#there’s a little sentence about him Not accepting? being offered? a proconsular command against sertorius alongside metellus pius
catilinas · 1 year
Okay but with regards to roughly chopped onions, do you think this is what Poppaedius Silo said to the ghost of Marcus Livius Drusus after his Revenge Deception Operation against Caepio? (Also I think that revenge has MDZS vibes).
YES absolutely 100% but now i wonder did he use the roughly chopped onions to summon drusus’ ghost or did he :( just not have to wait long before he was killed also :(
(in arguably Another revenge! if you go with it being lepidus livianus rather than metellus pius defeating silo. which i Do because the narrative drama of silo killing caepio because he thought he was responsible for drusus’ death, And Then lepidus livianus (drusus’ brother) killing silo because he thought HE was responsible for drusus’ death if really fun. i think drusus’ ghost would be pissed at lepidus livianus though)
(AND. <- guy who has literally just reached episodes of a certain television show containing A Lot of revenge going on. yeah. real. it v much does)
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