#there's a pipeline from using ms paint to this i know there is
godhasforsnakenme · 1 year
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NASA Cassini-Huygens
Commonly called Cassini, was a space-research mission by NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA), and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) to send a space probe to study the planet Saturn and its system, including its rings and natural satellites. The Flagship-class robotic spacecraft comprised both NASA's Cassini space probe and ESA's Huygens lander, which landed on Saturn's largest moon, Titan. It was the fourth space probe to visit Saturn and the first to enter its orbit, where it stayed from 2004 to 2017. The two craft took their names from the astronomers Giovanni Cassini and Christiaan Huygens.
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militantinremission · 6 years
Conflicted By Cosby Narrative
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I'll be the first to admit that I don't know the whole story behind Bill Cosby's behavior, or all of the details behind Andrea Constand's accusations. I personally think that Dr. Cosby is guilty of adultery, but i'm not sure of any of the other accusations. I don't mean to come off as insensitive to the [dozens of] Women that came forward against him. For me, there are too many conflicting stories to be sure what is accurate.
I feel the need to say that Black America has developed a [substantiated] group paranoia over the Centuries. Out of this paranoia, come Our Urban Legends. Among the most popular, is the belief that a White Woman's word can get a Black Man killed- no questions asked. Carolyn Bryant Donham's accusation of Emmit Till is the classic example. The current trend of White Women calling in false reports, opens the door to more tragedies like the 'Scottsboro Boys' & the 'Central Park 5'
Another popular Urban Legend, is the assumption that Bill Cosby is being targeted, because he wanted to buy the NBC Network. The N.Y. Times broke the Story in 1992, but buzz about Cosby's intentions go back to the Late 80's. Then NBC Owner, General Electric downplayed Dr. Cosby's intentions, & said the network wasn't for sale. It didn't matter, because a New Age was dawning.
At the time, Reginald Lewis acquired Beatrice Foods Inc, becoming the first Black Billionaire in America. Ron Brown, was named Bill Clinton's Secretary of Commerce; the first Black American to hold the position, Post Reconstruction. Across the board, Black Men & Women were beginning to make their presence known in their respective Industry.
Sadly, Ron Brown died [mysteriously] in a plane crash, in Eastern Europe; en route to a European Economic Summit in Croatia. Reginald Lewis fell ill & died from Cancer, not too long after making history. They were taken in the Prime of their lives, but both became role models for the Next Generation of Black Entrepreneurs.
I never heard a formal announcement, but again, rumors about Cosby's intentions go back to the 1980s. A Wilhelmina Model reported in 2014 that back in 1982, her Photographer set up an appointment for her to meet w/ a Casting Agent about a film project. She says two Men- an Asian Man in his 50s, & a White Man in his 30s met w/ her, & offered first $5K, then $10K Cash to work w/ Bill Cosby.
She requested a meeting w/ Dr. Cosby, to go over the script, but was told it wasn't necessary. This was a Spontaneous Casting Call... According to the 'script', she was suppose to meet Dr. Cosby, & try to seduce him. She was supposed to record the 'audition', to determine her success & credibility. If she could deliver seductive photos of Dr. Cosby, along w/ some of his sperm(?), she would get an additional $5K.
She says that she was uneasy about the 'Project', so she excused herself, & never returned. In her FYM Article, she goes on to say that she believed the two men were paying her to discredit Bill Cosby, & is "100% convinced that all of the women coming foward have been paid off to discredit Bill Cosby as well". The implication was that Dr. Cosby was getting too big (for his britches); he was grasping beyond his reach. He was empowering People of Color!
Black America took the (Russian Mob related) murder of Ennis Cosby as a message for Bill to back up... Along that vein, it was assumed that Michael Jackson was targeted for his interest in Sony Music; as well as acquiring the Publishing Rights of Rock & Roll Hall of Famers like Little Richard, & The Beatles. Prince was similarly targeted for winning Ownership of His Song Masters from Warner Music.
