#i saw everyone else was posting new character bios
commanderhorncleaver · 11 months
Introduction: Cain Flametongue
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Cain Flametongue, formerly known as Brutus Quietflame, is the cub of Gaius Horncleaver and an unremarkable dam who did little for her cub aside from provide him with a younger brother named Jullus nine months after he joined an Iron Legion fahrar.
The cub grew up in a difficult time for Iron cubs with shamanist tendencies, and unlike Augustus, he wouldn't have Gaius' proximity to the fahrar to protect him physically nor through reputation.
He didn't so much take the name 'Quiet' so much as have it foisted upon him by his bandmates to emphasize his nature. He spoke little and stayed to himself. Being a larger sort, and steadily reliable even with his pyromancy, he was a strong lieutenant. This wouldn't last, though, as he was eventually scouted by Flame looking to sow seeds of discord--rumors of Baelfire's aspirations for godhood were known years before the actual ritual, after all, and the Legions needed to be distracted while the shamans worked and studied and prepared.
Brutus took the first opportunity to accept recruitment, leaking details of raids and plans, small things to help Flame with infiltration or avoiding patrols. When he was asked to assist in a strike against Blood and Iron, wiping out several warbands at once, he again eagerly accepted, and personally wiped out his own warband, including his own brother who had been assigned as his guard.
Though Flame appreciated him, and seemed to offer opportunities for his growth and development, once again, this wouldn't last, as eventually, the Citadel of Flame would take place and Gaheron would be slain by the commander and his comrades. Knowing Brutus' ties to Horncleaver--and having conveniently not been present at the slaughter of shamans--it was assumed that he had been playing the long con. Brutus was tortured: his tongue was burned out when it became evident that he wouldn't talk, and eventually it became clear he would be killed.
So he killed them all first, flaming arrows finding their marks and white-hot illusions luring his captors to their deaths. Finally free, Brutus cast off his name and ties, and swore vengeance on the name that's plagued him all his life, Gaius Horncleaver.
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everybody stay with me im shifting back into speculation & analyzing mode, this time about everybody's favorite pair of besties. ill put this under the cut for everyone's sakes
and please, take all of this with a Hefty grain of salt.
so ive been... thinking about a thing. a maybe-possibility. which if this has some merit, the part of me that loves characters having a good time and feeling good feels is screaming in fear. but the louder part of me that loves angst and hurting characters is rubbing its little fly hands together.
short version: i think Barnaby is going to emotionally distance from Wally, if not outright grow to resent him. maybe temporarily, maybe not.
full version: *cracks knuckles* strap in folks. so.
first of all, an entire chunk of Barnaby's bio is dedicated to his character relation to Wally. everyone else only has one-off lines dedicated to their relationships to other neighbors - even Frank & Julie just have single sentences about each other (note that they're described as "partnered with" and "depicted with" respectively. more on that soon). even Wally's bio has his Barnaby mention tacked onto the end of his first paragraph instead of being its own dedicated section
and then there's their character designs - their bios explicitly point out that they share characteristics; color schemes, hearts on their soles, similar outfits.
they were made to be best friends. literally. this quote is what made me start turning this theory over in my mind (sourced from @ /theneighborhoodwatch's collected & absolutely fascinating livestream trivia)
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it appears that Barnaby literally did not have a say in whether or not he and Wally are friends. their bios even say "illustrated pages note that they were best friends multiple times." they have to be best friends.
which brings us back to Frank & Julie. they briefly reference each other in their bios, but they aren't described as best friends. it's incredibly likely that they were meant to be a romantic couple - i briefly covered that theory in this post (dont read the first one i was going insane) but they managed to avoid that. Frank and Julie defied the script and chose to be best friends instead.
and then in the trivia document a few more character relationships are briefly touched on, like how Howdy considers Barnaby a close friend, and Sally considers either Barnaby or Poppy as her closest friend, etc.
everyone else seems to be choosing who they're close with. they're forming their own opinions and dynamics and relationships. & its interesting that Barnaby is stated for both of these - as if implying that he may return the friendship feelings, or at the very least he's developed enough of a relationship with them to earn their affection
Barnaby and Wally... i doubt they ever got that. they were best friends from the start, no development, no choice. it's written into them.
and then there's how their relationship has been portrayed so far. i believe i saw an ask where Clown stated that Barnaby is very polite to Wally, which struck me as odd. have you ever had a polite relationship to your best friend? have you ever seen best friends be polite? i'd be surprised!
best friends mess with each other! they tease and rib and roast! what is a best friend for if not mutual tomfuckery?! jesting around? playfully pushing boundaries? a Polite best friendship... that's a straight up oxymoron. no such thing. that sounds boring and exhausting.
not only that, but the fact that Barnaby is often used for Wally's painting segments, and is the go-to guy for teaching Wally something new, is kind of concerning. it gives me the vibe that a big part of Barnaby's literal reason for existing is to be Wally's friend & guide.
which would make the fact of him being described as polite to Wally make sense. of course he's not going to push their relationship or try to deepen it - he's forming his own dynamics with the other neighbors. with Wally... it's already established. that is how they are with each other. that is what they are to each other.
and it's not like Wally can be the one to introduce nuances. i don't mean that as a slight or anything - he's just the way he's been described and the things stated about him that make me think that he wouldn't really... know how to? it just wouldn't occur to him. he probably thinks his and Barnaby's relationship is what a best friendship is and is how it should be.
but they have to hang out. they have to refer to each other as best friends. and while i believe that Wally does wholeheartedly think that they're best friends, close as can be... i doubt Barnaby feels the same. like - yes, he probably does care about Wally. everybody likes Wally.
but it's gotta be frustrating for Barnaby, especially as time goes on and he becomes more himself as a person over just being a character playing a part. it probably stunts his relationship growth with others, since his ~best friend spot~ is already taken and who would want to encroach on that? especially since its taken by Wally mcfuckin Darling?
their friendship might become less of a role and more of a responsibility. Barnaby might grow to feel obligated to stick with Wally as his "best friend". someone invites Barnaby to hang out and/or help with something? sorry, he has to pose for Wally's painting. Barnaby is trying to do his own thing? sorry, Wally is knocking on the door and asking for help with something.
i wonder if Barnaby ever hopes that Wally will go to someone else, or feels relief when he does. and then does he feel irritation/guilt over that denied hope or that granted relief? then does he get angry at himself for those emotions?
how would this effect how he treats Wally and acts around him? this confusing muddle of emotions and this strange growing resentment for his painfully earnest friend who only ever means well, if he means at all.
it makes me curious whether or not this theory has merit. and how this could come to a head. what would Barnaby, in this situation, do if/when he discovers that they're puppets on a set, and he's literally written to be Wally's bestie while everyone else changed their scripts and chose their own relationships.
personally, i don't think he'd be happy, and i doubt he'd handle it well.
#holy Shit this was tough to translate from my brain#i literally wrote it all out in my head while in the shower#and then i went to get it down on 'paper' and it was Tangled To Hell And Back#*taking a break from art*#brain: soooooo we're bored now. lets overthink and share these thinkings#welcome home theory#welcome home speculation#SERIOUSLY THOUGH IM SCARED FOR BARNABY AND WALLY#mainly for wally bc Ouch it would hurt him to have their relationship sour#barnaby getting resentful and wally not understanding why his best friend is acting differently towards him#and PLEASE keep in mind that im mostly talking outta my ass here#but like.... ugh#barnaby looking at wally walking over one day and feeling the urge to turn away or groan in irritation/exasperation#him posing for a painting and wishing he were anywhere else.#him wanting to be closer with other puppets but unable to bring himself to try bc of the Guilt#everywhere he turns hes called 'wallys best friend' and asked 'wheres wally? hes usually with you' when hes alone#and hearing 'if you want to find wally/barnaby go look for barnaby/wally. if you see one the other isnt far away'#that has GOT to get on his nerves over time#this constant stagnation of their relationship while everyone else is evolving and growing. hes Stuck.#even julie & frank who were written to be together find a way to circumvent that and add so much depth and uniqueness to their relationship#if you want a happy side of this. it could lead to barnaby & wally being really truly besties#barnaby could have an arc about thinking 'holy shit it was all fabricated. Fuck that and Fuck you[wally]'#and then going 'holy shit i Do actually love and care about him[wally] and i want us to develop a real meaningful friendship'#BUT WHO KNOWS who knows not me!#also it must be tiring to constantly have to explain his jokes and so many other things#bc wally Is a curious guy! he wants to learn!#but maybe barnaby just wants to have an uninterrupted conversation but he Cant bc wallys just built different#not said as a bad thing At All.#just... people are complicated. sometimes we have mean thoughts/emotions that conflict with what we really think/feel and our morals#we're only human. everyone is mean sometimes if only in our heads.& yeah theyre technically Puppets but lets not get caught up on semantics
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corishadowfang · 4 months
3 or 12?
(For this)
3. A character the fandom helped you appreciate.
Basically all of the Radiant Garden crew, haha. They were less interesting to me compared to everyone else (Braig and Xehanort aside), but the fandom's done a lot of cool stuff with them that's won me over, haha.
12. Compliment someone in your fandom.
I...will not be sticking to just one haha.
@starlightwayfinder You create such beautiful art and amazing fics, and are just a really sweet person overall.
@kicktwine Your art is absolutely amazing and I LOVE your worldbuilding. (My knowledge on FF14 is limited but I still get excited every time I see a spec bio post from you.)
@goldensunset I love seeing your thoughts on the games (they have a tendency to either make me emotional or go feral over how interesting they are, haha). Also, stairposting.
@rosie-kairi SO MANY of your shitposts/memes/etc. make me laugh, haha. Also, your art is fantastic.
@serenedash Good takes and fics and art!! I always get excited when I see something new from you.
@thetwilightroadtonightfall OVERMORROW IS MAKING ME CRY (positive). But also seeing you talk about Ephemer is so much fun because you're clearly having such a great time with it.
@psianabel Your FICS. Man, I love them so much; I have reread many of them several times, they're so good!
@hallowed-nebulae Also an amazing fic writer!! Seriously, I love your prose and how you handle the characters, and your worldbuilding is just so COOL.
@fungeiful Your art is fantastic; I've loved seeing all of the Brain and Player doodles. Also, bagelposting.
@cq-studios You're so enthusiastic about the mobile games and it makes me SO HAPPY. Your art style is also adorable.
