#there is no 'oh but we're the educated black ppl pls be nice and ignore the bad ones'
Writing a piece on Miles Morales, Brooklyn and Trap Music
In literal tears at how trap music, aka the 'really really vulgar violent materialistic' rap music is actually like... The purest and most radical form of black art in the recent decades.
Like I genuinely think songs about guns and money and trap houses and diamond chains are incredibly radical because it's a medium made to appeal COMPLETELY and only to black people.
It's made to be so vulgar that it CANNOT be censored. You can't censor WAP. Half the lyrics would disappear.
Trap music and scary black music about guns and gangs and struggle and money and sex and excess - it all COMPLETELY rejects the white ideal. White morality and politeness.
That's why FOX hates it so goddamn much.
Black people openly saying "We're going to be ghetto and loud and sexual. And you're gonna drive the same cars as you. Live in your neighborhoods. NOT ASSIMILATE."
And I know most nonblack people may not take interest in it or might openly judge it but like.. it really is entirely radical and punk as fuck.
And it's a big part of where Miles and ESPECIALLY MILES!42 is from.
Trap music is like Miles!42. Unflinching, full of culture, intimidating to the uninitiated, and DOPE AS SHIT.
Nonblack people - scary violent rap music with 'bad morals' and gangs and stuff is not really scary and it's a vital part of our culture that is censored entirely from modern media.
That's changing and I talk about that in the post, and how ATSV is getting better at it - but we are in no way all there.
I know there might not be an interest in it but I love trap music as an art style and I hope that at least 1 person will be less scared when they hear music like that you know.
Like yes I genuinely think everything Cardi B has released is better written and more important than anything Ed Sheeran could convince ever.
A black woman singing about damaging sex and fellatio on a international scale is extremely radical and something only a black woman in trap music could get away with.
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Like - they would not let Christina Aguilera say that. They are not gonna let say dick and pussy and actually put the track on an album censored or not.
Because sexism.
But black women can do it. And that's a radical act.
"But she calls herself a whore that's degrad-"
She's reclaiming a slur.
Trap and rap music isn't scary. It's actually radical simply by existing. And it may seem unrelated to ATSV and Miles -
But Miles and Miles!42 are black guys from NYC. Like... Come on. Trap Music is Miles!42 experience.
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