#there are people who--even if you're totally cordial with them--you're never gonna be tight
jq37 · 1 month
You know not to keep harping on this but like if Kipperlilly wanted a mystery that's close to home it didn't have to be her parents, ya know? Like her party Wizard's grandma was paling around with Kalvaxus and her party cleric/best friend? is a descendant of a clan that was subjugated by followers of a god the Barbarian teacher is trying to revive, there was so much going on girl. If what she wants is a big exciting adventure then that's a skill issue, frankly. And it wouldn't have even helped her grades
You're right and you should say it.
Like, no idea if Oisin was flaunting that info from the jump but if she was down to hack her parents' emails I can't imagine she's above getting into her party's private business.
I really would like to pick her brain about what is it exactly that she wants because it's not like there was a lack of adventuring opportunities in the general vicinity. There were shenanigans happening in her party as you stated. A dragon crashed the prom that everyone was invited to. The sun went dark for a summer--did she try to do anything about that? This is Spyre. Things are CONSTANTLY happening.
And it's not like her party doesn't have advantages. She's being all, "There's a flaw in the system >:(" while she has Oisin on staff to supply the party with as many revivify diamonds and spell components as they need. I'm sure not every party has that advantage but you don't see her campaigning about that.
The thing about Kipperlilly that's been stuck in my head since we learned it is the fact that SHE came up with the High 5 Heroes name and was upset when it was changed. That's a name that makes me think of cheesy Saturday Morning Cartoons where things follow a certain formula and the good guys are best friends who always get along and all that (think Super Friends). Is that what she was expecting? Is that what she thinks she's being deprived of? Did she resent their name getting changed to the (arguably much more fitting as far as we know) Rat Grinders because she was holding on to the hope that they could still be that tight knit group of adventurers that she always wanted to be a part of? Like, she obviously has a major case of Main Character Syndrome and the fact that her life isn't conforming to that is what's driving some of her actions but I also have to wonder.
Is Kipperlilly more jealous of Riz's dead dad or his friends?
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