The Criminal Case of Andrea Constand against Bill Cosby is one of legal precedence. Ms. Constand alleges that Dr. Cosby raped her in January, 2004, but she didn't come forward until 2005. The D.A. admitted there wasn't enough evidence to bring criminal charges against Cosby, so Constand took him to Civil Court. In that Civil Trial, Dr. Cosby agreed to a ($3.4M) settlement, but was required to give a sworn deposition.
He was assured by the Montgomery County D.A.'s Office that his statement would be sealed, to protect him from possible self incrimination @ a future date. Oddly, Cosby's Defense did not request Immunity; maybe They thought it was implied, when the D.A.'s Office sealed the deposition. In the end, Dr. Cosby complied, & Ms. Constand was paid.
The precedent set in this last Cosby Trial, centers on the fact that the current Montgomery County D.A. overturned the decision made by that same Office to seal Dr. Cosby's Civil Trial Deposition. Did the D.A. know that Cosby did not have a formal Grant of Immunity; just an assurance from the D.A.'s Office, under the previous D.A.?
This D.A. ran on the promise that he would put Dr. Cosby back on Trial. A Jury already declared a Mistrial on these Charges last Year, but the D.A. says Constand deserves a verdict. This is on top of the Civil Trial that ended more than 10yrs earlier. On top of everything else, Cosby accusers forget that Andrea Constand already settled her Case & collected her money.
The more one looks @ this 'Criminal Case', the more one may ask: Why are We here? The D.A. was successful in painting Dr. Cosby as someone w/ a proclivity for adultery- a serial adulterer. Labelling an Octogenarian a 'Violent Sexual Predator', is overkill. The label is obviously meant to smash the 'America's Dad' image. Cosby's deposition says that he acquired drugs to give to women he sought for sex, but is accused of slipping Women drugs; quaaludes in particular.
Problem is, none of the accusations can be substantiated. There is only one account, & then, the young lady requested it. Beverly Johnson's account was spotlighted by Media. She says her incident w/ Cosby occurred while they were rehearsing lines. For some unknown reason, Beverly not only returned to the Set; she finished rehearsal, then shot the episode, all after her alleged violation.
In an interview following David Bowie's death, Iman said she couldn't believe Beverly Johnson's account. She went on to say back then, news like that would've spread through the Modelling World like wildfire. Bill would be untouchable. The implication was that he was a serial dater, not someone slipping Women quaaludes. If Beverly's account were true, no one would want to be left alone w/ him. In the Case of Andrea Constand, she was given a benadryl for an allergic reaction. Hardly a date rape drug. According to Dr. Cosby's (sealed) deposition, they were drinking cognac; perhaps that is the culprit.
In any case, Ms. Constand made contact w/ Dr. Cosby on 19 different occasions, following the alleged rape. In her written statement, Camille Cosby accused the D.A. of ethics violations, including producing a witness (Andrea Constand) that perjured herself. She continues, "Moreover, Bill Cosby's Defense team introduced the testimony of a witness [Margot Jackson] who confirmed that the district attorney's witness admitted that she had not been sexually assaulted, but that she could say she was and get money... which is exactly what she did."
Others point to a Kinder Morgan connection to Dr. Cosby, in Shelburne Falls, Ma. Kinder Morgan, is The 3rd largest Energy Company in North America, worth approximately $125B. They are the largest Energy Infrastructure Company in North America; responsible for 80,000 miles of pipeline & 180 Terminals. The Energy Company's Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company wants to construct a $341M Natural Gas Pipeline through Shelbourne Falls, as part of a $3.75B Northeast Pipeline Extension Project. The Cosbys have been against the Project; since being notified in 2013, of The Company's intention to survey their land.
The Cosbys own hundreds of acres of Protected Land in Shelbourne Falls. They were concerned that the proposed Project "shows disrespect for humans, flora, & fauna." They were also "astounded" that all six New England Governors support the Project. Camille Cosby wrote an op- ed, in March 2014 that questions the motives of a Company beholden to shareholders, more than Nature. She & Dr. Cosby later joined protesters against the Pipeline in July, 2014. Conspiracy Theorists believe that the Cosby Family angered people @ Kinder Morgan; to the point that They wanted to assassinate his Character & his Legacy.