@recusant-s-sigil I LOVE seeing/hearing your thoughts about the series; they're so well thought-out and interesting. Also, Scala Ask Caelum is very cool.
@scalacaelumx Amazing art and a very sweet person! I may not see you on my dash as much as some others, but I always get excited when I do.
@chibifightfu You have such amazing art and are just a super cool person in general! I always love talking with you, whether about KH stuff or random things.
@lightwithinthedarknessu You are one of the kindest people I've ever met. Also, I adore all of your writing.
@bookwormally ALSO A REALLY FANTASTIC WRITER and I will be continually impressed by your management abilities. (Also, thank you so much for organizing the World Guidebook Zine.)
@blazernot When I saw someone else was doing Skuld and Brain stuff, I got SO EXCITED, haha. Also, you're just a very cool person, and I love your OCs.
And...and there are definitely people I'm missing, so just know that all of you are awesome and I'm happy you're here!
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keepofkandrakar · 3 months
W.I.T.C.H. Character Headcanons (bc I say so)
So for those of you who don't know, I'm creating a rewrite of W.I.T.C.H. on Wattpad. It will essentially be if it were given a live action adaptation with a standing total of 60 episodes (5 seasons; 12 episodes per season). These headcanons all apply to said rewrite -- I have my Wattpad linked on my blog so go check it out!
Irma is canonically a Latina lesbian, that's zero debate, however I specifically headcanon her as Guatemalan.
Taranee and Peter Cook are canonically blasian! The Cooks are out here representing the blended families! I will be taking no arguments or criticisms!
I read a post a while ago about how every other fantasy world is based on Medieval Europe, Metamoor/Meridian being one of them and I was like "you know what would be cool? if instead Metamoor was based on Ancient Indian culture." so that's what I did and now Elyon and Phobos are ethnically Indian (Elyon's new name is Elyon Bhandari and I can't think of it as anything else now) (plus Metamoor is actually ten times more interesting with the amount of lore I'm creating for it).
sidenote: I need it to be known that Elyon will also be serving as the vice president of the Sheffield Student Government/Student Council to foreshadow her queenliness and she's also a book girly and she has initiative and Phobos is actually clever enough in his manipulation tactics for Elyon to not question everything until the last couple days leading up to her coronation. I wanted the queen to serve.
Everyone imagine real quick (cartoon) Matt Olsen as a black man. I don't know how I started picturing him black but now I cannot stop because it just works! We need a black lead guitar/lead singer of a rock band everyone will be making thirst edits over who is also humble kind sweet loyal loving-- And can I just say he would look sexy hot with the Shagon dreads! You cannot change my mind on this!
Kio Cyr is literally Eric Lyndon! I found an image with him in a NASA t-shirt and I was like "that's him folks!" Though, I do specifically headcanon Eric as Filipino.
Alchemy is now Alchemy Torres and she's a chem/bio nerd with an affinity for puzzles. I'm still figuring her out but she will gain more importance in S2.
I made a crackship out of Nashter (one of the Runics from the 100% WITCH arc) and Taranee and now it's very very serious. Not only does he have a British accent (do not ask) but he and Taranee are basically a detective duo/partners-in-crime turned besties in S3, which corresponds with the Crisis on Both Worlds arc which means angsty Taranee which means incredible banter between a smartass and a flirt.
And when I tell you that Nashter is the only white Runic I mean it: Darmon is lighter skin black, Shalin is Asian of some sort (specific region TBD), Cromo is dark skin black, and Ran-Rah is indigenous af.
Caleb lowkey is giving indigenous energy? I've barely touched him but the farthest I've gotten is that I saw one fanart of Caleb if he were on Phobos' side originally and now he has a whole defection arc in S1 from head of Phobos' guard to rebel leader in addition with angsty C&C so there's that going for us.
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plaidbooks · 7 months
Seasons Greetings
A/N: I know it's been a while since I wrote anything and this may not get traction because it is two OCs in a fandom, rather than established characters, but I hope you'll give this a shot! If you missed the bios on these two, you can read it here!
This covers the Spending Xmas Alone in @storiesofsvu bingo!
Also, let me know if you'd like to be on the taglist for these two!
Tags: none
Words: 1098
Taglist: @witches-unruly-heart
Pairing: Benoit Montclair x Amelia Dansworth
Amelia sat at her desk, typing away. Though it was Christmas Day, she had decided to come into the office--there was work to be done and if she didn't do it before New Years, she'd be worried for the whole vacation.
Besides, she wasn't doing anything for Christmas anyways; just sitting in her flat, drinking hot chocolate and watching some cheesy romcom on tv.
This seemed less pathetic. At least she thought so.
Suddenly, there was a soft knock on her open office door, and she jumped in surprise; she was supposed to be in the office alone today while everyone was off for the holidays.
But standing in the doorway was none other than Mr. Benoit Montclair, looking handsome as hell, even with his brow furrowed in concern, dark eyes on her.
"I thought everyone had the next week and a half off?" he said gently in his deep voice. He came into her office fully, standing in front of her desk.
Amelia blinked at him before responding, "they do--we do. But I wanted to finish this little financial snafu and it couldn't wait until the new year--"
"So you decided to come in on Christmas Day? No other day would suit you?"
She couldn't help but notice how he skipped over the "financial snafu;" did Mr. Montclair really trust her that much?
"I, uh, I don't have any family or anything to celebrate with. So, I thought I'd just get this done now." Heat rises to her cheeks, so Amelia switched it on him. "Why are you here, sir?"
Ben gave her a curt smile, lips pressed in a thin line. "My father is a workaholic and my sister lives in Japan."
"Oh...I'm sorry...."
He shrugs. "I don't really celebrate the holidays, anyways. And, like you mentioned, there is work to be done."
Running out of things to say, Amelia goes quiet. Her eyes slowly roam over her boss; from his Italian leather shoes, up his tall frame, and taking in his expensive suit--it probably cost more than her rent for a full year.
But what stopped her scan was a white envelope clutched in his hand.
Ben's eyes followed hers to the envelope, and he holds it up, glancing at it as if he also forgot he was holding. "Oh!" he started, "when I saw that you were logged in on site, I thought I'd bring you your Christmas bonus--so you wouldn't have to wait for the post like everyone else."
"Thank you, sir!" Amelia replied in shock. She had been looking forward to her bonus; it helped pay some of the end-of-the-year bills.
He walked closer to her desk, arm outstretched. But just as Amelia reached out for it, he flipped it out of reach. Confused, she looked up into his face, and he smiled softly at her.
"Do me a favor? Take the rest of your vacation off. I don't want to see yo here again before the new year, understand?"
The intensity in his dark eyes paired with that soft smile has her melting. "I--yes sir. And, um, you too?" She wasn't quite sure why she added that, but she couldn't stop the words from tumbling past her lips.
Ben's smile grew, showing a line of pearly white teeth. "I will try my best. It's hard when you're the boss."
And with that, he held out the envelope in his long, thin fingers. As soon as Amelia took it, Ben turned and headed out the door.
"Happy Christmas," he called over his shoulder before disappearing down the hallway.
"And happy new year," Amelia replied, sitting back. With her boss's departure, she felt a tension leave her body.
Shaking her head to clear it, she started typing again. But the thought of her Christmas bonus sitting on her desk kept pulling her attention. She knew she had to look at the amount, so she could better plan her bill payments.
Amelia used her envelope cutter to break the tape and opened it to reveal the cheque inside. But as she gazed at the amount, she almost dropped it in disbelief.
Her normal paycheque was £5000 a month; about £1k more than an entry position. She had been expecting a £100 bonus. Instead, she had received double her monthly amount.
This could pay bills for a few months! she thought, a lump in her throat. There had to be some mistake--but no, also in the envelope was a letter.
Eyes skimming over the words, Amelia found that Mr. Montclair gave her that bonus--as well as "other, faithful employees," the letter said--out of his own pocket.
It took her a few moments to process before she was able to continue working. But the rest of the day and well into the night, Amelia had a floaty feeling about her.
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wakanai · 8 months
Ok ok, i want to do a little interview with you as well
How long have you been in the bsd fandom?
Who is your favorite character in bsd?
What other anime do you like/is your favourite?
Quick! Your favourite character ever(name them) is held at gunpoint and you need to sing a song you love word for word or they die. Which song do you choose?
Whats something you would never want to change about yourself, no matter how much time passes?
Answer however you like or dont answer at all, no pressure <3
alr 😭✌️
I've been in the bsd fandom since...2018/2019 I think. I started with the anime. I remember being so early that at that time, almost all the bsd reviews were negative. I went to reddit, I think I went to my-anime-list too, and other websites and it was full of negative reviews. So I went into bsd with a rather "eh" mindset 😅 but I was bored that time and had nothing else to watch and I saw it on Netflix so yeah 👍
Hihi 🤭🤭🤭🤭 if you stalk me long enough, you may find that my bsd blorbo 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 is non other than Oda Sakunosuke. I love that man to pieces fr 💖 I love the fictional version I made of him in my head even more 🤭
Other anime that I like is Hunter x Hunter. Childhood anime was Sailormoon 💖 and Princess Sara. I was also once obsessed with Cedie the little prince (its an old anime). Besides those, I don't remember much anime that I was rlly invested on. Though I did watch JJK the movie and season 1 ❤️
A song I love? Here's the thing - - I don't really have a favourite song. I have different 'top songs' depending on the genre. 😭 But one song that comes to mind rn is 'I am not a robot' by Marina and the Diamonds
Oh. Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh. You saved the best for last I see 👀👀👀👀 uhmmmmm 😭😭😭😭😭 one thing I have that I would never want to change about myself? hmmmmm...errr....wait..
my faith in God ig? (I'm christian and God's played a big role in my life so idw lost that ❤️) Besides that, I would say my 'desire' to keep on improving myself. (like even when I fall to new lows or am actively enjoying self destructive behavior, there's always that little desire that makes me want to stop and get better. I think everyone has this in a way but yeah, Idw lose this thing and submit completely to misery 😄✌️. Like I could *fail* hard on one day and feel awful abt it but after a while, I'll feel like trying again). <<<< this is me regarding my (sort of) unhealthy eating habits lmao 😭
Thank you for the ask!!
since I love oversharing, I will also share random things abt myself
I wish I didn't overthink that much
I wish I was more confident 🤭
^^ Ik I'll be better at these things in the future tho so might look back on this and feel nostalgic 🤭💕❤️
Oh one more random fact:
I'm kinda dense and I didn't even notice someone hated me last yr lol 🤭 oh well. not my problem honestly 💅✨
thanks for the ask again wonxxx ✌️😺
(your bio is so real. I also post stuff with the intention of looking back on it someday) 💐
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pxregoth · 2 years
I might make a video about this cause I feel like I won't be able to fully get my point across in a text post.
