#there's more lore concerning that auction but I didn't want to ramble aksdjfhgs
the-finch-address · 2 years
🤝 👀
Hello hello! Going to use ThirtyTwoTeeth for this one
🤝 - How do the characters meet? (antagonist included!)
There are a lot of characters in TTT - 32, to be exact - and most of them meet through the Brave Games* while they're hunting each other for sport.
Duke (MC1) is first introduced to Gray (MC2) through the game's lettering system after he offers her advice on how to get ahead in the game. They meet in person on complete accident after Duke saves his life, and afterward they form a weary partnership. As for antagonists, the duo first meet Jackal only days before the beginning of his villain arc. A petty little thief barely surviving. The next time they meet, Jackal has half of the city under his palm.
👀 - A piece of lore you’ve been waiting for an excuse to share
Throughout the games, players' endeavors are financially sponsored by individuals they never actually get the chance to meet. Rather than it being randomly drawn, these sponsors choose their players through means of a live auction, where each player's respective 'tooth' could be bought out, allowing them to set up a brand for the player, keep them funded, and procure their own personal agenda in the process. The players have no idea about this.
thanks for the ask!
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