#there was alot of dubai how exciting !
dubaipenthouseupdates · 4 months
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Louis & Armand • Do you know what it means to be Loved by Death
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kisnet · 4 years
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My Life Story
I was born Christo DeFlamingh on 29 April 1971 on the early hours of that Thursday morning. When I was about 4 years old when we lived in a military base as my dad was an artillery instructor in the SADF. This was our first family home after I was born. One night we had visitors over and my mom sent me to run a bath for myself. I placed the plug into the bath trap and opened the hot water tap. After a couple of minutes as alot of kids do, I got bored waiting for the bath to fill up with water. I decided to lie on top of the edge of the bath and after a couple of seconds I lost my balance and fell into the bath half filled with hot water and almost immediately I let out a blood curling scream. My mom appeared in an instant as she ran to the bathroom after my screams for help. She picked me up out of the bath and covered me with a blanket and my dad rushed me to the military hospital in Wynberg military base. I had suffered severe burns over the upper part of my body and my legs and my one foot. After a long period of time my wounds had healed and with time I was able to have the bandages removed. This was my very first encounter when I experienced trauma and was very a frightening ordeal for me at such a young age. Since I can remember, I used to have a very cheeky temper tantrum in me and if I couldn't have my way or wanted make a statement or wanted my way, I would throw a tantrum. We used to look after the neighbours' dog when they went on holiday. It was a foxterrier female named Suzi and was like having my first experience with owning and playing with my best friend. We used to play outside and I remember running as fast as I could and go through the front door after running around the house then close the door quickly after entering the house. That used to be such a rush and exciting thrill all at the same time. I remember my brother starting school in 1975 as a first grader (sub A). Until 1977 we didn't own a TV and so my dad purchased our first family black and white 📺 TV after moving into our new home / flat in Wynberg military base. In 1977 we moved from our then house to a military flat in Wynberg military base which a whole new experience and making new friends although some of our neighbours also moved to Wynberg as the old military houses from our former home was to be converted to single quarters / rooms for military staff members. We lived a total of approximately 7 years in Wynberg military base. During my stay in Wynberg I had some fun times with my friends and family as a child growing up in a military environment things are considerably different to kids who's parents would be employed in the private and civilian sector. Life felt alot safer back in those days then in the 21st century. But nevertheless those were good years in the early to mid eighties. In 1978 we had next door neighbours that lived in the flat right next door to us and they had two sons named Francois and Deon. Myself and Deon became very good friends as he was at least ten years my senior. He was like a big brother to me and we did alot of things together over the years. He later joined the military after finishing high school. He had met a beautiful girl named Alida. He loved her very much. One night late It was raining very heavily and Deon and some of his mates left the military base where he was doing his military service and came home to see his parents and as he walked past when he left I saw his face for the last time as he made his way back to the car downstairs. He smiled and waved as he walked past that night in I think it was August 1978. He was killed in a car crash when they drove back to Youngsfield military base. The accident occurred on Ottery road not far from Youngsfield Military Base. We attended his funeral as a family and I felt so shocked as I didn't quite understood what was really happening as I was only seven years old. Years later I would find his grave and then really cried my eyes out and understood and comprehend what had taken place in terms of my emotions. I had lost my best friend that was like a brother to me. I would ride on the back of his motorcycle his dad bought him when came from school and that was always such an exciting feeling for me. I miss him still up until today I never forgotten him. We were quite close and his mother new and could see he had quite an impact on my life. His death was a huge loss to his family and friends. His parents remained in their flat for many years after we had moved out. In 1982 I had changed schools as I was diagnosed with being dislexic. I was now in a complete new and different type of school as it was quite a big change and I faced numerous challenges as to try and adapt and fit in with the rest of the school and cariculum. The first three yesrs was very difficult as the class teacher was a very emitionally distructive person and turned out to be very damaging to myself as a person as it made me very feel insecure and frightened. I didn't know what it was like to have fun anymore as I was scared and felt anxious for most of that time but nevertheless I did make very good friends over the years at my new school. Feeling so emotional and vulnerable at times had me landing up in detention after school as I became despondent and I didn't know how to deal with the issues at the time. I had my friends that would keep me grounded over the years as well as my mom and dad. I would look to my friends for fun times in terms of my situation at school. I did suffer alot of mental anguish under my first teacher at the new school but over time things got better as I advanced to higher grades. In the tenth grade (std 8) 1988, I decided to drop out of school and join the military to complete my military service. My dad was adamant that I complete my military training even