Anyway, overall season 5 was really good and probably my favorite season in terms of storylines/character arcs. My top 5 characters this season is Daniel, Miguel, Sam, Tory, and Chozen.
I absolutely love how much they delved into trauma this season. It's honestly what I've been wanting from this show for so long. And I know every season has some form of exploration of trauma but this season really put it up to 100%. I seriously want to make a post or a video delving into the traumas of all these amazing characters and the psychological scars that these traumas left them. I think it would be really interesting for me to really dig deep into that.
My favorite story arc is between Miguel's and Daniel's. It broke my heart to see Miguel sorta idolize his bio dad only to have it be crushed with reality. It hurt to see how much he wanted his bio dad to want him. But what really brought me to tears was seeing his relief when he saw Johnny. I think he realized at that moment just how important Johnny is to him and how he doesn't need his bio dad because Johnny is there for him. Daniel's story arc also broke me because I genuinely felt his fear. I could see it in his face that he felt like that vulnerable teenage boy again whenever Silver was around. I hated seeing him so distressed but it honestly goes to show just how badly Silver traumatized him (and continues to traumatize him). I absolutely love the realization Amanda had about Daniel saying that he never really got over his past traumas. It goes to show just how much Daniel pushed his traumas away instead of properly dealing with them.
I also loved the Daniel, Johnny, and Chozen trio. The chemistry between them was unreal. I love how feral Chozen and Johnny are in regards to Daniel. Like they really went from teenagers hating on this bambi looking motherfucker to fawning over him in their 50's lol. I loved seeing them protect Daniel from Mike Barnes in the season finale. Seriously, I never thought I would hear Johnny telling someone to get their hands off of Daniel. I love how both Daniel and Johnny have protected each other from other people. Really goes to show how much their relationship has grown.
Carmen's friendship with Amanda is my favorite thing ever and I wish they had more scenes together. I seriously hate that they made Carmen get pregnant like are we being for real right now? Like yeah she's still young enough to have kids but Johnny is in like his mid-50's why are we giving him a new-born child??? :| Like maybe let's give Carmen an actual good story line for once. It would've been so interesting to see her reunite with Miguel's biological father and I would've done anything to see her protect Miguel from him. As well as Rosa, I bet she would've demolished him in like a minute. But yeah, I swear Carmen only seems like a real person when she's with Amanda. When she's with Johnny, she just seems like a two-dimensional love interest. I think the show would've really benefited from having her and Johnny be friends. Like the type of friends that feel like siblings. In that way, Johnny can still be protective over her and realize that he doesn't have to sleep with/be in a relationship with every woman he comes in contact with. And Carmen can have someone else's support. (It would've also been interesting to see her trust/relationship with men change as she got close with Johnny). But no, a boring ass relationship it is, I guess.
Terry was an amazing villain as always. There were so many times where I wanted to jump into the screen and stab him and other times where I couldn't help but applaud how intelligent he is. However, he truly underestimates people. It is so interesting to see how different he and Kreese really are cause Kreese seems to see value in everyone. Kreese seems to have a pattern of finding the most vulnerable/weak person in the room and making them into something. Whereas Silver seems to just throw money around and hope for the best. Other than maybe Kenny, Silver often times wants people to be his idea of perfect from the very beginning instead of building the weakest person up. Or at least, show the capability of being "perfect." It really shows how your upbringing shapes you. I really love how the finale switched their places with Kreese being out of prison and Silver having been arrested. I highly doubt this will be the end of Silver, since he and Kreese have yet to reunite. I am literally dying to see their reunion.
Sam and Tory helping each other out in the end makes me so happy. I was seriously hoping they would hash things out this season and they did. I really do hope it stays that way. I can see them forming a hesitant friendship in season 6 where they talk about Miguel and Robby and possibly their home life. I don't think they'll end up best friends but I can definitely see them being each other's key to healing their traumas.
Overall, I loved this season and I can't wait to see what happens next. If I were to give it a rating, it would be a 8 out of 10. Two points deducted because of that annoying ass pregnancy story line.
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theslowesthnery · 3 years
alright, let me show you guys some perfectly Normal and Moral people from one (!) of the callout posts about me
may i remind you, this is all over some damn drawings of a baby minotaur drawing with chalk
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above, people who are really telling on themselves by seeing something uncomfortable and suspicious in art that is just...not
you know what the “context” of the art is? sometimes i think “hmm, i wonder what my fave character looked like as a child? omg i wanna draw that”. i did it when i was in the naruto fandom, and i did it when i was in the undertale fandom. and especially in the case of asterius whose life was Fucking Garbage and who never had a chance at a good, happy life, i wanted to imagine what his childhood might’ve been like, if maybe he had at least some happy childhood moments, if maybe there was someone who loved him before it all went to shit (and also since he’s so big, i thought the idea of him having been a tiny babbu was fuckin’ adorable). also, kids put stuff in their mouth, animals put stuff in their mouth, so i figured a human/animal hybrid baby would try to taste stuff they’re unfamiliar with even more so. there’s your “gross” and “horrible” context. and you’re seeing sexualization in that. that’s literally all you, all in your own brains. your minds are so hopelessly fucking warped that it would be sad if you weren’t insistent on treating other people like shit because *you* saw something sexual in an entirely sfw, non-sexual, pure and wholesome drawings of a child doing child things
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as someone with no interest in children, fictional or real, i find it  immensely concerning that your mind jumps into imagining child rape with such ease, requiring literally no prompting. that is creepier and more concerning than anything i could ever draw
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the usual from the Normal and Moral crowd
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god do you guys have any idea what it’s like for someone with very bad self-esteem problems to see people who hate their guts and want them dead go “noooo why is their art so good”
pictured, me rolling in this validation like
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“pedophilic ships”?? mf where? words just don’t mean anything to you guys anymore, do they
also cute hadesgame-related user name! thanatos and zagreus are adopted brothers, achilles and patroclus are cousins, and hades married his cousin’s daughter! you’re supporting a game with incest in it, based on greek myths that have even more incest in them!
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here’s your award for the dumbest goddamn take i have legit ever seen 🏆
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huh, here i thought it was about protecting minors 🤔🤔🤔 (just kidding, i’ve never seen a single anti say deny that it’s about the harassment)
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now why wouldn’t i want people like the previous person or the people a couple of screenshots up who are wishing for my death or the anon telling me that *checks notes* they hope my firstborn is raped and has their genitals sliced off interacting with me 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 certainly seems sus
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there’s a pandemic and some people are disabled, karen
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imagine seeing a drawing made by someone who you think is a pedophile and going “i’m gonna trace and repost that :)” head empty, no values or morals, only thirst for clout
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i haven’t drawn porn in like. two or three whole years
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hey, a familiar face! thing is, i never said i don’t want to incest shippers to interact me, what i said was that i don’t want my non-incest drawings of siblings be tagged as incest, because A) it makes me super uncomfortable, and B) it leads to people like *gestures to the entire post* to send me death threats for being a disgusting fontcest shipper when all i drew was brotherly pictures of skelebros. idgaf what people ship lmao, i just don’t want my art tagged incorrectly and to be harassed because of it. also i’ve been open and vocal about being proship for literal years
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“oh i know them, they shipped [ship i have literally never shipped and  which i am uncomfortable enough with to blacklist]” yeah you sure know me lmao
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oh no, not an A-A-A-ADULT 😱😱😱 guess who else is an adult? toby fox, and everyone who worked on not only undertale but every single piece of entertainment you’re consuming. this site? made by adults. the internet? made by adults. the person who created that callout post? adult. and so will you be, too, and there’s not a goddamn thing you can do about it
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awww hell yeah, i officially have a Proship Artstyle™ that makes antis uncomfortable 🤘
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i have no idea what this person is trying to say ngl. is...being thirsty for asterius (have you seen him?) and liking theseus bad and cause of suspicion now? well shit, i have some very bad news for A LOT of people in the hades fandom
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do you guys like...not understand the difference between children and adults? just because an adult is romantically or sexually interested in another adult does not mean they would fuck the child version of that person. if a person sees a photo of their crush or significant other as a child and goes “aw, cute”, does that make them a pedophile in your book?
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i was here first, bud, you leave if you hate it here so much
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i don’t even want to know what’s going on in the reblogs of that post. all this over a drawing of a baby minotaur playing with chalk
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remember when being a pedophile required a sexual attraction to children? not anymore, these days pedophile is literally just anything and anyone you don’t like, and you don’t need any evidence to call people that! the more you know!
