#there isnt a lot tho so yknow suggestions welcome
daily-xb · 2 years
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day 62: shark time!
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kunikame · 2 years
Omg you seem so into idolish7 … I’ve acc never heard of it but I looked it up and it’s not available in my area but you said it’s also a show? So maybe it’s like enstars idk but it sounds (from what you said) like it has very unique ?? characters yk? I love how passionate you sound about it tho I love when people talk about things they’re super into ^^ I do the same a lot but I also feel like I’m bothering ppl if they don’t respond with the same enthusiasm :’) esp bc I spam a LOT when I’m excited about smth I’m into so it’s nice seeing others who like to really go into detail about their interests yk?? ALSO omg fellow Dazai + Oikawa kin omg 🤝
Also, I’m sure tons of people would love listening/reading your rambles and not feel bothered at all 😊, though i def understand the fear bc i've had some experiences like that but I think it’s very endearing (if that’s the right word) as opposed to people just not being very passionate about anything in particular
I feel super cheesy sending this tbh 😭 last thing tho, do you have any song recs from it? (still not sure if it’s a show or game but songs are always great even before checking the actual thing out)
OH EM GEE HII !!!!! this made me tear up a bit in all honesty ! im so glad i piqued your interest enough to try checking i out !!!! i7 is both a game and a show ! exactly like enstars youre right !!! (you can get the game on qooapp if youd like to try but the show is available anywhere and im pretty sure it follows the exact storyline! (atleast i hope im not missing anything HAHAHA))
i also love when people rant about their interests !! its so endearing and i love when they smile happily and get to the point of waving their arms around and its like their eyes- no, they sparkle and and its so cute i swear
i understand exactly how you feel !! i also spam when im super excited and into the topic HAHA but then i inevitably stop bc ive been told im annoying too many times to count so now its, reflex i guess?
dazai oikawa kin twinsie !!!!!!
haha yeah i know of a couple people who dont mind when i ramble, its the opposite and they actually encourage me to talk to them and make sure i feel safe and comfortable and like im not a bother! i still feel super guilty and annoying though so i stop shortly after starting and they have to encourage me to continue :( i love them very much <3 (it is the right word yes !! and also you can always talk to me if youd like !!!! i love listening to others nerd out about their likes !!! maybe we might even find something to gush over together :D !!)
NO NO youre always welcome on my blog this is a safe space !!!!! <3 and omg yes youre so right songs just speak louder than your own words sometimes HAHAH ill drop a song from every unit if you dont mind cuz they all have a different vibe obviously !!
my personal fav of them all is 4-ROAR by ŹOOĻ !! theyre like an antagonist unit but that song is a banger i love it sm
from i7 it has to be WiSH VOYAGE its the 1st op i think and it holds a special place in my heart, but i also love MONSTER GENERATiON since its their first song ever <3
i dont listen to TRIGGER much but i rlly like Radiance ! it gives them a whole new vibe and personally i think it fits them well :) slower songs arent a bad change every once in a while ! i feel like they really needed it after all the suggestive songs they have HAHAHA
i repeat myself but i dont listen to re:vale much either (i have favorites can you tell) but if theres a song i really like it has to be SILVER SKY ! i think it suits their vibe really well ! i also like their cover of Dis one. though it isnt their original song, to me its theirs. idk
and finally i was never rlly invested in MEZZO" (dont get me wrong i love sogo and tamaki as a duo but i7 is just.. the more complete version, yknow?) but i really like miss you... and Dear Butterfly ! i like how their voices mesh in their songs, they sound really good together i think !
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