#there is no way to social distance and they dont wear masks even if theyre told to
lizstiel · 2 years
coworkers trying to make me feel bad about not coming back to work until after my trip home like. I will rip u apart. I haven't see my family in THREE YEARS. I have a niece and a nephew I haven't even MET. the aunt who helped raise me died in 2020 and they're finally able to hold her funeral like. your shitty sushi restaurant is not at the top of my priority list right now
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well i got home a lot earlier than i thought i would today, which i’m happy for seeing as the place was filled to the brim with people not wearing masks. like this place is normally decently busy this time of year but it was packed to the goddam brim today for some reason. anyway! i took pictures of the place for reference, and whenever i get around to carving the pumpkins we picked out i’ll share pics of that as well. this is lowkey going to be an advertisement for the place because if you ever visit the central valley you really should come around here, especially if you are/have kids it’s amazing. starting from the top.
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[image description: a picture of a creek bluff. in the foreground are some ground brush cast in shadow. in the middle ground is some long yellow grasses in patchy sunlight taking up the space where a creek would run if there was rain around here (california). slightly up the hill is a small footbrigde connecting a path that goes from left to right along the side of the bluff. just behind it in the background is the side of a small hill that’s covered in the same long yellow grass from before, and the sky is clear and blue where at the top of the bluff. scattered throughout are oak trees, some small and young, and a few that are old, tall, & mighty. end image description.]
y’all are so lucky i managed to get pictures without people there were so damn many. my older brother was freaking out the entire time about catching corona (he’s nd but he’s in denial about it) and ive decided that for the sake of this post & onwards i’ll be referring to my older brother as Idon & my younger brother as Dr. Lion given that those are dumb unused nicknames we have for each other and it’s easier than referring to them as my older & younger brother all the time. anyway the whole area is set up in this lil creekbed area and normally when it’s winter & it’s not hot n stuff (twas decently hot today, tshirt shorts & no jacket weather in the sun) there’s a bit of water that runs through it. the rest of the time it’s dry and people will walk straight to it to get to the bluffside trail that features a handful of small attractions like a tiny castle, tunnel, metal slide, & other things that appeal to all the children that can fit in them. this place is basically the hotspot for any and all children in this county youve just gotta come here some time it’s so damn fun. there’s even a swinging rope bridge over the creek that leads to the bluffside trail that’s raised way up in the air and is an honestly harrowing experience for every kid who goes across it i could talk about this place for hours. i havent even brought up the train line that goes around the tree farm & things at the top of the bluff. anyway
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[image description: a picture of a pumpkin patch, taken from behind a few stalks of corn. the field is full of pumpkin plants with their large, green leaves extended into the air, though there’s no pumpkins visible. there are various flowers i believe to be carnations dotted throughout the patch, in shades of  light pink, magenta, orange, and red, and a few stalks of corn also grow in the patch. in the distance a field of corn that doubles as a small maze grows off to the right, and lining the background is a row of large trees that grow along the creekbed behind them. the sky is bright blue & clear from the upper left part of the picture it can be seen in. end image description]
so one attraction of this place (one thing that gives it such an appeal to people who want aesthetic pictures for instagram & whatnot) is that they always set up little pumpkin people all over the place, taking various poses. when i say pumpkin people i mean basically scarecrows, clothing stuffed with straw & posed doing things, but with pumpkins for heads. most of them are out of the way enough that people cant mess with them but can take pictures like i did here. oh can you not see it? well let me just zoom in for you-
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[image description: a zoomed in picture of the scene described above. clearly shown is a scarecrow-type figure with a pumpkin for a head standing up in the field. it’s wearing a rather nondescript grey shirt, blue jeans, and a floppy brown farmer’s hat. it’s surrounded by pumpkin plants, carnations, & corn stalks, with a corn field to the back & more large trees casting shadows to the back, as indicated above. there are also some large leaves from corn plants directly in front of the camera where it’s taking the picture, taking up a large chunk of the picture. end image description]
here it is! this is the only one i took a picture of because it was the only one i could possibly find the time to capture without it being swarmed by other people. i was really lucky to take these pictures without anyone in the background here it’s honestly hard to tell from what i’m showing but there was an obscene amount of people there, hence why we barely spent 1.5 hours there. i suspect idon’s unending stream of complaints and fretting and honest request to tell every member of our extended family that we’d have to quarantine for the next 2 weeks got us out a bit faster than we wouldve otherwise done but eh. that stuff’s especially ironic considering dr lion’s going back to physical school starting this week but hey what can ya do. we wore our masks. homemade by my mother because she had nothing better to do the first few weeks of quarantine and now i’m just rambling about my home life. moving on
