#there was Caster Cu too but I cropped him out
madillhethen · 1 year
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Also PAKO drew Emiya (assuming) Shadow Emiya 🥰.
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jinnyurr · 1 month
Hi hello!! I want to request SFW, Archer Emiya x M! master where its the gruff care thingy, specifically the "Sit up and take the olate, im not going to handfeed you" i think that fits him very well
A/N: thank you for the first request, anon, i hope you enjoy this! Its kinda hard to write Emiya's stoic character, but i persist. A side of caster cu in the first half, i hope you dont mind.
3,07k words. Enjoy the read.
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A thick layer of silence cloaked your room, broken only by the soft, rhythmic rise and fall of your chest. Curled beneath a mountain of blankets, you lay still, your face pale and etched with the strains of illness—albeit your face devoid of life, you feel your cheeks and forehead heating up with each intake of breath you take; your lungs ablaze.
You tilted your head with half lidded eyes, vision blurry as you slowly blink trying to make out the silhouette that's right next to you. You blink several times, attempting to get rid of the foggy haze clouding your mind. Not long, your head manages to recognize the patterns; blue fur robe, black tight crop top— your servant, Caster Cu Chulainn, sat perched on the edge of the bed.
No words were exchanged, instead, you feel his broad hand hovering over your forehead before gently placing it down. You wince slightly from the sudden contact, his hand cool against your fiery skin as your mouth opened slightly, taking in puffs of breaths.
Your heavy eyes are fighting to stay open as you try to peer into his gaze ; Caster's piercing crimson eyes, usually filled with a warrior's ferocity, held a tender concern as he monitored your temperature.
“Master, your temp ‘s way too high,” he sighs, pulling away his hand from your forehead while he lets out a small hiss, placing his hand back down on the sheets, “there's a cooling rune I could use, but I think archer wouldn't like that.”
Archer? Which archer?— your eyes squint as you're trying to figure out which archer he's implying to, that is until you saw the usual mischievous glint appearing in those crimson eyes, decorating his somewhat serious face.
You sighed, closing your eyes. Ah, Emiya. You remembered that Caster likes to tease Emiya about anything when it comes to you. Your archer has never been the type to directly say to you that he cares or worries for your well being, in fact, if you recall his words, it's anything but nice and caring.
You still remembered the moment he snatched the cooking utensils from your hands and said that you're better off not inside the kitchen. You saw the disappointed look in his eyes for a brief moment before your other servants snatched you away, trying to cheer you up.
“Maybe I should use it, see how archer reacts, eh?” your thoughts were broken off and your eyes opened as Caster stood up from the bed, now fully facing you with a sharp grin plastered on his face. One of his hands went up, index finger up and ready to trace shapes in the air, “cooling rune, was it..” his brows furrowed, focusing on his fingers.
With practiced movements, his fingers began tracing shapes in the air; your heavy eyes followed his movements the best you can, feeling tired midway as Caster does an elaborate gesture with his index finger.
Unfortunately, before he could finish, the door to your room opened with a smooth swoosh sound and not long after you hear Caster yelping, followed by the sound of the door sliding shut.
You shifted your head to the side again, facing the door; the pillow felt warm- unnecessarily warm from the effect of laying your head too long on one side. The smell of various foods infiltrated your senses, giving strength to your body as your eyes opened wider.
There, you saw your archer holding a silver tray filled with what seems to be a bowl of soup and some eating utensils, accompanied by some side dishes. The look on his face is the same as always; stern, firm and serious, however, your tired eyes managed to catch a slight glimpse where Emiya's gaze softened upon seeing your state- only for a brief moment before it was masked back by his usual demeanor.
A coughing fit attacked your throat as Emiya placed down the silver tray, laden with a steaming bowl with a quiet clink. A subtle frown creased his brow, a familiar line etched into his face. Your hand went up to cover your mouth as your throat felt like it was suffocating— this really couldn't get any worse.
The scent of the soup, a rich concoction of vegetables and meat, filled the air, mingling with the clinical odor of your room. Emiya's nostrils flared slightly, a silent acknowledgment of the warmth and nourishment it promised.
Unfortunately, You caught a fever during a mission, presumably because of the plants there throwing out some pheromones or something that tickled your nose buds and went further down into your system, causing a fever to ignite within your body as a defense mechanism.
Your servants easily got rid of the said plants, but their pheromones have already gotten into you, and you didn't mind it at first, which was a big mistake leading up to you getting bedridden in the present.