if decided to go back to school the following year but my mind was made up not go back to school. Again joining the military I felt it was huge change in my life and adapting to military life was not easy at first as I wasn't the type to fit in very easily with big new changes and strangers etc. By the second month things seemed easier and I felt more relaxed. I managed to get a transfer to my dad's unit back home as I initially did my basic training in Kimberly over 1000 km from home. I was very happy to be back in my hometown. Later that year I applied to Technical College Cape Town and was granted sleep-out pass which allowed me to move back home as I was compelled to live in the military base due to my military training. I started studying part at the college by attending classes at night after work two to three times a week. I was determined to get my national senior certificate but as luck would have it, I lost interest and didn't complete the following year at college. So I ceased all studies especially after I left the military service in July 1990. I found myself unemployed and looking for work for the first time at the age of 19. I found a job at a motor company where I worked as a driver for the first 8 years then as a parts manager after which I was retrenched in August 1999. In 1993 my dad fell ill with having complications with his heart and as a result he passed away three years later on April 7th, 1995. I was devastated after loosing my dad. For years I wore black mourning my dad's passing and important dates like the date of his passing and buried as well as his birthday were very sad days for me. I struggled with great difficulty processing my dad's passing. My dad didn't have any life insurance and we were forced to sell our house where I grew up in and my mom and I purchased a flat jointly just down the road from where we used to live. After being laid off in 1999, I spent three years looking for work. My mom covered all the bills for those three years and I thought I would never find employment. In late 2003 I found employment with a service station and I put in charge of their car wash. It didn't pay much but I was very greatful for the opportunity as it covered my bills and my mom could breath a bit. Money was always tight but we always made it work and it turned out to be a 23 year life full of lessons. Lots of good memories with some sad days as well. In 2000 I met a neighbour whom lived across the road from me in house. Her name was Cathy and she was 18 years my senior. I fell in love with her and she was my rock for short few years. She used to listen to all my trials and tribulations. We spent alot of time together and went out quite a number of times. I felt wanted again and she meant the world to me. In 2001 she fell ill after being hospitalised for a hip replacement and passed away shortly after. I was once again left in a state of shock but I was able to process Cathy's death much easier than my dad's passing. My brother left for Dubai late in 2003 shortly after I found employment at the Engen service station where I was in charge of the carwash. He used to send money us money which was a great help financially. As life got more expensive with time I found employment with a paper vendor and I left in 2012 to venture out on my own as an entrepreneur to start my own business and make a living for myself to try and have a better quality of life. Due to my mom's health which was also on the decline, it was the best decision to work from home for myself and my mom assisted me taking calls for the first 3 to 4 years. I later approached friends of mine whom were unemployed as the business had now grown considerably and needed help keeping up with the demand and service I was offering to clients. In 2018 the business failed due to the economy and I had closed the business and lost my staff also as a result. I continued to get the odd call for business but eventually died off completely. I found myself once again unemployed and at the mercy of debt collectors and by now my mom's health had deteriorated considerably and I could see the stress of loosing our home started taking its toll on her as well as on me as I found myself very depressed many days and didn't know how to deal with this situation. My brother had also lost his job in Dubai and came home and was living with us due to being unemployed. Things would get rather tense and stressful as money was little to speak of. We were forced to put our flat up for sale to get out of the financial predicament we found ourselves in. My business which once provided for me and my mom's needs was also up in smoke and I felt like I had also nothing left to live for any longer. In March 2019 we signed the transfer documents for the sale of the flat but before transfer would take place, my mom passed away on April 28th, 2019. I was once again dumped into absolute devastation and depression. By now I had been on anti-anxiety and anti-depressants for quite some time prescribed by my doctor to help me cope with all that was taking place in my life. It's been almost a year and a half ago since my mom passed away, the flat has been sold, I moved out and alot has happened since then. My health is also on the decline but live to fight another day every day. Each day is a challenge for me but thank God each day that I am still alive. I don't always have the physical strength to get out of bed but I do my best as each day is a new challenge. I miss my parents dearly and wish I could turn the clock back to have some more time with them. But I would never stop loving them because they brought me up in this world and I would always be thankful to God for the time I had with them on earth. God is my only real rock I can lean on as I don't have my mom or my dad to fulfill that task for me. I feel lonely many days but take each day as it comes. Right now I just fight to survive and to stay alive mentally, emotionally and financially. This blog was written by Chris DeFlamingh
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Laptop Repair Video Course - 11 Hours Of Hd Video - Best On Web!
