#there are parts where I might.... rerecord some of the things I've said and edit better versions in
auspicious-voice · 2 years
Voicebank Development Log (06/06/2022)
I might be making this into a monthly thing (assuming that I still have voicebanks that are in development), but here's to another development log - entirely dedicated to Maria and Mario's WIP voicebanks!
More under the cut as usual :D Will also include updates on the release!
Voicebank, oto.ini Progress and Rerecording
I come here with good news: Maria and Mario's oto.ini configs are FINALLY complete!! It took me around 3 months to finish them both, even if it only involved adding CV-VC configs ^^; were it not for real life obligations and other matters it would have taken me under a month to finish. Mario's took shorter to finish as I had more free time on my hands.
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This is what Maria and Mario's voicebanks look like now. I fixed some errors in the readme and added some more documentation on the add-ons, not to mention that I fixed the FRQ files of their breath samples. They're mostly complete... in terms of configs.
Currently, I am at a point where there's barely any samples that need to be rerecorded, save for a couple of samples that need to be revised as they sound wonky in (Open)UTAU. So, the margin of error is low, but it'll be fixed once I get to rerecord!
Also when is OpenUtau going to have voice colours compatibility with the default phonemizer
The next step after completing the oto.ini is to work on the append fullbody art! As of posting this log, I am still drawing the line art for Mario's appends, and Maria's line art is complete. I expect to finish this mid-June (I hope), since I've made my process in making art a bit streamlined... provided that I'm not too distracted. I'm mostly dreading the colouring part, ESPECIALLY figuring out the colour schemes for each design.
I also have plans for celebratory illustrations ahead of the release, but I haven't worked on them yet. I will be including said artworks in the voicebanks as part of their extras. These might include comics (4koma), sketches, concept art, and so on.
Demo Reel and Video
Maria and Mario's individual demo reels are complete as usual, but I haven't gotten to that one special part of the reel yet, because I haven't even started it. I will once I get around to finishing the fullbodies.
The video itself will be made in After Effects, but my main concern is that I do not have Media Encoder, and I cannot afford exporting a 100+ GB AVI that might make my computer shit itself to death. QuickTime makes the video out of sync for some odd reason, and as much as I'd love to use Handbrake for encoding the video file to MP4, I do not know if I can do that again;; I'm looking into DNx and ProRes for exporting in the meantime though.
But at least my computer can handle After Effects when it comes to editing! I'm excited to use it again following the PV of Identity I made for one of my recent covers.
Depending on how much energy I have for it, I could probably make the video as a premiere. The problem, is I do not know who would stick around for the entirety of the demo reel. Plus I forgot how to hype my own voicebanks up (IDK how younger me used to do it).
Release Date and Other Plans
I've been thinking about when to release these voicebanks, but considering how much free time I have, I can estimate that Maria AUSPICE+ and Mario OPULENCE+ will probably be released Q3-Q4 2022. If things don't work out, please expect them to be released early 2023. Just don't really take these as gospel, but it should give you an idea when these voicebanks will be released. If it were to be released early 2023, perhaps I could release it on their 8th anniversary? Maybe?
As for the release itself (not the video and date), I'd love to do some fun things for it, but I'm out of ideas, oops. Maybe I could host a design content or a cover contest to promote the release. Again, once I release these voicebanks, I'll take break from recording for a while, and once I come back, I'll get started on recording voicebanks for the twins in other languages as well as potential NNSVS voice models.
That's about it for this development log! And now I go and play Genshin Impact and also cry over FGO Constantine because what the fuck happened to me when I summoned him
BONUS: I still post WIPs and tests on my 2nd SoundCloud, so feel free to check it out if you can!
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