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mmmm look at alllll that delicious ageism. i’ll never stop being amused by kids who think repeating information about myself i’ve freely chosen to display on my very public bio is some kinda “gotcha”. newsflash, buttercups - you too will be 30 and over one day. you’re not immune to aging, but sure, keep shitting in the pool you’ll eventually all be swimming. unless, of course, you’ve already decided to be absolutely miserable and joyless once you hit 30, to which all i can say is “couldn’t be me 💅“
also if you hate people over 30 so much, put your money where your mouths are and stop consuming content made by people over thirty. and i don’t mean just fan content, i mean everything: music, movies, comics, video games, cartoons, everything that was made by those gross 30+ year olds. create your own content, your own sites (ao3 is explicitly anti-censorship and anti-harassment, in other words pro-shipping and pro-fiction, so you guys better not be reading or posting any fics there), your own shows and games, see how that works out
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How they realize that they are in love
» Katsuki Bakugo // Shoto Todoroki // Izuku Midoriya x gn!reader (no pronouns used)
» Genre: Fluff & Angst » Summary: Just some HCs about Baku, Todo & Deku (seperately) and how they realize that they are in love » Warnings: fighting, death, injuries & swearing (Bakugo) implied abuse (Todoroki) panic attacks, overthinking & mentions of fighting (Midoriya) » Words: ~1.7k » Author's Note: These were fun to write, if you’d like to see them for any other characters, feel free to ask! This was inspired by @/costellos, check their stuff out
You can find a link to my Masterlist etc in my bio and pinned post
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» Katsuki Bakugo:
Bakugo realizes that he is in love with you when you put yourself in danger to help him
Usually, Bakugo would be furious if someone else saw him as a person in need of help and tried supporting or even protecting him in a dangerous situation, but this time it feels different
Instead of anger boiling deep within Bakugo, close to making him explode, he feels an unusual numbness at first, while he watches your body fall to the ground after taking a hit for him. Even though he is often unable to identify his own feelings and is out of touch with them, he notices that change withing himself
The numbness quickly gives way to fear. He tumbles forward as he screams your name. For the first time in a while he is not sure what to do; he wants to check if you are alright, if you are alive, if you are still with him. But he also wants to charge forward and rip the person who hurt you to shreds
He feels helpless, unable to decide and unable to push those sudden overwhelming feelings aside. Instead, shock is freezing his whole body, only allowing his arms and legs to tremble. His mind is racing and screaming and calling him weak. Weak for needing your help, weak for not being able to protect you, weak for not killing this damn bastard in front of him
“Bakugo!” Your voice is feeble and barely audible over the sounds of the fight, but he can still hear you. You reach him through the clouds in his mind, through his own voice in his head tormenting him
He regains control over his body and it only takes him a few blows to knock out the enemy
In the next moment, he is cowering next to you, pulling you close, checking your vitals. Once again, his fingers tremble. You are alive, but in dire need of help
Bakugo hates being afraid and he pushes the feeling down with full force, trying to let his anger take over once again. The anger that numbs his senses, makes him care less about the people around him, makes him unapproachable and lets him keep everyone at a distance
“You damn fool!” His voice cracks. “I didn’t ask for your fucking help!” You look up at him with half-lidded eyes. “Baku-” “Shut up!” The pain in his throat from screaming is a welcome one. “Just shut the fuck up! I didn’t need you to save me, dammit!” A lump forms in his throat, taking his ability to speak. He can feel tears in his eyes, but he wipes them away before they can fall
Bakugo leans down and puts his arms under your body to carry you to an ambulance. Under his breath, he mutters, “I’m so glad you’re alive.”
  » Shoto Todoroki:
Todoroki realizes that he is in love with you when you are patient with him
Most people in Todoroki’s life expect a lot from him, if not way too much. His father expects him to be the perfect hero and successor to him since the day his quirk awoke, UA expects him to always be one step ahead of everyone else and he puts those expectations on himself as well. Even though it is not hard for him to be all those things at this point in his life, having someone around who is patient with him and does not care if he fails or lets himself go from time to time is a relief
Like on most days, Todoroki and you walk home together after class, since you have to go into a similar direction. Most of the time both of you walk in silence or you try making conversation with Todoroki only to be met with silence or short answers
Todoroki knows that he is not the best person to be around at all times, that he does not always get jokes or acts distant with people – he just does not know what to say and how to react to certain things
Having friends is hard for him. Either he overshares about his past or keeps people at a safe distance. Todoroki needs time to figure out this new thing called friendship for himself. Can he even call his classmates friends? Can he call Midoriya, Iida and Uraraka friends? Can he call you a friend? What do you and the others call your relationship from your perspectives?
He has known you for a while now and you walk together every single day and you talk and you text, so you are his friend, right?
“Todoroki?” you catch him a little off-guard. “Hm?” “Would you like to hang out some time?”
He looks up at you and tries reading your expression. A friendly smile, waiting for his answer. It is his decision. You are not deciding for him, you are not demanding anything from him. Not many people have ever asked him to decide things for himself in the past. Everyone always decided in his place, especially when it came to big things like becoming a hero. It is a simple yes or no question over a small thing, yet Todoroki has trouble coming up with an answer
You seem to notice his hesitation. “It’s totally fine if you don’t want to hang out,” you calmly tell him. There is no undertone in your voice, only genuine kindness. “You can take your time deciding, you can take your time getting comfortable with having friends, or even just the idea of it.” Did you have another secret quirk that allowed you to read minds? Todoroki pushed that thought away. “Take your time. I promise that whatever you say, I won’t be mad or hurt by it. Alright?”
Even though you do not say anything to compliment or embarrass Todoroki, he feels himself blushing. Just a little, but he turns his face away to not let you notice. You are patient with him. You want him to be comfortable with you, you do not want to push anything on him. A warm feeling spreads through his body and for a second, Todoroki thinks that he is losing control of his fire quirk, but he quickly realizes that it is something else – something nice and good
“Yes, I’d love that, actually.” “Okay, great! I’ll text you then?” “Yeah.”
The two of you part ways but the warm feeling stays
  » Izuku Midoriya
Midoriya realizes that he is in love with you when you comfort him
Whenever something goes wrong during a mission or a patrol, that he goes on during his internship, Midoriya is quick to blame himself for what happened. He himself and everyone around him makes him think that he needs to be a perfect hero even though he is only an intern and a student
It starts with overthinking his steps, replaying the scene in his head again and again, and sometimes even ends in panic attacks. Most of the time he tries to deal with those things alone and disappears in his dorm room, but over time you have learned to see the signs that Midoriya is not doing well and you have been trying to find ways to comfort him
You both sit on his bed as Midoriya talks about what happened earlier. The civilians that got hurt, the villain who got away, his own inability to save everyone and stop the bastard. His voice is weak, tears run down his cheeks and sobs shake his body every now and then
He goes on and on about the mistakes he made until you interrupt him
“Midoriya.” Your voice is soothing yet insistent. “Not everything that happened today is your fault. Maybe even nothing. You are still in training, there are adults who are responsible for you. Putting someone as young as you and me out there is a risk, because we make mistakes. But that’s a way to learn. We learn from our past mistakes and become stronger. The next time you are in a situation like this, you’ll be able to handle it just fine.”
Some more tears run down his face, so you pull him into an embrace. Midoriya appreciates your words. He really does. But for now, he has lost his ability to speak
“You are not alone with this. And it’s not your fault.”
Another choked sob leaves Midoriya. He hugs you back, clings to your shirt and buries his face in the crook of your neck. The way your hands draw patterns on his back soothe him until he eventually stops crying. But he does not want to let go just yet
“Thank you,” he whispers after a while. “Thank you so much.” He is not alone. He knows that he can talk to you about this, about anything. He just wishes he had the courage to open up more often
You stay like this until it gets dark, until all the other lights have gone out. Until everything is silent and Midoriya can only hear your and his own breathing. He feels oddly warm and safe in your arms, so he hopes that you will never get up to go to your room, but he knows that you have to, eventually
Suddenly, one of your hands is on the back of his head, your fingers running through his hair. Midoriya has a hard time stopping himself from leaning into your touch more. “I hope you know that I’m here for you, Izuku.” You never call him by his first name. Midoriya’s heart skips a beat and heat rises to his cheeks. He is glad that you cannot see his face right now because he is sure that it is as red as a tomato
“The same goes for you.” And he wholeheartedly means it
You linger there for another moment before finally pulling away. Midoriya does not want you to, he wants you to stay there, with him, forever. But he cannot have that. Not yet at least. And even though the circumstances that lead to this are not the best, he wishes for this to happen again soon
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PRIDEFALL UPDATE: real or fake?
What is Pridefall?
Operation Pridefall, also known as Project Pridefall or simply Pridefall, refers to an attack planned by /pol/ (a political discussion board on the anonymous website 4chan) for all of June, AKA Pride month. The original 4chan thread, which has since been deleted, was primarily focused on “redpilling,” i.e. spreading queerphobic propaganda to make people question the LGBTQ+ community. However, now that it has spread outside 4chan, there are threats of harassing, doxxing, and outing queer people (especially minors) on social media, spamming gore and rape videos in private messages and Pride tags, and even kidnapping, assaulting, or killing queer people in real life.
Specific targets include Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and dating apps. The goal is to go after smaller accounts so the queerphobia isn’t lost in the comments.
Is Pridefall real?
Yes and no.
I searched “pridefall” on 4chan last night. Apparently any new threads on it are being deleted, and anytime someone mentions it, everyone calls them slurs and says no one is doing it.
However, Pridefall is gaining some traction on Instagram--I have seen it for myself. I don’t have TikTok or any dating apps, but I’ve heard that some people are spamming homophobia on TikTok. As for Twitter, I only looked briefly, but I saw some Pridefall accounts there, as well as a lot of warnings and blocklists from people who are worried about it.
I’ve also heard that there have been a few Reddit and Discord raids, and that there is an Operation Pridefall Discord server (someone who spied on them says they have been banned on Discord as well as a platform called Riot before, so very few people are left on the Discord server now).
What do you think, Lia?
This is not coming from 4chan. No one on 4chan is interested anymore.
Most likely, people outside of 4chan heard about it and decided to take matters into their own hands.
The original 4chan thread wanted to make Pridefall “normie-palatable” by avoiding Nazi imagery or other overt unpleasantness, but I have seen a LOT of both on Instagram. This reinforces my belief that 4chan isn’t doing this.
A lot of the people behind this are young, or at least unsophisticated. Most of the Pridefall accounts on Instagram engage in very childish trolling, and one of them said they were a minor. Some of the threats I’ve seen are so outlandish that I can only imagine they came from a fairly young person.
My guess? Most of these people are around 13-19.
There are also very few of them and some of them probably have multiple accounts. Anti-Pridefall accounts outnumber them by far.
However, on Instagram I’ve seen Pridefall accounts following each other and commenting on each other’s posts, so there may be a few groups working together.
A lot of this shit is going to get deleted. I know Instagram is working through reports very slowly right now because they have fewer people available due to COVID-19, but most of the worst accounts I saw last night were deleted by this morning. I saw some more accounts deleted today.
Most, if not all, of these Pridefallers are just trying to scare us. Because they’re probably quite young, there’s very few of them, their accounts keep getting deleted, and law enforcement can track online activity, there is no way they have the balls or resources needed to coordinate major attacks.
There is a very, very slight chance this could spill over into real life, but as long as you practice basic online safety, you will be fine.
That being said, if you are threatened or doxxed by a Pridefall account, PLEASE contact the police. Better safe than sorry.
I do think that the threat of being doxxed or outed is more real than the threat of being attacked. I have already seen one Pridefall account who posted a trans boy’s address on Instagram (he is okay, he posted recently) and another who posted someone else’s address.