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/laptop-repair-video-course-11-hours-of-hd-video-best-on-web/
Laptop Repair Video Course - 11 Hours Of Hd Video - Best On Web!
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    If you want to learn how to fix laptops, you’ve come to the right place. Thousands of happy people have taken this easy-to-learn video course prior to you, and are successfully replacing notebook parts and restoring the life and their laptop once and for all.
Best of all, most of our students (laptop-fixing-gurus) had little to no experience when they started. This means anyone can learn how to do this. All you need is the right instructors demonstrating how to do everything in hands-on, instructional HD videos… aren’t you glad you stopped by?! 🙂
The Laptop Repair Course is an online video training program for people who…
Want to upgrade their current laptop rather than spending tons of money on a new one
Desperately need to fix a broken part/component
Know how to fix desktop computers, but are too intimidated to crack open a laptop enclosure and work inside
Want to make some extra money buying, fixing, and selling laptops
Want to start their own computer repair business
Don’t want to shell out hundreds of dollars at a repair shop for one single, little repair
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Since 2008 laptops have been outselling desktop computers. They’ve become more powerful, battery life has gotten longer, and more people are on-the-go with their devices. If you fix computers and want a larger piece of the pie, you’ve got to learn how to repair laptops!
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It doesn’t matter if you want to make money offering your laptop repair services to people, or if you want to save money repairing your laptop yourself. This course is for everyone. Life happens and things break. You’re going to spill soda on your laptop, a key is going to break off the keyboard, the trackpad is going stop working, it’s going to overheat, the hard drive is going to be corrupted, it’s going to move at a snail’s pace compared to the newest laptops coming out… wouldn’t you like to replace components in your laptop rather than paying someone else $200-300 for a single repair, or $500-2000 for a brand new laptop? This course empowers you to do just that.
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This is great news for you! First, because we’ll teach you how to carefully open and replace laptop components. And second, since fixing a laptop is intimidating to the average person, it’s a great paid service you can offer. People will be happy to pay you for a repair rather than forking over truckloads of cash for a new laptop.
Laptop Repair Video Course
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The Laptop course is all about laptop hardware. There are 48 videos – a total of 11 hours of high quality, HD video, that you can watch anywhere with an internet connection. You’ll have lifetime access to the videos. Your membership will never expire.
HD 1080p Video
11 Hours of Hands-On Video
60 Day Money Back Guarantee
FREE Lifetime Email Support
Learn How to Diagnose Problems
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Display Problems
Power Problems
System Problems
Operating System Problems
Performance Problems
Learn How to Replace…
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CD/DVD/Blu-ray Drives
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Hard Drives
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Screen Inverter
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BIOS Batteries
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Power Jack Connectors
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WiFi Cards
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Complete Teardowns
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Clean After Spill
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Just a one-time payment of $67
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Dear Support, I LOVE THIS COURSE!, I have already begun the viewing and I am starting disk 3, I have already diagnoses and repaired 2 laptops, that were previously JUNKED, now are working like new. I’m excited, about what I’ve learned, I just keep stopping and running back to the bench to try it out, and it worked! I will keep you posted on my results, but so far in less than a week I have made enough off the sale of the 2 laptops to cover the cost of my course and my tool kit! GREAT Course, Keep it up! Rick M., North Carolina, USA
I like the course. Not too much in one bite. Easy to understand. I’m repairing several laptops and the course has helped. I’m working on getting up to speed in starting my own business-looking for ways to get an edge as there are quite a few competitors around. Greg O., Iowa, USA
I purchased both the Computer and Laptop repair course and I am enjoying myself immensely. Who said that you cannot teach an ‘Old Dog’ new tricks? Doug S., South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Hi Ty, Thanks for the email and also the Laptop Course. I have started watching the Laptop video lessons, it is so amazing. I am in lesson 20 disc 2 Replace Optical Drive MacBook. Today, to my happiness i have been able to know the secret of how to replace HP Laptop Key Board and i did it just after the lesson… Credit to you Guys. THANKS Samuel O., Dubai, United Arab Emirates