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[image description: a picture of a string of lightbulbs, focused on one in particular that’s completely shattered. behind, various trees, oaks being the only ones i can name, fill up almost the entire background. blue sky can be seen through the branches of a tree to the upper right portion of the picture. for the most part only the lightbubs & the tree closest to it, taking up the rightmost portion of the photo, are illuminated by the sun. end image description]
this is making me realize i didnt take many good pictures. i only took this one because ive got a story behind it but hey i’ll be coming back this winter to pick out a pine tree probably bc they double as a pine tree farm as well as a pumpkin patch and general creekbluff attraction so i can get some better pictures of the area when there’s less people. hopefully. anyway you see how that lightbulb’s broken? well i being the lil aspiring biologist i am saw a bone lying in the dirt next to our car when we were leaving and immediately picked it up. it was picked clean, almost certainly by ants or something, and i was kinda hoping it was the product of some owl because there are a lot of those in the area around the creek, but my family decided twas but the product of some other family’s picnic there. what it was doing in the parking lot i’d love to know, but i couldnt bring it with me (”that’s disgusting” it’s picked clean dirty & dusty lying in the dirt i guarantee it’s not got anyone’s dna on it any more but that of the chicken it came from) so i take a step closer to the treeline to throw it away. and then of course where does it go after i release it from my hand but directly into one of the lightbulbs hanging up by a string all along the outside of the parking lot. whoopsy. so of course i take a picture as soon as i’m done explaining it to my family & freaking out about doing actual damage to this beloved creek pumpkin patch/pine tree farm. then we have a brief argument on whether to tell the staff about it (there’s actual broken glass what else can we do) and so we drive up to the guy sitting there watching people leave, giving directions, our mom rolls down the window, and i, on the opposite side of the car from him, barely get out a proclamation along the lines of “there’s a broken lightbulb down in the parking lot with glass on the ground” he says “ok sure” and we leave. it takes me like 5 minutes to calm down from that which i dont get because we do a whole expedition up to the top of the bluff to see the construction theyre doing to the train line that theyve been working on for years & we dont even get out of the car to walk around because a. social distancing we already took off our masks & they have to be tied on it’s too much work to put it back on and b. the sheer number of cars there was menacing so we just sorta drove around and glanced down the side of the bluff to the best of our abilities. god that’s a damn paragraph. it’s been an hour. <3 i guess
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plainvanillapotato · 4 years
the 100 diaries S2 E4
quarantine diaries: may 27 2020
season 2 episode 4: “Many Happy Returns”
that umbrella is so ineffective there are literally holes. i bet its there purely for decoration. also rey from star wars is that you? a scavenger you are
they found anya and clarke soooo fast. i also love how anya keeps clarke on a leash. 
yeah finn i do think that you wanted to kill him. but also “youre not yourself right now”-bellamy. just give finn a snickers and all will be good.
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side note: remember when they were worried about winter. look at where these kids are now
“that was rough landing” no shit murphy. you know what murphy you are the comic relief that no one asked for or needed. 
wow finn really don’t want to save this girl. finn embracing the darkness. this is not the spacewalker i used to know and kinda like. but this is just very different character pacing for finn. honestly what are the writers doing. he went from carefree/irresponsible fuckboi to pacifist killjoy to now an obsessive boyfriend ready to kill and do anything to get back to his girl. maybe there were some subtle hints towards this character progression but all this in such a short time makes it kinda seem out of no where.
is the electric fence to keep people out or to keep people in?? also it reminds me of Jurassic park
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nice hipster clutches raven.
when that boy pulled a knife on jaha. i had flashbacks to charlotte and wells. I was scared. 
anya said “down” yeah these two were a furry couple in an au. and when anya really slapped clarke in the face with mud i couldnt help but laugh
that was some thin rope but i guess if thin rope can contain lincoln then ok. this kid clearly did not get an A in earth skills or not at least for tying knots...yeah we all saw that death a mile away. kinda stupid that no one was watching/holding the rope. i really thought someone was gonna grab that rope tho and try to save him before he fell to his death. he really just fell
but also how did the girl get there in the first place you can’t tell me that she landed like that? she also didn’t climb her way up the cliff just to get stuck on the ledge. soooo.....