Fast forward to Oct. 17, 2014- Comedian Hannibal Burress accuses Bill Cosby of Rape during his Stand up routine. The floodgates opened! By mid November, Women like Janice Dickenson were accusing Cosby of [graphic] past Rape acts. Around this time, The Washington Post was asking: If Bill Cosby was accused of rape 8yrs ago, why is the story going viral now? A rumor circulates soon after, that P.R. Man Rick Berman, aka, "Dr. Evil" was contracted by Kinder Morgan to take down Dr. Cosby. A tape later surfaces, where Berman brags how he can take down Celebrities for Clients w/o having actions traced back to him.
All things being said & done, i'm conflicted by Cosby. No question he is more than just a very gifted Writer & Actor. But he clearly has another side. Black America was hard pressed for Role Models on TV; Cosby, like O.J. fit a model that appealed to Both Americas. In the end, Cosby believed his own hype. He mistook The 'Cos' for 'Heathcliff Huxtable'. I guess it must be something like Undercover Cops staying 'Under' too long(?). He played a straight shooter so long, that he forgot he wasn't squeaky clean. Now Cosby has to deal w/ a new image & label- Violent Sexual Predator.
Talking Heads let it roll off their tongues w/a frightening ease. It's like 'The Powers That Be' couldn't wait to push that narrative of Cosby. Sen. Lindsey Graham, on @ least two occasions, used Cosby as a reference for 'The' Sexual Predator, in his defense of Brett Kavanaugh... That opens the door to an interesting comparison- Bill Cosby & Brett Kavanaugh measure up pretty well. Kavanaugh was quick to tout his Academic Standing & Community Service- his pedigree, when pressed on his demeanor @ Social Events.
Cosby could have done the same. He could have touted his academic proficiency, Humanitarian Awards, or the Tens of Millions of dollars donated to Charity; particularly, Historical Black Colleges & Universities (HBCUs) over the years. There is also the number of Jobs that he created for his TV Shows & Concerts...
Ironically, a 'Gang' of Old Conservative White Men stepped in to rescue Kavanaugh, when he faltered. They employed [coded] wordplay in their language, to assure him that all of the brouhaha was moot; he WILL be confirmed. Meanwhile, the same 'Gang' that once lauded Cosby, abandoned him; almost from the beginning.
Phylicia Rashad appears correct in saying this whole thing is about Legacy. The Cosby Show was an inspiration to Black America. The Black 'Professional Class' flourished during the time that the Show aired. Young Men & Women were attending College & Post Grad Programs in larger numbers. Taking the Show off the air was detrimental, not just to Dr. Cosby, but to the overall Image Hollywood portrays of the Black Community.
Actor Geoffrey Owens, is a causality of the conspiracy to discredit Bill Cosby. He admitted that taking 'The Cosby Show' out of syndication, was a factor in his decision to work @ Trader Joes. Dr. Cosby shared syndication royalties w/ his Cast & Crew, so Geoffrey may not be alone. Meanwhile, admitted child molester, Stephen Collins can enjoy collecting syndication royalties, from Networks that still air '7th Heaven'.
Dwelling on America's double standard Culture can be mind boggling. 81Yr Old Bill Cosby is led out of court in leg chains, facing a 3yr- 10yr Prison Term. He is expected to serve @ least 3yrs, but taking his age & health into account, i'm not very confident that he will survive the Experience. Meanwhile, GOP Conservatives- male & female, are arguing on behalf of Brett Kavanaugh; that speaking up after 30+ Yrs is not fair, unless the account can be substantiated. Dr. Ford comes across as credible, but...
When Autumn Jackson appeared in the mid 90s, claiming to be Cosby's daughter, she referred to a tryst that Cosby had w/ her mother in 1974- Why didn't these Women speak up then? From recent interviews, I understand that many were intimidated by his image & stature, but Cosby's fidelity was being questioned. Dozens of Women coming forward would have gained momentum.
Why is Autumn's mother, Shawn Thompson- Upshaw among the Women accusing Cosby of drugging & raping them? That wasn't her story 20yrs ago. Autumn & her partners in Crime (Jose Medina, Boris [Schmulevich] Sabas) were Tried & Sentenced for Extortion ($40M) in 1997. In that Trial, Cosby was a Witness for the Prosecution. In his testimony, Dr. Cosby revealed that he & Ms. Thompson did in fact have a brief affair.