There is little chance this will last throughout Pride month. Apparently the goal is for Pridefall to worsen until the end of June, but given that this is most likely just some vastly outnumbered teenage trolls who are bored in quarantine, I seriously doubt they’ll be able to stay interested for a whole month.
This might not be as big on Tumblr. Tumblr is a lot more anonymous than, say, Instagram, which will hopefully deter would-be doxxers. It’s also known to be a highly liberal and queer-friendly site, so any Pridefaller with half a brain cell should know that A) their content is sure to be outnumbered and reported (only us Tumblr users know how bad staff is at deleting questionable stuff), and B) anyone with the original goal of “redpilling” is sure to fail here. Plus, I only remember seeing few, if any, mentions of Tumblr on Pridefall planning threads.
Still, expect to see some Pridefall activity here. Unsurprisingly, not all of these Pridefallers have half a brain cell. Some of them will definitely be unable to resist the lure of a community as openly queer as Tumblr, and we’ve all seen or heard about doxxing, harassment, gore, Nazis, and queerphobes on here. Also, 4chan has historically had some beef with Tumblr, so young teenage boys who idolize 4chan may target us for that reason.
How can I stay safe?
If you have any social media accounts where you A) have posted identifying personal information, and B) are openly supportive of the LGBTQ+ community (especially if you’re queer yourself), put them on private for June. Any other accounts are probably fine to stay public.
If you need a private Tumblr, you can make a password-protected secondary account and only share the password with mutuals you trust.
It is probably okay to be openly queer on a private account (e.g. have pronouns/rainbow emojis in your Instagram bio), since a private account is not likely to be doxxed. But if you want to be extra careful, remove queer identifiers from anything that is publicly visible.
Use Pridefall blocklists. They’re all over Instagram and Twitter. I may repost some here.
Report any Pridefall accounts you see. This is VERY important because this is how we can actually get rid of Pridefall content.
DON’T RESPOND TO ANY PRIDEFALLERS WHO PERSONALLY INTERACT WITH YOU. I know it’s tempting to give a snarky reply, but if they message you, comment on your post, etc, just block them. Seriously, don’t feed the trolls. It's exactly what they want.
Make sure your password game is strong. Use a different password for every site (I know, I know, it sucks), and use passwordmeter.com to test their strength. Write them all down on a piece of paper.
Make sure your username game is strong. Don’t use the same username for multiple sites, and avoid putting personal information in your username, such as your name or birthday.
Do NOT open random links!! Pridefallers could message you links that will give you viruses or track your IP address.
Don’t accept DMs or follows from people you don’t know. Pridefall accounts don’t always look like Pridefall accounts. Some of them are undercover.
Use a VPN. This is probably a little overkill unless you’re particularly at risk of being doxxed, but it will hide your IP address.
Be careful who you interact with. A lot of queer people on Instagram are DMing Pridefall accounts or commenting on their posts, but this could make you a target. As helpful as anti-Pridefall accounts are, you might even be targeted for following those.
Be wary of Pride tags. Unfortunately, a lot of Pridefall accounts plan to infiltrate tags commonly used by queer creators during Pride month. Use discretion when looking for queer content.
Be safe IRL. Lock your doors, lock your windows, be aware of your surroundings, don’t walk alone in poorly lit places, know basic self-defense, etc. Again, I absolutely do not think people will be attacked in real life, but you should be doing this shit all the time, not just in June. Thanks to COVID-19, you’re safer inside anyway!!
Make yourself hard to dox. Even though I have a very unusual first name (it's not really Lia), I am extremely hard to find online. I just went into an incognito browser window and searched my first and last name in quotation marks, but I didn’t find myself until page 4 of Google (and that result wasn’t even posted by me). I’m only half as careful as I could be, but here’s some of the things I do:
-I never use a picture of myself as my profile pic, except for Facebook and Instagram, which are both on the highest privacy settings possible.
-If I post identifying information on a public account (my college, my age, etc), I use a pseudonym or my first name only.
-On Instagram, I only use my first name, and I used special characters to type it, so you won’t find me if you search my name.
-On Facebook, I only accept friend requests from people I know. Most, if not all, of my Instagram followers are IRL friends, friends of IRL friends, and trusted Internet friends.
-If I’m really being paranoid, I’ll make a brand-new email account to sign up for a site. That way, my accounts aren’t all linked through one email address.
-Before I post a picture online, I delete the EXIF data with verexif.com, since EXIF data can hold GPS coordinates.
🌈 Stay safe, everyone.
You will not be harmed. You will be okay. Like cockroaches, we are survivors, and we will get through this!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
-Mod Lia
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let-me-luve-you · 3 years
I’m Proud of You
Tom Holland x Sister
Summary: The reader is in the military and encourages Tom to take the role of Cherry. Now that the movie is coming out, everyone expresses how proud they are.
Warnings: Not too descriptive but mentions of ptsd and addiction, angst, supportive friends and family, talks of the movie Cherry, talks of military
A/N: Hey guys, this is so late and I’m sorry. Just been going through it a little bit but I’m okay. Thank you to those that reached out. I hope you enjoy this.
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When Tom was pulled aside by the Russo Brothers when he was filming End Game and was given the plot line of the movie Cherry, Tom immediately thought of you. You were his baby sister that served in the military. Tom was hesitant to take the role of an army medic that has PTSD and struggles with addiction. This character would hit home in a way.
You had been home leading to Tom leaving for Atlanta to film the final Avengers movie, but you left shortly after he did to go back on deployment. Tom was never fully calm when he knew you weren’t home. He constantly worried.
When the Russo’s came to him, they knew he would have to consider everything from career to personal. They knew you served your country. What they didn’t know was that you were already suffering from PTSD. Tom knew, which is why it took him all of filming to give them an answer.
One morning when Tom was talking to you, he mentioned the role and how he didn’t know if he should take it. It discussed heavy issues. He wasn’t sure if he would be able to bring it justice. You encouraged him to take the role. You told him you knew he could do the role. That he was an amazing actor. You included that doing this movie could help start a conversation about mental health and addiction within soldiers and veterans.
Tom remembered the conversation like it was yesterday. Now the trailer is being released and he is starting the virtual press tour. You had just come home right before Christmas. Your Christmas present to your family was telling them you were retiring from the military. Tom was ecstatic at the news. He hated worrying about you when you were gone. He was constantly thinking that the next phone call he got was going to be his parents telling him you weren’t coming home.
A month later, you were currently staying with Tom until you found your own place. When Tom was sent the trailer to Cherry for him to post on his own social media the next day, he brought his computer to your room. He knocked on the door and opened it when he heard a quiet “come in.”
“Hey Y/N?” You looked up from your iPad when he spoke.
“Yeah?” You asked, confused.
“I have the trailer for Cherry. They just sent it over. Want to watch?” He asked hopefully. You could see the slight fear in his eyes, but you didn’t understand why.
“Sure.” You smiled at him and set your iPad on your night stand. Tom smiled back at you and sat down on the other side of the bed. He quickly made it full screen and hit play. He had already watched it so Tom watched you through the corner of his eye. He noticed that when it showed the war scenes, you tensed.
When the trailer was over, Tom slowly exited out and shut his computer screen. “What did you think? They are going to send over the movie this weekend. Figured me and you could make a movie night out of it with the whole family.”
“I liked it. You look like you did a good job so far. I can’t wait to watch it.” You smiled at him. Tom immediately knew you were putting on your fake smile.
“Everything okay?” He asked, concerned.
“Yeah. I just…” You sighed and looked away from Tom. “Just still adjusting to everything. You know that I’m going to therapy, right?”
Tom shook his head, “No, I just thought you were going to mum’s and dad’s.”
“No. I’ve been going to therapy. I’m at three days a week right now. The nightmares are just too much to handle. Then I hear sounds during the day and it just flashes me back to there.”
“I’m sorry y/n/n. You know you can talk to me. I want you to know you can talk to me. No matter what time. I talked with veterans, I don’t know what you went through, but I know it wasn’t good. After playing this character, I don’t want to see that happen to you. Did they prescribe medicine?” He asked.
You shook your head.
“Okay. If they feel you need to, please let me know. I really, really don’t want you to go through addiction. I don’t even want to risk it for you to even get close to addiction.” He said seriously. You knew he was. You didn’t want the medicine anyways.
“I can’t wait to see the movie.” You said with a smile. “But can I ask if we can start it early? I already know, I’ll probably need to pause it and take a minute when it gets to those scenes.” You said. You didn’t even need to specify which ones. Tom knew already that watching the military scenes were going to be hard for you.
“Yeah. We can. And if you want it to be just us, that’s perfectly okay. I can watch it with everyone else the next night.” He said giving you options.
You shook your head to turn down the new option, “that’s okay. I can watch it with them. Just let them know I will need to pause it.” Tom smiled at you and nodded before kissing your head and getting off your bed. Tom left to go show everyone else the trailer. 
After he posted the trailer to his Instagram a few days later, positive comments started flooding his Instagram and Twitter. You scrolled through the comments from Harry, Haz, the Russo Brothers, and more people Tom knew and worked with and like all of them. You were so happy to see them support Tom. He had the right people in his corner.Next you saw a post from Tuwaine. First you scrolled through the photos. They were of Tom as Cherry throughout the different times in the characters life.
It’s funny, cos when I see bae do a role like this, I’m reminded again and again of how talented he truly is. I don’t think the world can look at you the same way once this is out.
He added that the trailer link was in his bio and you smiled. Not many people would do that, but Tuwaine has been one of Tom’s day 1s. You loved Tuwaine like a brother. You couldn’t ask for a better best friend for your brother.
You knew Tuwaine’s words were 100% correct. People saw Tom as a kid. They saw him like he is this sweet, innocent teenager like Peter Parker. He didn’t hate that, but he also hated being seen as a kid. Don’t get him wrong, he loves Spider-Man and he would love to play that character for the rest of his life, but he’s 24. He wanted to be taken seriously and no one takes a kid seriously.
You remember getting the selfie Tom sent to your phone when he was filming. You didn’t get it until you returned home, but he loved to text your phone when things happened so you could stay up to date with him. The selfie Tom sent you was when he was in Morocco. He was in all of his military gear. The text under it was,
I put this suit on and I feel like I’m an imposter. I feel like I don’t deserve to wear this. I’m just an actor, you are the real hero in this world. But when I feel like this, I remember what you told me. “If anyone can play this role, it’s you Tom. You have a connection to the military. You see what it can do to the family and friends around the soldier. You know what it has done to me. If anyone can bring this character to the screen and help start a conversation about PTSD and addiction, it’s you. I don’t know another actor that would take it seriously and give it 110%.” I hope this movie does start that conversation. I hope people see this character and realize the severity of it. Thank you for pushing me to do this role. I love you. I can’t wait to see you again. Stay safe y/n/n. I love you.
