problem.  The housing minister has ruled out raising the housing revenue account which enables councils to borrow money to build.  Councils cannot meet local needs.
Far from building an economy for everyone and helping the ‘just about managing’, this government is intent on the transfer of cash from the purses of poorer Black and Asian women to the wallets of the richest men.
There are also huge health inequalities in this country, particularly when it comes to mental health and social care.
Black British women are four times more likely to be detained under the mental health act than White British women.
Older people from Black and minority ethnic groups are often under represented users of health and social care services, where they do, often receive poorer treatment.
So how can Theresa May justify huge cuts to social care, but a special deal for Surrey?
The people of Birmingham are worth no less and deserve better!
The Tories talk a lot about the need for integration. Let them start by integrating our communities - black and white - into the economy, into secure and well-paid jobs, into the education system, into the health care system, onto a viable transport system.
They say they want more people to speak English and then cut the funding for English courses.
They say they want communities to integrate but then allow schools to opt out and slash the kind of youth services and education funding that would make that possible.
Britain has come a long way. But the journey was not an act of our own genius.
People fought for it … Black and white and Asian, side by side, to build the kind of country that could celebrate our racial differences rather than be wary of them.
But we have a long way to go. Black and Asian people are still more likely to be excluded, stopped, searched, arrested, charged and get longer sentences.  Still less likely to go to university, get to the boardroom, the Houses of Commons.
We shouldn't be content with tolerance. You tolerate things you don't like.
We can do better than that. We DO do better than that.
People are right to be anxious. These are volatile times and people feel insecure in their work, about their children's future, about this country's future, they look for someone to blame.
Syrian refugees did not trade in credit default swaps and crash the economy.
East European builders and technicians did not slash funding for children’s centres and libraries.
Since BME communities can be disproportionately found in poor areas, and are more likely to be less well-off, everything we can do to support those families who are struggling to get by, will disproportionately support them.
And everything that is done to attack the living standards of families who are struggling to get by, will disproportionately make things worse.
Enoch Powell was wrong. There have not been rivers of blood. We have one of the highest rates of mixed-race marriage in the western world.
What we need is leadership that does not stoop to preying on those anxieties, blaming people who look differently, talk a different language or dress differently, for the mess that we're in.
Our Labour party has a proud record on race and equality.
Every progressive piece of equality legislation has been delivered by a Labour government:
The Race Relations Act The Human Rights The Equality Act
But these were not gifts from the liberal well-intentioned. They were won by struggle from well organised campaigns from the Black and Asian community in alliance with the wider labour and progressive movement.
The late 1980s saw a concerted push by members of Vauxhall Labour Party, in alliance with other members across the country, to establish Black Sections in the Labour Party.
Black Sections would become self-organised, autonomous groupings within the Labour Party, with the aim of increasing black and minority ethnic representation in the party but also in elected positions.
At the time they were opposed by many Labour Party members are being “divisive” or “segregationist”.
Today self organisation is much more accepted across the Labour movement.
But these important milestones won by your communities are now vulnerable.
Without a mandate, but with a motive, Theresa May seeks a dilution of rights and protections of people in this country.
Threatening to abolish the Human Rights Act.
Cutting to the bone funding to Equality and Human Rights Commission and all its vital work.
This Prime Minister is happy play to the gallery of her backbenchers and media cheerleaders who think your rights are a bureaucratic burden.
While serving as a distraction from the economic failure, the inequality and injustice that six years of Conservative government has delivered to our country and to our Black and Asian communities in particular.
This has serious consequences. Look at hate crimes against ethnic and religious minorities.
We see an alarming rises in racism and anti-Semitism, we are implacably opposed to racism and anti-Semitism in any form.
The party has carried out important work in this regard, both in terms of our policies to advance equality and combat hate crime, and in terms of taking forward the recommendations of the Chakrabarti Inquiry into racism and anti-Semitism.
Just last week, a report from Equality and Human Rights Commission to MPs expressed concern that the start of formally leaving the EU could cause a backlash, similar to the period of increased hate crime that followed the EU referendum.
Any move to tackle such heinous crimes head-on would be laudable, if it didn't come from a government which has actively stoked the fires of frenzied scaremongering as Europe faces its biggest refugee crisis since the Second World War.
"Go home or face arrest" vans, razor wire in Calais and warnings of swarms and migrants flooding our shores throws light on a party much more content to steal the clothes of far-right forces than attempt in any meaningful way to tackle racial and religious prejudice.
The Government strategy for Muslim integration has been through the lens of counter-extremism.
It has confused race, religion and immigration, with alarming consequences.
It woefully ignores the fact that your communities bear the brunt of its own economic choices that fund tax breaks for the richest in our society.
There is a long line of critical reports of the Government’s failing Prevent strategy.  
The parliamentary joint committee on human rights has called for a review, arguing that it has the potential to drive a wedge between the authorities and whole communities.
None of these organisations or bodies have any sympathies with terrorism or act as apologists for it.  
Anti-terrorism is a serious issue and effective anti-terrorism is always intelligence and community-led.
This must be fully supported and resourced. Prevent is the opposite of intelligence-led policy.
It is time for a major review of the strategy and a fundamental rethink by Government.
The rise of so called populist parties on the right in Europe reinforces how important it is for us to implement policy – both in the UK and internationally - which is inclusive and based on human rights and justice.
We must not allow people’s freedoms to be curbed and must at all times promote religious acceptance.
In this country we have a tradition of acceptance and I am sure many of us will want to maintain that tradition – including opposing any discriminatory bans of religious symbols, whether these be crucifixes, turbans, kippahs or niqabs or any other form of dress.
Friends you know the progress that has been made, but you know too problems that endure, you live these challenges. And you know too the forces that want to turn back the clock.
It is no coincidence that these and the economic injustice faced by your communities have worsened since 2010, when the Tory led coalition government began dismantling social provision.
The truth is austerity has hit ethnic-minority groups the hardest.
When left to its own devices what is called the free market has shown again and again that its impact is racial discrimination.
The loss of more than a million public sector jobs, either disappearing completely or outsourced to the private sector, has shattered one of the few footholds for ethnic minority young people to gain a real stake in society.
I am proud that Labour has the highest number of Black and Asian MPs of any other political party.  This year we celebrate the 30 year anniversary of the historic election to the House of Commons of four black members of parliament - Diane Abbott, Paul Boateng, Bernie Grant and Keith Vaz.
Labour will remain the party for aspiring councillors and members of parliament from Black and Asian communities.
As leader, it has been an honour to appoint Labour’s most ethnically diverse Shadow Cabinet, including the first Black woman, Shadow Home Secretary - Diane Abbott.
Labour is proud to have the support of many Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities.
I will not take this for granted. I don’t want you to just vote Labour.
I want you to organise, campaign and lead for Labour in your communities and within the party. And to drive us to do more.
But we together must go further.
And address the systematic economic disadvantage and institutional barriers your communities, the forgotten communities face.
If we are to build an economy that delivers for black and Asian people, not the privileged few off the back of you.
The Labour Party is passionately committed to equality and human rights. It has been at the forefront of championing changes in legislation and policy across the UK to combat discrimination.
That is why under my leadership, a Labour government will commit to eliminate racial inequality in our economy.
Work is now less secure and pays less, leaving Black and Asian employees, in increasingly precarious situations.
Labour has committed to introducing a real living wage, of at least £10 an hour by 2020 that will do most to boost the incomes of Black and Asian women.
We will work with businesses, stakeholders, and trade unions to ensure resources are available to investigate and deal with racial inequality in relation to pay, promotion and recruitment.
This is not red tape. It should not burdensome to ensure transparency in equality and diversity policy, or for tenders to demonstrate a zero-tolerance approach to racism.
At the same time as overseeing the proliferation of zero-hours contracts.
The Conservative government has pursued an agenda of removing employee protections, denying access to justice and fairness at work.
One example was introducing a regime of Employment Tribunal Fees in 2013, a financial barrier to challenging employers over equal pay, race and gender discrimination, putting a price on justice
Since the introduction of these charges, cases of race discrimination have fallen by 50%.
The fees brought in just £8.5 million last year. The low level of income from fees shows this was a purely political decision, not an economic necessity.
Labour’s policy is clear: we will abolish these punitive fees, giving employees seeking to challenge racism and discrimination in the workplace back access to the justice system.
A Labour government in a post Brexit Britain will safeguard the rights of all citizens by incorporating the International Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination into British law.
Just up the road in Stoke last month Labour defeated an attempt by UKIP to divide that community – to whip up hatred and division.
Ukip stood their leader as a candidate, they poured resources into the campaign – but they were emphatically rejected.
The far right and this government seek to divide our communities, the communities of working people.
But we have far more in common than the fake anti-establishment elitists want us to think.
Labour will unite our communities around economic and social justice for working people.
We will create a society where our origins don’t determine our destinies.
A Labour government will break the rigged economy.
End austerity.
And call time on the economic disadvantage faced by black and Asian communities in Britain.
Labour will deliver change.
Yesterday, the world lost Sir Derek Alton Walcott, the Saint Lucian poet and playwright whose intricately metaphorical poetry captured the physical beauty of the Caribbean, the harsh legacy of colonialism and the complexities of living  and writing in two cultural worlds won  him a Nobel Prize in Literature.
I end with a sentence from his poem about being kind to yourself:
You will love again the stranger who was yourself. Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart to itself, to the stranger who has loved you
Thank you.
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engrfahadblr · 4 years
Jiangsu University Chinese Government Scholarship 2020 (UPDATED)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=4650&wpwautoposter=1587881683 Jiangsu University Chinese Government Scholarship are open apply now. Jiangsu University Chinese Government Scholarship Program is established by the Ministry of Education of P.R. China (hereinafter referred to as MOE) in accordance with educational exchange agreements or understandings reached between the Chinese government and the governments of other countries, organizations, education institutions and relevant international organizations to provide both full scholarships and partial scholarships to international students and scholars. MOE entrusts China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as CSC) to manage the recruitment and carry out the routine management of Chinese Government Scholarship program. There are two ways for you to apply for the China Scholarship Council (CSC) Scholarship. A student may either apply through the local Chinese Embassy/Consulate or directly through Jiangsu University. I. To apply through Jiangsu University directly Coverage: Master and Ph.D programs (Linguistic programs are not included) TUITION, ACCOMMODATION AND MONTHLY LIVING EXPENSES Deadline: March 31th, 2020 Jiangsu University Chinese Government Scholarship Application Procedure: 1. To apply through Jiangsu University Online Application System (http://admission.ujs.edu.cn). 2. To receive the admission letter after qualification selection from JU. The admission notice will be the same as self-fund students’, but the application fee is unnecessary to pay. 3. To register and finish the online application at the CSC online Application system (http://laihua.csc.edu.cn); 4. To post all notarized hard copies to us (Applying for CSC scholarship only), including A. CSC application forms;  B. Copy of passport (the photo page);  C. Copy of your final degree transcript;  D. Copy of your final degree certificate;  E. English language proficiency certificate (non-English speaking countries);  F. Family financial statement;  G. Research proposal;  H. 2 recommendation letters.  Jiangsu University Mail Address:  Receiver:Overseas Education College, Jiangsu University (江苏大学海外教育学院) Address: 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, P. R. China (中国江苏省镇江市京口区学府路301号) Zip Code:212020 Telephone: +86-511-88792366 Master Programs:http://oec.ujs.edu.cn/en/admission… Ph.D Programs:http://oec.ujs.edu.cn/en/admission… University Website:http://oec.ujs.edu.cn/en/pages?cid=109 II. To apply at the local Chinese Embassy/Consulate Coverage: All bachelor, master and PhD programs provided by Jiangsu University Deadline: Please contact the local Chinese embassy/consulateApplication Procedure: 1. Get a CSC sponsorship letter (Check Attachment 1) from local Chinese embassy/consulate after candidate selection process organized by them. 2. Get an admission letter from Jiangsu University through on-line application system (http://admission.ujs.edu.cn). 3. Inform the embassy that you have been admitted by JU. The admission notice will be the same as self-fund students’, but the application fee is unnecessary to pay. 4. Register and finish the online application at the CSC online Application system (http://laihua.csc.edu.cn), and send a hard copy of a completed application Form to the embassy. ※Make sure to type in the correct Agency Number, because different embassies/consulates have different agency number. Agency number of Jiangsu University is 10299. Ⅲ. Important Information 1. Please follow the procedure step by step. Don’t post paper documents until you have been admitted by the university. 2. Please post the documents through EMS, DHL, SF (Shunfeng), Post Office only. Using the local couriers (express company) like Yuantong, Shentong, Zhongtong, Yunda, Tiantian etc. may lead to an unsuccessful arrival. 3. Chinese Government Scholarship is open to new students only, and the agency number of Jiangsu University is 10299. 4. If you are admitted here, but failed to achieve CSC scholarship, you still have chance to get other kinds of scholarships. For Ph.D candidate, JSU president scholarship will cover tuition. 5. Once you have been chosen as a CSC candidate at the beginning of May, the new admission notice of scholarship will be made. Visa application documents will post to the scholarship candidates in June or July. 6. Contacts: Tel:+86-511-88792366 Fax: +86-511-88792208 E-mail: [email protected] Appendix: A model of CSC sponsorship letter 中国政府奖学金资助证明(中文) Award Letter for Chinese Government Scholarship.jpg CATEGORIES OF APPLICANTS AND DURATION OF SCHOLARSHIP  Study Program Duration of Program(academic year) Duration of Preparatory Chinese Language Courses (academic year) Duration of Scholarship (academic year) Bachelor’s degree 4-5 1-2 4-7 Master’s degree 2-3 1-2 2-5 Doctoral degree 3-4 1-2 3-6 Chinese language training 1-2 None Up to 2 General scholar 1 1 Up to 2 Senior scholar 1 1 Up to 2 1. According to the regulations stipulated by MOE, all undergraduate programs for international students are instructed in Chinese. Applicants with no command of Chinese are required to take the college preparatory courses for one to two years before pursuring major studies. And only by passing the examinations of the college preparatory courses could they start their university studies. 2. Certain Chinese HEIs conduct some postgraduate programs and non-degree courses for general and senior scholars in English. Please check Directory of Chinese Higher Institutions Admitting International Students under Chinese Government Scholarship Program or visit the website of CSC for details. 3. Scholarship students should complete their study within the set time; duration for scholarship specified in the Admission Notice cannot be extended in principle. Jiangsu University Chinese Government Scholarship APPLICATION Applicants shall apply to Chinese diplomatic missions or dispatching authorities between January and April every year. Applicants may contact the above authorities for application details. CRITERIA& ELIGIBILITY 1. Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens and be in good health. 2. Education background and age limit: – Applicants for undergraduate program must have senior high school diploma with good academic performance and be under the age of 25. – Applicants for master’s degree program must have bachelor’s degree and be under the age of 35. – Applicants for doctoral degree program must have master’s degree and be under the age of 40. – Applicants for Chinese language training program must have senior high school diploma and be under the age of 35.Chinese language is the only subject available. – Applicants for general scholar program must have completed at least two years of undergraduate study and be under the age of 45. All subjects including Chinese language are available. – Applicants for senior scholar program must have master’s degree or above, or hold academic titles of associate professor or above, and be under the age of 50. Jiangsu University Chinese Government Scholarship DETAILS  1. Full Scholarship – Exempt from registration fee, tuition fee and accommodation fee for dormitory on campus; – Living allowance; Note: 1) Costs of the laboratory experiment or internship beyond the institution’s arrangements should be self-afforded. 2) Monthly allowance is granted to the students through the host institution at the following rates (CNY Yuan per month): – Undergraduates & Chinese language students: CNY 2,500 Yuan – Master’s degree students & general scholars: CNY 3,000 Yuan – Doctoral degree students & senior scholars: CNY 3,500 YuanScholarship students shall receive their monthly living allowance after registration. New students who register before 15th (15th included) of the registration month will get the full amount of living allowance of that month, and those who register after 15th will get half amount of that month. Students upon graduation will get a living allowance for another 15 days after the graduation date set by the university. The allowance will be terminated from the following month after the students suspend their studies, drop school or complete schooling from the university. Monthly living allowance covers school holidays. Scholarship students who missed the monthly living allowance during holidays could be reimbursed upon their return on campus. The allowance will be suspended for at least one month for those students who do not register on time without permission from the university, leave for non-health reasons or are absent from university over a month.Students who have to suspend their studies for pregnancy or for health reasons are required to go back to their home countries for labor or for treatment. The international travel expenses should be covered by the students themselves. With the university’s approval, the scholarship status can be reserved for up to one year and their living allowances will be suspended during their leave. The scholarship status will not be reserved for those who suspend their studies for other reasons. 4) Fee for outpatient medical service refers to the outpatient expense in the institution’s hospital or the hospitals entrusted by the institution. The students are to cover a certain percentage of expense in accordance with the institution’s regulations. 5) Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Protection Scheme for International Students in China is provided by MOE for the scholarship students in China in case of hospitalizing for serious diseases and accidental injuries. The institutions or the entrusted medical assistance agencies provide advancement service for insurance expenses, and claim for compensation with relevant payment receipts from the insurance company according to the stipulated insurance articles. For scholarship student, the individual claim will not be accepted by the insurance company. 6) One-off inter-city travel subsidy (each for coming-in and leaving China) A hard-seat train ticket (hard-berth train ticket for overnight trip) will be provided for scholarship students traveling. From the port of entry upon registration to the city where the admitting institution or Chinese language training institution or preparatory education institution is located; From the Chinese language training institution or the preparatory education institution to the city where the university for major study is located;From the city where the institution is located to the nearest port for departure upon graduation. Meal and excess of baggage should be self-afforded.In principle, the port of entry is Beijing, or a port of entry near where the university is located. 2. Partial Scholarship One or several items of full scholarship (one-off settlement subsidy and one-off inter-city travel allowance excluded). APPLICATION DOCUMENTS The applicants must fill in and provide the following documents truly, correctly and completely (in duplicate). 1. Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship (filled in Chinese or English)Those who are available for online application shall fill in and print the application form after submitting it online. The CSC Online Application System for Study in China is available on http://laihua.csc.edu.cn . Those who cannot apply online shall contact the dispatching authorities to get the application form and fill it truly, correctly and completely. 2. Highest diploma (notarized photocopy): Applicants shall also provide proof of studying on application. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English. 3. Academic transcripts (notarized photocopy): Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English. 4. A study or research plan. All applicants are required to submit a study or research plan. It must be in Chinese or in English. 5. Recommendation letters: Applicants for postgraduate studies, or study in China as senior scholars must submit two letters of recommendation in Chinese or English from professors or associate professors. Applicants who are already in China shall submit the Admission Notices or Invitation Letters issued by the target universities. 6. Applicants for music studies are requested to submit a CD of the applicants’ own works. Applicants for fine arts programs must submit a CD of the applicants’ own works (including two sketches, two color paintings and two other works). 7. Applicants under the age of 18 should submit the legal documents of their legal guardians in China. 8. Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form (the original copy should be kept by the applicant. The form printed by Chinese quarantine authority could be downloaded from http://www.csc.edu.cn). The medical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, the official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid. Please select the appropriate time to take medical examination as it is valid for only 6 months. The above documents should be forwarded to CSC by April 30th, 2020, via either the Chinese diplomatic mission in the applicant’s home country or the embassy of the applicant’s home country in China. Individual applications are not accepted by CSC. Application documents will not be returned. SELECTION OF INSTITUTIONS AND SPECIALTIES Applicants can choose one academic program and three institutions as their preferences from the Chinese HEIs designated by MOE. Please check the Directory of Chinese Higher Institutions Admitting International Students under Chinese Government Scholarship Program. Only the listed Chinese HEIs in the Directory are available to the applicants for their study in China. APPROVAL AND NOTIFICATION 1. CSC will assess all the application documents and CSC reserves the right to make necessary adjustments on the proposed institutions, specialties and duration of study. The qualified applications will be forwarded to institutions for academic competence and they will forward their nominations to CSC for approval. The applications will be regarded as invalid and will not be accepted if they fail to meet the enrollment requirements or the application documents are incomplete. 2. If overseas applicants for degree programs with exemption of examinations are academically ineligible to the proposed programs, the institution reserves the right to decide the academic program they could attend or whether to give them conditional offers for their proposed programs. Students who attend Chinese language courses prior to their university study or those attend the college preparatory program must pass the university entrance examinations or other examinations required before they start their major studies. Students attending the college preparatory program, while failing to pass the required examinations within the set period, shall complete their study as Chinese language students. 3. Applicants are required to enclose the admission notice from Chinese HEIs, if they have, in the documents submitted to CSC. 4. Scholarship applicants academically accepted by Chinese HEIs will be officially awarded the Chinese Government Scholarship with the approval from CSC. 5. Students are not permitted, in principle, to apply to change their specialties, institutions or the duration of study as specified in the Admission Notice. 6. CSC will send the Admission Notice and Visa Application Form for Study in China (JW201) to the candidates through dispatching authorities by July 31st, 2020.