With a sigh, Emiya began to unpack the utensils, his movements efficient yet gentle. Swiftly, he pulled a nearby stool as he took a seat, crossing his arms in front of his chest while he faced your weakened body.
Your chest heaves heavily as your head feels like it's nailed onto your pillow; your eyes that were momentarily strengthened by the scent of delicious food quickly return to their previous state as they look up, searching for Emiya's face.
His expression remained unchanged, his face a mask of controlled indifference. A soft click of his tongue echoed in the quiet room. It was a small gesture, almost imperceptible, but it carried the weight of unspoken words. It was a silent reprimand, a chastising of his master's carelessness.
His eyes, a deep dark gray, scanned your form, taking in the pale complexion and the way the blankets were pulled up to your chin. You feel exposed albeit the weighted blanket covering almost of your entire body, his gaze left no place for you to hide.
For a brief moment, there was a flicker of something akin to disappointment in their depths, a stark contrast to the usual coldness of his expression. It was a fleeting moment, quickly masked by the familiar facade, but it was there, a silent accusation of weakness.
You blinked slowly. Weakness? Why was there weakness? Was your archer thinking you're weak?
You felt small under the weight of that gaze, a sense of inadequacy creeping into your consciousness. You huddled deeper into the blankets, as if seeking refuge from the penetrating scrutiny. Every imperfection, every sign of vulnerability, was laid bare under Emiya's unwavering stare.
The silence stretched on, heavy and oppressive, as you grappled with a mix of shame and helplessness.
Emiya's gaze remained fixed, his arms crossed tightly over his chest. His lips were pressed into a thin line, a stubborn set to his jaw. It was a posture of defiance, a refusal to yield to weakness. Yet, there was an undercurrent of concern, a flicker of empathy hidden beneath the layers of stoicism—
—oh. He didn't think you were weak— no, not at all! Your hazy brain and the fact that you're pressured under his stern gaze made you think that you were perceived as weak for falling ill just because of some plant, but truly it was far from that.
Your archer was blaming himself.
He blamed himself for he couldn't protect you, causing you to be bedridden. He blamed himself for not noticing the symptoms sooner, if he did, at least he could have prevented all of this. He was the closest to you, he's been there when you were still learning how to be a better master, he—
"I'm not going to hand-feed you,"
The silence was broken. Emiya's voice was low, a stark contrast to the usual harsh tones. His words were a command, but there was an underlying note of exasperation.
"Sit up and take the bowl." he added, his voice firm, laced with a hint of impatience.
Just as your mind wandered to how Emiya was falling into the depths of self blame, his stern voice rang through your foggy head, clearing all your remaining thoughts about him and forcing you to focus on the possibility of how you were being reckless, causing the archer to be disappointed at you.
Suddenly,the weighted blanket feels a little bit too heavy— they felt like heated bricks stacked onto each other and placed firmly down on your chest as well as your head, your heart skipped a beat at the coldness in Emiya's voice. It was a sharp pang, A wave of self-consciousness washed over you, a deep-seated fear of disappointing your archer.
With a determined effort, you pushed yourself up into a sitting position, your body trembling with exertion as your head felt like it was filled with molten lead.
The world spun around you, a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes. Your vision blurred, and a cold sweat broke out on your forehead. Shit. You moved too quickly. You subtly clutched at the edge of the bed, your knuckles slowly becoming whiter than it already is as you try to keep in mind that you don't want Emiya to see you struggling more than you have.
Emiya's figure was a hazy outline, a distant presence that seemed to grow larger and more imposing with every passing moment. The archer's arms remained crossed, his expression unchanged, a silent judgment hanging in the air.
Your body felt like it was on fire, a furnace consuming you from within. You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to block out the world. But the darkness was filled with the image of Emiya, his stern gaze and disapproving expression. A deep sense of shame washed over you, a heavy weight pressing down on your chest.
Your hands trembled as they reached up to touch your burning forehead. The coolness of your skin offered a brief respite from the fiery inferno within, however, the relief was short-lived, replaced by a fresh wave of dizziness.
Emiya watched with a critical eye as you struggled to comply with his command. There was a flicker of satisfaction in his gaze as he witnessed your determination to overcome the illness. He had always believed in his master's strength, your resilience in the face of adversity.
As your hands found their way to your forehead, Emiya's attention sharpened. Your breathing was labored, your face flushed with fever. A flicker of concern passed through Emiya's eyes, but it was quickly suppressed. He had to remain strong, to provide the necessary support without succumbing to weakness.