You decided to post the picture he sent you plus a screenshot of the text. You wanted them to see Tom as Tom. You were so incredibly proud of him and you wanted the world to see that.
Tom, I honestly don’t know what words to say right now, you know I’m not good at them, but I’m proud of you. I’m proud of you for going outside your comfort zone. You went into this movie to show people you can be more than the nerdy high school kid and to start a conversation. I read all the text you sent me when filming this. I know the hardships you went through. I cannot wait to watch Cherry with you to see all the hard work pay off. I already know you were absolutely amazing in it. I love you and I’m proud of you!
When Tom got the notification that he was tagged in a post by you, he smiled. He smiled even bigger seeing the photos you used and as he read the caption. He was the luckiest brother in the world to have a sister like you. He quickly comment thank you and love you with a kiss and heart emojis.
“Tom?” You asked as you walked into his room to see him lying on the bed.
“Yeah?” He questioned.
“I really am proud of you. Let’s go out for lunch. My treat.” You smiled. Tom got out of bed and walked to you.
“Thank you for pushing me to do this role. I’m really glad I did it.” He said and gave you a kiss on the head. “Now go get dressed, I’m paying.” He said with an arrogant tone and walked towards his bathroom. You left to get dressed while laughing. Knowing it was going to be a fight to see who actually paid for lunch.
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sunnysviolin · 3 years
Master List for my blog
I write Omori headcanons and I love getting anons!!! If you have any requests or anything to share, please send it to me!! (Also I was told to put my kofi here instead of in my bio bc I can put a link here but!! no pressure to send me anything or anything like that! I answer anons regardless of coffees haha!- https://ko-fi.com/sunnyv)
Under the read more is everything I’ve written so far (It’s getting pretty long, so I thought I would keep the pinned post short) 
Hero’s Journey with the Occult Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Hero’s Black Space Part 7 Art 1 Art 2
Mari Coma AU Part Two Part Three
Zombie Apocalypse AU
Hero’s Moving Castle AU Part Two
Broken Melody AU Part Two Part Three (Side Headcanon) Part Three (actual) Part Four Part Five
If someone else had been there the night of the recital Part Two
Royalty AU Part Two (Dragon Journey 1/2) Part Three (Dragon Journey 2/2)
Not Again AU Part Two
Mafia AU Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five (Mini) Part Six (Also Mini) Part 7 HeroMari Playlist Part 8 Part 9
Runaway AU Part Two Part Three
Shattered AU Part Two Part Three Part Four
Sunburn Headcanons- Future
Kelbrey soulmate AU- Brussles Sprouts and Orange Joe
Scary Viddy Game
Gen Charlene
Gen Mari
Sunnflower Casual Dates
Bread Twins Part Two
Hero and Kel Part Two
Gen Kel Part Two
Sunny is a Cryptid Part Two Part Three (Sleepover) Part Four
Sally Headcanons
Transfem Sunny
Basil’s Legal Troubles
Kimbrey headcanons
Kel saved Sunny (and all of them really)
Sunnflower Movies
Tristan Headcanons (My OC)
Angel Headcanons
Stranger Headcanons Part Two
Mari and Basil Friendship
Aubrey and Basil Siblinghood Part Two 
Happy Mari *Mari Lives*
Demiromantic Hero
Joint Custody- OrangeCat Headcanons
General Maverick
Kelbrey- Secret Relationship
Come Home Series
Omori Continues 
The Gang as Babies
HeroMari Children
Gen Kim
Sunkissed Gift Giving
Gen Hero
Hibi’s Basil Ask
Ghibli Movie Explanations
Gen Suntan
April Fools Day
Character Tag Asks
Sunny Dyes his Hair
Delinquent Guerilla Gardener Basil
Kimbrey Post Valentines Sweets
Big Brother Hero Part Two Part Three
Gen Sunny and Kel
Kel/Basil/Aubrey Gen
High School Sunny Part Two Part 3 Part Four Art 1
Semiverbal Sunny Part Two Part 3
Cats for Sale
Fun with Dentistry
Burnt Sunflower
Gen Heromari
Why I think Hero Forgives Sunny
Soup is Soup
Sunny Inherits Omori’s skills
Are Sprout Moles Vegan? A Thesis
World Traveling Part Two Part Three
Who Can Sing/ Sunny Hums
Sunnkissed- Kel’s Freckles 
Music Note Ask Game
Gen Aubrey
Artist Sunny Part 2 (Children’s Author) Part Three
Daphne and Sunny
My Favorite Character (Meta)
Flowers or Consequences Unexpected Sequel Part Three?
Sunny is a Misleading Name
Happy Birthday Mari Posts White Day Pt 2
Symbolism in Omori
Nonbinary Kel Part Two Part Three Part Four
Neurodivergent Basil Part Two  Part Three (ADHD)
Polly Headcanons
NB/Transmasc Basil Part Two Part Three
Sunny is a nickname
Mari has OCD Part Two
Social Media Headcanons Part Two Part Three
Suntan- How they got together
Autistic Sunny Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six
Why I Think Sunny Doesn’t Physically Self Harm (Meta)
Sunnflower- How Basil fell back in love with Sunny
Aubrey and Kel on Mari’s birthday after she dies
Everyone saw Something
How Mari Got Mewo
Sunny’s Eyepatches Part Two Part Three 
Aubrey’s gang (The Hooligans) and Sunny’s group 
Sunny and Bo En
Pets Part Two 
Kel’s Egg Puns
Sunny is a Crow Part Two
Nonbinary Sunny Part Two
Why Sunny Hates Sweetheart
Trans Hero Part Two Part Three (Kind of) Part Four Part Five Part Six
Basil and the Hooligans
HeroMari Wedding Part Two Part Three
Full Fics
New Normal
Choices- Sunny’s Mother Introspection LINK TO REWRITE
In Vino Veritas
White Dresses and Wedding Vows
Not Again (Multichapter Fic UPDATES 8/15/21)
When Everything is Made to be Broken
Patient is the Night
New Traditions
Shoelaces Fanart
Braids Fanart 
Zines I Participated In
Fanfic Recs
Part One Muse’s Picks
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eloisephillip · 3 years
Gif Maker Appreciation Tag
rules: answer the first half of the questions with gifsets of your own, then answer the second half by tagging gif makers you love!
Tagged by so many beloved mutuals: @iridescentides, @miriammaisel, @molinareggie, @jackarthurdavenport (thank you 🥰🥰🥰🥰)
Link a gifset you’re really proud of: Julie Molina character bio! I love how it came togethet and I love the coloring on it!
Link a gifset where you tried something new: Reggie Peters in Every Episode! This is the biggest gifset I ever created and I'm so happy with the results!
Link a gifset that features your favorite character or celebrity: Betty Cooper, my beloved.
Link a gifset that you want more people to see: A lot of them, but Juke + Quality Time
Link a gifset that you had fun making: Tv/Film Characters that I see myself in! It was really fun picking out what characters and scenes I wanted to use.
Link a gifset that you created as part of a meme, challenge, or series: Willex for the JATP Secret Santa! I think it came out really good and I think it was a little under appreciated.
Link a gifset of yours that makes you smile: Juke + Physical Touch & Bughead + an AU that I am currently trying to finish! I adore the last gif in the Juke gifset, I think the coloring came out so good! And the Bughead gifset is still one of my favorite things that I've created!
Link a gifset that you made for someone else: Reggie Peters + the Five Love Languages for the loveliest lovely @alexander-vlahos.
Tag someone who inspired you to start making gifs: I'm not really sure if there was one specific person who inspired me, rather just the onslaught of incredible creations I saw each day that I wanted to contribute to.
Tag someone who makes great vibrant gifs: @iridescentides and @alexander-vlahos both make incredible colorful sets
Tag someone who makes great pale/pastel gifs: I'm not really sure if I follow anyone who makes pale gifs....
Tag someone who gifs for a fandom you love: I'm in love with every single gifset that @inejz-ghafa creates for S&B
Tag someone who uses text/typography really well in their gifsets: @malikjavaddzayn and @julielukes
Tag someone who motivates you to step up your game: So many people, literally every gifmaker I follow tbh.
Tag someone who you have taken inspiration from: @timothyolyphant posted a template awhile back and I used that as the basis for my Reggie Peters in Every Episode gifset.
Tag gif makers who you admire and appreciate! (Put as many people here as you want!): everyone I mentioned above, @neve-campbells, @inej-g, @benj-barnes, @aleksandr-morozova, @waydekinsella, @tabitha-tate, @haleyjs, @oretsevmal, @owenmercers, @alina-mal, @favoriteliar, @rockyblue, @jakeperalta, @jemmablossom, @lizzies, @rue-bennett, @zoyagenya, @nessa007, @dani-clayton, @seance, @rafasilvas, @nazyalenska
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melloian · 3 years
Character Bio 13
Andre Bourgeois aka Mayor
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Age: 50
Gender: M
Race: French Species:  Human Alignment: Neutral  Status: Alive, (later on: injured) Relatives: unnamed mother, unnamed father, Chloe (daughter) Occupation: Director (formerly), Mayor, owner of Le grand paris hotel Love interest:  Audrey (married)
Friends: Gabriel (formerly), Emilie, Adrien (currently) the man trying to find new friends 
Enemies: Villains
Personality: Manipulative, Cowardly, stubborn, Sensitive, Skeptical, can be nice in some terms.
Post-Gabriel incident personality: Emotional wreck (worse then redeemed chloe),  still coward, sensitive, skeptical, nice, Empathetic
Post-unknown Villain attack (in unknown season): confident, less emotional, protective, venturesome, nice, alert Bio: Andre is the mayor of France. He keeps charge of the country, though he does a bad job of doing that... He’s usually abuse his power just for his family. He sometimes manipulate his citizens for his own gain. He also very stubborn on others opinions however, is scared of own family so he just listens to their opinion. He sometimes check on his family in a meantime.
