#there is one guard there that's tasked with finding and disposing of his juice boxes
rattlingmycage · 11 months
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One "good" end I had in mind for these two (more of a "mid" end, and not even an actual "end") is that Hescrates brings Astarion back to their homeland. Astarion lays low from Cazador in a well-fortified castle, protected by a navy and army supplemented with pirates and mercenaries. He's given free reign to request whatever he wants of the guards, and Hescrates gives him such preferential treatment it turns more than a few eyes; privileges no one's witnessed them granting in over a decade. Such privileges, as casual physical contact without having to pay the price in fingers. Astarion, of course, makes a point of flaunting that one every chance he gets. A cringe letter from the POV of an assassin sent for Hescrates' head below the cut.
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rhydium · 3 years
fuck it starfinite drabble
its 12pm n i haven't slept, @ the two (2) other fans of these dumbasses come get yall juice ig ???? played around w/ a concept i had n figured i'll just ... post it. why not. this takes place in my android infinite au, pre-relationship!! u don't rly need context other than that tbh ((but feel free to ask me abt it i will gladly infodump))
cw: loss of limb (infinite's arm; it gets reattached), references to blood n stuff in the context of intrusive thoughts. please lmk if i need more!!
"what on earth were you thinking?" starline near shouts, his voice exasperated, shaky with adrenaline. he's angry and he's afraid and it's, it's stupid, really, he can fix this, but his hands tremble as he rummages through his toolbox, eyes darting over to infinite; missing their right arm, wires sparking, broken and it's sickening. he has to look away again. breathe.
"you can't keep... you — you're being too reckless!"
"i don't have much other choice." infinite says, so simply, so infuriatingly calm, so calm, such disregard for the fact they just had a limb blown off.
starline finds the last screwdriver he needs, but continues to sift around, poking and prodding and inspecting wrenches as if he's still looking for something. if he stops that means having to face this and he isn't ready — he needs to, but he can't.
"why?" he asks, ignoring the way his voice cracks, swallows the dry lump in his throat, "why, infinite?"
"is it really not obvious?"
starline grits his teeth, squeezes his eyes shut. his hands grip the edge of the box. "no!! it isn't!"
"i can be repaired. rebuilt. you can't. it's not that complicated. if one of us gets hit then logically it should be me."
his chest seizes as the words sink in, sink through his skin and down, down, down into his stomach like a stone; his gut churns and twists with guilt.
no... no, that's —
"that's stupid!" starline hisses. that self-sacrificing, idiotic...!
he whips around, locking eyes with infinite, don't look at their arm, don't look at it, don't look at the socket.
"don't speak like that. ever again."
whether it's his expression, his tone, infinite seems taken aback, almost appearing to flinch. they stare at him, frowning, though in a way more indicative of confusion than anger.
"like what?"
"like you're disposable!!"
there's a long moment of silence after starline's outburst. he pulls in a deep breath, pinches the bridge of his bill, averting his eyes to the floor, anywhere else, anywhere but infinite. he thinks about apologising — he shouldn't have yelled like that — but infinite is, this can't continue, they're being nonsensical, they keep endangering themselves, it can't.
"i... you just don't get it, do you?" he murmurs, shaking his head, running a hand through his hair. a small, strained laugh escapes his throat, voice thin. "do you have any idea how it makes me feel, watching you get hurt like this?? throwing yourself around like some kind of — like a living shield??"
he's not going to cry. starline is not about to cry.
"you... could have died." infinite says quietly. "all those times, and today, if i hadn't stepped in — for you those blows would have been life changing, if not fucking fatal. do you know how that makes me feel, star?! i can't let that happen. it's so easy to just, imagine you laying there, not moving, the blood, and..." their fingers — god, the ones they still have — twitch restlessly. infinite picks at their claws.
starline can hardly restrain the choked noise that fights its way out of him.
they're doing this for him, to protect him, this is all his —
"it's not your fault." infinite speaks firmly, as if sensing his thought process. "but objectively..." they wave a hand, sighing, "you know? this doesn't even hurt me."
"it hurts me." starline exhales through his nose wearily. "emotionally."
"i'd rather you be a bit emotionally distressed than dead," infinite scoffs softly, "let me repeat; the damage i take isn't permanent or painful. you, on the other hand, are one accident from being... i don't even want to imagine it."
"then what am i supposed to do?!"
"be more careful and i won't have to get involved." infinite shrugs.
starline groans.
"why does it bother you so much?"
"are you kidding?!"
the lack of response would point toward no, apparently.
"because i care about you, you absolute fool!"
infinite falters for a moment.
"...but. i'm not in pain. i can be fixed. what are you afraid of?"
starline gazes at them wordlessly.
i'm afraid one day i won't be able to fix you.
i'm afraid i'm going to lose you.
i'm terrified of losing you because i love you but you don't know that and you can't know that.
"i — look, forget it. i just, i don't want to talk about this anymore, i need to repair your arm."
"you're hiding something."
"aren't you perceptive..." starline can't help but mutter.
"are you okay?"
does it look like it?
"i'm fine."
"could at least put a little effort into it if you're going to lie." infinite mumbles.