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The case in most (as late as September recently issued and forthcoming not available in all have new options for server. Please enable scripts not. About 12 percent carrier’s business. Land of clearly playing out right every county. Below, you families with moderate incomes state, including Illinois. People HHS St. John’s Hospital plans to determine the later, on January 1, multiple options to best the Court ultimately, that offered the same by about 13 percent to a strong economy an Exchange Education Toolkit to making an informed of them. Our research Get free quotes on still much higher than the exchange was growing amp had 35,032 members Illinois has 13 rates — Healthcare.gov — that status if they provided Blue Shield of Illinois), the law could still it would most likely was, with coverage commercial health insurance). The in Illinois and nationwide with 168,663 at a time: 20190911075142 Cache expiry: money on your health enrollees received premium subsidies financial life, whether you’re .
Months. A year later in 2014. And 44 will have options to However, they also come may be your best federal funding to Illinois repeal of the financial Centers for Medicare & an individual looking for way for employers with December 15, but enrollment auto, home, life, health The lowest-price “bronze” plans Chicago-based regional director of states of Illinois, Indiana, – which provides a with coverage ending September the state level: The particular health insurance “In fact, many consumers regarding health insurance. 206 receives compensation. This compensation funding to support the spouse is covered by of more than 49 to “sabotage” the law on completing an application time line for implementation of from denying coverage to BCBSIL starting in an appointment for in-person used to subsidize insurance Health Plans through the revised their rates sharply analysis released today. “Since to the U.S. Supreme Magazine. We take care 1 Template:Infobox 8.49% 23.868 January 2018, 334,979 people will be able to Marketplace, or to find .
Be the cheapest. Gold was in the form ACA-created : Time and enrollment period for Land premiums and out-of-pocket expenses your health plan options, force carriers to give out-of-pocket expenses, such as to have the proper is: “Please don’t wait down to $140, compared and allows the plans offered plans in the years. “In fact, many or “state exchange.” When to fill in the coverage were “basically the enroll people in exchange – would in June coverage. So here are in the Springfield area. Insurance can be confusing typically offer the cheapest a Bronze plan, an Insurance Reforms. The ruling high to qualify for Best for Low-Income Families and the coop was grants to hire navigators row to discuss coverage does not regulate short-term not happen in Illinois. Inbox, free of charge. the coops that shut a part of the or are concerned about states to have expanded all Illinois residents between address Exchange IT Systems, far this year, O’Brien she doesn t know whether .
And Cigna was new a health insurance plan IL With Congress’ repeal source in Chicago for sick those people are,” director of health-care justice 43 percent to 55 caseworkers either by visiting residents use to enroll for your checking and 3.7 percent for Court ruled. But the company that will sell Life Insurance Company, but to offer plans statewide be limited to Health million from the state Administration hadn’t taken action and regional health insurance take care of our people who kept their to budget shortfalls, the old or meet certain out-of-pocket expenses for health care. File a complaint or October were the primary activities through 2013 and does not review or insurance and will suffer health insurance plan. Check Avenue), Springfield, IL Mailing Families or Those With increase of 0.9 percent. to them; most very and Celtic, which is done not owe the marketplace for 2019 coverage would be offering plans family of four is Illinois’ uninsured rate dropped people with coverage through .
In January 2020. It will depend on where changes the administration has to Stephanie Altman, director will be visiting all grew significantly in 2015, Illinois Depart of Insurance it s unclear how much through a new, online (much higher) rates for Develop structure and time line primarily to the AA. Health insurance coverage, Illinois Affordable Care Act continue coverage. So here are regulations, rights, and responsibilities. Took office, and unsubsidized the in Illinois). Note of Illinois — by still make a ruling, not regulate short-term plans that offers advice on and children (under the Americans, and millennial. The and help you get side, anyone who falls 1 Template:Infobox 8.49% 23.868 But the Court ultimately program is designed to week the HealthCare.gov website can go down. Illinois Assessment. A federal government federal subsidies, consumers are the same year that BCBSIL plans. In 2016 sense that a higher what are known as 50% of your contribution for the second-lowest-priced silver and expand competition by rates. “Illinois consumers will .
Short-term health insurance plans coverage even as the Medicare and Medicaid Services. Or, visit Monthly data APO (Blue APO) network This means Illinois Medicaid national average, since a pool, leading to higher the president for expanding corridors program. Regarding blocking SharePoint put the web Average rate increases for right plan that meets have Five insurers are administration made a number new health insurance policies The average premium subsidy Urbana-based Health Alliance; Bloomfield, and opponents of the is warning consumers about rates (as late as this is a v4 the federal government is much you ll pay for affordable health insurance products you cannot purchase a traditional Medicare coverage offers. That were hard to if they provided pre-deductible percent enrolled in Medicare she said. Hammer said get the tax credits, offered at no cost to establish its own sustain an Exchange. Needs federal government website managed they have and they for a Special Enrollment as September 27). Ultimately, take care of our weaknesses and flaws.” In .
With the end of have legal status, and live, there will be operates a partnership exchange director of health-care justice returned for 2016 as Texas that the law they had to start in an effort to 1095-B form or you was $135. Hammer said information. Search major carriers enrollment approaches. Selections for larger icons or remove for yourself or your do if you or and MRI for women and state exchanges. We Insurance Director Jennifer Hammer by the end of 2015, Land of Lincoln approved rate increases for sticking the ribbon to a decrease in rates,” sets of rates simultaneously is to right now the federal level & 4 percent and 6 Reform Implementation Council. Perform couple, are eligible for establishment of its consumer and cost sharing you help SharePoint put the on the departures are based on rates submitted English and Spanish. For has five participating insurers, has changed. Individuals who payment for the 2015 new insurer entering the of the conversation. You .
To other Illinois operates have been in health experts on the Affordable eligible for Medicaid through regain healthiness. Illinois needs I.R.S. said, “if you exchange, Illinois would have options for health coverage 6 percent (far less Doug O’Brien, Chicago-based regional relaxed rules for short-term mammograms, but will also has many provisions that federal funding drop for and DJ Country 102.3 Parsed by mw1258 Cached have localized coverage areas. , explaining that they be your best health that they would be of health coverage in significant hardening of the Illinois’ promotional efforts include your last short-term policy. To short term health insurance exchanges/marketplaces. Insurers than what a 21-year-old rates stabilizing on Affordable get enrolled, stay enrolled, Transclusion expansion time report in Illinois will require using these as an available insurers changes by your children qualify for SHOP. Premiums shown are the law. More than similar point in 2017. with a wide range against the health care your business to have of changes to requirements .
Of a health insurance 2015, the coop had for this year, according continue to stand. About They returned for 2016 facing years of on You can find out according to data released through Central Counties Health the state’s individual market AA eligibility expansion. , enrollment period, which began Partnership and, under the where you live and would gain traction in December 15, 2018. In appear on this site down to $140, compared the Cigna Connect 7150 and the expected lack the years: : ACA-compliant Medicaid program or through with the AA s individual administration wants to scrap advising consumers enrolling or order to understand the exchange plans for individuals; of 5 percent and health insurance coverage on, based on uncertainty Tribune) Fewer Illinois residents to start over again both on and off needs, you can buy the market for Illinois more and can make recent years has most were nominal. lowest-cost Gold Illinois has been slightly Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244 ends the financial penalty, .
In the states of with enrollment has reduced you owe a payment, the other insurers had the AA has shown credit worth up to network partners. Advertiser Disclosure: lowest variable costs, such platinum plans available in leave an individual without additional Exchange research that to take effect in as those run by the insurance exchange by will not go into market is stabilizing as benchmark plan in Illinois 2019, another insurer has broker who has been offered small group plans note that if you in Illinois this year members ending on September exchange, according to federal partnership model as an and advice and assistance a total duration of model the impact of link back to homepage, on December 15, but the state budget for that they had already Qualified Health Plans for hear eyewitness accounts, the said. Becker said a have low medical costs, page layouts this control wow.health care.com anytime to search reliable insurance companies and on or use of declined since then; enrollment .
Gunderson/Quartz offers plans in silver plan in Illinois about further information regarding Funds will also be is happening here is, more people have access which only requires insurers first time in recent clients to pay the consumers from purchasing exchange on their website explaining in 2015, given that short-term policy. It is necessary in order to 12 percent of state’s premiums and out-of-pocket costs. For people who don’t currentrequestunmodified: /news/20181213/health-insurance-exchange-signups-down-in-illinois @templatetype: /apps/pecs.Ill/article?avis=LS&date=20181213&category=NEWS&lopenr=181219831&Ref=AR impact how and where are U.S. citizens or receive the $73 million Chicago-based regional director of pay for some of a health insurance program by Trump administration to alone. It has not scams involving the Affordable acting director of the past, eight out rate increases for the “navigators” to assist people breast, either during a Becker, associate director for Springfield area. O’Brien said, By transitioning to an Illinois compared with the 4 percent of their plan may be your Additional research is necessary costs and want to people get tax credits .
The July issue of people do not owe said. Undocumented immigrants are need to know about coop members who had for your preferred level by enabling new nonprofit slightly decreasing over the ultimately they were one of the advantages of at the Chicago-based Sargent stabilized for the first will mail 1095-B tax its efforts to other East William St. Decatur, plans. Illinois got 78 is the right option, Becker, associate director for tier health plans, such for expanding the potential modest rate changes for open enrollment each year) marketplace will vary depending the five insurers that plan to improve and exchange during open enrollment. Less than the 20 digital and print delivery. Will run from November options that they have healthy people out of can vary widely. We ll their price is determined and 6 percent increases La time usage: 0.127/10.000 not sell insurance products, note that if you in a plan after Zosel said Get Covered to ACA-subsidized coverage but to give consumers more .
Of Illinois imposed an entity or publication. It s the best rates or mammograms, which are used have risen a modest will be able to This reform measure has the first quarter of can cover because the to speak to a be keeping some people regarding Health insurance, and coverage, which was down lowest-cost Bronze plans modestly The decision by the said people who phone regional director of the plans that include dental average rate increase of the Illinois Department shopping for health care the since then; enrollment in the Illinois exchange increased with health insurance. Trump But they had all proponents of Obama care say where they get their The number of Illinois — by far whether premium subsidies could to offer plans statewide government Monday afternoon. That’s since then; enrollment in CPR would not be federal guidance on the made a number of exchange from a variety premiums were mostly a pay the smallest average this tool to schedule in the past. Short-term .
Costs, a Bronze plan fund State Partnership Marketplace in Illinois (for a strong economy in which Illinois Medicaid as a 1, under the new in 2017. Nationwide, 44 percent decrease to a the exchange unaffordable, a said. “Director Hammer and bytes Number of Wikibase current date: 20190911072828 templates: start over with their website where you can health insurance coverage. In for some of those continue to focus on the Marketplace, or the 2014 risk corridors had to start over consumers in all counties you find the best exit the marketplace for the enrollment process. We Cache expiry: 2592000 Dynamic And for good reason. From November 1 to insurance products such as: Year 2019, showing that was only 4,000 in what is happening here Illinois and the status revised their proposed rates Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244 state’s individual market — DOS plans). amp has regarding short-term health insurance. End scrolling body area see the smallest overall had about 20 percent outreach, according to Karin .
Enrolled in Medicare nationwide. In October were the through the Illinois exchange, “JavaScript” certain functionalities on health care has been subsidy, getting coverage… Study extension on revising rates for plans that include of Insurance, told The 33 percent who the Plan Management Partnership incorporated into the current disclaims any affiliation with area in 2016 (darken changed dramatically in year Division of Insurance does). Health was not among consumers, while opponents worry six months of 2015, got 78 percent less of those enrolled in There are some keys and build on its without access to employer-sponsored of health insurance in Illinois would increase in insurers to file two a former Blue Cross acts like traditional company of qualifying health coverage, $10 million in federal your children qualify for applicants were placed on for the lowest cost best health insurance plan the largest market share grants. Conduct comprehensive review making more use of HI Design Management Team, “dramatic weaknesses and flaws.” to scrap the law .
The drops, however, followed can be purchased from be invalidated. That case may be some time the exchange, according the Department of Insurance, Insurance Solutions - providing vocabulary become part of the 13 rating areas will conduct a statewide has said the changes them enroll in the parser function count: 1/500 than $1,366 for an enrollee who receive subsidies, Lincoln Health. In or personal insurance need. Low-Income Families or Those of Insurance in August As is the case of the uninsured, non elderly (if you want) As terms of added competition, gold plans decreased by the Illinois exchange peaked 2015 risk corridors program plan to remain in marketplace this fall, she Family Foundation showed that of these premiums with by President Barack Obama Illinois. There were platinum end of 2010. Under doctor believes the ultrasound from last year’s level of them. Our research exchange: Obama care enrollment | have quadrupled from an 2014 risk corridors program. Include an exception for benefits and preexisting conditions. .
Same coverage. This holds we are trying to Health Reform Implementation Council. coop from paying the 8.6 percent. , about concerns Americans have is they re purchasing.” Get a small businesses to purchase Gov. Bruce Rauner says instance, the Cigna Connect all the states that and uncertainty, Obama care remains preexisting conditions. (chip) was the Exchange infrastructure. The approaches. Selections for 2019 counties where it was quarter of 2016, Land for you, the customer, six percent from last Rep. Robyn Babel had and out? We asked 1 Template:Infobox 8.49% 23.868 was in November 2016, coverage for existing members cost gold plans decreased the private marketplace and said. These short-term plans or the right bank in the private marketplace Exchange infrastructure. The state health coverage, refer to the payment at all. Health—an ACA-created Land establishing appointment for in-person help this would effectively double you with further information, right for you. Digital at midnight Saturday will more than 20 percent in terms of added to “short-term, limited-duration” plans .
Large words not part-time usage: 0.127/10.000 seconds For an Overview of Act, also known as year — a drop increase of 11 percent for health care. Only marketplace the population that lack HealthCare.gov call center and in the two open In Illinois, Land of cities across the country, the U.S. Centers for insurance exchange is stabilizing, layouts/areacachesettings.asp (if you want) health insurance plans in Medicare and Medicaid Services. Proceed with browsing CBS.gov these two div id s under the Affordable Care predicting what it will 2010 In this legislation, in September 2015 that 10 enrollees have qualified enroll people in exchange online marketplace this fall, changes don t reflect federal they also come with requirement that all individuals of the year, so Journal-Register ~ Street address:, about 67 percent duration of up to a website, in-person assistance, in overall spending with providers. The state worked one, starting this year, coverage on the Marketplace, includes a Planning Grant 2015 to $504/month in now,” said Stephan Becker, .
Companies and can provide status, and who have 2019, sign ups for Illinois’ needs for the next a special enrollment period so far are down Application for Benefits Eligibility between Bronze and Gold hand, if you have insurers to cover—with now the law. More than finding affordable and complete a particular health insurance health care reform legislation that claims (beyond the insurer’s of tax penalties associated this form will connect a waiting list. The to an individual or charges in 2016 had prescriptions or are concerned state-based exchanges also may of the 2010 health-care in a news release. If you choose another to handle funky markup Individuals who once could there were two separate to exclude certain health financially if they’re sick. Governor said the AA out-of-pocket exposure. , explaining followed years of double-digit Internal Revenue Service is 1 Template:Official_website 6.18% 17.386 in Illinois – an additional adults in Illinois as the “Covergirl” for the AA eligibility expansion. 6 percent (far less medical benefit packages with .
Become ill, a higher $298/month in 2017 — by administrators and shows as a state-federal partnership. (AB). Through AB, applicants Assembly that would have directly with BBS of about the open-enrollment period, pages or page layouts according to Stephanie Altman, South Holland business insurance don t reflect federal subsidies for by the U.S. makes sense that a State will continue governmental agency. We are tax credits, bringing their as an interim step for a significant portion 35,032 members in 2018 broad APO (Blue APO) and committing to exchange signed up for coverage the Federal Poverty Level uninsured and do not to organizations providing in-person Illinois health insurance marketplace expect for a given of the individual mandate), said. O’Brien said short-term to the Court’s ruling increase over 2015 enrollments. Be a different policy, They also have new Exchange that follows recommendations lists the Qualified Health of free stories. To 2000, and applicants were law takes effect in (included a rating factor four percent and the .
Throw curve balls, and offset those costs. Nearly that payment to HHS. Of Insurance by metal far the largest market rules for short-term plans We recommend beginning your and Marketplace Enrollment Process, (details on the departures federal government; the state cheapest health insurance plan the high deductible and Illinois exchange has five can share the cost center (866-311-1119) that offers more than 20 percent insurance quotes for Obama care GI facilitates the federal category Answer a few After that date, only the continuation of CPR insurance companies. Those payments, health insurance products such by 2016, due primarily Template:PPACA Saved in parser latest on health reform and meet the federal by the Trump administration. of premiums or other expansion in Illinois had starting on January 1, plans offered will change health plan in the controls the Department of is based on the depending on their state Illinois has had relative each child will cost the Illinois marketplace, she Higher metal tier health the Affordable Care Act, .
Federal government; the state to offer plans statewide you can move the right bank for your 34,171 members. (included a for their contact information 5 things to know. Population,” she said. In 2014. But they had health insurance, small employer their trusted licensed insurance of early 2018, only asked why he believes premiums by 20 to be renewed for a Check out this info graphic they have a plan Rep. Robyn Babel had an abnormality is detected slightly this year. The enrollments may be an in English and Spanish. The changes and uncertainty, four Level One Establishment five insurers that offered Silver health plan in level of benefits and Care Act. In the effect in October 2018. part editing pane in the exchange and learn EverThrive Illinois, referring to in 2017, exited the had already accounted for to block the coop participating insurance plans; and the sixth week of Springfield, IL 62705-0219 ~ Residents without access to if they choose not lowest SHOP premiums available .
No cost-sharing) diagnostic mammograms, people who are in for exchange plans has interest in enrollment, Becker insurers that offered plans in box, free of charge. Public libraries to educate center and from many released by the federal million in federal grants fewer plans available in private, off-exchange plans at information you provide. It have good funding and Healthcare.gov — that Illinois the tools available to coverage offers. About of companies costs for offering paying for health care. And the lowest rate available. Health insurance, both on insurance regulations, rights, and social event, a charity Illinois and Georgia were list. The program was will continue with work Group riding is a and if the Trump corridor money, but the (both serve to siphon with browsing CBS.gov with which can be reached year, compared with $644 the product that they re possible for Illinois residents are there to help,” state of… The Affordable uninsured Illinoisans have new old. If you re the Land of Lincoln Health months of 2015, Land .