I was just watching the Laptop Repair Course last night. Everything is perfect, most especially to the students I am training. The videoes are a big help to me and to the students. The best hands-on we ever had. Weon P., New York, USA
Hi yes im still togging along doing the course i think its brilliant really good well happy with it,also yes ive fixed 5 laptops so far with differant problems and without this course it would be alot harder to do,im taking my time with the course so i can get everything on board deep in my mind, i will keep u informed on all progress thanks all! take care Dave A., Worcestershire, United Kingdom
Hello Sirs, I have gone through about half of the lessons. Yes I plan on starting my own business very soon as I am about to crack at my regular job as a waiter. The lessons are quite good. Ran into an old friend recently who is certified at fixing xbox’s and cellphones. He also knows a great deal about computers. We are going to start slow with repairing computers as a business. So far I have replace the keyboard on my old Toshiba laptop and also added memory to it and an old desktop that my friend gave me. I have worked on 5 computers total so far. They were all real slow. Three of them had wicked malware etc. on them which I successfully removed. Thank you so much for your site and program. Howard W., New York, USA
My main reason for my purchase was to get some additional information on laptop repair with which to bolster my knowledge and expand my repair capabilities. These lessons turned out to be more beneficial for my needs, and I am satisfied with the product that you provided, and think that it is a good value. I have been repairing desktop computers for about a dozen years, so I wasn’t expecting to learn very much on that subject, but I found the Laptop Repair Course to be quite thorough in the information that is covered. I would also like to add that it is nice to be able to log in from any location and watch the videos provided in the courses. Mark A., Texas, USA
Hi there Ty, My wife bought me the Master Computer Repair DVD set and the Laptop Repair DVD set last year and I have been viewing them since I first received them. I have to say, I am so delighted indeed to be viewing all these videos as this is exactly what I have been looking for for a while now until I came across your website by chance and my wife decided to buy me both packs. In my free time I tweak and fix computers and its sort of a hobby for me. Thank you very much for providing this product and I am about to start a computer repair company here and make use of the added skills learnt in the videos. Thanks once again and I look forward to many more training materials from your company. Mellie M., Papua New Guinea
Hello, Thank you for checking on me. I’ve almost watched all of the videos for the computer repair and laptop repair but I have just been taking my time and going back and re-watching some and will re-watch others. I really like them so far. Actually, I enjoy seeing things when they don’t work out right. Like if something breaks or screws don’t come out. I appreciate that you all didn’t edit those sceens out because it shows what could happen in the real world. I’ve been able to help 3 people with their computers thanks to the videos. One day I’d like to start my own little business, so I’m trying to get some old computers and some broken laptops to work on so that way if I do mess something up it won’t be crucial. Corey M., Virginia, USA
Hi, I have gone through all the lessons. I find them easy to understand. The videos are great. I plan to use this course to fix my computer when needed. I also have a laptop that needs work. I would highly recommend this to family and friends. Thank you for offering this course. It is much cheaper than most courses and it is easy to understand. The videos help a lot, it’s better to be able to see how things are done. Thank you. Lucy H., New York, USA
I want to take this time to say thank you very much for the course you have prepared. It has help me so much. I have fixed alot of computers and laptop so far. Iam now going into Business and Iam seeking further lessons with your organisations should there be any. Thanks once again for the impact program you have designed. Francis K., Victoria, Australia
Just a one-time payment of $67
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Just a one-time payment of $67
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letslivelady · 5 years
5 Lessons to Learn from My First Online Dating Encounter
If you just want the bottom line about the online dating lessons, go to the end of the post. But this online dating story is worth the read.  
Email and text excerpts that follow are authentic actual conversations (including misspellings) saved on my computer and cell phone.
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The Last Love of Mark Rossi!
Less than 24 hours after I had put my profile on the online dating website, Match.com,  I was pleasantly surprised to get a message from Mark Rossi -- age 62 (five years younger than me -- could I handle being a cougar?).  Mark's profile showed him to be  Italian/American, a widower, a successful international businessman and very good-looking!
"This looks really promising,"  I thought.  He asked to exchange personal email addresses and send additional photos of each other.   The match was off to an exciting start. I chalked up the poor grammar to his foreign native language.