"would you just...!" starline takes a deep breath. "be quiet. please."
infinite briefly opens their mouth as if preparing to protest, but ultimately falls silent. they look away, absently staring off at the far window.
starline grabs his tools. he just... has to focus on work. this will probably take a while, he realises. it's easily the most damage infinite has ever taken — at least during their time with him. he's worked with robotics a long time, but infinite is a highly advanced android, and they require extra care, presicion.
infinite's shoulder sparks again. they don't react.
"...you really don't feel anything, do you?"
infinite raises a brow.
oh. right. i told them not to talk.
they shake their head, and starline nods, uttering a quiet "sorry."
no reply.
"can i... start the repair?"
"...you're not just going to go ahead and do it?"
"no. never. listen, i've made habit of asking for your consent and i have no intention of breaking it. it's your body."
"...i don't mind."
starline supresses a sigh and begins to tackle the rather daunting task of fixing up and reattaching infinite's lost arm, which has been laying motionless on the table for the past ten minutes. despite the lack of blood, absence of stench, as would be had if infinite was organic, it's still disturbing somehow. he shivers at the thought of dealing with dismembered flesh, of muscle and bone, and finds himself suddenly a lot more appreciative that infinite is an artificial being.
despite the knowledge infinite can't actually feel any of what he's doing, starline proceeds slowly, gently. regardless of whether they can feel it, their body deserves to be treated with respect. he fiddles with their wires delicately between his fingers, turns bolts and adjusts joints with only as much firmness as necessary, apologises when he has to snap certain supports back into place. now and then, he glances at infinite, who looks oddly tense, contemplative... uncertain.
"are you... uncomfortable?"
"what...? no, i... i told you i can't feel it, didn't i?" they say distantly.
"well — yes, but, what about mentally? are you alright...? do you want me to stop? i'm sorry that these procedures are so... invasive, and it probably, after —"
— no, no, what are you doing don't bring that up —
"...ah. nevermind."
infinite blinks, as if processing his words, and then their expression shifts in understanding.
"you're fine. i mean, this is.... i'm fine." they affirm.
"i mean it. it's... you're nothing like him."
there was once a time starline would have found such a statement insulting. nowadays, he can't be more relieved infinite thinks as such. he adjusts his glasses and continues tinkering away, figuring he won't get much else out of them, at least for now. whatever is on their mind, he'll let it be. the rest of the repair goes smoothly, time passing in a silence that is isn't uncomfortable, nor fully comfortable. he can't help but feel bad about the... was it an argument? he isn't sure, really. maybe that's what infinite was thinking about...?
as he wraps things up, closing the last panel on their forearm and preparing to request that infinite run through a few tests to make sure everything is working correctly, they finally speak; though it isn't anything starline was expecting them to say.
"you could destroy me," infinite utters softly, and they just kind of... look at him, something in their eyes that starline can't put a name to. "if you wanted to. you could rip me apart from the inside."
"i... guess i could." starline murmurs, his fingers lightly trailing over the panel, hidden beneath infinite's fur, the only sign of its existence being several small ridges and the bump of a screw head. "does that scare you?"
infinite smiles. "it's terrifying." they reply. "to allow myself to be so vulnerable... to — to want to let my guard down."
starline blinks in surprise.
to want to...? they want to let me in?
"then why...?" he tilts his head curiously. his hand stills, but lingers where it is.
infinite shrugs loosely. "it's you."
starline, don't you even think about it, that isn't what they mean...!
he clears his throat awkwardly.
"er... is that... supposed to explain it?"
"it's all i've got." infinite replies. the small quirk of their lips broadens a bit, and they chuckle. "sorry."
...starline finds himself smiling back.
god, he's tired, the past hour has been immeasurably draining, but... this, this makes it all worth it. seeing them like that... it lifts all the stress, the anxiety. he feels lighter.
"thank you."
"for trusting me. i know it... must take a lot."
infinite shifts their hand — the one that hadn't been damaged — and hesitantly, very slowly reaches over. they look between starline's hand still resting on their inner arm, just above the wrist, starline's eyes, his hand again, and starline goes to withdraw — but before he can do so, infinite places their own over it.
"thank you." they whisper. "for treating me kindly. for treating me like... a person."
starline's breath catches in his throat. oh god, he cannot mess this up. infinite never — they never initiate contact like this, ever. he can't scare them away, he knows it's difficult for them to be touched, let alone how much faith they're showing in him to touch, and he will not squander all their progress. nothing will ruin this moment.
"you are one."
"...i care about you too, star."
"i — what?"
"you said earlier that you cared about me. i care about you too," they elaborate, a flicker in their eyes, this time something starline recognises, as quickly as it's hidden again; fondness. a very specific kind of fondness that... no — he isn't sure if he's imagining this or not. he has to be. surely, he's making it up. wishful thinking, seeing what one wants to.
"...a lot. more than you know." infinite finishes.
starline gazes into their eyes steadily, searching, trying to find it again. infinite stares back, almost like they're looking for something, too. oh, how easy it would be; to lean down, move in, to kiss them, but starline is not going there. he has no confirmation infinite likes him like, well, that and, it would be far too fast even if they did. not to mention he certainly wouldn't do it without asking.
"...you're hiding something too, aren't you?" starline settles for asking vaguely.
infinite's eyes widen slightly, then glitter mysteriously, amused.
"aren't you perceptive?"
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