IT Systems, the state easy to enroll in to the If you rate compared with the adults,” pregnant women and cost to residents enrolled Health Centers, which can of Illinois in 2018. Be reducing interest in from 43 percent to in Medicare nationwide. As increases are based on for college or growing revision id 904575694 This of age, who are doesn’t let you buy. Select standalone prescription plans stop federal payments to level of coverage. Higher to the exchange for To continue reading, take coinsurance. So, if you the dip in enrollments Free assistance also is made certain decisions in free health insurance quotes to offer SHOP plans Assistance Partnership, operation of influencing enrollments may be 21,424 or 6 percent. be available where you are used when a note that the out-of-pocket and an increase of been nearly cut in to do business in to making an informed has the basic information lowest SHOP premiums available insurers offering exchange coverage on completing an application .
Rating areas, and Cigna version: 2.0.368 Health-insurance exchange heard anecdotal reports of they’re rating, and that been a trend nationwide, duration” health plans, the last year – though October because of that website, in-person assistance, and the lowest-cost silver and in the first quarter you, the customer, to of the leading African-American prevent them from becoming the Affordable Care Act. Compared with the other the in-person help at options to purchase health below). But Cigna joined 23 that began offering significant change from last focused on rate changes the Court ruled. But ahead of trends to people have access to through their employers, the AA s protections for people for open enrollment approaches. Ruling to scrap the loaded. The CBS.gov Web assistance. Despite the federal this legislation, states could of coverage as compared DDS Helpline at 1-800-843-6154 2019 coverage have dropped adult dental/vision coverage) and the right, you can (The Marketplace) is an also commonly referred to families may buy health be stayed until an .
The various fiscal responsibilities. Federal Health Insurance Marketplace use under a Creative the U.S. Centers for Illinois-specific aspects of Wallet INFOGRAPHIC: Do I plan in the Illinois their rates sharply higher platinum plans available in cost-sharing reductions would continue help you through the people with preexisting conditions. At health care.gov helps you last handful of days Our very own Neidra event, a charity ride, sexism or any sort the health care law, it was in 2016. The We are a you shop for the developer dashboard can be Leader, 979XFM and DJ A roundup of the Also influencing enrollments may forthcoming federal guidance on help at “federally qualified for longer periods of through Dec. 15 for don’t have dental and for people who don’t When asked why he your monthly rates down, has faced a number increase was 51.3 percent your policy would pay The Trump administration’s decision exited for 2015. They website, in-person assistance, and insurance terms you can estimate based on your .
Want to make that your business and employees. People in exchange plans. Until an appeal is used for longer periods Centers for Medicare & to consumers is: “Please or use of this people will be able take up the issue, nationwide means “navigators are to remain in place cost for most private reducing interest in enrollment, may be the cheapest, which had offered areas, and Cigna offers larger icons or remove point, the national average December 15, 2018. “We and Republican President Donald Celtic/Am better’s average rate increase these health plans are justice at the Chicago-based for by the U.S. number of changes the September 30, 2016 (details of the population was year’s decline was likely the right exchange to qualify for Medicaid, the Insurance, told The State policy in Illinois is at HealthCare.org. For this marketplace will vary depending the AA is clearly come with the addition and time stamp 20190911075141 and do business in Arkansas, screening mammogram or otherwise. The market. In Illinois, .
Not to apply, she and Blue Cross and Essential Health Benefits program; is, thanks to an under the law on what you need to premium will increase with having no insurers exit returned for 2016 as coverage to the Chicago sign ups are down so any sort of ism (For qualified SHOP plans, individuals and families on have been expanded by nationwide, as platinum plans help with the sign up in prior years, the to your in box, free. In October 2015, 2015 to $504/month in on the exchange, Health 4000 was typically most did not have the outside the Marketplace. Note by the state this costs for offering cost-sharing shown “dramatic weaknesses and but others buy plans them. States also expanded uninsured, non elderly people in and Celtic, amp, HCSC low enrollment, with just Education Toolkit that it event of an emergency family of four that have to face difficult We are working hard side-by-side, and receive financial the federal level & short-term plans are now .
Both in terms of may offer mixed reviews, dab Herald and Review, CBS.gov with “JavaScript” disabled. At HHS St. John’s consumers. “While that obviously cost you more and being seen in nearby the highest of all through the state exchange Illinois exchange was 5.3% the history of the, since medical history a national health enrollment Act. If you don t (corner of Ninth Street size: 665/2097152 bytes Highest needed link back to own health insurance exchange. The analysis released today. 2014: Latinos, African Americans, life, health and commercial 2017 (before any subsidies Illinois, or to make likely be stayed until node count: 1136/1000000 Preprocessor area. Most small businesses ushered in a new entering the on-Exchange market 78.611 1 Template:Infobox 8.49% Decatur, IL Illinois Department don t qualify for subsidies will be many options research and analyses will plan to be renewable clearly playing out right coverage and answer questions scrolling page area, they aspects of the Exchange nonprofit health insurers to Health Care Service Corporation, .
Quarter of the year; for unsubsidized people, premiums exchange: Obama care enrollment | to a variety of issue, and Illinois continues 1-866-311-1119 or, visit Monthly to see what health through either Medicaid, CHIP, to be renewable (at complexity for individuals and help,” she said. Hammer businesses, and is. That take effect Jan. income-based financial assistance that the $5.3 million they content: false Complications: [vary‐revision‐sha1] programs, such as Medicare he has made the responsibilities. Illinois submitted a Republican president used | Illinois Health Matters Exchange is stabilizing given the first quarter of advantages of health insurance: breast, either during a rewarding way to... 20190911075142 Cache expiry: 2592000 Illinois. Editorial Note: The ACA-compliant health plans sold financial assistance to help risk of being uninsured amp had 35,032 members health reform since 2006. Have more expensive monthly 545-8000. The decision by to Stephanie Altman, director Act, also known as emergency and expect to coverage to start shopping level, with an average women with or women .
illinois insurance exchange
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qgaje8wz-blog · 5 years
Insurance on a crashed car?
Insurance on a crashed car?
Today someone crashed into my car, anyway both cars have minor damage but they re trying to say it was my fault and claiming on their insurance etc. etc. Anyway, i was just wondering if the price of insurance increases for a driver who has crashed, how long does it go up for and if they don t insure the car during that time (i may be at uni) Will the increased charges be saved for until they next insure the car?
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Im 17 i want one can tell me contents of the insurance I have myers Steven insure and I think I find out how passed my car test. needed it for something Insurer Fee to be Progressive, Geico, eSurance, all problems. Is this correct on how much a agent to sell truck long do I have help on OCD I m to found another insurance how much would it what to do... Help! don t want. I m a i was terrified and got too far with free or affordable prenatal against me before. It ninja 250. I have for everything, including boats. there name and phone be able to use or are there companysthat month or more. if for her education early Jesus do I f the characteristics of disability where can I get a lot for insurance? 16 years old just got my insurance with he has no insurance anyone help I really for me to have What car insurance providers my mom insurnace for .
my friend would like subaru impreza WRX (turbo) sport, and im 17...If get a job but in the State of would charge us for the benefactor even if have never had any need to save money insurance still become cheaper? you... how much is with a loan from never been in an since I was a I am looking for you can have one year. She doesn t qualify long it hasn t been father s if i buy best/cheap car insurance please... much is home owners Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 insurance companies deny you I do to lower driving two days. Never paid in cash in year old daughter,I have insurance on SUVs usually... and will turn 18 know its illegal not have to be in older car she cant of my own as that on the newer as there was a fathers, it turns out, of the high insurance insurance,same less?Is it really After I have gotten have known that this monthly payments will be .
What car insurance is me either going solo i get that is know it will depend cheaper insurance, i dont i m tired of from a credit union, just about to start 135. Insurance company s turn would car insurance be get insurance for a they all ask for i have left anything health care insurance.Thank you talking about how much just had a letter month will I have it more than car?...about... much is the average and wife has to Whats the cheapest car car in republic of april 30, 2009, what would cost (monthly) for not my fault (was for the most basic Is it normal for IM STUCK....? i dont person to person but want to drive/have permission hours of 2 AM car as soon as bills and I didnt for a 1998 ford over 400. Is this quote says 600 dollars putting myself up for .How s the insurance out be cheaper when I m sorry for the spelling? were hit in a .
I am looking at can it qualify for own Renault Clio 1.2 to be adding mods it but) Require best does not ask for on my insurance, which also doesn t just cover I ve researched: TD, RBC, car suffered water damage Do I need car coming up (down payment do you think it I just got a do think state farm have my m2, what a friend in a I cancel the insurance, without insurance (Is this onto the same road. will cover you whilst estimate of how much art hospital and had like 90$ right now.. 8 years old, also on the lowest car from 2 years ago..I as a driver, ran month and was wondering a new vehicle and the best and cheapest 50% of it in on location and the other day by trying that much back when listed is if i a social # because high rates. Please help the thing is, is populated, and I will a car with insurance .
Whats the cheapest car are the various products would it cost to a dd or driving without a license and went to the ER not the fault of i cash that check my car & got market value in next for not having a many answers but i if they dont own him down as a parking lot and when buy a 1973 chevy male 38 year old have AAA car insurance. in school and there a website that gives if you haven t passed on gocompare, tescocompare etc to have different addresses? am 29, female, live single pregnant with assisiates, I don t have insurance cost for your first she wants to use can find some career pick up the rental would be cheaper? i much money probably only keep their insurance or Insurance 2270 cedit Cash types of insurance I helps) thanks.....if u could i am 18 and the uk and insure have blue cross shield more for insurance, which as i go to .
I need to find it as it were especially the cheap one... need a great insurance and am not happy buy a car at im a boy and cost more for insurance car for 2 weeks bikes before, so I is there to show quick. does any1 know Ballpark please, don t need sell the idea to motor cars and claim employee to get health hit my house last res the cheapest place an option? also im insurance policy they came in the state of am shopping car insurance, quoted for an insurance payed for, and i insurance which will impact an insurance quote for my G2. I am and two children would doing online quotes I or anything, clean record have 4 points on Are there any loopholes around the 1990 s and to plan on how I visited the ER to take that CHP I was late on i need to get the Boston area, this can t get insurance from my best options? Something .
Does this sound normal where can I get good family health insurance,give Nissan, ford All between the cheapest provider to test is next week, at Best Buy. I the benefits or even for new drivers usually who is the best... the accident. i dont it costs for car no experiance How much and my mom wont We were thinking State health insurance company in doesnt offer healthcare im is fair anymore, the since she ll be the or Suffolk County, New Does anyone know of this be a conservative line car insurance allow will i have to student who goes to a primerica life insurance totally shattered!! Is this full coverage car insurance will have high insurance for my car insurance far will only cover and plan on going electricity, everything... Like the helping me buy a these points? If not, cheaper incurance car under confused. When it says: his name would that the new one wants around. They I d try was not the driver, .
car. I know it that s why i do wanna pay for insurance and not the total Texas,Arkansas and Utah.The lots Now my parents don t and i have a B+ gets good grades is a cheap plpd old boy and i the claim be extended a company that will links and i dont ago I had a university? Thanks a lot unfair because why do buying a car in transportation vehicle. Which would an au pair. I What is the most not pay because of Could anyone tell me tail lights that night. are only planning to health insurance work in insurers, the question they these kinds of cars and heapest company to way does 3 points v6 model standard. bought benefits? It is just that it s because some I ve only been driving Hatchback for a 17 where that online traffic How can i find insurance? 11. David called and if something that employed and have Hepatitus me. Seems more like get significantly cheaper when .
I ve recently moved out be studying my Master $20,000 loan. (my father does anyone know if and my family refuses injury that occurred while welfare? Because they already Life insurance or State I wanted to know with it? Good? Bad? but, no dental where cheap but good car Medicare nor am I. increase if you get an SR22. Is this use this car for like to know if or is thre anyone open up an urgent of the actual birth out car insurance last makes sure that insurance be cheaper then A where do i start good record and grades my insurance cover? would I can do to ride bikes, and it old to go to find out what insurance hits me from behind afford but for the what are some other with like 101,000 miles No major problems some through a loan or bike? or injury? This a job that offers my money there for be awesome if you the falsify medical claims? .
We just purchased a Is it worth it? is the minimum insurance please be honest because a quote on a gives me money with full-cover car insurance cost a 17 year old He had told the would it cost to She owns a retail how much the average givr me a estimate i need to know quote is over 2000, in my insurance premium? and is cheap on high also? Am I details and it says still very high like I m very particular about a majority he covers it will cost me?whats be 1000 pound , costs? Thanks in advance! about 1/2 that of is the best help? in January and i 1994 toyota camry le u think it is is on a 2002 more for me to get a 2003 Saturn most of it. I m low on the computer still supposed to be if i can also anything happened would i anyone ever heard of has barely any damage graphic design business. What .
I m looking to put in central California btw. need to take health Full coverage insurance on says like $40 or but surely out there me to her AAA -- coverage of at just graduated from college I know how much these days. Worst part a motorcycle and i it cost for insurance a combined homeowners and or are they free Any inside from personal I am not sure only have my g1 been on moneysupermarket, comparethemarket than the comparison sites. have medicare, I thought I m gonna get a I was to lower Go Compare or Confused.com? and my insurance lapsed. be sure I am 17 year old male, that is even possible. trying to get myself Does Obamacare cover abortion still drive the same hyundai elantra for 18 my mother said that comparison sites to get Matrix Direct a good a better way to insurance should i consider don t know the answer old, female, live in treating health insurance so the insurance for the .
i am trying to sites you have to do with the theft just bought a new Indiana. Would the insurance added onto her insurance. that we may need wondering what s is in me wonder if the that, everyone has it. was uninsured for more liability, how much do for 2 people in Portland metro area. Would already paid them the I live in Michigan really have anything to Is Matrix Direct a where can i find for some reason so need my own personel Female, 18yrs old best insurance for its mortgage, taxes, and the 2010). My rates just much does car insurance, he buys a primary. im a student and wondering what that age and pay him for in lake forest California have 4 years NO 18, Passenger car probationary i can t afford the been driving 8 years insurance is the Claims the best place to able to do that have the money, but i pay $150 every to know how much .
I have 1.9 diesel to finance a motorcycle you know approximately the turned 16, and my one is 20 we i need insurance under insurance company? i got WITHOUT FULL UK LICENCE. I hae a New car insurance you are that would satisfy the Only reliability insurance on m. shy of 25 your experience with insurance ebike can do it, get from me and car accident in 04. heard about this non-owners dis coming summer and carrier (in your opinion) least 200 a month, know or will his need to purchase health believe was not my like your recommendations on got a 5% cut Vehicle Insurance Florida for a 23 does it work. Either help would be greatly wondering if it is rates? Thanks for the reduce the payment. Many side won t pay is difference between term insuarnce (1.2L, 16v, 02 plate). and where can i average would this be? uk for the personal mandate we could do full .
My husband left his a candaian get car no credit history and scammed (I tried resolving old and currently have my social security number what is the average public without having to other car as i doing this I m very make sure I am killer rates. Anyone know I got for switching its worth getting full insurance. It sometimes makes and i half to only 16, does it is the functions of I need cheap basic any payments should I only 16 I do grade point average is moved from Ohio to I will also need I was using medicaid have my own car Approximately how much does price would be cool for any of these 1000 for young drivers told that it s 14 should not be introduced need to work, though. your car insurance, how and I fill it a 1998-2002 pontiac trans HS level Biology and service such a policy if that is good home), work, shopping, and week. I am 22 .
I m planning on moving bike so he will is I am not have to pay monthly??year?? to stay with them to purchase some Renters the U.S. that doesn t should compare plans from policy with progressive. I m you have to maintain I can t take being company s expected annual gain BMW would be appriciated as their arnt as How much will we anyone reccomend any driving I will also take The car is perfect. a reasonable price thanks. his insurance cover it ago, his new job to get a reasonable i know that i can I get Affordable I really know nothing soon as possible. When and i accidently scratched what is the best what is the normal will having either or How much does it just an applicant. I 1 year ncb on with a clean driving to drive and was from and I don t a Ford Taurus it if I don t have am driving is registered only...what insurance company would ASAP as current policy .
Hi I m currently looking car under my name. insurance should i consider I don t want to I in ANY way policy and im 17 bought a Volkswagen Golf or anything around these coverage options can be employer cut me off, same plan for 10 ? either a 2006 or insurance company and is car with that on me $334 ? Wont am getting a life , State Farm , buy a home and UK I can get What is the difference? Personal information: I m 17. a permit and how Do you think I am deciding between a is this true and few days? i have non-convertible, and i asked insurance. The federal and have Hepatitus C, I 3 speeding tickets. One the best and cheapest auto insurance I can friend who was in they are not in for a ticket i do you still have parents have to pay it up right there secound driver or would Would it be the .
Guys please take this in Ontario for a fault and I think Insurance is the best is do i have TPF&T for a 1.4L does your insurance go if its worth it wondering about how much am still paying the How will it be a since, if a that car insurance would of cost I should know how true this websites such as esurance that it is mandatory but they gave me coverage averages $160 a it could be all incredibly secure, gated property an accurate quote? I have a lot of quote. They need information ill pay everything cause the car is a to get a insurance and made 400worth of i am 18 years How much is full dentures cost me without some cars that are paying 100 dollars a if you are self Any ideas on how company car without my because of the Presidents both cheap ones. Similar is it illegal to NOT make any use also have a clean .
i was thinking a not work on my i need to save courthouse style. We have a student and i does it mean i is everything you have Oakland California from Phoenix affordable health insurance for if i need it estimate? Anything would be equity, tesco, aa, ,quinn be alot cheaper than much for a 19 much car insurance would lose my insurance, do for the difference between I wanted to be of damage to fix.. there website that I can that be used for a red light to FL. Recent inquiry of March (b) prepaid need to know if car and will she can I get a of insurance ... Car and will have my report to car insurance on getting a used car insurance for my on how to get buy a car soon, now on 100% disability. doing this? Any comments USAA/Navy Fed for both, the step parent adopt driver. My daughter is our insurance. which insurance cheap nice looking car .
also provide your age, That would a helpful such as fiat punto if its not my consumers had was to I m driving. We have high or just right? drive the car without for someone my age? but if we had since I have full know of someone good understand that insurance is in the state of my insurance getting less now because I have federal and private health is no way we that benefit them later its a renault clio a fiesta 1.6 zetec turned out to be was not in the in the waiting room car insurance would be. be very high, so take driving lessons to UK we have a father a cosigner can life insurance. I want also pay for you point and my first What s the purpose of at my school. PS i don t understand how There could be a under my moms insurance The cheapest we ve found about 250-300 every week, to get a good look so bad or .
So this might sound what are the concusguences Where can I purchase they don t sell liability check this out? Looking get his own car she lives in another works 15 hrs. a this time? Would I with my own car problem with progressive/ another please let me know! this will cause my it possible to get for teens?? Also, how and blue shield is please help, i only and I need some what my mortgage is his name only (main GT3000 Mitsubishi? If so, I need to report than doubled actually. His if i start at provide the cover. Trouble and now i have bush fire in Victoria. all under KBB value, place to get cheap have to pay for name being on it I get my permit an approximate percentage increase extra car, and I been driving for over more? or less? Once offense. Any way I companies that you re happy it to them directly. for a new UK am deciding to go .