Your body swayed precariously; grip on the bed loosening. Emiya's heart skipped a beat. This was not part of the plan.
You were weaker than he had anticipated. Panic surged through him, a cold dread settling in the pit of his stomach. His arms, previously crossed defensively, relaxed, his hands hovering near the edge of the bed, ready to intervene if necessary.
Then, not even a moment later, his instincts had proved him right. Your head lolled to one side, your eyes glazed over as consciousness slipped away; you found your head landing against Emiya's broad chest with a soft thud.
Your body felt limp as you took shallow and ragged breaths,the heat consuming your vision. Your head could barely manage to register the soft hiss that came out of Emiya's mouth, let alone the feeling of his well toned arms wrapping around your weakened form firmly yet gently.
Emiya had his arms wrapped around you in a protective way while your temple rested comfortably against his chest; the material of his clothing cool against your constantly ablaze skin. He had miscalculated his master's strength, but he admired the way you're willing to push through.
A soft sigh escaped his lips as one of his hands went up, palm pressing lightly on your forehead to check your temperature.
Emiya wished he had asked Caster earlier about your temperature rather than just yanking him out of the room by that stupid blue robe of his. If Emiya had known that your temperature was this high, he would've loosen the gruff personality he had while handling you.
His calloused hand slowly pulled away, back to wrapping around your frame; it seems like he was more careless than he'd like to admit.
In your half dazed state, you'd half expect him to scold you for swaying and falling unconscious from such a simple command, but you waited and waited, and the words you expected to hear never came.
Instead, all you got was Emiya easily manhandling you as he lifted you up so that your lower half were now straddling his lap instead of uncomfortably planted on the bed while your upper half leaned against his body. He carefully placed your head so that your head could lean on his left shoulder whilst the rest of your body is nestled perfectly against his own.
The cool warmth of Emiya's body cooled your feverish skin, you squeezed your eyes shut, allowing yourself to lean against him, “..this… feelsh..nice” you muttered the best you can, enjoying his presence.
“..Master, are you okay?” He had questioned as he felt you sneaking your face into the crook of his neck, much like a puppy huddling closer with his litter to seek for warmth.
You answered with a soft hum as your arms went up to wrap around his neck, shifting into a more comfortable position, “mmn,” you had always liked the way Emiya's body would feel against yours— one time he had to carry you away swiftly because an aggressive enemy had ambushed you, and at that precise moment you realized that you wished Emiya would hold you more like this.
Emiya carefully adjusted his hold, ensuring you were comfortable. The young man was limp in his arms, a weight that felt strangely familiar yet utterly foreign. His heart pounded in his chest, an unfamiliar sensation that was both exhilarating and terrifying— he had never been this close to you before, never felt his body so intimately against his own.
Sure, he prides himself on being close to his master, but not in this way. Never had Emiya been this close to you, more like he never allowed himself to be this close to you. He cares for you, that much is true, however, he doesn't show it like your other servants.
His care is shown through the foods he cooked you after farms and missions, his care is shown through the way he shields you from attack and carries you away from danger— his care is shown through the way how he wants to see you grow and become a strong master, and he'll be there to support your every step, even if it means being tough on you.
His hands found a natural home, one resting on your back, the other gently tracing circles on your waist. The warmth of your skin seeped through his clothes, sending a shiver down his spine.
He fought to suppress the emotions swirling within him, to maintain the facade of indifference. But the truth was, he was utterly captivated by the vulnerability of the person in his arms.
A sense of protectiveness washed over him, a primal instinct to shield you from harm. He had always been the protector, the one who stood between you and danger. But now, in this moment of intimacy, he felt a new level of responsibility, a desire to care for you on a deeper level.
You stirred in your sleep, your body twitching involuntarily. Emiya tightened his grip, offering a sense of stability in the midst of your restlessness. He could feel the heat radiating from your body, a constant reminder of your illness.
Right. Your illness.
Emiya let out a soft sigh, the sound lost in the quiet of your room. He glanced down at his master, your peaceful slumber a stark contrast to the chaos that had preceded it.
His mind drifted to the bowl of soup, carefully prepared with ingredients specifically chosen to aid in recovery. He had hoped to coax you into eating it, to provide nourishment for your weakened body.
His gaze shifted from you to the tray on the small table, the steam from the soup now barely visible; a wave of conflicting emotions washed over him. There was a part of him that wanted to shake you awake, to insist that you eat- It was his duty, his responsibility to ensure your health. But as he looked at your peaceful slumber, a different part of him, a softer, more vulnerable side, protested. You looked so small— so vulnerable in his arms.
