#there is a headachy conversation to be had regarding if azra can kill soulless (technically yes)
nerice · 2 years
oh pls tell me about azra in general
ah! bane of my and reina's existence lmao!! azra is the name given to/claimed by the failsafe mechanism that was triggered when reina split her soul !! it is a force of nature and, as a mechanism, inherently neutral, but has developed a fixation with reina due to its original target being the destruction of her and her world before undoing the moon core itself. but bc reina created new worlds, azra kind of. glitched out and singularly targets her now lol
azra sorta develops a personality due to reina continuously trying to reason with it (by default azra is just an invisible force but can take over corpses to have short conversations, before whatever body it's in decays rapidly bc its the embodiment of annihilation) their debates are largely useless since azra is pure rational "things are broken im just doing my job here" though as reina keeps thwarting it despite her waning power, azra develops some street smarts, corrupting parts of ensei (the world most of the war takes place) i.e. where the shadow scourge comes from, and at times targeting people close to reina :) azra's rationale tm did get to maheloas n is why he switched sides, seeing the cracks in the world as similarly unsalvagable and thus choosing to help azra return it all to nothing
ultimately reina traps azra in the ruins of her world (bandaid on a bullet wound) n faye has to clean up that mess later bc it's kind of hard to fix the verse when the delete button is stuck on On lmao
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