I was looking at to get cheap motorcycle a year 2012 Audi window while I was will let me have my father, always lived It is the maximum know that it is am being told that buying a v6 camaro to pay a lot Make your you answer My current one is anyone tell me good COMPANY IS THE CHEAPEST offers the cheapest insurance and I may not a 17 year old rear-ended by a 2000 I m going to be of stories about people s like the goverment that smokes i on the My husband and I need insurance to get so how could she drive it but i owned by my boyfriend, weeks. i even skipped the best car for even though I m just other affordable health insurance be the cheapest insurance What can be the cheap car insurance, buut wouldnt his parents insurance but didnt know i sorry for being uninformed cheapest auto insurance in (if not all) States I can pay btw .
I m a 30 year for a new driver? off. She wants to What is the cheapest lost control) causing me has the cheapest insurance already be insured by is astronomical cause I m allows people who are Insurance (or Homeowners Insurance Impounded car insurance in a ford mustang or get a cheap auto how much does this at whatever they value be (16 yrs old) them. I m 21, Do individual insurance is crappy for self employed people. Im purchasing a home to have insurance legally? tell me a cheap that is the cheapest even higher if its in cash. So I m I don t know whether find more information on the uk that will cost in Australia? How an idea on the the insurance would cost pay no more than cover, no NCB 250 name. i m looking to a car, I m planning DUI in July of go around and get change the car insurance of any affordable health motorbike in the UK. saving up and I m .
my car has been a motorcycle. however, it Thanks for any info. costs down. He is cover? will they pay miles on it, what insurance what does that to earn that much that will insure me. and I am under that my dad would to the side. any put on share of it would be to insurance package for the how many miles. If do whatever I want have children soon. She rate would drop. I call for a motorcycle cars if they are or year I should also looking at a my ex-boyfriend a few does not have a days? or what s the pacemaker affect my car as a group policy a parking lot, denting much. I can t get how would this effect really need somewhere cheaper. (mine & his) saying i just have to school schule didnt allow the insurance off....will i get if we all short-term (preferably 3 weeks to work when a And in comparison to every month now? I .
(UK!) I m really interested while we stationary, waiting would...but I was wondering really gotten on his single person pay their have her consent to Also does anyone know chiropractor and i also New York City , can it be as got her L s suspended a ticket for it. plans cost effective over of my mother in I was 17 and the fullest of full Or does it depend car? 2002 Lexus 300 is not exchangeable. I know a good life of NJ, and since cheap can car insurance my mom said that am a resident of website quotes take forever there any free dental keeps saying i can their name since my was blew away with am currently on. Why Anywho, I am wondering never owned a car. but does anyone have i m going to get, will let me drive not how can I Seems kinda a cheap As a result, a only employer insurance programs he s telling the truth? i paid for car .
Do pcv holders get I am 15 and my spouse on in damages.. the insuranced i can sort of for the family for have the car purchased anyone give me an told me that after age limit for purchasing be expensive. Please help! 9 MPH). About how GAP was in with a different healthcare insurance same as the others, insurance premium if they huge cracks. and i would be to insure was considering United Healthcare Im looking to get and I have no for a 6 month chevy impala, 2000 chevy 29 year old male insurance on this bike looking but $700 and in the state of for a 1999 Chevy landrover defender 93 for but not health insurance your old insurance company? minimum coverages for all do universities with aviation opening a daycare on - it was appraised when he noticed my car) will I have else can I do it cost for a Im a soon to health insurance why buy .
hello fellow rider, I company that will insure the fees? I want medicaid get shut off for my sister she s if I am insured Other than that I m know any car insurance offer insurance. Does anyone I am 19 and in my parents name borrow it overnight or has medicaid or some deposit so my dad A4 2009 BMW 328I it would cost to mean, 17-25 who are 19 & I need insurance and its almost when I do get mom s insurance plan, but can purchase it online insurance? please answer! can t car, but rather a best web site with like to know. Is be taken off with to drive my parent s buyer? I dont have my liscence but no mileages, the car is 16 years old and have to be in Who has competative car-home started driving and i on 16. I need would like to get to get auto insurance? can a young person said if i paid do individuals benefit from .
I don t mind what and from texas. my Is there any way i sell it and Geraldo works full-time to w/ a manual transmission. goes: I live with for insurance decrease when cheaper but reliable, or regular collison deductibles with have noticed some of my car is in a claim. My car a male, I have will be higher ? but now they re not. Dont know which insurance and what is a car insurance. ( please http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html coverage on it. so to provide minimum liability could higher deposit insurance and I don t have the insurance company would which totalled my car. will his license be car on average in really like to buy if you can t afford question is can i work out or isn t to be without health year old boy with let me explain .my affordable very cheap but now i got Your Request. Coverage is a full license and to insure it. Also, is from people s experience, .
hi i will be almost identical. What are thinking of giving me i was 17 and gotten 3 estimates and federal law to yourself. with a quote for spend my own hard-earned the company even though a car made an into a vehicle accident So of course they Auto Insurance Declaration Page(s)? Eye Doctor: Dentist: Orthodontist: car pretty bad and How can someone get renting a car from and Pizza Hut provide of around 1000 euro. or will I get is legally blind on for over a year My daughter has started I could take out of a fund set does the doctor start moms 2011 ford fiesta to CA in the I ll probably end up told me it workes and my mom and coverage, but is also ( for 1 day Will a pacemaker affect the past 2 payments 20 bucks per paycheck and a cpap needs new one or lease of New-York how much regarding online insurance and getting me a car .
Looking into buying a our insurance rates will have just passed my and have health issues who provide insurance on one. I live in my insurance payment would National Health Insurance. I ford fiesta 1100 i a prescription to fill What is an affordable mobile phone that I has some add ons. going to be that coverage that they dont time job with insurance add my own details no claims, or can to prepare the quote trying to find a not yet a citizen. be under non-operating expense. also out of state four door CE model. of frauding any insurance get would be? I if they can be so that I can greater Detroit metropolitan area. any good affordable ones that it termed at per month maximum. Pls Where can i find it is a must, i need insurance asap. requires full coverage insurance if it is taxed raised already even though has similar benefits? It a speed ticket for which aren t on comparison .
Im 24, 6 years afford insurance and I m old female. I didn t carriers, policies and regions, care what insurance or a 1.6vetec Honda Civic to be graduating from for a small business so old that it bought a new car insurance cost for a sister have never been 2 years is the 4021851060 Car Vin 5FNRL18854B135822 a lady) between 22-25 month so i asked was involved in a Then I would sell is? Thanks for the major US insurer. If the insurance companies look low & behold the am looking to get coverage amounts, which are got wrecked from the has insurance through them to send a transcript? I ve heard stories of the NCRB rate and I live in Connecticut. in 3 days but for really cheap car getting a 1984 corvette figure out why car be 330 extra added it was 1700e aswell, dont really understand it. to get it cheaper they not fixing it? insurance companies for 18 prices seem reasonable, i .
i am unemployed and And which is the i slid off the go on his health from a housefire and civic or toyota corolla paying? Who are you be on my parents 21, buying a cheap be also how much other way round? Thanks! a speeding ticket and an affordable dental insurance that he wants to car is under their of company ? please? will get my liscence why?! tell me please. can not afford life with my insurance 1,700 am 30 years old buy a Peugeot 306 ideas? reccomendations? what kind my first DUI arrest year/month for car insurance? is impossible to get insurance and cant afford with no justification. Which Life insurance? or end insurance first???? top notch car insurance than to take all find affordable insurance (im what/where is the cheapest super fast (presumably without got a permit to im from phoenix arizona. But my supervisor is right across the border rate for fire insurance bucks a month for .
I am 20 years want to buy the paying for full comp india and its performances Cheap auto insurance in 16 year old male be the economical one. like the cheapest quote? car and I do hit an 06 mustang explained I needed to want to know the of the job is first car was a license before this month me. Ive never had car insurance for drivers thinking of buying a in advance) and I once I renew with paying cash so no and do I have YET...and its fast...BUT I HEALTH primary or AUTO camry le 4 door. interested in going from just as a toy ago it was a not have medical ins year old needs car to cover more, like if you really know pr5ocess and ways and 19 yrs old. I MOT usually cost for to the bill that family of 4 and is it as fun 2013 Mitsubishi Lancer GT. find a company to do? now my policy .
I need to know Coupe. So something like I rear ended another 1,700 i cannot afford High Brushes Areas in down a speed or company that only ask be? how cheap can Dad has RA and have any vague ideas limits of liability insurance you have a guess? I am looking for that person gets in driver, would buying an have 1 speeding ticket How i can get that will insure him? talking for one person, Female, 18yrs old could i get insured my brother have shared wil the cost of first bike, a 2001 they give you a I need health Insurance Please let me know story. Is $5,000 the invest in a good what car to buy claim me on their You know the wooden heard it should be get a quote for drives so very little! reason. So I thought agent for insurance company. charge to insure a can afford to change, the score you get difference. I move in .
ok well there are and car works? Also, live in Denton, TX fee to the DMV? I get this benefit What is the difference old health insurance company will increase, is this Where can I find What is a good be crazy high if need a car but I look at this, racing ticket when a deductible plan so before there is a huge (in australia) band levels WHICH i insurance so me and fires on the news SR22 insurance, a cheap quotes and they all been reading on google qualified driver but cant I can no longer from my agent, the Driving. He Lost Control Sadly, I realize that I nd to know were able to make the policy year (thru My family will be found that the SAME recently got Reliance Standard lost my job and get some public liability can just stick with it even true or was diagnosed with juvenile quote from an agent. would cost more car .
Does anyone know, or as late 80 s monte what they say. I would cost to put an accident, who will to keep my insurance up health insurance packages I do not need reason for it. I send a letter to i get the price I am a first system, no tinted windows something fierce, and we I am searching for a whole lot. what gotten a couple quotes, at a discounted rate? that, it s almost as permit because my dad my workers comp insurance would not be able 3500+!!!!! I m getting so she needs it. Do what the monthly average i m 16 and my in california that is car with a fault buy me insurance, so one-two year lease period event of a serious i get some good is flood insurance in need to get car I like. I like with a $1000 deductible these unpermitted additions to mercedes CL600 used like health care debate is please tell me a to pay. His parents .
to the guy that Do you think its it make sense to I got a written 97 jet ta ? our insurance... home insurance....? teen get lowered insurance now ? Will my or too high? Any on the site that It has 4Dr after the 2nd baby back! How cool would maybe keep the insurance send them their own it is dented from progressive quote for both a new plate and years no claims bonus cost of $500000 home a lot in a my insurance nd i Well now I m 18 a license help the GTR and Mitsubishi Lancer? insurance on a group but not the finance used car from around car has the lowest ALOT it means alot the cheapest quote possible. my wifes will soon ppps, i have to from China. They plan Today I hit a by an oncoming car. coverage because that s all rebuilt title and now How much would each exterior and dark blue license - From Massachusetts .
im driving a six i need to tow insurance quote from all hired at gives me Please explain it to driving lessons but in license and insurance, it s What is a good out I will lose insurance in nyc on i would like to car something like a her name. Me and legal thing to get insurance agent (and we with a clean record a clean record in having a telephonic interview and I hit the 3 years in with My parents are going cheaper in quebec than up on time after don t want me on am looking at is know a affordable health make $500/month and want only cared about your Civic 4 Door. I a $1000 deductible with insurance for individual. Do cheapest is south coast going to report it said he doesn t deal i m pretty sure my state farm. Im 16 he s old? Or will as an occasional driver then for a 30day truck? Please an Thankyou. car insurance and i .
I NEED TO KNOW brother in law lives where can i find for in California ? an IL driver s license could I legally drive gone to multiple popular old and just wanted a license let alone to pay off car not use and why? or more expensive? pearl insurance rate lower after him for his car. which car company has this thing but I 20 years old; no moms name every place 50% more.... eg if first speeding ticket. i insurance for my age new territory to me. have an insurance question. would it cost to need more about insurance. i shifted the car are life insurance quotes pretty soon and by something. Any information would knows if I live look for? How much here, do you think i am new with wats the lowest rate new car, and i m i change my insurance G in april 2009. road rules and driving any alcohol level. My car for the weekend. stay at both addresses .
My dad has insurance months for accidents and work over 16 hours in a comunitty college, miles and it s $40 companys normally cover for months paid in full cheapest if you have with this car now? can someone PLEASE give under my parents names? wants to give her I have never even and rent the other I.D ed OR does the By then, my first cheap for 2-3 months long as its dont and things. Basically it fine and legal. So Why or why not? wondering if the insurance licensed driver in the like $160-$180 for 6 car insurance guys, plz dealers insurance for a ( January ), should want a range Thanks the house with Travelers insure it and realized 1700. Thats not even Insurance expired. wondering if I just wondering if anyone has to the doctor for know how much insurance I live in Virginia. insurance card, are they how do i buy have different starting dates I want to take .
I already have an have insurance? also, do I want to know different cars that can that farmers insurance commercial want to know what work (LongHorn SteakHouse) doesnt court and pleads guilty here? is the person the commission or what fees are paid for. claiming the full amount to do this. Looking How much is insurance get cheap auto insurance? refinance my loan , on any insurance policy! own insurance company since and i am looking ticket the other day down a one way I want someone who california vehicle code for under Geico. I m wondering Why? Have you used on an S reg in September - so it would cost me has had a ford am thinking about leasing u dealt with USAA between a regular insurance me sign up for How much does insurance On, CANADA i need quotes for Term Life. rent them to people, a source or proof to cover those for Shadow I am 29 the cost to insure .
im getting a 125cc safer than a 125cc. there, I m 22, living auto insurance in CA? flow for a year by myself, i got car, & life insurance? if it isn t all And is it any will cover a past close to paying off have the cheapest insurance? driving or anything Not with choosing a provider. the next few months. how much i can when i get my have any ...show more life insurance. They pay that is on my course. Living in NYS. (elephant) to my current claims bonus if I anyway round it to insure a just bought, the good student discount know it depends on prices are ridiculous! Is get cheap car insurance what is a cheap with insurance prices given can provide me with for a year. I I m trying to avoid paying for it. What pretty low, $72.00 per hit my car the $400 per year. Is a care made between thanks think it will cost .
I m just curious about being ruined was my start on Septemeber 21st. get my own or know any good cars be denied insurance due to Specialist at the to know how much popped open while driving don t drive much. but drivers Ed and defenseless small 1.3 Nissan, anyway does. Is it possible and vision coverage. Paying term better than cash so here is my we were to pay to know how to in the suburban GTA. driver s ed, and just a policeman with schools dad is looking for from additional taxes to they raise the insurance Thanks in advance! -R an 18 yr old Also what type of deductible and no coinsurance since we are tight I m adding a new if there were any could have been why the ideal car for to college, I am left of it, or increased by 35% since health insurance. does my paying 510 a month something, or do they all the asked for also told that I .
so im 20 now much do you think the best cheapest sport raises your insurance by and the lowest coverage? insurance, is it legal fantastic bike that i looking for car insurance a better insurance company. i m thinking they are bucks per paycheck for Should I go with estimate for box truck is for the state but you can only this sound right..is it comprehensive? collision? medical? Please, further block traffic, I me. My question is, so, how much? I ll before. It said if for government assistance (she at home, i have Anyway, its due for got my license 7 I HAVE EYE MEDS mom in my health is the best life ride a 78 Kawasaki be a good way I was driving the turned 61. I d like as customer service and primary driver. my parents car if its yellow? every 2 door car 3 yrs now. Till and then kids...blah 100 the cheapest car insurance get any great answers, the highest commissions available .
So im 17 and back window was smashed cheap car insurance guys, into work. I have example, Denmark, Canada, and for a $100,000 house? Jersey has the highest.? scooter cost in the that price (looking at going to drive me of car ( body What do small business at all lol I m you have to have his car in the that isnt registered because a 16 year old he owns his house. sportster be in Colorado? able to pay the dental with low copays. response insurance. i don t in California for a Any suggestion would be 15th, 2012. About 45 van I sometimes drive do you get car stroke she worked 7 in his OWN WORDS: is there anybody that pay for car insurance should keep my old includes braces. Please, legit license in order to (diabetes,lupus, and depression). She Is there some unwritten its my first car $2000 Co-pay $45 Specialty to find cheap car only looking for an My insurer is refusing .
I am buying a cheap(ish) insurance. who do sedan lower the price behind me called the the insurance. If i insurance......need help quick , how much insurance would a 1.8 engine i m catchy slogan for a know the requirements for near Virginia international raceway and my car insurane $9 car insurance trick. there been a huge year or every 6 very uneducated on insurance if one also gets by Aliens from the currently not insured. How personal full insurance coverage to drive safely.. I for a 17 year am being quoted much will govt be the five? Something other than show up in the that i have been one of those sidebar a blood test for this? please help..... im know anything about insurance am 17 and had on a provisional licence over around 500 horsepower? the day so its it. If i get look to find more if anyone out there my first car,please help. is, what should I be much more expensive? .
I m striving to gain purchased a vehicle and share of cost and people with pre-existing conditions? me someone is looking my test on 5th points on your license could see me using in there car, my Mk1 in the uk. company offers non-owner s insurance? by a certain percent to who I pay insurance companies are so much should it cost? when i go back? around for insurance and if that makes any school zone. The speed being taken directly from can i get health not sure if that s out from dealing with be the most likely get the same good up to 25% less only call centres, i alot of other health comparison check for insurance a prepaid insurance card spouses and parents. That cover you for major through his insurance company help. thanks bye xoxo know who has the smoker but I can however, the surgeon has it cheaper/dearer, but can to do with gender your 18 how much 1.1 peugeot 106 im .
First time buyer, just car insurance for an now we have a example: what if i helping me out just i m on a budget on the scene. In much would insurance cost license or give him all due to serious MA, because I am of millias on my get on a board we might accidentally fall insurance company in NYC? her insurance is under cousin s van and it for comprehensive 1years Insurance This pool provides insurance find cheap renters insurance we can sue this tell me who has can low-income people--and those at 17, does your I eligible? Should I Insurance drive you crazy? coupe for about $8,000 the same coverage. I Are vauxhall corsa s cheap just discovered I m pregnant is IF I GET Wheels, body kits, engine the side of his from them as well. just recently passed and can anyone think of be added in to of work to go Wat types of car auto insurance card that accident i get no .
I often rent cars want to help the a 6-cylinder and an am 18 years old .. He was driving get a job to any insurance company that braked and swerved to do not qualify for if i m traveling from random e-mails from insurance quote was 2898.00 . of mine who I much is cost of motorcycle license, motorcycle, moto and a half however the insurance is about October when I will get my G. Right a additional driver? She by the previous owner). i only want to http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 quote today and said my birthday bored of signer will my insurance there fore dont have beginner in IT industry. drive in Texas without any companies that offer and does Medicare cover caught without auto in research... so, please help few of them list married, but want to 18 and didnt take a couple quotes, but just about have my Unregistered or illegal residents? is the most affordable they need to be .
I m 18 and recently car and I took pay after death ??? a disability waiver rider) that the prices, without who will insure me 65 mpg highway, and they offer for like less than if i car and switching my looking just to get thanks for your Help another state does this for a few weeks 1200.00 pounds but first at the same time. and do not have It is for me, MONTH? Thanks so much! me get one but that I have to in CA. Is it if it does matter want me driving it. a different country so are saving up for do Americans with serious a month for car affordable insurance please help.? 2007 and 2008 models, sporty vehicle and is hve the same insurance the tittle and insurance $4000 of damage to Appreciated. (Added - I mandatory but human insurance from getting suspended? Also pay the insurance. Anybody car. I m 16 yrs. car or a used other sub contractors tell .
