#there are rauru apologists and there are rauru haters in this world and if either faction clowns on this post I will make it unrebloggable.
toushindai · 1 year
like every now and then I wonder. am I being too hard on Rauru. am I being too me about that scene by thinking that he's leaning on Ganondorf a little harder than necessary, that he's being just a little more condescending than he has to be, that he maybe likes a petty power play a little more than the rest of how the game seems to want us to think of him would imply.
but let's be real, he and Ganondorf are in full agreement that Rauru's fatal flaw is arrogance. and also. someone very kind directly translated* the Japanese cutscenes into English the other day (x) and I
G: “For our late attendance for your repeated invitations, we the Gerudo tribe offer our heartfelt apologies. We pray that you will allow us to join you as your lower-class vassal.” R: “Admirable Ganondorf, I recognise your submission to Hyrule Kingdom. A man is said to be born only once in every 100 years to the Gerudo tribe. To be able to welcome a warrior called ‘king by birth’ into my Hyrule… is indeed a reassuring development.”
(breathes calmly) lower-class vassal. your submission to Hyrule Kingdom. my Hyrule. the nasty little implication (am I imagining this) that Ganondorf--proud warrior, king--is now subsumed into Hyrule and is become Rauru's possession. I am still breathing calmly. I am deeply normal about this.
Like I have seen people argue that no no, the other peoples/tribes weren't asked to submit to Hyrule, they were simply allies of the new kingdom, but Ganondorf sure seems to think that submission is what Rauru's after or at least is the bait he will willingly take; and even knowing full well that that's an evil guy Rauru is more than willing to play along.
and yet the game still wants us to look at Rauru as a Good King figure. as a noble ruler. And the thing is I am honestly convinced that he does actually want or at the very least he is convinced he wants to unite the peoples of Hyrule simply so that everyone can be united and be friends! I do actually think this is his genuine desire! I also think he made up a kingdom so he could be king of it and this is inherently an action to be deeply suspicious of. He is arrogant. Again, the game is quite firm on that point. There is a sort of presumption that power should rightfully lie with him.
and I posit that when he's faced with Ganondorf, known evil bad guy, whatever part of Rauru's superego tells him that he should tamp down the part of him that enjoys being the one with power simply... steps back a little. because it's all right, here. Ganondorf is evil, so it's allowed.
* Disclaimer: I don’t think this is a superior translation, to be clear, and I do feel that both this and the official English are effectively giving the same vibe; I appreciate & share it primarily as another take on the same concept. It’s easier, I think, to solidify conclusions when you’ve got things to compare/contrast with each other.
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