Here are a couple of excerpts from Mark Rossi
"My old friend and pastor would tell me, if you aren't ready to feel or look stupid, then don't fall in love ,lol but sincerely that is the bitter truth. When i lost my wife , he told me that the fact that something good ends doesn't mean something better cant start. Can you prove that right? I have come to realize that let a man is reduced to nothing except he has a woman to call my companion.
I don't need a super model, I rather need a very good friend, a good woman with a good heart, someone who knows when i am tensed just by looking into my eyes. The whole world may be mad at me, but if you are smiling at me, i would care less. Can't wait to read from you again dear.I wish you have a wonderful evening ahead.Till I read from you again soon, sending you morning hugs."
It all sounded great.  But...
But I was asking him specific questions like how it was that he was located out of Bedford, Kentucky?  And if Italian was his first language?  The name of his business?  But he never really answered those questions.
After a week or so the first shoe drops!
"I have been so busy today because something came up and i have to travel tonight to Dubai for a week, i was contacted by the customs there to come over to sign some confirmation papers because some security protocol was breached by the shipper during the shipment of my cars and some incomplete paperwork from Germany. The cars are 16 in total, a total of 4 - 20ft container consisting of 4 cars in each.
The plan was to ship down to Dubai, talk to a dealership and move them for sale. We can always communicate everyday through emails and phone until i get back home, I promise to keep in touch and seeing you would be top priority on my return.
This could be the beginning of forever and i would put my mind to it and i want you to also. please have a good evening, i would talk to you soon , please leave me your phone number.
Sending you hugs. Mark.."  
So, what was so bothersome about this?
The delay did not bother me at all because I wasn't so sure I was ready to meet him anyway.  What bothered me is that there was no traceof an Italian accent in his voice during our phone conversation -- despite the fact that he was supposedly raised in Italy until the age of 12.
I asked him again why he was based out of Kentucky, but I was not satisfied with the answer as he only spoke to getting out of Florida after his wife's death.
Put on Your Investigator Hat!
Being the savvy investigator that I was, (wink, wink) I decided to check him out online.
The only Mark Rossi my google search found in Bedford, Kentucky looked nothing like my Mark.  The guy was the wrong age, very scruffy looking and it was a mug shot.
Well, that can't be him.   So, I checked in California where he supposedly first lived and I checked in Florida.  A little voice in me said that he might not be who he says he is.   But, I decided to play it out, see where it led. Maybe he was just a really great guy.
Gullible? Yes, a bit!
I asked him to send me photos of himself in Dubai (to see if he is really there).  Also, I decided I wanted to re-read his online profile as I could not remember everything on it.
After all, if I wanted to be the last love of Mark Rossi, I better double-check on what he actually had said about himself.  But, the profile had been removed from the online dating site. (Not a healthy sign.)
What Happened to Mark's Online Dating Profile?
Mark wrote:
"It was a Lovely day in Dubai and a pretty warm weather.
For your questions, I moved to Bedford to start a new life and create new memories with a new love and companion on a long term, someone i can love forever because i am commited to it and i am focusing on you alone now thats why took off my profile from match.com to ensure i can bring out the best of the relationship we have.
This busines has been lucrative since i started and thats why i invested a lot in this because its my last business trip before i retire to bring 16 cars in to sell at once to the dealership, i have two Porsche and four Ferrari among them , i wanna get into retirement because the income i get from this would establish me more and i would have agents to run this without leaving the house, my motive is to always be there for my companion, life is short m this is my last opportunity to be in love and i want to seize it .
I really dont have time for phone cameras now because this is business trip and i dont want jeopardize it for pleasure my next trip here has to be a vacation with my companion and lover and i see you as the one to occupy that position."
Mark is pretty smooth, isn't he?
The next day, I had notice of a security breach on my iCloud account and I had to reset the code. (Never really sure whether he had anything to do with this or not.)
The emails and text messages continued with romantic language and details of how the trip was going, etc.  Then, the news! Mark was not going to fly home from Dubai, but instead was going to fly right into Kansas City.
Mark was Flying in to See Me!
He wrote:
"My One and Only, I am about to sleep here. Tomorrow will be a long day for me I have to get every paper work cleared and have things back on track for the full release of all my shipments so i get to deal with the dealership that buys them before leaving for the states, can't wait as it's been a long week already.