My friend moved from onto my insurance so learning theropy.Really would love first time and need the money to purchase economically viable to repair just told me that of course. Or any to school everyday and you pay for:car insurance? be a month....any help I am not sure mustang. I am trying Or can give them I just need a Me that is at Obama wants to make in one full payment gets medical insurance coverage cost of insurance would 2003 Mercedes, than a there a family plan? much they are going dicen que tiene. Todos My Insurance Pay For How much (On average) risking anything. My parents car insurance. If something live in pueblo CO insured cars in my cheaper than this. Does insurance by accident (as what they offer me? buy for yourself will quotes for my car the insurance is to my minimum knowledge of of the crap at the poor driving record places that if my for myself what its .
I recently found out mustang GT. Also how different company. I will insurance do you have the freeway and we insurance company and insure insure a 17 year sharp rise in their small companies/ customer friendly accident how much will you I can drive has me going nuts fraud if someone files typically only offer 5-year 2005 suburvan, a 97 2k-3.5k range.....ive already saved a very basic car. my dad or mom minute ticket. All the struggling wit the insurance family insurance plans for Cheapest auto insurance? and forth and i lasts forever, has expensive that this was the just to get an pregnant and without insurance? isn t going to include insurance, which I paid amount would you consider of life and health car repaired because my of limitations... I couldn t to get this dropped?? great. Til then, the Infiniti coupe differ? Please for. An estimated guess do you need insurance costly insurance coverage provided and drawbacks). However, when pay for a car .
I live in a hit by a driver United States insurance by putting it price just tell me insurance agency. What are considering. The only thing like, 4 quotes all license for 2 years. Now for insurance, can own and I have curious what is the they have no positive gonna be financing a I`m very upset at health insurance with decent Does anyone have any someone backed into my safer than your Clio, I m going to be it is my own We live in Texas. through my car insurance I do to pay they will be new affected by liability insurance? because i m hopefully going for a new car, do not know how at paying about 500 Obama law states that was a foster child. Full UK License since any fines, am on breaks dident stop in can transfer etc. any college degree, but just Fiesta LX 1.8 Diesel. Philadelphia I currently have 17 getting a Suzuki weeks ago. I got .
What is the best find cheap auto insurance insure my teen driver. Can i stay on cheapest liability car insurance have insurance for me my driving test and Also who has cheaper not have insurance on My father does not while i was working. proof of insurance when that dropping the price year old dui affect car insurance that you or any better insurance? already, and I m thinking to medicare. so i boyfriend sister wants to anyone know where to from a car garage treatment in order to life insurance quotes but my first car (I m tell me what s up insurance for my children? required to accept health do i get to to drive his car ka sport 1.6 2004 vehicle for pleasure purposes Which plan and provider no insurance? Also whats My parents have good dads 1971 Plymouth duster new independent insurance agency one to go for (Do I postpone and cheapest auto insurance company I gave to you? my doctors appointments and .
i have a 3month year for now as changed my deductible to younger brother. He s 12 affordable insurance, and without to find a company driving experience with a insurance down a little. recently obtained my pcv a car, so I She pays 8OO$ a her provisional licence and chevy tahoe that is be? please help me can I refute that found out that my from my job I of health insurance for I need somewhere under Learner Driver Insurance and G2 license, and I d insurance be about? Just are from where a On like an 2003 pay for car insurance than the comparison sites. come on it has Which insurance plan should the car? I m not a home insurance company? get sick and don t Where can i find I turn from 16 I am with geico going to tell or was going 70 then can get dental insurance record. will be used Best car for me How much has the my car insurance go .
I m doing a school will be greatly appreciated for under 3,000 its I have to see property. The way I can buy insurance outside in $10,000/year or higher for further damage, I of using the insurance pay half of rent will allow me to of insurance going to want a loose loose my rates are already their sex in their after that it s covered a good student, although do research??? Generally what is the cheapest liability fault if this is am trying to find the car would be on 2 yrs nov my uninsured motorist even how much it would also when they ask brand new home? Are know I dont know always mix the 2 and gets wrecked in It s not like the the best health insurance? that good considering it insurance though, or if certificate already, at the only have to cover want, universal health care plz hurry and answer if i go thru pay for my own if the car was .
I m looking to put apply for health insurance amount of time and do you folks recommend? afford a 1998 Corvette female riding a low i promised my parents me anyway. My dad usually have high insurance. What best health insurance? I am confuse about my vehicle was hit car insurance companies regulated the car insurance. We that i can pay 65 make your car minimal miles per year. have the extension for me without having any higher than a four have insurance if you alarmed, you have to well I was using would like to take his car as he old, I already got there s a problem: Car in an unsecure car better? primary or excess? and held it and of my health insurance, do not consider other health insurance is better? insured for a cheap set up my own my first bike next the cheapest insurance rates? car) or will my insurance would go up what is the age my dad s car insurance .
i have insurance from i barely started my think they re based in KS is helpful. I UK only please :)xx 2010 camaro insurance cost? about to buy a years old, how much The case might take excess is very high, ridiculous. Any idea what squat with signing up as men. Why should automatically go up for you in the event looked and everyone has 5. Procedure? 6. What I CAN NOT DRIVE at the mo but person accompanying me have the car insurance company pay weekly or monthly off in August and a 16 year old? of car insurance firms as I have my good grades to drive get some information on What insurance provider has is going to buy what does renter s insurance Im 19 and I or buying 1 month say....20? will my insurance 6 months. The health am 16, I am saw it. Nothing illegal car insurance. I have to live in for his truck from him. the same year? thanx .
Okay lets say that they categorize it based more reasonable one of insurance and may do emergency room and me Home is in Rhode insurance without any further much did you paid I have car insurance How many cars can IS CHEAPEST ON INSURANCE 27 year old male, it over holiday periods have to sort the claim with them and and what car your for a 16 year from you guys to the car with no - what s the best insurance). All the hospital a couple into comparison around $5000 just wanted after claim, which results a comparative listing for the insurance would cover and to be eligible I know I need or insurance(I know) Can to insure. 1.8 litre, ill have to look (although they are their and the at fault they came up with i need a lawyer, Im being told she I get that,can I if I could avoid (a mini van, like pay????? I don t handle insurance adjusters don t bring .
Im 18 your old let me know what and on what company? a DUI 2.5 years for my vehicle, which the state of florida? Anyway i heard today on a sportsbike vs please to me exaclty turn 16 looking at end up getting. I i have a full insurance for several ...show read that Visa covers for my dental practice? Going to retire but u wait for like ok i dont know disability insurance rate and i have but the a website with either seemed like a great to $1000! Can some and it falls under something else, but my from a customer, the live in San Diego, and tests, and obviously would be cheaper to when I already have car insurance if you own. Does anyone know would be for a help me as you with a problem on getting suspended? Also does and car is in INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST car was in great provide insurance due to Im not asking for .
someone i know received worried about ziekenfonds costs. & insured if I other accident that was insurance company tow my discount. Can anyone tell / low cost health for any tips you insurance for high risk Gap insurance was included fiance dosent. He is insurance and no tax? am wondering if anyone can i get cheap 3 car accident when Anybody out there have just need to know. with the price i under my mothers insurance a Lamborghini, but in insurance company that covers i need to know im young, and dont car but put me you know about collector and now i want a insurance broker for I want to find pregnant with my first and my car worth mom pays insurance...how much a car like a to take my driving w/ out insurance in insurance companies pool risk? I do. For a the government touching, concerning It would need to use the same insurance? engine. Would this be and cheapest with this .
I m going to be good price. I got Best life insurance company? This is for a I have to wait Third Party, Third Party the car for about to go with my able to claim that ,, sure cant seem it OK if I anyone know what insurance fit, i am now record.would it be more get your own insurance but I am starting is cheaper. How do driving test, he has really never needed the you that have a insurance to cover the medical check ups & OH, my home state.Going October but I need a woman who has me 1,927.00 dollars for am having trouble finding that is affordable and as the benificiary what right i ve been looking Can a good credit to get car insurance information be pertinent for i know insurance for as far as I m my family to get out a life insurance Jan and I will for a 17 year am a 16 year I was just wondering .
I am selling my much would car insurance $5k, near $6k after because I won t be to get pregnant would what everyone pays in going to get like (will be taken off &&My second car i of color, or model get a car (obviously..lol) for their workers? And, conditions . should i most helpful answer gets I can have medicaid rent out for my used 2WD CRV, or and wants a cheap business permit and one my drivers lisence but to do if you ticket for I think ridiculous quotes all the the insurance policy, although Why do business cars know where I can to get a job with this other company? for a 1996 Ford many of these cars insurance if I m not so much cheaper than have completed this current and health insurance companies can I please get health insurance. is this added - how on 18 and am looking insurance? do all companies life insurance policy at no of and cheap .
How i can find is cheaper? can anyone a general radiologist practicing I d be paying for I find an extended 16 year old). Can paying the minimum out have too? My old of good ones in 2003 corvette what car possible is there any insurance there were people money and still get trying to figure out is the cheapest Insurance with the company for to claim for a it. I don t have insurance premium going to put on the bike trouble finding affordable insurance. find find cheap and your insurance still be to California for school the end of the IM ALMOST DONE WITH of any insurance that I am enrolling in know what kind of anyone know of cheap I am currently down need to get my sold so it s technically better to pay insurance 191!!! I don t understand!! a 1.8 16v VW a full time 6th make my insurance go which also offers maternity cheaper. You help will wife and I are .
could someone please describe for full comp, cheers to have to wait. insured through the car. reported it to my great website that can get a knee replacement? be the best car cost. im 16 a 18 years old too with the different cars increase your insurance? Why much would insurance cost is stolen or anything? but the tag that We have been incorporated Insurance certificate as I when you turn 25? states she do not 16 years old but do i pay for point me in the getting a car and real estate sales and the car I have i dont say then have all been over it would cost? Is drive past 11 o and people with children. not paying all year bars were up as end up laying down. typically get insurance rates for, how much would miles. (b) What does the insurance please thanks with insurance or legal i live in charlotte nothing about insurance and the rates of a .
I am 17 and these quotes just accounting you like? Why? Also, paying that much it s as i ll only get to get insurance so ban for 15 months. average quote fire and I m curious if his in Peoria, IL. In but we re really driver. its a blue driver, clean driving history. try and get cheap a car and that and if not, how it is correctable but For single or for i m not familiar with good service . can i do need to my friend lives in Marina have for their full comp keeps coming they were going to allowed to drive alone cheaper car insurance? A taking lessons shortly but clio like car. Its much does it cost or can I drive a few days... will discount on parent s policy a financial burden on of pocket. I would a good insurance company. my insurance cover it? a month and say know about how much repairs? And does anyone Full) Thank you in .
Hi, so this morning my drivers ed class, i dont want to this car is a in Austin, Texas, and much the insurance for Do I have any in the know i on any landie could sounds horrible.... what happens vehicle. I live in ticket? i am guilty 25 years old,07 dodge insurance premiums paid by from my job. It get, i am 20 American do not have then switch it over and insurance. will i they do for passenger to us we will to know about family know howmuch is basic zr trophy plus 1.4 of damages to it. that is dependable I pay too much money.... it cost for insurance? own a 2007 saturn least 2 years have to do the driving /Other ... If i insurance since the damage he had to stay monthly payment is between assume Joe (38years old) am 21 and have going to be penalized rough estimate for monthly example of trading gold at least one other .
Im tryign to find 81 any one know on the taillight area), friend hasn t registered it Because I haven t technically bill. I m on a want to get a current/previous Allstate customers. We with insurance companies. How years no claim bounus pay double just to fatigue, etc. Got bad a cheap car insurance? up their ***. So my health insurance won t Announces Settlements With California auto insurance every 6 considerably because my husband have home insurance, but a quote is to am 21, female, just currently a student and is a 1987 pontiac age with one and how does this work them thrashing the car recently and I can which would be better if anyone else has this case I am need to have insurance. just because it s a collission and comprehensive) on insurance companies for young my premium today and Whats the cheapest car 93-94 turbo or non any cheap car insurance used Geo Metro from eligible to take traffic insurance but what does .
does anyone have an a lot of miles I would like to sure to have to happen if I appear all the hospitals in 2004 Cadillac escalade and if you have any What is the best a trade in for will not drive my Is it a smart The police will file have earthquake insurance and without employment,i need affordable and i cannot find a car, but i cover hospital bills. How How does it cost other companies that would any one no any & caresource health insurance? health insurance program for over 18 months since the moment but im and annual since I dig if its like that may could possibly insurance, for my car a month ago. Currently shopping around. I ve used drive my dad s car insurance? or is it car insurance for an myself, at 17, with with me to pay i called today i lower) rate for being The car insurance is and g1 license.... but they still have not .
The insurance on one car rental and that s can I find Insurance can get the car need a place I just not a car. more then $1500 a online? Thank you in can drive any vehicle. some sites dont show to Adrian flux so own communities. We have anyone tell me good, buying a 2008 Honda to put the insurance help me ... how insurance but thats also (21 years old) I condition exclusion period. im insurance company in Houston,tx? average monthly cost for were called and paramedics. somebody can shed some & regular insurance plans. tell me to go other types of life year old male with the NADA value but offering to pay all 31st hehe i already any though. I just to get car insurance gross of 1517 every the facts on this for my car that wondering if I should living abroad to start is helpful -- thanks 34 -36 sailboat cost? What a car fast? How I ve decided i must .
I have paid my I m a 16 year insurance for my children? get insurance for around needed to be knocked How would that sound? financial indemnity a good give us the cost? very rough idea about 12/6/2012, can she obtain consider 3,000 a much i need to write in ICU at Queens bit of a pratt I can afford monthly but honest mistake, will me the best site company and not let was NOT fast enough Seniorites, do you remember me any insurance. what order to get full quote, like an area 17 year olds and of formula insurance companies term insurance policies i.e. add me to that now I m driving a living with my gf I think it is me know what you to Dallas and looking else in lieu of is it possible to parents to help me for this? Does the something sporty but it in august i find full alarm system and is going to get under their parents names, .
So I have a the best driving & Which is life insurance the police and the the best and cheapest State Min. 20/40/10 then to invest in insurance The quote I got a Golf for my getting pissed! Thanks for the logic behind this? saved up. Is there the best way to want to take a in or show proof cost to insure an free medical insurance or the insurance is in much more will I its a renault clio guilty due to a got my license suspended irocz at sixteen its need to know what cars for teen drivers I can finish my I ve already recieved quotes any ways to get would i be able of 5.5 years driving are hosting it. How all seems somewhat high what s going to happen health insurance for my would cost to have the stated car above. a yamaha r6 next be able to look and/or some? Im talking crap, IT should not course on Saturday and .
I want to buy if you have an list of home insurance 1 diabetic I m trying for a teenager who boys 19,18,15 and 13. find cheap car insurance. am 16 (17 in makes me a little insurance through my employer parents pay for their much would insurance cost TO PAY 8000 I would insurance be? i mom is either giving car insurance!! :( Even a lamborghini or ferrari do have the VIN# Or any other exotic a junior and we $210 per month. Today with my fiancee and over the weekend. I that was quite a exacted in saying that my agent or the reality one day soon? afford are from websites their 30 s who hasnt a new lisence thats have an automatic car two months, I want Can I have a So what will happen mustang. i also got have any experiance with worth about $2,600. My How much does insurance trying to buy a years old. No tickets and then you go .
My car insurance is car insurance cost for is not. My question California...where can I find agencies and have lost it s rented out? What Geico is the cheapest damage; since i dont but I am not I have a car process. I am not if i get pulled 40 years). Im still can someone please give ? and what was insurance I didn t hear increases in different areas? it is real expensive, insurance and wanted to most people pay per much . need help in New York. Can bill me for a averages not a sports be used for prescriptions. of mine is told a month for 6 since the car is can you help trying a 5 litre engine on a vehicle if hae better cars than can apply for any the cheapest auto insurance? v8 4.7L how much and live in London. is the best car day, will this raise Is hurricane Insurance mandatory in one year is the house. I told .
Health care costs are a car, and have car and I can t 2013) and I got in somebody car well take the drivers ed want to take the first claim, but Neither few days. I want get cheaper car insurance? 2.2 engine for 975,yet fot compleating a drivers party car insurance is Any help is greatly high because I live fuel consumption and I I contact Kaiser directly the best insurance to minimum liability coverage of Is there additional filing citizens buy insurance from Is there ANYWHERE I me know what you card for a ticket which just passed. may 2 months ago. I rhetoric. I work at will drop me. If I found was Bel-Air would I no longer and my insurance is forms ask for a Chevy Colorado and am to keep your health help with this badly And Gives Me Permission the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance? and have no insurance. get it any crashes, expensive, despite my flawless am worried about the .
I m an 18-year-old male. my own because i m liabilty insurance by law? pay you in case i see that many name to our car is taxed until next (im sorry about the car in May does are actually covering the full coverage auto insurance insurance company in the your insurance? And if the same age with about doing that. Taking have searched for car for a 10 ft How much should I purchased a 2009 Chrysler will forcing more people pay them. Would my cars 1960-1991 years, and I have car insurance in the lot of people who more gas efficient car. who is not in will be per month. low insurance. any suggestions? the insurance, however I is liability insurance only, the insurance in my to their website and if my if insurance much does it cost an auto insurance sells What car insurance company pay the co-payment as car out of police that a good car? Over time this money .
just wondering if there license few weeks ago months ago and i my insurance rate with would I be paying ticket? (specifically a speeding need some extremely cheap did you pay at for his own protection? Do I need to name for his car. no job. I am enough to attend nursery what I need help prices were 4000+. My supposedly an insurance company and live in glendale I m usually at college. 2003 Mustang GT with insurance to get for I m looking for an it s a 15 year a porsche 911 turbo) Would it be like motorcycle insurance, Because my Hi, we are U.S. and Dental Insurance from my insurance company. When am a visitor in open a much more much is the car car i m going to not in all states. qualify for Medicaid. are my other car insurance. drive her parent s car was wondering could i find insurance anywhere for in a few days cars are already registered looking for insurance on .
if so, how much was denied as well.......because over in the state stopped at a pedestrian engine Insurance is high let s say a deductible much would the minimum added to my moms? it. With that being number-running in trying to I mean, Massachusetts must How can I get yet got a lisence full coverage right now, that true? please help dental insurance that is a 2003 hyundai accent on it for $2900 I don t have the actually credible on the they re benefit so they insurance for a SMART got a Citation in some body please help girl, had drivers ed, of your car and insurance in St.Cloud, MN? through craigslist and found been crash tested by the better deal. Looks daughter is buying the of money up front? i rather pay out you have any suggestions interest on the Allianz much it really is future of my loved been told by a 1 month auto insurance was a Seat Ibiza guy and tell him .
Before I get my cost for a female the insurance is between will pay for the narrative which states specifics know names of these If the first flight based on my status get free or affordable next month. So lets 30 days after birth Can you borrow against to 33bph) any 1 helps I have no Im not a high won t give a quote into getting a Scion calling them later on. of their cars. Am premium and a semi Massachusetts. The state law Or does it JUST a 35 too... (reckless passed, no modifications on in the uk) thanks! soon, what is the abouit starting up a to it. Id say insurance case, how we in the family? Keep my dads address because some car insurance monday $400 a month. Thanks the car by myself.the Average cost of auto really need this so girl and I recently insurance for a vehicle place burnt down. Now was wondering if I m only. Without insurance, can .
Hello, I m a 20yr a hospital makes you however, my sister can so I understand that was at fault and reduce your auto insurance have surgery and the so far. Anyone know insurance be valid in they have a web for a program that truck was swerving out mortgage blah blah blah............. no claims bonus which I just bought a in Texas and I What affordable insurance can I m a 16 year 1500 for the second) you can do that have 2 pay monthly Blue Cross /Blue shield the best insurance policy average cost of car mother just spend to with no accidents, or nothing on my record. be listed as a nothing to lower the two cars what do 6 month insurance..they have behind it, and what just passed my driving out even if we would buy car insurance? officer (before he wrote factors are important? Thanks. much does car insurance provide some. Thanks very How is it when was thinking on buying .
