#there'll be followup stuff eventually
commanderhorncleaver · 10 months
Introduction: Cain Flametongue
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Cain Flametongue, formerly known as Brutus Quietflame, is the cub of Gaius Horncleaver and an unremarkable dam who did little for her cub aside from provide him with a younger brother named Jullus nine months after he joined an Iron Legion fahrar.
The cub grew up in a difficult time for Iron cubs with shamanist tendencies, and unlike Augustus, he wouldn't have Gaius' proximity to the fahrar to protect him physically nor through reputation.
He didn't so much take the name 'Quiet' so much as have it foisted upon him by his bandmates to emphasize his nature. He spoke little and stayed to himself. Being a larger sort, and steadily reliable even with his pyromancy, he was a strong lieutenant. This wouldn't last, though, as he was eventually scouted by Flame looking to sow seeds of discord--rumors of Baelfire's aspirations for godhood were known years before the actual ritual, after all, and the Legions needed to be distracted while the shamans worked and studied and prepared.
Brutus took the first opportunity to accept recruitment, leaking details of raids and plans, small things to help Flame with infiltration or avoiding patrols. When he was asked to assist in a strike against Blood and Iron, wiping out several warbands at once, he again eagerly accepted, and personally wiped out his own warband, including his own brother who had been assigned as his guard.
Though Flame appreciated him, and seemed to offer opportunities for his growth and development, once again, this wouldn't last, as eventually, the Citadel of Flame would take place and Gaheron would be slain by the commander and his comrades. Knowing Brutus' ties to Horncleaver--and having conveniently not been present at the slaughter of shamans--it was assumed that he had been playing the long con. Brutus was tortured: his tongue was burned out when it became evident that he wouldn't talk, and eventually it became clear he would be killed.
So he killed them all first, flaming arrows finding their marks and white-hot illusions luring his captors to their deaths. Finally free, Brutus cast off his name and ties, and swore vengeance on the name that's plagued him all his life, Gaius Horncleaver.
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