I think of spending alot of time with you when I get back to town and holding you so close to me. Whenever you think of me, please know that no matter how many miles separate us or how much of our lives comes between us we would have many lovely times and fond memories.
Even though we're apart, this will not be the end of our commitment until i meet you and i fell you in my arms.
Just always remember that I really adore you already and I want you to be part of me and me for you too as i can feel my lonely days are over.
Big Hugs sent your way. Love . Mark"
Click on the link below to see the itinerary.
When I first got the itinerary, I thought
Wow, he must be for real.  He has booked a flight!  Now what do I do?
I needed advice.  I was excited that he might be for real but scared as to how to handle the situation if he actually showed up.  Should I offer to pick him up at the airport?  Should I suggest or book a hotel? Or, do I invite him to the house? What do I wear?
So, I contacted a couple of friends.
My sister-in-law recommended online dating and she has had considerable experience.  So, I asked her.
She gave  me good online dating advice.
NO, you do not pick him up at the airport.  You meet in a public place.
No, you do not invite him to the house.  You do not even tell him where you live when you meet through online dating.  If he is an international business man, he can book his own hotel and get from the airport to the hotel on his own steam!
Why don't you meet someone local?  If a guy sounds too good to be true, it is probably because he isn't real -- he's a fake!
It didn't sound very hospitable for someone who is traveling thousands of miles to see me, but I realized she made sense.
I contacted another friend with the good news and sent her a copy of the itinerary to prove that he was really coming to see me.
We agreed to meet over lunch the next day since this online dating encounter was heating up.  My friend decided she needed to comb through my wardrobe to figure out whether I had anything suitable to wear.  We are both excited and nervous. Then ...
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The Bubble Burst!
The next morning, I awoke to an email from Mark:
"My love, I have been asleep all afternoon in stumble and distress. it had been a bad day. I don't know how to say it but i just have to say it as it would ease the burden.
I was robbed on my way to the seaport at gunpoint this morning, it was the worst experience i ever had. i am sorry I didn't mean to show you this so you don't feel bad or spoil your day but i just couldn't hold it in my heart, i had to email it to you. Please download and view document, its a police report of today's event."
I bet you can figure out where this is going? Right? Well within an hour or so, Mark texted me further about his plight and I offered him my prayers.
That is not what Mark wanted.
He texted "The paperwork would finalize the major dealings here and I would be back home as planned and right now I need 2900USD to solve this problem within the next 24hours.  So far no one is able to help me out. I am devastated."
After some more back and forth he said:
"Honey is there anyway you can give me a short loan and when I return on Monday I would pay you back, I can double it for you. I feel so ashamed of myself asking you. I never wanna creat a wrong impression. I just wanna get out of this mess. Deadline got me so worried."
What a load of crap!
I asked him why he didn't just call his bank and get them to wire the funds to him.  And, how could it be that he, an international business entrepreneur, had no one at his age of 62 who he could call besides a lady he had never even met? He had an answer for everything.
I told him I would have to think about that.
It  took me about a minute to decide.
That was it.   Mark had finally revealed the real reason that he had contacted me thru online dating in the first place.  The gig was up.  He called a few more times, but I did not take the calls.  And my wardrobe make over could wait.  The take away is this --
5 Online Dating Lessons:
You need to meet someone in person, if you want to have any hope of  knowing who they are.  Otherwise, you only know what the online dating profile says and what they want you to know.  a) They might still be hiding something that would be very obvious if you were to meet them in person.  b) Some people have long distance relationships with what turns out to be a fantasy.  The person is not what they think.
Do a little research to find out about a person who might make a potential match from an online dating service as soon as you have a name.  Try doing a search on your own name. It is surprising how much you can find out yourself that is actually out there and available if someone searches for it.   a) Although it never occurred to me at the time, Mark Rossi probably was the guy in the mug shot.  I just had never in my wildest dreams guessed that someone would go to the lengths that he did to perpetrate a fraud.  b) The flight itinerary looked authentic at first glance.  Reading it more carefully,  KNS is not the symbol for Kansas City International.  The symbol is MCI. When I checked the flight numbers through the airline, they do not exist.  So, what looked real was just a fake.  If Mark (or whoever he was) had used his skills for something positive there is no telling how successful he might have become.