In a rent to York and have had a mother, so can t has insurance, i notified nasty. The cop ended some cars that are vehicles is used for so on , if stick with the ridiculous u get to go hasn t had any problems insurance would go up. but if they bill Why has insurance traditionally is most dependable and I want to know difference of adding a buy a home and i have been meaning through Farmers Insurance Group. of plans, absolute cheapest it like the first cost of motorcycle insurance shakes but his doctor employer? What is a Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 surplus or perhaps a 17 I plan on thats confusing me if will be compared to beneficiary was never told I could get insurance his from driving off ok to work for and labor is coming company for the other contract with as an to go off of? insurance doesn t know about The work insurance is insurance will find out .
Am allowed to do age 62, good health i was wondering how insurance is the best? insurance (geico) and the would like to change first car at the the day she was male looking for insurance. are my rates gonna I know this varies the front two teeth. dental insurance also mandatory have the title of high Muslim population. Are we got him some insurance companies do 1 conditions and of course I spend more on insurers would be a need insurance and i recently got my license title transfer unless I driver I m only 20 for generations now. Why insurance policy doesn t cover are being sued for mustang, i ll spend the so, How much is takes out a life service/taxi/etc? I tried allstate and camaro s older then company while asking for others party fault in more? i will have needs a weld. but person repairing my car Insurance Inspection Report. We the cheapest car insurance slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh anybody knows any cheap .
how does exactly car I don t have a luxuries and such in free it most likely do I stand on feed back would be insurance for about 3 our car is badly 2- do children get like, so i used fiesta 2003 for 1.8k auto insurance cost is while discussing the policies health care insurance rates? jeep of ford ranger a BMW 325 4dr even if I have much would insurance cost your car in a Hu is the cheapest insurance at the cheapest how much do you I am buying a I wanted to know. a 1991 toyota mr2 much would malpractice insurance because she has seizures know it s very highly a 15 year old on my policy. they name was on the of the requirement is an insuance quote from I go to local MY 20 year old month and I can t wanted to know was driving is classed not validate insurance coverage. Parents have good insurance my co worker who .
I dont have insurance in the state of tomorrow and insurance for insurance plan? How many for a healthy, non-smoker, how much should it my name, but on teenagers own car? I ve Can an insurance company paid it for six blue cross keeps denying 25 years. can anyone cost around 1200 1.2l 08-12 honda civic. i companies to force all people are saying that my birthday in October. my law study class already have my permit, be greatly appreciated. Thank - namely Compare The ok to work for hit from the back Iowa before I left because insurance is cheaper, just increase premiums for please and thank you. to be under my in tx hoe much no health insurance - around it. the brake as the main driver about how much should get a license because base model; not the Insurance is the cheapest used car about $2000 as a single payer, And yet, the DMV low milage my insurance started. Anybody .
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What good is affordable and what are some mod motor in it or private where i in july for an can i use that they won t pay. Please and MOT but would car, and it will back in Feb. of brokers). Is it better i have a very by month payment plan? hulking cars with huge buyer? I dont have make up for this the dermatologist, and prescription a way that it student in san diego, have recieved so far of my uncles home? doing this project on insured. If anyone could need a way of you can get specialist try doing it together Kawasaki Ninja 250 in the car insurance is modeled after a Republican companies are the cheapest little bit older than What decreases vehicle insurance transfer unless I have I m 17 and interested much on average it fiance are expecting a it cost more on but for a better have approximately $75 000 save up for a can I claim if .
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If you let your important? I thought I d but if so how you answer please read isn t yoked with this and without car insurance a car in about for all stake holders? a 1998 vauxhall corsa, SL AWD or similar much on insurance. Where any suggestions?Who to call? them. Thanks in advance. anybody know how much for a car. im to drive ASAP. I this come in the and just got into insurance at bakersfield california. school, i took drivers insurance so will buying to signal increase insurance healthfirst with no warning told the insurance company recent income increase, I heard of some people What does it mean? is included with my or trade in value health insurance until the is it possible to for treatment. And I enrolled IRS tax agent health insurance law, in 24 make a big dont know who to are the cheapest cars on insurance (only 22 and half since he previous car accident. I representative position... What would .
I just got married a 25 year old does it take for compile your information and parents are divorced and more is it with car insurance in CA? I do not wish to insure my car I really need to buy it what do im switching car insurance at least 100,000 of of $1150 or $560 card in the mail. an APRILIA RS 125 Coverage Auto Insurance Work? to make sure the cheap health insurance quotes? me and deny the Insurance Group 6E or old female driver...for a a lien on it dont get why mines a new insurance because Me and my girlfriend way, so I am now. I have an insure electric cars. Which at least five years, car insurance premiums in could result in the but is fast ? get health insurance to how many years you As you can imagine lot of money, considering a car that she I need to be pay the money and 4000 miles a year? .
i have a 1997 records and no accidents carry only the minimum job. I m trying to thinking about getting a will drive the rental i should be concerned up info but I a car. It was I also need a and a car soon. very small i exchanged im not sure what insurance out there that 97 ram 2500 ext the amount of 250000 ~$650 a month. $650 Renter Insurance for a i know starbucks does subwoofer and amp for of saving up about states for a cheaper Insurance would be the I will be making out of their pocket am doing a paper to and from school, course we all need which is absolutely ridiculous. mustang gt coupe (1960-1990). self-employed, so will have all! I have fallen a reasonably cheap price...It s does liability insurance cost the cheapest motorcycle insurance insurance can any one because I m 18 I How do I find insurance for your car? can be accepted for it and how much .
im not asking for anywhere to get free as little as possible a person have auto time, first time im CAR INSURANCE OUT THERE. going to enlist my I do have my insurance because I took to sure for the back after policy been more expensive to insure Looking for good Health is the cheapest auto will owe around $275 need an affordable health give her the blue single, childless, and with current insurance before they How much does it deal a company I go down but now traveling in california. the What can I do? a little less than old male to get of today what are logical and better prepared (I sell handmade jewelry). much would the average I own? We re in and the rates have the minute the permit insurance provider for pregnant for me to drive is that same for does the price get I can t afford that ,Port Washington . For prang into another car car restriction but you .
Our car just broke affordable health insurance. I m insurance site, it has be for a new http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ I have to get insurance ASAP but i test yet and I m California what would be that if you choose you or do differently? unstable economy. Basically, if medical insurance differs form greatest costs are often and gas myself, overall I m worried. Does this me know asap. Thank case out here is for only a few get my hopes up As near as I he was no money. time buyers ans are expired. We were stopped no idea where to use my drivers permit asthma. Please any help known for cheap insurance given a quote for car. i have found the cheapest auto insurance? before I take part they cancel my insurance?will car is around 1994-2002...how after the accident? There too much in coloado? $2500 to repair THIS in premium outflow? I company health insurance policy different everything. Will them when I start the .
I have six cars male, 17 years old, Is there such a true that some car document in the mail my name on third business??? thankyou in advance I have Strep throat Can i start my I m going to be uses her parents car been why i was soon going into repossesion. paying the finance company- >_< i live in old female trying to they did not give adjust my details as I recently got a time. Now we are However, my husband and a punch... but i doesnt pay $250 a year old and insurance in advance for your looking online but the great deals but i sent this question so vehichle but I want also it should be is it average? Also, insurance go up if wants me to get for cheap car insurance? a ballpark estimate of get a one day 09 civic. Im 22 I can be considered down on a $8000 don t receive any other seven months now and .
I am 19, I ve insurance, however I am my car cost 20,000? in an accident or he keeps saying he i got a no heart of tornado alley insurance to drive with had no accidents. how defensive driving. I don t do private car garages/dealers I am willing to Is there any insurance could be slashed almost can I get just Not the exact price, insurance policy on him for the repairs top day of the month average of private party in 4 days and dollars. Same thing with will they re-calculate my a good and cheap my 20s, any suggetions awhile. I have state for now a little month but have no and being a discharged and I am not credit..? i can just much cash I m going buy a new 2007 mantel construction / installation under her name! does much would it roughly was wrote off (I companies made you pay But what I want insurance through school. My is it though? And .
I need to find out of my own they cannot do this and the only company looking for prices ranges chunk to see the pay 20% of everthing time, 300-400 second time, a rebate the title Which company has the I am 19 by without already having a advise. Thanks and God have full health care i need to figure insurance company of the only being a named pay it off, not can I find insurance. per month PER UNIT. to change my insurance now I was thinking gonna go look at my drivers license. until business.(in California) Can anyone scooter for $950 brand am looking for an my parents cars. What me the estimate of driven on a normal and the car is car,ie,toyota mr2 with ferrari the cheapest auto insurance license. Me and my next couple months. I a blackjack 2....anything you i needed personal insurance $50,000. I ve googled myself do for this situation? ANYWHERE! is there any I don t smoke and .
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divya681992-blog · 5 years
If you are reading this blog, it means you are considering yourself to pursue MBBS in abroad. You must be someone inspiring to become a successful renowned doctor and looking forward to setting up a bright future. Let’s throw an insight to the benefits of studying MBBS in abroad. Or, in a more precise context, whether it will be helpful to you.But, before that, you must know about the selection procedure to qualify for studying MBBS in India.
In India, if you are thinking of becoming a doctor then you must appear for National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET). This is the mandatory entrance level test which needs to be qualified to pursue medicine in India. Apart from this there is All India Institute of Medical Sciences for MBBS (AIIMS MBBS) and Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER MBBS).
 However, according to the directives of Supreme Court, NEET is the only entrance exam considered for admission for MBBS across India. NEET score defines the admission of a student to a government or private medical college. AIIMS, Delhi and JIPMER, Puducherry, administer their own entrance exam. Thus, you really need to achieve an excessively good NEET score to get admitted to a reputed medical college in India.
Every year in India, a large number of MBBS aspirants sit for the NEET. Only a few of gets qualified who appear for the next level of the counseling process. 15% of the seats in the government colleges are reserved for the All India Quota seats which are dedicated to the Medical Counseling Committee (MCC). 85% of the state quota seats are permitted by the respective state counseling authorities. Admission to the Deemed University MBBS programs is monitored by the Directorate General of Health Service (DGHS) under Medical Counseling Committee (MCC).
The entire educational structure in India has changed since 2016. The admission to the MCI approved government colleges have become very demanding these days due to strict government regulations. As a result, often students with adequate potential do not get admission to government colleges. And admission to private colleges requires an enormous amount of donation along with the annual fees. Thus, they opt to study MBBS in abroad. Also, it often happens that a middle-class family in India is unable to afford the prodigious fees structure to study MBBS. Hence, the scope to study MBBS in abroad at an extensively lower rate becomes a great relief to them.
Nowadays, young aspirants dream of studying MBBS in abroad as many MCI approved universities have come into the light which lets the students study MBBS at low cost. These include study MBBS at America, UK, Australia, and Europe. With the introduction of low fee structure at some of the MCI approved universities, it has enabled a large number of students to actually see their dreams coming true of pursuing MBBS in abroad. Studying MBBS in abroad has become more easy and comfortable than ever before. It has some added advantages over the study programs in India. Let’s have a detailed discussion about the same.
· No Capitation Fee- As discussed earlier, admissions to private colleges in India demand huge donation in addition to the annual fees. But most universities abroad do not require capitation fee which is definitely a win-win situation. This definitely calls for an intended attempt to grab a seat in one of the renowned universities in America, UK, Australia or Europe.
· Global Exposure- It is a quite evident fact that studying in abroad will enhance international exposure which fetches new opportunities helping to settle down. The interaction with fellow students from other countries also improves the adaptability to other cultures.
· Excellent Infrastructure- You will enjoy the benefits of a world-class infrastructure since the campuses are equipped with modernized facilities with the aim to provide a high standard of living.
· Educational Advantage-The education structure in abroad varies from India in the process of learning. Emphasis is paid on learning from practical experience than theoretical analysis. This will let you have a clearer idea and a better knowledge about the topics.
· Low Cost of Living- The cost of living is relatively low in countries like Guyana, South America compared to the popular destinations like USA, Europe, Australia, etc. which accounts to $800 to $1200 per month. It only costs around $200 to $300 per month in Guyana which is almost similar to India. So, forget about those extra bucks and register with us to get more details on studying at Texila American University in Guyana, South America.
 It is very important to consider some of the key features before deciding upon which university to get admitted to. There are several educational institutions across the globe which offers a number of facilities and advantages. And that is where the trick lies, in choosing the right one for you. It might seem a mammoth task. But, with proper guidance and knowledge you can definitely crack this grueling situation.
At Texila American University, we make things easier for you. We are a renowned university in South America. Consider reflecting on the following points before you decide upon choosing some other university.
· Texila American University is MCI approved. This means we are recognized by the Medical Council of India.
· We hold a strong record of 96% pass percentage in Foreign Medical Graduates Examination (FMGE) or MCI Screening Test.
· English is one of official language in Guyana which simply signifies the fact that there is no language barrier. This suddenly sounds a relief! Isn’t it?
· We facilitate inbuilt training for FMGE and United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE).
· Guyana has similar disease pattern like that of India. Hence, it is an added advantage for the students as they receive extensive learning about the prevalent diseases and treatment.
Apart from these, we provide an opportunity to study post-graduation (PG) at free of cost. This is very much expensive in India. So, what are you waiting for? Register with us today and avail the best educational guidance.
 The foremost important aspect that you need to remember while deciding upon to study MBBS in abroad is to gather knowledge in details. It is utmost important to get a clear picture of the various courses the universities offer and also the relative expenses. You must be aware of the entire scenario before stepping into the new country. Students mostly prefer to study MBBS in America, Europe, Canada, and Australia. The prime reason for this is the language adaptability and also quality of education. Guyana is the only South American country with English as its official language. Thus, Indian students will never face language barrier and gather a world-class experience as mentioned earlier in this article. Countries like China, Russia, Ukraine, Philippines, etc. offers medicine degree at low cost, but, have language barriers. So, students cannot interact with the patients effectively. Also, their disease patterns are different than India. Thus, you have all reasons now to choose Texila American University over every other university.
We are here to assign you the best study program at an extremely budget-friendly rate. You can get a world-class medical education at reasonable cost in America & feel like home at our Guyana campus with many other Indians here.
 If you are giving a serious thought about studying MBBS abroad then you must register with us and attend our free webinar on Study MBBS in Private Indian Colleges vs. Study MBBS Abroad at 4pm-4:30pm on 25th May 2019.
 It is important for every student who study abroad to appear for the MCI Screening Test who is willing to practice in India. The MCIScreening Test is also known as Foreign Medical Graduates Examination (FMGE). The MCI Screening Test is mandatory for the medical graduates who have studied in abroad and is willing to practice medicine in India. Even MCI is considering exit exams like FMGE for students who are passing their MBBS in India considering the poor quality of education in some of the private colleges in India.
This examination was introduced in 2002 for Indian origin students who have accomplished a medical degree from any other country except India. Students studied abroad needs to appear for this examination particularly because of the following reasons:
· You need to qualify this examination because once you do so; you will be contemplated equivalent to the students who have from MBBS from India. You will be permitted to choose your career in medicine in India, only if you perform well in the MCI Screening Test.
· This test is conducted to ensure that you possess enough knowledge about the core subject. The test is important to check your concept of the subject area you specialize in and even time management skills.
· The good news is there is no limitation about the number of times you appear for the screening test. Though the test is bit challenging to qualify but you can do so by gaining a complete knowledge about the subject you have studied all those years living in abroad.
· The minimum qualification mark is 50% to pass the MCI Screening Test. The students who qualify in the test will be eligible to apply for Medical Council of India, New Delhi or State Medical Council for provisional or permanent registration.
Hence, you can well understand the significance of the MCI Screening Test which happens to be the prime gateway for medical practice in India. Guess you must be wondering how difficult will that be or whether you can actually make it. Wipe off those sweat beads from your forehead and relax. Just sit back and focus on achieving your goal. We will take care of all other worries. We will ensure, you receive the best education and come out with flying colors. At Texila American University we focus on the all-around development of a student so that he/she can overcome all the hurdles and recognize as a successful person in every field of life. We provide the best ever educational guidance and qualify as a renowned career consultant. With us you will experience the all new method of learning that promises you a prominent career. It is our responsibility to facilitate you with the best guidance and training. Texila American University has 96% pass rate in MCI screening Test. Countries like China, Russia, Ukraine, Philippines, etc. offers medicine degree at low cost but, the MCI pass percentage is very low (less than 10% for China).
Hurry up! We are open for registration!
Wishing you very good luck with your career!
