#there was that one reddit post about courtney making too many dirty jokes and like yes the guys blah blah but also. amanda is RIGHT there.
shesmore-shoebill · 6 months
One of my favorite thing about Amanda and Chanse is how on the same wavelenght they are with gross jokes. He often has an out of pocket sexual thing to say and she never shuts it down, she jumps right in, continues and sometimes pushes it too far for him and he recoils lmao. For examples: the synced YAY! when Tommy said "it's cum" in the last eioyi, the weird hand humping in the staring stream or them wanting to fake kiss at the same time on todays stream. She's the ultimate ally.
OKAY, LISTEN. Excellent point about them being in the same wavelength for dirty bits and the "ultimate ally" bit made me laugh. They feed off each other for sure.
But I really feel like I need to say. We CANNOT understate how much Amanda loves to make dirty jokes. She can match/outpace Chanse's energy for sexual jokes because Amanda Loves Making Sexual/Flirty/Dirty Jokes. Unprompted. There are multiple times where she's made a masturbation joke with zero prompting. The blowjob bit on that Smosh mouth. Amanda's single word prompts in the staring stream like. Ma'am Please. TNTL bits go dirty so fast. She said "do you know where your clitoris is" to Angela in Trivial Pursuit and then followed it up with "you can help me find mine." Loves a good flirting bit with any and all of her castmates. I know we (I) (amangela fans) are Unwell about her tendency to go for a kiss with Angela for a bit but lbr she does that with. A LOT of people. Zero hesitation. Amanda Simply Loves Going For The Dirty Joke, which. Is both great and terrible for my health. (and great fodder for shippers. amanda please).
That said: YES. She and Chanse i think really have such good synergy with bits and always elevating when together. And unfortunately (for me) that goes double/triple with dirty jokes. alas.
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