A battle raged within him, a conflict between duty and compassion.The soup was cooling rapidly, its medicinal properties diminishing with each passing moment— the soup was indeed important, a crucial step in his master's recovery. But so was rest.
Perhaps a few more moments of sleep would do more good than a bowl of soup…
Emiya's fingers traced the outline of your face, a gentle caress that seemed to deepen their slumber.
With a heavy heart, he made a decision.
The soup could wait. For now, his priority was your comfort. He adjusted his hold, ensuring you were cradled securely against his chest. Your weight was a comforting presence, a reminder of your reliance on him.
Emiya closed his eyes, the rhythmic rise and fall of your chest a soothing lullaby. He allowed himself a moment of peace, a respite from the constant demands of his role as a Servant. In this quiet moment, he felt a sense of connection with his master, a bond forged in the crucible of their shared experiences.
Your room fell silent, the only sound was the ticking of the clock on the wall and the now soft and calm breaths emitting from you. Emiya held you close, a silent promise of protection and care.
For now, this was enough.
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chunghee22 · 5 years
Fate Servants Play Animal Crossing!Headcannon ft. the Cú Quartet
Ok, so for one, they’re playing Animal Crossing:New Leaf on 2Ds(instead of 3Ds because they needed something a bit more sturdy cause they’re wild and sometimes forget their own strength). This might be a little long because I’m just jotting down stuff about how their play-style and towns would be so read under the cut....Isn’t that what they say? Or did I say it wrong? x-x
When the Gudas first bring this game to their attention, none of them are super interested in it. This all changes however when one day, Gudao is laid up in bed from overexerting himself earlier, Setanta(Cu Lancer) comes to check up on him. It’s fishing tourney time and Gudao plans on winning 1st place(because he’ll be darned if he lets Zucker win for the second time in a row!) so he doesn’t even notice him come in. Or notice him sit down next to him on the bed, eyes glued to his screen. He doesn’t even notice that as time passes, Magi(Cas Cu), Lainn(Proto Cu) and even Alter(Berserker Cu) end up watching him play. When the tourney ends at 6 o’clock, Gudao gets the 1st place trophy and a group of four Servants that now want to give the game a try. Let the gaming begin!
(and yes he does scream when he realizes that they’re all in the room with him)
Setanta(Cu Lancer):
Title: Fisherman/Delicate Flower
2DS Color: Blue/Black
Well we all know that when he first starts, all he cares about is the fishing. Ordinances? That can wait. Public Projects? They’ll get done. 
His town is in slight chaos for the first week of playing
Flowers are wilting. Crops have perished. The townsfolk are panicking 
Heck, the Gudas literally have to sit him down and force him to work on getting a house instead of living in his tent
After he gets his house, it’s like a switch is flipped. He finds a balance in fishing, ordinances and projects(thank the lord) and from then on his town is pretty peaceful
Wants to ANNIHILATE mosquitoes because they always try to bite him when he’s getting ready to catch a shark. Almost threw his DS
One thing he hates, is when someone plants flowers in the wrong spot. Don’t misunderstand, he likes the wild flower look as much as anyone, but if he has a specific look going and someone plants something where it shouldn’t he’ll go bonkers
Nearly threw his DS again when his neighbor, Cherry, planted a bunch of red lilies around his statue fountain because ‘NOOOOOO! I’m planting RED ROSES around that statue, not red lilies Is beag cac tú!’(he was silenced before any of the kid Servants could hear him)
His museums fish collection is practically complete. Same goes for his fish book. He’s got a few other things in some of the other exhibits, but said he’ll focus on them more once all of his fish tanks are full
Made sure he got a cafe, not because he likes coffee, but because the uniform you wear when working brings back good memories
Somehow has a golden fishing rod(is that even a thing?)