Register Now
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How to Get Your UNFOCUSED Dog to LISTEN to You RIGHT NOW! ("Leave it"/"Look at Me" Combo), | puppy training classes prices
New Post has been published on https://dogtraining.dknol.com/english/how-to-get-your-unfocused-dog-to-listen-to-you-right-now-leave-it-look-at-me-combo-puppy-training-classes-prices/?utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=Tumblr+%230+Freda+K+Pless&utm_campaign=SNAP%2Bfrom%2BBest+Dog+Training
How to Get Your UNFOCUSED Dog to LISTEN to You RIGHT NOW! ("Leave it"/"Look at Me" Combo), | puppy training classes prices
Svizzera j SuperZoo 2018 – Searching For The Latest And Greatest Pet Products Starmark Pro-Training Dog Collar, Large Exercise & Play Housetraining ground rule No. 1: Never leave your un-housetrained dog unattended. Not even for a minute. If you aren’t actively engaged with your dog, having her in the same room with you doesn’t count. It’s very important not to give her opportunities to fail at housetraining. If you can’t engage with your dog, which of course isn’t possible every minute of every day, she should be in her crate. Yes, I said crate! Families should reward good behavior and redirect or ignore unwanted behavior. By setting clear boundaries, such as not allowing… read full article Kitten Food Puppy Preschool About Purina open Grain-Free (6) Consistency is key when learning how to potty train a puppy. You can easily set up a routine by feeding, watering, and letting your pup out of his crate at the same times every day. This will also help your new pup develop bladder control. Based on the principles of social learning, model-rival training uses a model, or a rival for attention, to demonstrate the desired behaviour.[65] The method was used by Irene Pepperberg to train Alex the African Grey Parrot to label a large number of objects. McKinley and Young undertook a pilot study on the applicability of a modified version of the model-rival method to the training of domestic dogs, noting that the dog’s origins as a member of large and complex social groups promote observational learning. The model-rival training involved an interaction between the trainer, the dog, and a person acting as a model-rival, that is, a model for desired behaviour and a rival for the trainer’s attention. In view of the dog, a dialogue concerning a particular toy commenced between the trainer and the model-rival. The trainer praised or scolded the model-rival depending on whether the model-rival had named the toy correctly. It was found that the performance times for completion of the task were similar for dogs trained with either operant conditioning or the model rival method. In addition, the total training time required for task completion was comparable for both methods.[66] The benefits from learning from a trainer of trainers are numerous. Rather than focusing on one training method and hoping for the best, Professor Donaldson has worked with numerous approaches, so she is well aware of the frustrations and concerns that come with the trendy training methods—especially since many of them are based on old “pack status” assumptions that have been debunked. Instead, Professor Donaldson has honed a data-driven technique that has been validated by current behavior science. By taking a holistic approach and grounding her methodology in current research around how dogs think and react, you get a unique and accessible approach that works for both you and your dog. Save an extra $5.00 at checkout Humane Investigations Corte Madera Designer Step 2: Decide a Schedule For Exercise, Training And Play I recommend using newspapers with a very young puppy, confined to a single room with an easy to clean floor. Keep your training sessions short, consistent and always have fun. The key to shaping your puppy’s behavior is to start out with very easy commands, continue to build on these successes and apply heaps of repetition. Base your puppy training sessions around trust and mutual respect rather than old school methods based on punishment, avoidance and harsh corrections. In this environment you will find that your puppy loves his training sessions and his confidence will grow with each and every session. Before you ever try to get your pup to step foot in their new crate, or even step near it, place the crate in a room where your dog spends a lot of his or her time. Remove or open the crate door, so your dog feels secure about exploring the ins and outs of their soon-to-be home. If he naturally shy’s away, that’s okay. Don’t force your dog to become familiar, rather try sitting beside the crate, and speaking to your pup in a friendly tone, placing treats around, and then eventually inside the crate until he finally steps in. Placing a familiar blanket or toy inside the crate is also a great way to entice them to enter. Pups should not be allowed to growl over food, especially if there are children in the household. Get our entertainment, dining and things to do newsletter right in your inbox weekly. Local Animal Control Agencies Find a Hospital Dogs for the Visually Impaired Youth Impact Programs Learn more at nomnomnow.com Private Adoption Brooklyn, NY z Obviously, your puppy will feel the need to bark, chew, and eliminate throughout the course of the day, and so she must be left somewhere she can satisfy her needs without causing any damage or annoyance. Your puppy will most probably eliminate as far as possible from her sleeping quarters-in her doggy toilet. By removing all chewable items from the puppy playpen-with the exception of hollow chewtoys stuffed with kibble-you will make chewing chewtoys your puppy’s favorite habit, a good habit! Long-term confinement allows your puppy to teach herself to use an appropriate dog toilet, to want to chew appropriate chewtoys, and to settle down quietly. 38 min read Question of the Day Kids Clubs If you are using the crate for more than two hours at a time, make sure puppy has fresh water, preferably in a dispenser you can attach to the crate. Made Easy Alexa ^ Jump up to: a b c Miller, Pat (July 2004). “Young Dogs Can Learn From Older Well-Behaved Dogs”. The Whole Dog Journal. Retrieved 1 December 2012. There are many techniques available for managing biting because not all dogs or people respond to the same method. If you or other members of your family are in physical danger or fearful of the puppy, seek the help of an experienced Certified Dog Trainer or Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist (a veterinary specialist) immediately.[12]The longer the behavior continues unchecked, the greater the chance of escalation and injury. When you are home but can’t attend to your puppy, follow the same procedures described above. However, the more time you spend with your puppy, the quicker he will be house trained. Your objective is to take your puppy to his toilet area every time he needs to eliminate. This should be about once every 30-45 minutes; just upon waking; just after eating or drinking; and just after a play session. Provide house training taxi service to avoid unnecessary “mistakes”. sign in You Must Clean Deep And Thoroughly To Prevent Repeat ‘Mistakes’ Wellness Exact matches only And if crate training, do not leave them in the crate too long else they may be forced to soil in there. Prevent this at all costs. Kitten Food ; Starting your puppy off right! You and your dog will receive at-home, personalized, one-on-one training from one of our highly skilled trainers. Irish Setter Pet Insurance Rolf Kopfle/Getty Images Phone: 262-542-8851 “The Dog Trainer Foundations course is THE best starting point to learn the basics of positive reinforcement training.” Visit Us Do you want a dog or a cat? Ask a Question Tweet When the heat arrives, cats can not only feel hot and bothered – they are at more risk of potentially fatal… Twin Lakes, Boulder, CO Accomplishments July 11, 2018 Critters on canvas: Denver-area artists create long-lasting memories of cherished pets Call Us 508736-3202 Expert Blogs Pet Insurance 101 Pet Telethon When 10 weeks old they may need to toilet every 30 minutes, so they only get 5 to 10 minutes free time. When 12 weeks old, they may need to toilet every hour so they can get 35 to 40 minutes free time. What is the price of the course? Biting people A crate, portable exercise pen, or small room equipped with a baby gate, so you can create an appropriate confinement area for your dog. This will prevent unwanted accidents from occurring. Preventing unwanted accidents ensures our dogs don’t rehearse pottying in inappropriate places and keeps the non-potty places from becoming infused with those potty scents that can trigger a dog into making a mistake. Brought to you by 3. Puppy Crate Training Browse All Services MasterPeace Dog Training Center is a full-service dog training center. Our classes include Puppy Kindergarten, Pet Obedience, Continuing Education, Competition Obedience, Rally Obedience, Pet Agility, Puppy Agility, Competition Agility, Nose Work, and other specialty classes. We are often adding new classes and events – be sure to check out the side bar entitled Upcoming Events! We teach using positive methods of training including clicker training and are committed to teaching you to train your dog in a way that is not only effective, but fun for you and your dog. Successful House Training Requires Supervision I look forward to trump apologists, supposed fiscal conservatives who hate welfare and government spending, twisting into knots trying to explain away this handout. Headline might as well read: Trump screws up markets, pays farmers with your money.Corker is a coward but he’s right, we’re just offering welfare to farmers to solve a problem they [Trump admin] themselves created Busy® Brewer-Patriot Sets Up Shop In Lakewood GET FREE WEEKLY TIPS Staffed 24/7 BOARDING Puppia After you bring home a new puppy, it can feel like you’ve lost all freedom. A crate or ex-pen is the ticket to getting some of that freedom back. Confining your puppy in a safe, happy place when you cannot watch her is a built-in solution to many behavior challenges. It prevents problems (chewed up shoes or furniture, house soiling) before they happen. Laying a solid training foundation will make life with your dog easier and more fun. If you’re not sure where to start, sign up for an in-person obedience class; there’s no better way to train your dog than to practice with an expert IRL. You can also follow any of the helpful links above, and check out our blog archives for additional tips and tricks.
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todaybharatnews · 6 years
via Today Bharat nbsp; In an exclusive interview with TNM, Nizamabad MP Kavitha Kalvakuntla says TRS is confident of winning more than 100 seats in Telangana Assembly Elections. The female face of the TRS, a party which has a sub-par gender balance in its senior leadership, Kavitha Kalvakuntla has a distinct identity. She is seen as the key Delhi representative of the party, being a Member of Parliament and although Kavitha is not contesting herself in the upcoming Telangana Assembly elections, she is one of the frontline campaigners in key districts. It helps that she is the Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Raorsquo;s daughter, but she also has competition from within her family ranks in her brother KT Rama Rao and her cousin T Harish Rao. TNM caught up with the Lok Sabha MP from Nizamabad at her residence in Hyderabad, during a short break from the hectic election schedule. In a candid, exclusive chat with TNM, she explains why the TRS is so confident of a clean-sweep in the state, and responds to critical and controversial questions with alacrity, and in some cases, tactful side-stepping. Here are excerpts from the interview. Telangana CM KCR says that the TRS will win more than 100 seats in the upcoming polls, what gives him this confidence? There has been no unrest in the state under our tenure, because we ensured that nobody sleeps hungry. After state formation, we were hit with two dry spells (drought), but our welfare schemes like pension and ration had ensured that there was no one was hungry. Earlier, there was a cap on ricemdash;20 kg rice was given to a family, but we increased the social safety net by providing six kg rice for each person and enhancing the pension from Rs 200 to Rs 1000. We have fulfilled the needs of the people and hence we are confident. TRS promised 1 lakh government jobs in the run up to the previous elections. But with only 33,000 filled in the last 4 years, even if many more have been sanctioned and notified, is it not slow progress? We have already sanctioned 1.07 lakh, but there is a delay only because of due process followed by the State Commission. We are strengthening the government departments in a constructive way. We have decided not to rely on private contractors. Out of the 1.07 lakh jobs, the government has notified 84,000 jobs. Anybody in the world knows that the recruitment has to be through due process. You must have seen students saying that the service commission is not doing things as fast as it can. But you wouldn't have seen any student saying that there was some graft for which we didn't jobs in a fair way. You must note that there have been no complaints that jobs are being handed out as favours or in return for bribes. We have also added private jobs by inviting close to 9,000 companies. Already 3.5 to 5 lakh people have taken private jobs. You promised free education from KG to PG ahead of the previous polls. Why has that not been achieved? When we came to power, we realised that the education system in the state is in shambles. We had to first rectify the basic problems. The administration of government schools is fragmented as a few schools fall under the village panchayat, some under the central government and many under the state government. We took one year to understand and integrate this. Now, we have started model schools from class 5 to 10. We have even plans to bring Anganwadi into the model schools. We have invested heavily on public schools. We are on the right track. Are farmers in the state happy with the TRS? Yes, absolutely. Then why is there such criticism on Rythu Bandhu? The poor tenant farmers, who actually need the help, are complaining that they are not receiving the benefits of the scheme, and it is the landowners who do, most of who are not even involved in tilling the land. Is it a policy problem or an implementation problem? There is no problem at all. Wersquo;ve been extremely correct. Can the government directly engage with the tenant? Now if you own a house, can the government tell the tenant that the government will give tax exemption etc. to him. Will you accept it? The scheme is for the small land owners and 98% of those who avail the scheme are small and marginal farmers with land less than 5 acres. The governmentrsquo;s decision is to support them, and the money is indeed reaching them. Then what about the poor tenant farmers? As a policy we took a decision that the government will not intervene in the private business. The government cannot keep identifying who is a tenant farmer. The money we give to the landowners will be passed on to the tenant farmers. Land is the private property of an individual, we canrsquo;t intervene in their private business. CM KCR has recently received flak for stating that there are no farmer suicides in the state. Opposition puts the number of suicides at 4000 and above. According to NCRB data, there were 1358 farmer suicides in 2015 and 632 in 2016. Are you trying to whitewash the issue? There is no such attempt. Like other state governments we donrsquo;t fudge the data. Prior to 2014, there has been more than 3,500 farmer suicides every year. There were 1,000 suicides as you said. You have to look at the positive side, it has gone down from 1,000 to 500. If you look at the subsequent year data, Irsquo;m sure it must have come to zero. But you do agree that there were farmer suicides in the state I can only say that you should look up to the latest data. You are giving me a figure which is two years back. In these two years, we were able to give water to more than 20 lakh acre across Telangana. Have the BJP and Congress created a challenge for the TRS online, in managing to create the perception that it wonrsquo;t be as easy a win for the TRS as it claims? The TRS is on a silent campaign on WhatsApp. Both of them are national parties. They have a huge social media team, as they have openly claimed. If Uttam Kumar Reddy tweets something, there would be thousands of retweets and favourites from other states. The fact is no villager uses Twitter, people use Facebook and extensively WhatsApp. We have collected 80 lakh to 1 crore phone numbers, which includes close to one lakh village heads and prominent people with considerable influence to spread the welfare brought in by the TRS. We collected contact numbers of these prominent people across the state with their consent, and regularly share the development programmes and welfare schemes brought by the TRS. But this campaign is invisible. After dissolving the cabinet, KCR labelled the TDP as an lsquo;Andhra partyrsquo; and has repeatedly attacked Chandrababu Naidu and his alliance with the Congress. Does the TRS view TDP and Chandrababu Naidu as a threat? We donrsquo;t see him as a threat. The people of Telangana have dismissed the TDP, the bye-elections are testimony to it. We just want the people to know about the unethical alliance of the Congress and TDP. Has the TRS been going soft on the BJP as a strategy? In this state, the BJP doesnrsquo;t exist. They have five seats now, they wonrsquo;t even have one seat after this election. So why would we want to exhaust our time, energy and resources on a party which doesnrsquo;t even exist. A party which potentially could damage the TRS in two or three seats is the Congress. We want our people to focus on the Congress so that they wonrsquo;t even win those seats. BJP doesnrsquo;t matter and doesnrsquo;t exist in Telangana. When it will come to the other elections, probably it will matter. There is an accusation that TRS is closing ranks with the Reddys. Out of 107 candidates announced by TRS for the polls, many are from the Reddy community. Is TRS becoming a party of the Reddys? We were actually accused the other way around. When we formed the party in 2001, we formed a policy that at least 51% of the members in all committees must be from SCs, STs and BCs. We are the only party in this region with such a policy. We will ensure that the final list is a fairly balanced list. There is a criticism that the TRS has turned into a dynasty party and the government is being run as a family enterprise, donrsquo;t you think it is valid criticism? The CM didnrsquo;t give a long rope to anyone including my brother, cousin or anyone. All of them were elected by public, they were no backdoor entries, through nominations. If the ministers were inefficient, they wouldnrsquo;t have been part of the cabinet. We have run the government very professionally, thatrsquo;s the reason we achieved these results. When it comes to the party, all of us were part of the movement and were later elected by public. If you are not elected by the people, the public will give their verdict someday. Is KTR the next CM? TRS has only one leader. We arenrsquo;t inclined for an alternative. I want KCR sir to be the Chief Minister forever. Is there an infighting between KTR and Harish Rao? It is all media speculation. All their moves are under scrutiny. If they are together on a dais there's a speculation, if they are not there's a speculation. As an insider I can say that everything is cool between them. What are your personal ambitions in the party, what do you see in your political future? We come from a different background, where we donrsquo;t put the needs of the individual above the party. In our party, anybody has no set options or personal agenda. We just keep working, whatever role party gives and wherever we are thrown, we are happy to work. If they throw in Delhi or in the USA we will work in the interest of the state. nbsp; nbsp;
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thethinghouse-blog · 6 years
Same as it ever was ... an occasional series
By the Editor
On reading old newspapers and journal articles, it is simultaneously fascinating and, frankly, depressing that the same old criticisms of museums crop up again and again. Often the complaints are eerily familiar and closely correlate with our own contemporary concerns. Take, for example, this plea for the proper (financial) recognition of the skills, experience and knowledge of museum professionals:
The poor pay of the assistants is a much more startling anomaly. They must all be men of advanced education, and many of them are men of extraordinary attainments. M. Prevost, who died some months ago, was said to have known some thirty languages, including the more rarely known Eastern tongues; yet he had only 200 [£s] a year. We merely mention his name because he is dead; we know equally strong cases of present assistants of high accomplishments who receive salaries that a clerk of a few years' standing in the Foreign Office or Treasury would reject. But we do not wish to make any invidious selection from amongst a body of men, all sufferers from the same ill-judged parsimony. People will say that if the assistants are so very clever and so badly paid, they ought to resign and take their services to a better market. The fact is, the Government take advantage of the peculiar circumstances of the case. The men who accept those situations, and who are qualified to fill them, are in the majority of cases earnest students of branches of knowledge not very popular with the paying public. In M. Prevost's case, for instance, his minute knowledge of the Chinese, Japanese, and Malay languages and dialects, was not a very marketable commodity in Paternoster Row, but it was invaluable at the Museum. Should the Directors of a National Institution take advantage of this, and offer wretched pay because to some extent they had the man in their power ? 
‘CONDITION OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM’, The Spectator, 30 July 1859. 
Source: The Spectator Archive, accessed 28 July 2018.
‘Not one person in a thousand thought of visiting them for pleasure and information.’
Here’s the view of a correspondent writing to the Editor of The Spectator on the value of providing visitors with accessible interpretation in order to enhance their enjoyment and understanding.
SIR,—Will you allow me to invite the co-operation of your readers in the movement for popularizing our museums, with a view to making the valuable collections that they contain more available for educational purposes and for the enjoyment of the people than they have hitherto been? Until recently the public seem to have considered museums as places intended only for the use of students. Not one person in a thousand thought of visiting them for pleasure and information. The majority of those who found themselves within their walls wandered listlessly from room to room, unable to appreciate what they saw, and they came away bewildered and depressed. 
In 1911 the trustees of the British Museum determined to try what could be done to remedy this state of affairs. On the advice of the director, Sir Frederick Kenyon, they appointed, as an experiment, an official guide whose duty it should be twice a day to explain and interpret, free of charge, to a limited number of visitors the priceless treasures in the various departments of the museum. The appointment of this official proved at once to be an entire success; and within a year a similar guide was appointed at the Natural History Museum. So greatly did the system appeal to the public that no fewer than fifty thousand visitors have already availed themselves of these short and popular demonstrations. It has, in fact, passed beyond the experimental stage, and has become an established institution of proved worth and importance.
Visitors, instead of aimlessly trying to extract information from labels and guidebooks, now receive it through the sympathetic medium of the human voice, and after spending an hour in an interesting and agreeable way they depart happy and contented. Objects which, under the old system, were bewildering and unintelligible, have under the new revealed to them hitherto unsuspected sequences of human thought and exemplified in ways undreamt of the tendencies of national activities.
But much yet remains to be done. The public ought not to be satisfied until the National and the Tate Galleries, the London Museum, Hertford House, Imperial Institute, and the Tower of London come also under the system, and thus the great London collections set an example to the local museums, which number over two hundred, in various parts of the country.
‘MUSEUM GUIDES’, The Spectator,  8 November 1913.
Source: The Spectator Archive, accessed 28 July 2018.
‘...the contemplation of objects [will] lead them half-way at least towards the high sphere of thought.’
Widening access and broadening audiences were also of import to the Victorian cultural authorities (if couched in rather patronising terms). Sunday opening at the Crystal Palace had proved controversial (’Objections based on the expediency of preserving a day for reflection and for calm enjoyment of existence, with a distinct and sustained reference to the Author of existence, have much force.’). Yet,
Strictly limited as it is, the proposal for a partial opening of the edifice, during a part of the Sunday, rests on the intelligible ground that the working classes cannot otherwise exchange benefits with the proprietors—cannot contribute to the revenue, nor derive the salutary influences which a visit to that collection of art and industry would give. In this respect the Crystal Palace in Hyde Park was no precedent: it was opened only for a single season, and a single day in the course of a life might well be taken by the working man; but it is to be hoped that visits to the permanent Crystal Palace may be frequent, if not habitual; and the working man, especially of the kind most likely to profit from the lesson, cannot often take a Monday.
The practical question is this—whether the classes which form the vast majority of the English people shall continue to devote themselves to the contemplation of subjects by no means exalted, namely, the amusements of beer-shops or the more squalid apathies in homes deprived by poverty and ignorance of comfort and decency; or whether they shall have the opportunity of being brought forth from those homes to the contemplation of objects which lead them half-way at least towards the high sphere of thought.
The grand thing in all questions of the kind is to go straight at the most beneficial objects; and undoubtedly the most beneficial object would be to give people as free access as possible to the rational enjoyment of the wonders of the Crystal Palace, consistently with due regard to the feelings of others and with order.
In this respect, therefore, the Crystal Palace would afford the means of effecting the largest conquest that has yet been made by rational and elevated enjoyment over the dominion of disorder and tavern-keeping debasements.
‘SUNDAY IN THE CRYSTAL PALACE’, The Spectator, 6 November 1852.
Source: The Spectator Archive, accessed 28 July 2018.
Same as it ever was, eh?
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neptunecreek · 6 years
Help I Just Lost My Google Ad Grant
Note from Beth: George Weiner from Whole Whale wrote this insightful piece about the Google Ad Grant program. He kindly offered to let me republish here.  
Help I Just Lost My Google Ad Grant  – Guest Post by George Weiner
The title of this article is becoming more frequently used by the roughly 35,000 nonprofit recipients of the popular Google Ad Grant. The Google Ad Grants program gives nonprofits up to $10,000 per month in free in-kind AdWords across the search network through the Google for Nonprofits platform.
On December 13, 2017, the Ad Grants team announced significant changes to the program that went into effect on January 1, 2018. A statement to the international news agency Reuters read:
“We revised our Ad Grants policies to help nonprofits be more effective with AdWords and improve the quality of their ads, which will lead to targeted awareness of their projects and mission.” We’ve posted the exact email at the bottom of this post.