He also admitted that he gave Ms. Thompson $100,000 over the years as 'hush money,' plus he gave her money for Autumn's Education & well being. Does Ms. Thompson- Upshaw think she has a legitimate argument 20yrs later? It's interesting how We are expected to forgive the 'trespasses' of America's Historical figures, but Bill Cosby is tossed out w/ the trash. How does this work? The 'Cos' was part of Hugh Hefner's Playboy crowd. He was a regular @ the Playboy Mansion, & talked about it in his Stand Up routine.
America celebrated Hef's polyamorous lifestyle, even after getting married. Charlie Sheen can be the irreverent Bad Boy, to the point of becoming HIV Positive. Cosby is basically the prototype of Tiger Woods, but he gets singled out for punishment. Meanwhile, Tiger (I'm not Black) Woods gets a second chance. He is currently being toasted by the same people that criticized him 5yrs earlier. R. Kelly is free to do Lord only knows what (w/ Young Black Women), but Society is satisfied w/ locking up a Legally Blind 81yr old in failing health, & calling him a Violent Sexual Predator... But it's not about Legacy though.
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blogparadiseisland · 6 years
Nature The supreme showdown for Trump’s America
Nature The supreme showdown for Trump’s America Nature The supreme showdown for Trump’s America http://www.nature-business.com/nature-the-supreme-showdown-for-trumps-america/
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A California professor and President Donald Trump’s pick to become the next Supreme Court justice will appear before senators to tell conflicting stories about a high school party 36 years ago.The accuser and the accused, in the glare of the spotlight, with a lifetime seat to the most powerful court in the US at stake.While the drama will be intensely personal, as she alleges he assaulted her and he strongly rejects the accusation, this is more than a clash of two individuals and their recollection of past events. It also represents the confluence of two movements – one decades in the making, the other a recent, powerful groundswell. “These are unwitting combatants in an undeclared war, these people are not props for us to make our political points, nor are they to be demolished,” Arizona Senator Jeff Flake said on Wednesday afternoon. The futures – and the reputations – of Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford hang in the balance. Whether they like it or not, however, the forces at motion overshadow everything.
A crowning moment for the anti-abortion movementForty-five years ago, a sharply divided US Supreme Court ruled in Roe v Wade that first-trimester abortion must be legal throughout the nation. The decision came as a shock to the anti-abortion activists, who have been fighting to reverse the decision since.They’ve supported federal and state-level laws that would chip away at abortion rights. And they have organised what amounts to a pipeline of young conservative jurists, groomed by organisations like the Federalist Society, in order to assure anti-abortion voices in the federal judiciary.Both Donald Trump’s Supreme Court picks, Neil Gorsuch and now Mr Kavanaugh, were on that approved list. Crucially, this nominee would alter the ideological composition of the court.Anti-abortion activists believe they at last will have five votes – a majority – on the court to return the question of abortion legality to the states, where some legislatures could decide to outlaw the procedure entirely.This fight, then, marks the culmination of a decades-long struggle. Victory, at last, is within grasp. It is a victory that Christine Blasey Ford threatens.
A sexual harassment reckoningThe #MeToo movement has a history measured in months, not years, but the struggle it represents is at least as powerful and enduring. It represented a drive to rethink what was previously tolerated by women and what society has long swept under the rug. In Dr Ford, they found a new champion and, after Mr Trump questioned why she didn’t come forward sooner, a new hashtag, #WhyIDidntReport. Media playback is unsupported on your device
Media captionWhy it can take sexual assault allegations years to come outThat the latest fight should come during a Supreme Court confirmation hearing has a certain poetic symmetry, given the spectacle of the Clarence Thomas nomination – during which he faced allegations of serial sexual harassment – fuelled the rise of a new generation of female politicians in the 1992 national elections, termed the “year of the woman”.The woman who made those accusations, Anita Hill, herself became a hero for the feminist movement – and a villain to conservatives who at the time painted her allegations as an overtly political attempt to derail a Supreme Court nomination. Last week Ms Hill weighed in on the importance of the current moment for the women’s rights movement.