“im not strong stubborn maybe”-mel (11:57) why am i this girl?
finn is pissed at how long this is taking. but even murphy is for on this? that is when you know your moral compass is wrong.
dead zone. city of lights. more world building. please tell me that we see this city of lights
eat that bug. bone apple tea
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jaha’s reaction to zoran wasn’t that bad tho. also not to be political but she said “we’re used to the hatred” to a black man. i cannot help but see the irony.
jaha reconsidering all his life choices after hearing siennas story. especially thinking about wells. yikes. yeah ngl jaha you kinda fucked up there.
ooo a new love interest for raven?? i do like this banter between raven and wick
anya was so ready to kill clarke. straight up grabbed the rock closest to her and was ready to smash. but lucky for clarke and her conviently quick thinking. hard core anya
bellamy made me say cadet kelly who? **sorry could not find a better photo but i kinda like it adds to my cheesy and cheap aesthetic 
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i cant’ believe theyre holding the rope this time but not for sterling. anything for bellamy tho. they cannot be out there risking prettyboy bellamys life. side note: sorry but what if finn was just like guys lets just let go of this rope and go find our friends bc you know finn doesn’t like this plan because its talking to long. finn was definitely thinking this and you cannot change my mind.
when murphy said “don’t you worry, bellamy. i wont drop you” (19:20) it kinda sounded like a threat but also like murphy was flirting with bellamy. do i ship? no absolutely no. murphy is the one person that i refuse to ship with bellamy. im still salty that he tried to hang prettyboy bellamy
oh yes they are pushing for raven and wick. i also have to mention: raven’s leg is straight up dragging. put on the damn brace. does anyone know how long after the surgery this takes place because damn raven you recover like jasper 
when the rope broke and when the arrows started coming. i fell out of my seat. i swear whenever murphy is around anything that could go wrong does go wrong. deadass i believe that murphy is a bad luck charm. hes just needs to leave.
it doesnt help that i reallllly don’t like murphys hair in this episode? what are those? twists?
aww bellamy and octavia are reunited. but tbh their separation wasnt that long 
i also have to mention that these kids have really white teeth. they may have grease hair but they have the whitest teeth in the world
raven and wick are really flirting. and i ship. shes needs to move on from finn. ngl i dont know this guy that well but i already like him a lot more than finn. 
jaha’s lips are crusty af. someone get him some chapstick
woah clarke. power move. did not think you had it in you. clarke said:
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what was that look between bellamy and mel? another ship? 
‘what happened to your boyfriend’ is murphy movin in on octavia? another ship?
thats a cute map
Octavia is all of us (well at least me) when she said “really?” in response to bellamy giving murphy a gun. i still do not trust murphy.
girl fight. this was the most violent scene yet. was that last punch really necessary tho clarke? side note: anya when she said “you fought well” was like shang saying to mulan “you fight good” another ship?
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byrne nooo!! you may be right but you are annoying me
wow they really turned on jaha.  but yes “to survive we do what we must” and you know what that means...wear a damn mask whenever youre in a public area. wash your hands. social distance yourself.
bounty on sky people? why?
sidenote: this desert father looks like a skinny DJ kahlid 
anya died too fast and too easily. somebody please say sike. SAY SIKE RIGHT NOW! no actually tho. they did not just kill off this badass warrior with a gun. i refuse. no she has to still be alive. this boss bitch did not just survive mount weather and being hunted just for her to die like this no. absolutely not. she is alive. she has to be. i refuse to believe this death.
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mattmurdocksscars · 4 years
i!!!! accept the 🌻 also tiny question, I start collefe on Monday, and I have the option to go fully online instead. and on one hand, I really dont wanna miss out on everything that comes w it and all the friends I wont be able to see since theyre living on campus, but i know its definitely safer for my family if I stay home. and ill probably end up going online anyways just bc safety but im just :( what would you say as a nurse in a big covid area? (im in st louis, if that adds anything) -🌻
Quick correction: Not a nurse, a pharmacy tech. No harm done, bby.
And that’s really up to you. I think if you wear your mask, social distance, and sanitize the way you should you could be perfectly fine going back to school. But there’s always a risk, just with the nature of this thing. You can only control what you do and not what everyone else does. Even if you take all the proper precautions, people around you will likely not. Give these people a wide berth
And as much as I hate to say it, I don’t know how long schools will even stay on campus. I personally think they’ll move back to fully online at some point in this semester. As the weather starts to cool back down, it’s going to make it easier for this thing to spread again and pair that with people being back in large gatherings and I think we’ll be seeing our second wave. You’re also in a large city, higher populations mean higher chances for spreading.
The best thing I can tell you to do is to make an informed decision. Do your research. See how your college is handling things, see what precautions they are taking. Talk to your family and see how they feel about it. 
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