#there is of course the 2015 could've should've would've been concert that i've been kicking myself over but everyone knows about that oop
patrickztump · 1 year
i’m giving u a free pass: talk abt whichever one u wanted to talk abt most from that fob ask game!
thank you thank you thank you!! ❤︎
12. how did you became a fan? a lot of the questions on that list i've answered unprompted several times over, but never this one. i did have a draft typed up where i went off on how i actually became a fan, but recently deleted because: "who asked?" ...you vibe?
it's actually a boring story. a friend of mine was a massive mcr fan so i heard all about them, and subsequently fob and panic as well. at the time i, myself, was a massive train fan. during this time (2011/12ish) i heard fob here and there via said friend, but it was mostly futct and ioh. it really didn't peak my interest much, so i never dug deeper or set out to listen to them. i did have a song that featured patrick, but honestly didn't know his connection to the band at the time and just thought he was a good singer.
come 2013, i want to say train made a tweet or they retweeted fob (i can't find proof of either, but i am Certain it happened) that said "young volcanoes" incorporated elements of "hey, soul sister." at the time, "my songs" was very popular - i had heard and enjoyed it, so set out to listen to yv. after that i found myself listening to them more and more, downloading some songs, adding them to playlists, and had their station was on heavy rotation on pandora. i told my friend that i was really enjoying their music (srar specifically, but some of folie as well), and she kind of recoiled and said, "i never pictured you liking them." based off her reaction and tone, i kind of took that as a bad thing, so just listened to them without telling anyone (closeted fan lmao).
so between 2013 and 2018/19ish i'd say, i was silently enjoying them because anytime it came out that i did like them, somehow it was met with judgement. only up until late 2021/early 2022 did my brain say, "this is your New Favorite, go on child, Obsess" and here we are lol
normally i don't add this bit, but for anyone's convenience: send me more numbers pls ❤︎
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