Read the online dating safety tips below. There is something similar on most websites.  The links below are safety tips from Match.com which are buried at the bottom of their website.  You can click the links below and copy them for a quick reference:  Online-safety-tips and Offline-safety-tips   As you read the tips you can see that if I had followed them, I would have easily avoided the situation.
Be real when you put together an online profile.  I was advised, for instance, not to list myself as a widow.  But, to say that I was divorced instead.  The premise is that gold diggers are looking for a recent widow because they think she probably has life insurance money.  But I really would rather keep my radar up than start off by presenting myself as different from who I really am.  I have met gentlemen that have shaved a few years off themselves in their profiles, probably this is true with ladies too.  You don't want or need to tell them everything, but whatever you do say in the profile of yourself, I would try to be honest.  You want to find someone who likes YOU -- not an image of someone you wish you were or someone you think is more desirable.
Have fun with online dating!  Don't take yourself too seriously.  If you are sitting home alone and would rather be in a relationship; if you want someone to share a meal or a drink with you, if you want to find your own "last love" go online and meet someone.
If you have done any online dating, I bet you have some great stories to share.  We'd love to hear about them.  Meanwhile, live your life to the fullest!
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breaksandbites · 7 years
Hey pretty girls, I am here with an exciting news, keep reading and you’ll find out what is in store for you. :)
I have been asked lots and lots of times that how do I get invites for Sephora events about which I post often. I am a member of their Loyalty Card Programme as I have stated earlier (you can read about it here) hence the invites.
But the beauty classes I am going to talk about are FREE and for ANYONE and EVERYONE irrespective of the fact that you have got the subscription of their loyalty programme or not. Yesss, i am not joking! :D Isn’t that an amazing news?
All you have to do is just go to the respective stores at the times on which they conduct class (the relevant information is at the end of post), let them know that you are interested and voila, you get a seat (the seats are limited in every session).
What Happens in the class?
You pick the products you want to use during the class from anywhere in the store – That way you get to try the stuff you are eyeing to buy (Best part) ;)
You do the makeover on your own by following tips and tricks the instructor is teaching you – such a great opportunity for beginners.
There is an attendant right next to you to help you throughout the class – I love the way they handle their customers, always!
You can ask as many questions you want – they make sure you are not left behind at any stage.
At the end, you are asked to fill up a feedback form to share your experience.
There are chocolates for you! <3
How did I get to know about it?
I had literally no idea about it, wasn’t really planning to go Sephora that day. I had to visit my friend at her house instead but things got dragged, I got late and I asked my friend to meet me at the mall. There we bumped into this class and as beauty addicts we couldn’t resist it at all. (yea, you got me here… lol)
My Experience
As you all know the protocol by now, I’ll be talking with pictures in this section.
Following are the items I picked to use during the class:
#gallery-0-11 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-11 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-11 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-11 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Serum by Dior
Moisturiser by Dior – It really does give the fresh feel!
Marc Jacobs Re(marc)able Full coverage Foundation concentrate
Sephora Eye Shadow Palette (it was so pigmented mann)
Huda Beauty Rose Gold Palette
Sephora’s New Eye Liners
The incredible Liner Designer by Beauty Blender
My picks in one frame
My side of table
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Our teacher Gabriel, loved the way he explained all the tips and made sure we are with him at all times
Myla, she was at my side throughout the class and helped me alot. Thanks girl :*
Me, Kristina (the pretty girl who took and shared all those pictures while we were busy playing with makeup during class, Thanks loads :) ) and Nida (my friend who is a phenomenal MUA and beauty blogger at Nida’s Beauty Bag)
  There was another girl who assisted me to hand-pick all the above mentioned products, I forgot to get a shot with her. But that was really nice of her to help me with everything.
Details About the Class
Time: 3 pm
When & Where: Every Mondays at Sephora Dubai Mall and Sephora Mirdif City Center Every Tuesdays at Sephora Mall of the Emirates
P.S: This information is true to the best of my knowledge. Please don’t blame me if they change the timings or days after sometime nor do I have any idea about the pre-booking or reservation of seat in the class. 
All the best you beauties, look lovely and stay beautiful always! :)
  Weekly Beauty Classes at SEPHORA Hey pretty girls, I am here with an exciting news, keep reading and you'll find out what is in store for you.
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