#there are so many hero complexes and abandonment issues on display here lmao
haledamage · 3 years
Wants // Needs // Dreads to Hear
tagged by @risualto! 💖
this is a really neat character development question! it was really fun sitting down and thinking it out and I’m going to keep this in mind for future OCs too :D
if you’re reading this right now and want to be tagged, consider yourself tagged!
Rules: Write three statements, one that your character wants to hear, one that they need to hear, and one that they dread to hear, from a loved one.
Etain Torren (NWN2 / PfWotR)
“I’m listening.” or “I hear you.” // “You have value beyond what you can do for others. You don’t need to be useful to have worth.” // “You’re going to fail, and the whole world will watch it happen.”
Nadia de Sardet (Greedfall)
“Let me do this for you.” // “You are not responsible for the failures of others, and it’s not your job to save them from themselves.” // “It’s all your fault.”
Kai Cirdani (PoE)
“I love you.” // “Trust yourself and the choices you make.” // “You remind me of your mother.”
Kira Kingston (TWC)
“Welcome home.” // “You deserve the respect you’re given. It isn’t lip service.” // “You put us all in danger just by being around us. Our blood is on your hands.”
Aurienne the Sparrow (PfKm)
“I’m proud of you.” // “You are not defined by what you used to be, only by who you are now and what you want to become.” // “You don’t belong here.”
Vesiya Hallis (SWTOR)
“I’ll take care of you.” // “Burdens are easier to carry if you share them with others.” // “You’re not strong enough to do this.”
Aramarii Wrinn (SWTOR)
“Take a break. I’ll protect you while you rest.” // “Your power doesn’t come from the Force, it comes from your heart.” // “You’re useless since you left the Jedi.”
Iorwen Emroth (ShoH)
“You belong here.” // “Letting yourself care about people is not a death sentence, for them or you.” // “You have never been in control of your actions. Your free will is a lie.”
Cait Cousland (DA:O)
“You don’t deserve what’s been done to you, but I admire how you’ve overcome it.” // “You are worth more than just your capacity for violence. Let yourself be soft sometimes.” // “They were right about you all along.”
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