#there would also be zero interference from kirk - because it isn't needed
lenievi · 2 years
I wanted this post to be “the only scenario where I could imagine aos!spones as ‘enemies’ to lovers would be if it was based on misunderstandings” post but it just works better as them becoming friends and mckirk and spuhura being a thing
from McCoy’s POV because Spock was an ass to Kirk (and continued to be an ass to Kirk, questioning him at every opportunity, quoting regulations etc), because old!Spock messed up with Kirk’s mind and made him suffer nightmares for weeks, McCoy wanted to do nothing with Spock. 
from Spock’s POV - he was initially pleased and impressed, especially when McCoy was on his side during the whole “gotta yeet Kirk to space” phase, but after that McCoy would always take Kirk’s side. And he was Kirk’s friend. And Spock continued to see Kirk as a frat boy he kept hearing about from Uhura for three years, and he couldn’t understand why McCoy would dedicate his whole self to Kirk.
So Spock wouldn’t have to just reevaluate his opinions about McCoy, but also his opinions about Kirk.
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