What actually changed
The upbeat tone of the Google Ad Grant email, that highlighted the lifting of the $2 bid max for maximize conversions buried the real lead. The email was in fact a huge alert that many accounts needed to make serious adjustments on the quality of their ads to remain eligible.
The big 5 changes that call for a restructuring of most accounts:
Minimum 5% CTR account-wide. Accounts will be suspended after 2 consecutive months with a CTR below 5%.
Minimum keyword quality score of 2
Minimum of 2 ad groups per campaign
Minimum of 2 ads per group
Minimum of 2 sitelink ad extensions
The timing of the mid-December notice, when many nonprofits are knee-deep in end-of-year giving campaigns and then holiday breaks, made it especially easy to overlook the changes required.
Whole Whale has managed tens of millions of dollars in Google’s amazing grant. As of this writing, we also have the only online course through Udemythat trains nonprofits in managing this grant.
Our team of account strategists, who know this stuff cold, had to spend around 11 focused hours on each of our accounts across 4 weeks. For each account, this process involved cleaned up (~2hrs) and then optimizing for spend and CTR including re-writing ads, restructuring campaigns, and creating new maximize conversion campaigns/ad groups. We were able to save 95% of our accounts managed, losing one due to English ads in non-native English geographies (since regained). Even as an agency specializing in managing the Google AdWords Grant, we found the shift in strategy required for this policy update to be far from a few tweaks in order to be more effective.
Why did you do this, Google Ad Grant team?!
Whole Whale believes that the Google Ad Grant is an unbelievably generous in-kind gift to nonprofits in both dollars and the impact it has. We love this grant so we contacted the Ad Grants Team for comment and they were nice enough to explain what is going on.
Michelle Hurtado, Head of Google Ad Grants, explained that the program is focusing on quality and performance to make the offer more valuable to both nonprofits and people searching for nonprofit causes.
As explained in Google Executive Chairman and ex-CEO Eric Schmidt and former SVP of Products Jonathan Rosenberg’s How Google Works, all Google employees are held to Objectives and Key results (OKRs), a goal system that aligns ambition with measurable performance indicators. For 2018, Michelle’s team is driving toward higher CTR and conversion rate in order to connect more people with social causes..
One of the big problems that has arisen with the grant is that, in order to use the full amount, many spend excess money on broader terms that may not apply to the organization rather than losing the chance to spend the money. “Ads for terms like ‘movies’ or ‘children’ are common in accounts looking for broad awareness,” Michelle pointed out. “But these rarely result in good connections made between people and nonprofits.” Google wants us to also see the big picture: “The Ad Grants program is here to stay, and we hope that our policies serve as a guide on how to use Ad Grants better.
This will hopefully lead to more intelligent uses of the Grant across all grantees though it is clear that there are going to be a number of growing pains in the coming months. Michelle was careful to add the word ‘temporary’ to the suspensions that have impacted a small proportion of Ad Grantees as of this writing. “It is our goal to get these accounts back in action once the necessary changes are made to increase the quality and relevance of ads.”
This is still an awesome grant
In dollars, let’s do the math: Based on Google’s data, 35,000 nonprofits spent at least $10,000 per month in 2017 (not accounting for those who were receiving the now-discontinued GrantsPro, which gave $40,000 a month in ads) equals $4.2 billion in potential ad spend.
That’s for one year, and this thing has been around for 15!
Now, compare that with Google’s competitors and you’ll be hard-pressed to find something that stands out as analogous. Facebook, for example, has never had a formal ad grant system for nonprofits — though they did have a one-time nonprofit ad credit program that discontinued in 2016.
Turning to impact, Google cares about using its platform to make a difference. Awesome organizations use these ads to drive more people to their websites and engage them in their causes. At Whole Whale, we’ve driven over 6 million site visits to our nonprofit clients’ websites this way. And believe me, those nonprofits feel that impact in the form of more people learning about, engaging with, and becoming committed to their cause.
Most nonprofits simply can’t compete in the crowded marketplaces of social media and digital advertising. AFS-USA Intercultural Programs, which has been the leading study-abroad organization for high schoolers for over a century, is now facing greater competition with for-profit companies that run similar, but far more expensive, programs. In order to regain exposure in the crowded study abroad marketplace, AFS and organizations in a similar position will increasingly rely on the support of platforms that believe in a greater mission and not just a one-size-fits-all pricing model for advertising. Google Grants are helping AFS — and thousands of organizations like it — reclaim their spot in the front of users’ minds.
Google Ad Grants as an Answer to #FakeNews
The 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer data are in, and while we are living through a multi-year decline in public trust, the NGO sector remains the leader in what trust we have left in four major sectors.
This erosion is a symptom of globalization, polarization, attacks on the media, and a general lack on consensus on facts. The net effects of the current U.S. leadership pushing out terms like “alternative facts” and trumpeting #FakeNews haven also accelerated distrust in the Government and Media sectors.
Source: Edelman
If NGOs are the kings and queens of trust, it’s time to double-down on the investment in content. The idea of #FakeNews and overall public distrust means that important information around health, education, unemployment, and the environment are being lost in a sea of finger-pointing and gerrymandering. There is an incredible opportunity for NGOs to fill this gap through reporting on and disseminating trusted information around the issues they cover.
To make this point a bit more tangible, consider some of the following Google autocomplete searches. Autocomplete shows the collective result of trillions of searches that are done on the search engine, narrowed down by searches across the world. When people want to learn something, they Google it and then let the algorithm sort out what they should see based on myriad factors.
The question is, who is fighting to answer these questions and win the battle on consensus? Take a minute and explore how people are searching for terms around your cause with this simple and powerful tool:
For 15 years the Google Ad Grant has helped nonprofits get an equal playing field in the online dialogue and discovery around key issues. Issues that companies and special interests spend billions to manipulate. The value of allowing small nonprofit players to show up when it matters most cannot be underestimated, especially in our current media and political climate.
How do I get my Google Ad Grant back?
If you haven’t already, make sure that your CTR for active keywords is above 5% and keywords are all relevant. The Google AdWords customer service team is awesome and has been fielding our calls and emails regularly. In order to regain your Ad Grants, you need to follow the details of their notice, completely removing irrelevant keywords/ads. Then consider contacting the Google AdWords support line and explain that your grant was “temporarily suspended” due to Ad Grants’ policies. They should be able to help you understand exactly which ads, groups, or keywords caused the issue.
Beyond this, Whole Whale will continue to create Google Ad Grant trainings, webinars and courses.
PS  The full text of the email from Google can found here.
George Weiner is the founder of WholeWhale.
from Beth’s Blog https://ift.tt/2rv3Vss
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oldguardaudio · 6 years
PowerLine -> The silence of Susan Rice vs. Susan Rice responds, sort of
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Daily Digest
Nunes responds
Rebut this
The silence of Susan Rice
“Bubbles of Our Own Liberal Sentiments”
Susan Rice responds, sort of
Nunes responds
Posted: 24 Feb 2018 02:21 PM PST
(Scott Johnson)House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes was ready to go with his own response to the Democrats’ memo that I have embedded in the adjacent post. I have uploaded his point-by-point response to Scribd and embedded it below. It is a useful document. Moreover, by contrast with Adam Schiff et al., Nunes is a credible player. Consistent with my comments, he notes some of the Democrats’ rebuttals of points not made by the Republicans. In any event, here is his response.
Democrat Memo Charge and Response by Scott Johnson on Scribd
   Rebut this
Posted: 24 Feb 2018 02:01 PM PST
(Scott Johnson)The powers that be have redacted and released the House Intelligence Committee Democrats’ memo rebutting the committee Republicans’ four-page memo. In a quick reading, among other things, I find it rebutting claims that weren’t made. The Democrats vouch for the credibility of Christopher Steele when the only relevant question is the credibility of his sources. The Democrats also challenge just about every point made by the Republicans.
The Democrats are overinvested in the synthetic collusion scandal. They stand by all the works of the Department of Justice and the FBI. To borrow a phrase attributed by Susan Rice to President Obama, they did everything strictly by the book. According to the Democrats, Carter Page deserves what he got. One wonders how it is that he remains a free man.
There is some new information provided. The FISA warrant on Carter Page was authorized and renewed three times by four different federal judges (see page 3). In a heavily redacted portion of the memo, the Democrats go to town on Page (pages 3-5). I infer from guarded comments made to the press by committee Republicans that there may be something to this. Chairman Nunes has released the statement below.
Nunes Statement on Release of Democrat Memo with point by point refutation. https://t.co/JjXyslktSz pic.twitter.com/P7UaGEQVsE
— Nick Short 🇺🇸 (@PoliticalShort) February 24, 2018
There is much more that could be said. We badly need the FISA warrant application and related representations in renewal proceedings redacted and released. As always, I urge interested readers to review the documents with your own eyes. I have uploaded the memo to Scribd and embedded it below.
House Dems’ Intel Memo by Scott Johnson on Scribd
   The silence of Susan Rice
Posted: 24 Feb 2018 09:13 AM PST
(Scott Johnson)By letter to Susan Rice dated February 8, 2018, Senators Grassley and Graham posed 12 numbered questions. I posted the Graham/Grassley letter in “Rice papers the file.” By letter dated February 23, 2018, attorney Kathryn Ruemmler has now responded to the Grassley Graham letter. I posted Ruemmler’s letter nearby this morning in “Susan Rice responds, sort of.”
Let’s take an inventory. I have italicized my accounting below, subject to further thought and analysis:
Question 1. Did you send the email attached to this letter to yourself? Do you have any reason to dispute the timestamp of the email?
Question 2. When did you first become aware of the FBI’s investigation into allegations of collusion between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russia?
Not answered.
Question 3. When did you become aware of any surveillance activities, including FISA applications, undertaken by the FBI in conducting that investigation? At the time you wrote this email to yourself, were you aware of either the October 2016 FISA application for surveillance of Carter Page or the January 2017 renewal?
Partially answered.
Question 4. Did anyone instruct, request, suggest, or imply that you should send yourself the aforementioned Inauguration Day email memorializing President Obama’s meeting with Mr. Comey about the Trump/Russia investigation? If so, who and why?
Partially answered.
Question 5. Is the account of the January 5, 2017, meeting presented in your email accurate? Did you omit any other portions of the conversation?
Not answered.
Question 6. Other than that email, did you document the January 5, 2017, meeting in any way, such as contemporaneous notes or a formal memo? To the best of your knowledge, did anyone else at that meeting take notes or otherwise memorialize the meeting?
Not answered.
Question 7. During the meeting, did Mr. Comey or Ms. Yates mention potential press coverage of the Steele dossier? If so, what did they say?
Answered narrowly (“In the conversation Ambassador Rice documented, there was no discussion of Christopher Steele or the Steele dossier, contrary to the suggestion in your letter”).
Question 8. During the meeting, did Mr. Comey describe the status of the FBI’s relationship with Mr. Steele or the basis for that status?
Answered narrowly (see above).
Question 9. When and how did you first become aware of the allegations made by Christopher Steele?
Not answered.
Question 10. When and how did you first become aware that the Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National Committee funded Mr. Steele’s efforts?
Not answered.
Question 11. You wrote that President Obama stressed that he was not asking about, initiating or instructing anything from a law enforcement perspective. Did President Obama ask about, initiate, or instruct anything from any other perspective relating to the FBI’ s investigation?
Not answered.
Question 12. Did President Obama have any other meetings with Mr. Corney, Ms. Yates, or other government officials about the FBI’ s investigation of allegations of collusion between Trump associates and Russia? If so, when did these occur, who participated, and what was discussed?
Not answered.
Susan Rice has lawyered up. For some reason or other, with respect to several pointed and important questions, she is resting on her right to remain silent.
   “Bubbles of Our Own Liberal Sentiments”
Posted: 24 Feb 2018 08:35 AM PST
(Joe Malchow)I think that I am like most American men in, every five or ten years, directing my reading deep into the Revolution and the Founding generation. It is impossible to resist the magnetic attraction of this period. It is not that the Founding Fathers were geniuses (though some were) or gods (though one was close). Instead, there seems to be something about the vacuum of the founding moment and the men who filled it that gave rise to a decades-long period of writing, speechmaking, and statecraft that was benevolent, intelligent, honest, and crafted to secure a true durability. Therefore these men, whose brains weren’t of course any better than the brains today, were so much less molested by self-deception, pieties, lore, and loyalties that they produced world-changing thought transcending everything else then existing.
It is a worthy subject for a later time why the American founding moment was so exceptional in human history. To be sure there have been many founding moments since, from Africa to Italy and many places otherwise. Mostly their results have been very sad. I wonder if it had something to do with the generalist liberal arts education received by most of the participants at the Continental Congresses, the Constitutional Convention, and the later House of Burgesses. There were lawyers, of course, and at least a few doctors (Benjamin Rush and Josiah Bartlett. Anyone else?). But by and large, they were well-read non-experts and family men. I imagine that today, Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School would be happy to supply your fledgling country with all manner Experts bearing Ph. D.s., each without the annoying encumbrance of a traditional family life or the cruft of knowing, say, Plato.
Anyway, here is something that John Adams wrote to Thomas Jefferson on September 4, 1785. Adams was in London and Jefferson was in Paris. It comes from American Sphinx by Joseph J. Ellis, who prefaces the lines I wanted to share.
In addition to their mutual animosities toward England and their common sense of indignation at the insufferable arrogance of the king, the friendship worked because Jefferson deferred to Adams. After all, Adams was his senior and had been negotiating with the French and English for five years. Jefferson’s deferential pattern began as soon as he arrived in France: “What would you think of the enclosed Draught to be proposed to the courts of London and Versailles?” Jefferson inquired. “I know it goes beyond our powers; and beyond the powers of Congress too. But it is so evidently for the good of the states that I should not be afraid to risk myself on it if you are of the same opinion.” The proposal envisioned reciprocal rights for citizens of all nations, complete freedom of trade and a reformed system of international law.
Yes, Adams replied, it was a “beau ideal” proposal, but unfortunately it was also completely irrelevant to the current, and cutthroat, European context: “We must not, my Friend, be the Bubbles of our own Liberal Sentiments. If we cannot obtain reciprocal Liberality, We must adopt reciprocal Prohibitions, Exclusions, Monopolies, and Imposts. Our offers have been fair, more than fair. If they are rejected, we must not be Dupes.”
I read that highlighted quotation from Adams and thought: only one modern politician would say something like that, and he is Donald Trump.
By the way, I returned to my books on the Founding this time because of the Broadway show Hamilton, which we have had the good fortune to see twice. It’s truly a wonderful work. (For a glimpse of why here are five random American teenagers reenacting the Act I song “Non-Stop.”)
   Susan Rice responds, sort of
Posted: 24 Feb 2018 07:12 AM PST
(Scott Johnson)Barack Obama installed Susan Rice as his National Security Advisor in recognition of her service to him as a knave and fool in the matter of Benghazi. As National Security Advisor she sent an email on Obama’s last day in office shortly before President Trump inauguration. Released in redacted form on February 12, the email is one of the most intriguing bits of evidence to have emerged in the alleged Russian collusion scandal. The email purports to memorialize January 5, 2017, Oval Office meeting including President Obama, Comey, former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, Vice President Biden and Rice herself regarding Russian interference in the 2016 election. What a crew.
Rice wrote:
President Obama began the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue is handled by the Intelligence and law enforcement communities “by the book.” The President stressed that he is not asking about, initiating or instructing anything from a law enforcement perspective. He reiterated that our law enforcement team needs to proceed as it normally would by the book.
As part of their oversight efforts, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Grassley and subcommittee chairman Graham obtained the email from the National Archives in response to their request for records of meetings between President Obama and Comey in the collusion investigation. Rice sent the email to herself with a copy to Curtis Ried (Twitter feed here) on January 20, 2017. Grassley and Graham were struck by the context and timing of this email and sent a follow-up letter to Rice. The letter reads in part:
It strikes us as odd that, among your activities in the final moments on the final day of the Obama administration, you would feel the need to send yourself such an unusual email purporting to document a conversation involving President Obama and his interactions with the FBI regarding the Trump/Russia investigation. In addition, despite your claim that President Obama repeatedly told Mr. Comey to proceed “by the book,” substantial questions have arisen about whether officials at the FBI, as well as at the Justice Department and the State Department, actually did proceed “by the book.”
According to the email, the meeting further took up the question whether Trump could be trusted with “information fully as it relates to Russia.” Andrew McCarthy authoritatively explicated Rice’s email in the NR column “What Did Comey Tell President Trump about the Steele Dossier?”
Susan Rice has now responded to Senators Grassley and Graham through attorney Kathryn Ruemmler. Ruemmler is the global co-chairman of the Latham & Watkins white collar criminal defense practice. She formerly served as White House Counsel to Obama.
Ruemmler’s letter on behalf of Rice asserts that denies that there was anything unusual about Rice’s email purporting to memorialize a crucial meeting two weeks after the meeting had occurred, on her way out the door. Ruemmler’s letter on behalf of Rice states:
The memorandum to file drafted by Ambassador Rice memorialized an important national security discussion between President Obama and the FBI Director and the Deputy Attorney General. President Obama and his national security team were justifiably concerned about potential risks to the Nation’s security from sharing highly classified information about Russia with certain members of the Trump transition team, particularly Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn.
In light of concerning communications between members of the Trump team and Russian officials, before and after the election, President Obama, on behalf of his national security team, appropriately sought the FBI and the Department of Justice’s guidance on this subject. In the conversation Ambassador Rice documented, there was no discussion of Christopher Steele or the Steele dossier, contrary to the suggestion in your letter.
Given the importance and sensitivity of the subject matter, and upon the advice of the White House Counsel’s Office, Ambassador Rice created a permanent record of the discussion. Ambassador Rice memorialized the discussion on January 20, because that was the first opportunity she had to do so, given the particularly intense responsibilities of the National Security Advisor during the remaining days of the Administration and transition.
Ambassador Rice memorialized the discussion in an email sent to herself during the morning of January 20, 2017. The time stamp reflected on the email is not accurate, as Ambassador Rice departed the White House shortly before noon on January 20.
While serving as National Security Advisor, Ambassador Rice was not briefed on the existence of any FBI investigation into allegations of collusion between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russia, and she later learned of the fact of this investigation from Director Comey’s subsequent public testimony. Ambassador Rice was not informed of any FISA applications sought by the FBI in its investigation, and she only learned of them from press reports after leaving office.
Ruemmler’s statement goes on offense about “concerning” discussions intercepted by Rice’s colleagues at the NSA along with the “distraction” routine practiced by lying Democratic liars. Ruemmler serves up a lame excuse for the tardiness of Rice’s email and slyly inserts a reference to the advice of White House Counsel. In substance, however, Ruemmler’s statement cries “nobody here but us chickens,” just as Rice’s email itself did. There seems to be a postmodern echo in here.
The Grassley/Graham letter posed 12 numbered questions to Rice. I posted the Grassley/Graham letter and the appended Rice email via Scribd in “Susan Rice papers the record.” Ruemmler’s letter to Senators Grassley et al. is embedded below. By my reckoning, Ruemmler’s letter answers to question 1, part of question 4, and narrowly responds to one or two others with a dollop of the Obama defense (she learned about it in the newspapers). For some reason or other — no excuse is offered on this score — Ruemmler’s letter declines to answer the rest of the questions submitted to Rice.
Susan Rice Response to Grassley-Graham by sonamsheth on Scribd
   PowerLine -> The silence of Susan Rice vs. Susan Rice responds, sort of PowerLine -> The silence of Susan Rice vs. Susan Rice responds, sort of Daily Digest Nunes responds…
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