Post-Gabriel incident bio: He cries much more lately. He can be easily get upset and angered. He pretty much stressed out Even though he’s the mayor, he wants to stay away from his country so he can deal with his problems. But he cant do that. 
Post-unknown Villain attack bio: Before the attack, he finally calm down and apologize to everyone (he been wanted to do that after post Gabriel incident but he wasn’t in the correct mood.  he gotten this feeling after seeing Gabriel), especially his daughter. He promised her he is going be better person.
After the attack: He’s is no longer scared, he’s much more confident.  He willing to protect his own family and country, even if it risks his own life. He takes his job much seriously now, awhile still checking on his family. Because of this, he family sometimes just think he took his courageous little too far.  Backstory:
When he was kid, he used to dance to music in class. From there, he hated dancing because he embarrassed from doing it. Believe it or not, Andre used to be middle class. He didn’t have much but he enjoyed awhile he could. He knew how to cook, clean and etc. In the meantime, he go skateboarding. When he was a preteen, He was skateboarding one day and found a little boy (by hitting him by accident.)  The boy name was revealed to be Gabriel. He realized Gabriel never been out much before because of his parents. So he wanted to show him around and they became friends after that. Andre will usually get ladder and climb up to Gabriel so that they can go out together.
When they both became a teenager, they usually go to parties (Andre don't dance in them don't worry.) But one day, they went to a party. The party was a house party,. Andre and Gabriel went outside and chat there. Hours later, someone ended up shooting up the party. Everyone started to scream and started running. the shooter then goes to the backyard and noticed two boys. The shooter decided to point the gun at Gabriel. Gabriel was terrified.  As soon as the shooter pull the trigger, Andre jumped in front of Gabriel and got shot on the side. Andre started screaming and crying in pain which caused the shooter run. Andre yell at Gabriel to go nearby telephone pole and call the hospital. But Gabriel was so scared that he ran off instead. Andre thought Gabriel wasn’t really his friend because he did that.  He ended up passing out afterwards. He wake up in the hospital, found his mother angry. He attempted to tell her what happened but the mother yelled at him and took it as something else. He couldn’t reason with her. He developed becoming a coward because he feared to go to parties after that and talking back to his mother. After getting healed, he attempts to please his mother so she doesn’t get angry. This also how he ends up gaining the pleasing and manipulative tactic. 
In his young adult years, He met Gabriel again but he wasn't so happy to met him. Gabriel saw him and wanted to apologize about the past. Andre accepts his apology but was little skeptical about it.
At some point in his young adult years, he became a director as he always wanted. He made 2 films, only one being successful (the one with Emilie.) Even though he liked filming, he lost motivation overtime.  In his adult years, He decided he wanted to be mayor, his wife (Audrey) questioned if he’s sure about what’s he doing. He claims he does and moves on to be mayor. He claims he wants to protect the country.
As Malediktator
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Altered personality: its the opposite of his personality. and all the bad traits are increased.
cause of akumanzation: He got upset because chloe and his wife wanted to leave him to go to new york.
Akumantized object: sash
Goal: he wants to control his own family awhile doing the same with the country.
Abilities: He can shoot circle like projectile at people and they’ll be under his control.
As Heart hunter 
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I have already made a post for this so I really don't have to type but I still can show these:
cause of akumanzation: Him and his wife ended up in argument leading to them to think they need a divorce. Akumantized object: brooches
As Wraith
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Altered personality: overprotective, strict, aggressive, ignorant Force chloe to be with him...
cause of Haunzation: Chloe didn’t want to be bother by him or see him ever again, causing him to become upset.
Hauntzation object: Sash
Goal: He wants the entire Paris to be gone just for him and chloe to only exist. 
He usually would target who chloe loves or friends with first. 
He can extend his chain arm He can make extra chain arms He can create a portal
He can create a chained jail
When he floats, everything behind him turns black and pink.
Night vision
Not ability but awhile he hauntzatied, the entire France turns into nighttime.
Relationships (main ones)
Andre & Gabriel
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Andre and Gabriel was childhood friends. They used to play together and hangout as kids. But because of that one incident, they wasn’t as close anymore. 
They met again as young adults, and decided to hangout but not as much as before. They introduced each other wives and etc. 
Andre pretty much considers Gabriel is only friend. He sometimes encourages his job though Gabriel never does the same. He’s usually happy to see him.
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Post-Gabriel incident: After Hawkmoth/Gabriel was defeated, mayor found out he was hawkmoth. When he did, this completely broke him. He couldn’t look at Gabriel the same anymore. Not only he was upset, he is also mad at the fact he terrorize his country. But he was extremely mad at him for targeting him and his family. 
After that, mayor believes that everyone he ever talk to, he corrupts which is why he wanted to start distancing himself from people. But he knew he can’t, so he ends up putting up a fake smile. Andre & Chloe
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Andre loves his daughter dearly, too the point he spoils her.  Every time his daughter is upset, he goes to fix it to make her happy again. However, he wish his daughter loved him back the same way. 
Depise all this, he dislikes his daughter's way and fears her. 
Before and After post-villain attack:
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Before the attack: After getting over his sadness, he decided to go apologize to Chloe about everything he’s done. He claims he going be better, which chloe liked. 
After the attack: Andre loves his daughter so much to the point he would protect her. He doesn’t want anyone hurting her. 
Andre & Audrey 
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Andre loves Audrey but he kinda of annoyed by her. He dislikes her attitude and rudeness. Even though he dislikes that side of her, he’s more scared of her then his daughter. He definitely doesn’t want to see her angry. 
He dislikes how she treats their daughter.
After post-villain attack: Since he gained courage, he doesn’t tolerate her acting the way she does anymore. He yells at her when he sees her doing something he doesn’t like. He also told her to treat their daughter better.
Even though he could’ve divorce her, he still loves her somehow...
Full body:
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Injured version:
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Younger andre
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Teen-Young adult andre
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Other information:
In the days when Andre wasn’t a mayor, He used to dress fancy clothing because of his wife.
Andre hair used to grow very long. It stopped and started to fall out when he got older.
He will heal later on anyways here’s a chart ig
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yes, I sat here and gave a literal mayor a backstory. am just that utterly ridiculous. 
and you might be thinking, why didn’t I just make him divorce his wife? because I don't want to gave them man more suffering then he already have.
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celestialhighlady · 3 years
Title:Rhysand as your (non-bio) older brother
Requested: No
Type of post: Headcanons
Content warning/ trigger warning: some swearing, mentions of blood and fighting, mentions of a pub
Word count: 1289 Words
Author’s note: Is this me projecting my wants and needs on a fictional character? Yes. Do I care or am I ashamed of it? Absolutely not. Also I’m working on a request for Az but It’s killing me so please bare with me and thanks
At first you hated his guts, like ‘One more word and I’ll make you see the mother’ type of hate
Honestly, you couldn’t see why people liked him
Sure. he’s the Highlord and he’s crazy powerful, yada yada. but there is nothing more to it
For you, he was nothing more than an annoying prick
He would go out of his way to annoy and to tease you
‘Who pissed into your tea’
‘You’re making such a sour face. Oh wait, that’s your natural face- My bad’
Overall, you can’t stand 2 seconds in the same room with him
That until you go out with the IC on a visit to the summer court and you hear someone bad-mouthing you
It really wasn’t anything new, people are meant to be assholes so you didn’t care what some random stranger had to say about you, especially someone you’d probably never see again
Still, it did sting a bit
Rhysand seemed to notice it, and before you could do anything about it, he found the person responsible
‘Hey, you’
‘Yes, you. What did you just say about them?’
‘N-nothing, high lord’
‘It better be like that, because I do not appreciate my people being talked down upon. This time I’m letting you go out of respect for Tarquin. Next time won’t end that pretty.’
Suffice to say, you found the fact that he stood up for you strangely endearing
That doesn’t mean you didn’t smack the back of his head as soon as you could, because dud, that was embarrassing
From that day onward, you noticed that your relationship has gotten slightly better
Rhysand would still act like a prick, tease you and be mean, but you noticed that it was never too far
He knew when to stop and you appreciated that immensely
Overall, he wasn’t as bad as you thought and you’ve grown fond of him (not that you would ever say that out loud)
He was like the annoying older brother you’ve never had
He would constantly pull the ‘I’m older so you have to listen to me’ card when you refuse to do stuff
Also he plays the High lord card
‘High Lord my ass’ you’d mutter while still doing the thing he asked you to do
On that note, he often says ‘When I was your age…’ so you just counter with ‘When I was as dumb as you’
You have extremely weird nicknames for each other and with each day the collection grows
You guys fight over the stupidest shit in existence
One time you fought about the color of the carpet
‘Who the hell thought that this color looks good’
‘Damn, you’re stupid AND you have bad taste in interior? I feel bad for Feyre’
‘Says the one who doesn’t own a single pair of matching socks’
‘Tf gotta my socks have to do with that’?’
At some point you guys started playing g´fight for entertainment and then it erupted into a sparring match on top of the House of wind
It always ends up with either you or Rhy on the floor with a bloody nose because ‘ You’re already ugly so a broken nose might actually make you pretty’
Mockingly repeating what you say to each other because you can’t stay serious
At day you always fight, but at night you guys are always at ease
Like, you guys lounge in the living room, drinking anything and having deep convos
One time, Mor wanted to get water from the kitchen and she saw the light in the living room on
When she saw you guys sitting across each other, talking in a hushed voice without fighting, she almost screamed
It was such an unnatural sight that she went straight back to bed
The next day she was convinced it was a dream because you were back to going at each other's throats
He randomly will knock at your door at 3 am and ask you if you wanna go to Rita’s
‘Bitch, bet. But you’re paying.’
‘Because you want me to with you’
On your birthday, he would get you some weird knick knacks and pretend it’s your gift but then he would give you your actual gift
He often acts like he can’t stand you, but if someone else insults you-
Oh boy, someone save us from the havoc
Both of you bond over food
He can cook while you’re more of a baker
So naturally, you have food competitions at 5 am in the kitchen
It’s a mix between you guy whisper-yelling at each other, laughing and trying not to wake up everyone else, and crying while cutting onions
The next day, everyone is wondering why the kitchen smells like the food and everyone is confused you just pretend to not know where the smell is coming from
I also should mention that you get along with Cas and Az
Cas is just extremely ecstatic that there is someone else around with whom he can annoy Rhys
Az is just kinda amused because you get in Rhys nerves so well
You often team up with them for new prank ideas
Az is extremely good with coming up with weird shit to prank Rhys with
Cas is always just laughing his ass off and adding more bizarre shit to the mix
You and Feyre also get along pretty well
I mean, she’s the epitome of perfection??
