#there's a lot of ablesim happening with her character these days too but that's a story for another post
literaryspinster · 1 year
Not only is B*rbara G*rdon frequently held up as an “acceptable” alternative to love interests of color, that was literally the entire point of her character’s inception. Seriously, look it up. The 60s Batman series invented B*tgirl to be a potential love interest for Bruce after they hired a Black actress to play Catwoman. I’m not saying it’s bad to like B*rbara, it’s literally fine, but understand that the way she’s used by the Bat narrative is off-putting to some people and that’s entirely valid. Also, if they make a B*tgirl and Nightwing movie I’m not watching it. Especially after they cancelled Titans and especially if they hire a white girl to play her after cancelling Leslie’s B*tgirl movie. Sometimes too much is just too much.
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