#there might be more tags later idk its 3:30am and i should sleep
savagequeenie · 2 years
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Am I finally getting to years old requests? Yes. Will these people ever see them? Unlikely.
Possible TW: vague description of breaking fingers, and obviously female being slapped by male.
A slow blink. Her eyes were wide, head turned to the side. Her cheek stung and tears pricked her eyes, but she refused to cry. Instead, she stood her ground and turned her head back, head held high and eyes glaring at the male who assulted her. Her fists were clenched, blunt nails digging into her soft palms fiercely.
She didn't even hear the shouting, until she was pulled behind an angry ginger, who had the opposing male by the tie. It took her a few seconds to notice most or her team was here and it made her almost chuckle; of course one of them was watching. They always were.
"Does it hurt?" Furuhashi's voice sounded as emotionless as usual, as he tilted her head slightly so he could assess the damage to her skin. She always found it amusing how gentle they were with her. Almost like she was a porcelain doll, and they were afraid she would break if handled. Really amusing once you saw how they played.
"It stings, but it'll stop soon enough," she put on a brave face, not wanting to break down completely. Especially with that bastard still there. She could hear Yamazaki shouting at the guy, as well as Hara's usually carefree voice, uneasily heavy as he spoke. Matsumoto was trying to disfuse the situation before it got out of hand and they were caught. As for Hanamiya and Seto, well, they weren't here, but she was sure they would be soon enough. And when they arrived, it would all be over for the guy who dared to lay a hand on the Kiridai basketball teams Manager.
Seconds passed, the silence only disrupted by the sound of threats being made. Soon enough, even those two went quiet and it was then that she knew he had arrived. By now, it was only her, her team and the moronic male who had not only tried to ask her out, but had gotten angry when she'd declined and backhanded her.
"Well, well, what do we have here?" Hanamiya's voice held its usual coolness, a slight mocking tone to it as usual. To any who didn't know him, and even some who did, it would be hard to guess just how upset he truly was, but beneath that teasing facade was a monster ready to annihilate its prey, slowly and painfully. "Not only do you think it's okay to ask our manager out, but you also lay a hand on her when she refuses? Are you just outright stupid or do you a death wish?" The male would sneer, rolling his eyes as he stalked up to the opposing male.
Normally she wouldn't watch when they attacked others, after all she wasn't the biggest fan of violence, yet she couldn't keep her eyes off what was about to happen. "There's a lot of people I despise, yet you've just made the top of the list." A low chuckle. "You should know no one touches our manager, no one apart from us." The possessiveness would scare most people, but for their manager, it made her feel safe and secure. Protected.
"What should we do with you?" A rhetorical question, no need for any reply. And luckily none was given, as the next thing heard was a soul-shattering cry of agony, as the males fingers were bent back in one foul swoop and easily broken. The hand he had used to assault their manager was now deformed and causing their victim excuriatinv pain, something no one at the scene felt any sympathy for. Not even the manager herself, who disliked violence.
"Consider that a warning. If you as much as look at her again, I'll make it so that you'll never be able to walk another step in your pathetic existence, do I make myself clear?" Hanamiya didn't wait for an answer, the males pitiful whimpers and snivelling beginning to get on his nerves. "Let's go. We can get an ice pack for your face at practice."
As they walked away from the scene behind them, Kirisaki's manager could only think one thing: how lucky she was to have her boys.
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