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Anita Hill testified at a 1991 Senate hearing about sexual harassment allegations against then Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas
“In 1991, the phrase ‘they just don’t get it’ became a popular way of describing senators’ reaction to sexual violence,” she wrote in The New York Times. “With years of hindsight, mounds of evidence of the prevalence and harm that sexual violence causes individuals and our institutions, as well as a Senate with more women than ever, ‘not getting it’ isn’t an option for our elected representatives. In 2018, our senators must get it right.”This ability to “get it right” this time would be a sign that the #MeToo movement has made real progress in changing American perceptions toward female victims. It is a victory that Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation threatens.
The Trump factorIt’s impossible to consider the #MeToo movement without also acknowledging the man who in all likelihood contributed to the emergence of this national mood. The president largely stayed above the fray in the days after Dr Ford’s allegations, but his tone has sharpened as new accusers have come forward. It sets up what can only be an uncomfortable situation for some conservatives, where a man who has boasted about making unwanted sexual advances on women is vouching for someone accused of making unwanted sexual advances on women – and worse.In fact, in a tweet the president drew a direct line between allegations of his own sexual misdeeds with those of Mr Kavanaugh, calling them both “false accusations”.According to a White House source talking to CNN, Mr Trump now believes he must “personally take charge of defending” Mr Kavanaugh. The president later said he was open to withdrawing his backing of the judge if the testimony was damning but he has given himself little room to back down. Media playback is unsupported on your device
Media captionWashington may have had a bad past – Trump
Swirling toward the abyssPerhaps because of the stakes involved, it was inevitable that the Kavanaugh fight would descend into total political war. Long-respected political norms and traditions have been cast aside en masse over the course of recent years. No weapon is left unused and no attack untried.The debate about Kavanaugh and the issues raised by the allegations haven’t merely been the province of the key players – the parties involved, the senators considering the judge’s professional fate and the administration that put him forward for consideration. On social media and television commentary, conspiracy theories swirl and unsubstantiated or outright fabricated allegations fly.
The tangled path aheadIn comments made from the floor of the Senate on Wednesday, Mr Flake spoke of the toll the confirmation fight was having on the fabric of American society.”The toxic political culture that we have created has infected everything, and we have done little to stop it,” he said. “In fact, we have only indulged it, and fanned the flames, taken partisan advantage at every turn, and deepened the ugly divisions that exist in our country.” As the moment of reckoning for Mr Kavanaugh approaches, both sides warn of the dangers to come. Media playback is unsupported on your device
Media captionRepublican Senator calls Trump ‘uninformed and uncaring’Conservatives caution that there is more at stake than just the fate of one judge seeking higher office.”If somebody can be brought down by accusations like this, then you, me, every man certainly should be worried,” a lawyer close to the White House told Politico. “We can all be accused of something.” “The reason Republicans are standing with Kavanaugh is because we know he is innocent and we know the Dems would falsely accuse Jesus himself if the GOP had nominated him,” writes conservative commentator Erick Erickson.Progressives counter with their own warnings – that brave women are finally speaking up and the men in power ignore this at their peril.”Oh man – the male lawmakers in this country have no idea what’s coming, do they?” tweeted grass-roots anti-gun activist Shannon Watts. “Women are realising we’re more powerful – and maligned – than we ever imagined. We’re taking back what’s ours: our voices, our rights and our seats at the table.”Both sides view this as a defining moment – their chance to draw a line in the sand. And with mid-term elections just over a month away, voters will have a chance to weigh in while the conflict is still fresh in their minds. The results, whether it’s a Democratic wave or a Republican consolidation of power, will be interpreted in the context of the outcome of the court battle in the coming days and weeks. But the shadow cast will endure well beyond the immediate political future.”These past two years, we have tested the limits of how low we can go,” Mr Flake said. “I say to you that winning at all costs is too high a cost. If we cannot have a human – rather than a political – response to these witnesses, if we are heedless to the capacity that we have to do real and lasting damage, then maybe we shouldn’t be here.”Maybe so, but here we are.
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Nature The supreme showdown for Trump’s America, in 2018-09-27 00:42:37
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