You often joke with her and Rhys sometimes gets annoyed because you give her exclusive black mailing material
‘Soo, a little birdie told me you slipped up on floor once’
‘You mean a little devil told you?’
And once Nyx is born you make it your mission to tell him stories about his dad
Like, you took notes just for this moment because you want Nyx to know every single embarrassing thing
On a different note, you adore Nyx
Usually, you don’t care much about children but he’s literally an angel and you love him so much
It’s quite concerning actually-
‘ I swear to the mother Rhysand,how did you, of all people, end up with such an angel as a child?’
Rhys just sulks while everyone laughs at him (‘they’re kinda right tho? I mean he probably has it from Feyre but still’)
Rhys gives good advice and is emotionally aware, I will die on this hill
He always fights with you but knows when you’re feeling down, so he will gladly listen to you and offer you some great advice
It really doesn't matter on what, this man is like a guide book to life
Sometimes you’ll feel like an idiot after opening up because the problem that is bothering you isn’t really that significant but he will slap you and tell, you that it is significant because it’s bothering you
After some silence you’ll just giggle and tell him it’s weird that he had good advice.
‘You kinda fucked up a lot, why didn’t you use that advice for yourself?’
Cue the pillow being thrown at your head
Overall, having Rhys is an older brother is quite the experience
He’s annoying at times, yes and you guys fight a lot, but you know he has your back and so do you
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blueburds · 3 years
Companion: Altrethir Valran - a continuation
First off i’m so glad yall have enjoyed that follower meme <3 second, i saw a few that had bonus details such as companion gifts and a character bio! figured that’d be fun to do for Altrethir. ALSO i included some random dialogue that i thought might be fun. implications of a random questline i made up are present throughout the dialogue.
original post is here. this will be an addition to that! i’ll be writing this as though he’s an Onslaught companion for a Republic character.
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NAME: Altrethir (full: Lord Altrethir Valran) GENDER: Male SPECIES: Twi’lek AGE: 36 OCCUPATION: Inquisitor (Force-user) AFFILIATION: The Galactic Republic LIKES: Luxury, justice, learning of ancient artifacts. DISLIKES: Recklessness, close-mindedness, cold weather. GIFTS: Luxury(Love), Cultural(Favorite), Delicacies(Favorite), Weapon(Like), Imperial (Like).
BIO: Since his late teenage years, Altrethir possessed a strong connection to the Force. He was recruited to the Korriban Academy and trained to become a Lord of the Sith. Altrethir wholly trusted in the Force; he always had faith in its guidance. And when the Force wanted to go down a different path, he listened.
The Sith Empire’s ideals didn’t align with his own whereas the Republic would have fought for them. He defected and began to seek balance in the Force. Not Jedi, nor Sith any longer, Altrethir simply adopted the title of “Inquisitor” to suit him.
(First meeting)
Altrethir: “Greetings, Commander. I have heard... phenomenal things concerning your work. It is an honor to meet you in-person.”
Good to meet you, too. -- “’Phenomenal’ is certainly a way of putting it. I trust we’ll work well together.”
Altrethir: “As do I. With pleasantries aside, let us brief you on the mission.”
[Flirt] The pleasure is mine. -- “I’d love to hear exactly what you’ve heard about me. But, I think I’d also love to hear more about you.”
Altrethir: “Of course--but perhaps once the issue at hand has been settled.”
You’re Imperial? -- (Force-users): “You’re Sith--I can sense the darkness of your aura.”    (Non-Force-users): “The Republic’s relying on defectors now? I don’t know if I can trust you.”
Altrethir: (To Force-users): “I have harnessed control of the Dark Side; never again shall it back me into a corner.”     (To non-Force-users): “The Republic fights for freedom and justice. I want nothing more than that for my people.”
(Post-mission conversation dialogue)
Altrethir: “Reports say that the Empire’s swollen pride has taken a hard blow.” “You’ve done incredibly well--better than I could have anticipated. I never had my doubts.”
It was a hard-won victory. -- “Many innocent lives were lost. The choice was a difficult one, and not one I made lightly.”
Altrethir: “I do not blame you. Civilian casualties are inevitable in war, but minimalizing them should be a priority.”
[Flirt] It was better in-person. -- “You should’ve been there. I would have loved to see you in action.”
Altrethir: “I am a man of many talents. In this particular scenario, my non-combatant skills were needed elsewhere.”
They had it coming. -- (Republic class PC’s) “I’ve fought the Empire for years. It always feels good to hit them where it hurts most.”     (Imperial class PC’s) “No one knows what it takes to wound the Empire more than I do. I hit them where it hurt most.”
Altrethir: “We mustn’t gloss over the amount of civilian damage caused by our mission. Imperial or Republic, civilians should never be caught in the cross-fire of military operations.”
(New mission dialogue)
Altrethir: “Commander.” “An opportunity to send a message to the Empire’s allies has arisen.” “Members of the Hutt Cartel have shifted their allegiance, abandoning their former Republic allies in favor of the Empire.” “Imperial-loyal Hutts have taken members who are still loyal to the Republic hostage. By launching a rescue mission, we will succeed in showing our allies that we don’t abandon our own, nor do we tolerate vicious threats the Empire makes.”
Let’s go. -- “The Hutts are powerful allies and none we can afford to lose. Where do we go from here?”
Altrethir: “Nar Shaddaa. A place you could’ve guessed yourself, hm?”
You don’t like Hutts? -- “Given what you’ve told me about your past, I don’t see you willingly putting yourself at risk to save Hutts.”
Altrethir: “This is a matter of saving useful allies of the Republic. Not about my own personal distaste.”
Leave them to rot. -- “Hutt business always goes sour. We wouldn’t lose much by letting them go.”
Altrethir: “If my calculations proved that to be the case, then I would never have brought this matter to your attention. But the Republic needs these Hutts.”
(continued) Altrethir: “I shall be joining you on this mission. I’ll present you with more details during the ride there.”
(First time on Odessen)
Altrethir: “Such a marvelous world; the Force is in balance.” “While its aura is not fiery like that of Korriban, nor is it soothing like Tython, it feels... neutral. I am content.”
Ideal for the Alliance. -- “The Eternal Alliance is made up of people from all sorts of backgrounds. Jedi, Sith, some in between--such as the defected Knights of Zakuul. Odessen’s neutrality probably helped everyone feel safer.”
Altrethir: “Indeed. The subject piques my interest. Perhaps I should do some independent research on the matter later.”
[Flirt] You want a tour? -- “The base is pretty big, but the wilds are where the real beauty and charm lie. I should show you around.”
Altrethir: “And I would not object. Your company has been ever pleasant.”
I don’t care. -- “There’s got to be something better on your mind than that.”
Altrethir: “Matters concerning the Force are always something worth thinking critically about.”
(continued) Altrethir: “I am inclined to speak to the leader of your Force Enclave: The Voss Mystic, Sana-Rae.” “If there is nothing else for now, Commander, I shall be heading on my way.”
Go ahead -- “I’ll see you around. You know the way?”
Altrethir: “I do. Farewell for now, Commander.”
[Flirt] I’d rather show you around. -- “My offer for a tour’s still open, Altrethir. You sure you don’t want just a quick look around?”
Altrethir: “Since you are quite insistent, it would be rude of me to decline. Shall I meet with you somewhere after I’ve concluded my business?”
PC: "My personal landing zone will do just fine.”
Altrethir: “Then I shall be no longer than twenty minutes.” “I will see you then.”
(Continued scene, prompted from flirting)
Altrethir: “You were right; the wilds are utterly gorgeous. While perhaps a bit warmer in temperature, I daresay they remind me of Alderaan.”
PC: “Have you been to many worlds?”
Altrethir: “I have, yes. Once my old Sith Master granted me the freedom to travel where I pleased, I abused that power.” “After being chained and enslaved for the first twenty or so years of my life, I wanted to see everything the Galaxy had to offer.”
You weren’t only a slave to the Hutts. -- “Knowing the Sith hierarchy, you traded one master for another.”
Altrethir: “I do not disagree. Still, Lord Sen’tulo--my late Sith Master--granted me a level of freedom I’d never experienced before. I was grateful for that much.”
You fought for the wrong side. -- “The Empire openly oppresses people--aliens especially. Why waste so much time with them? Why didn’t you defect sooner?”
Altrethir: “I wanted to prove that success could be achieved no matter one’s species. By becoming a Lord of the Sith, I spat in the face of those who tried to drag me down throughout my endeavor.”
Sith Master? -- “You haven’t mentioned this Master before. What were they like?”
Altrethir: “Lord Sen’tulo was an honorable woman. Rational, level-headed, logical. Stern, but held compassion. She broke several Sith stereotypes. Perhaps that was what lead to her ultimate downfall.”
(continued) Altrethir: “Freedom is important to me. I cannot bear to see innocent individuals shackled as slaves.” “I know what that cruel life is like first-hand. Initially, I sought to use my position of power in the Empire to find an end to slavery. My desire clouded my judgement.” “The only way to end the practice was to fight against it. Thus, I defected.”
A noble cause. -- “I can tell how important your ideals are to you. You did the right thing.”
Altrethir: “Who determines what is right or what is wrong is irrelevant. But--I understand your meaning. I did what I believe was right.”
Position of power? -- “Just how powerful of a Sith were you before turning to the Republic?”
Altrethir: “A Darth, but not on the Dark Council. I nearly reached the position when I had my revelation.”
The Republic’s wary. -- “The Sith are ancient enemies of the Republic and the Jedi. Do they wholly trust you?”
Altrethir: “I would imagine there are many who don’t. But the team I work with does--they are all I need to prove my loyalty.”
(continued) Altrethir: “Your hospitality has been greatly appreciated, Commander.” “Though we’ve known one another for a relatively short period of time, I speak truthfully when I say I’ve enjoyed every moment of your company. You are quite the inspiring leader.”
[Kiss] So have I. -- “And I’ve enjoyed your company.”
(post-kiss) Altrethir: “Commander, you are as charming as you are alluring.”
We should head back. -- “It’s been nice. We should be heading back, though.”
“I concur. Thank you for this time to speak with you; it has been a pleasure.”
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