Number of Visits to the Gudas towns per day: 2 or 3 depending
Magi(Cu Caster/Cas Cu):
Title: Butterfly
2DS Color: Sea Green
His first week of playing consists of getting his house in order and earning enough money to get the ordinance in place that’ll keep his town pretty and well kept
Plus he doesn’t want to have to walk around town and water every single plant that he sees
Has a nice little garden outside of his house made up of all different kinds of Lillies. Tends to put the special hybrid flowers around areas that visitors will see
He wants to show off how cool his flowers are basically
Likes to fish, and now that his town is together he can do so freely. Is also kind of into collecting the different bugs, especially the butterflies. ‘Something about them is calming...Which is weird because they’re in a game’, he said once
The bug exhibit in the museum is halfway done. Fishing museum is also halfway done
He has a Birdwing butterfly in his house
Her name is Ava
Really likes to go into the flea market store(can’t remember the name right now) and enjoys changing the patterns and base colors on a piece of furniture. One thing he doesn’t like, are the pieces made out of solid gold. Not really his style
Sometimes he’ll have his character sit by the big tree everyone has in their town while he’s reading a book on runes or making some kind of potion/elixir/etc,
‘The music they play is pretty’, he said(more like mumbled, but ok)
Number of Visits to the Gudas towns per day: 2
Lainn(Proto Cu):
Title: The Designer
2DS Color: Crystal Blue
His first week was a mix of Magi and Setas. A little bit chaotic. A little bit calm
For some reason, still unknown to this day, he couldn’t start the game. Like the game literally would not start. When it finally did, the game already selected a town for him
Wasn’t too sure about the town at first(the layout was dreadful at best) but with a bit or work and running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off, he got it together
Or at least to a point where he could actually work with it
Once again, fishing is a constant. Bug collecting, not so much. Instead of the bugs, he actually kind of likes looking at the different fossils that you dig up. With a bit of help from Alter(explained later), his museum is packed with different bones and things stuck in amber
Making designs isn’t his favorite thing to do, but every once in awhile he’ll go into Able Sisters and make a pretty cool design. This then leads to him wearing it as a shirt and a hat, showing it off to the Gudas and his older counterparts for about...two days? Maybe three?
Also like shooting stuff out of the sky with his golden slingshot
None of the public projects interested him at first, so he kind of held off on them for awhile
Until he was ambushed
The three remaining Cus ambushed him when he was half asleep, looking at this list of suggested projects and telling him which ones he should do
Since he was half asleep, he just went with it
When he finally came to his senses, the damage was already done. Things were in weird places and he had to end up demolishing a bunch of the projects
Gudao and Gudako stepped in and helped him get a better layout going
He doesn’t play when he’s sleepy anymore
Number of Visits to Gudas towns per day: 3
Alter(Berserker Cu/Culter):
Title: Bone Man(he hates that one)/Fossil Finder
2DS Color: Red/Black
The fact that he even agreed to playing in itself was a miracle
As it turns out, playing the game actually relaxes him a bit
His first week was...Not chaotic? More like...Quiet confusion? He’d stare at the screen a lot with a raised brow or a confused frown. This then lead to him sticking to whichever Guda he could find when playing, so they could show him what he needed to do
And by sticking, I mean abducting. They could be in the middle of talking to someone and he’d just pick ‘em and off they go
If he was in a good mood that day, he would instead plop said Master into his lap and continue playing as if nothing happened
Fishing? Sure, it’s fine. He’s really good at catching sharks and ocean sunfish
Bug Collecting? It’s fine. He caught a moth once
Fossil Collecting...Hmm...It’s more like he has a natural talent for it instead of doing it because it’s fun
‘Death is drawn to me...’ he said once which resulted in him being given a cookie because that statement is very depressing
But it’s like, no matter where he digs, he always seems to find some kind of fossil. That or he hits a rock and Bam! A gold nugget. It’s so weird
His fossil exhibit is FULL. It was filled during his first two weeks of playing
So instead he either sells the fossils or gives them to one of the other three
When he visits the Gudas towns, he’ll go looking through their fossil exhibit and go digging for the ones they’re missing when he gets back to his own town
Surprisingly, he has a lot of flowers in his town. Ya can’t run anywhere really, or you’ll trample them. He doesn’t really mind it per se, but running through someones flowers just isn’t cool
He doesn’t really plant flowers mind you. They just pop up randomly and he goes with it. Likes the wild flower look. And sometimes, he’ll even walk around a water some of them just to see them do the little shiny sparkle thing
Has a golden watering can. Lets the Gudas borrow it if they want to
Tends to put his character in either of the Masters houses when he naps. Nobody really knows why but they just go with it
Number of Visits to the Gudas towns per day: Depends on how many naps he’ll take but let’s just say 4
Another long one done and dusted. Yay! Although, part of me thinks this sounds funny. Ah well. If you made it this far I hope you enjoyed it!!
Oh yeah! Gudao has a limited edition Light Blue 2DS(AUO got it for him) and Gudako has a Crystal Red 2DS(Wise King got it for her).
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