#there's no way they have a mutually compatible music taste i just know they drive each other up a wall with that
i think a major thing that is overlooked in the x files is that when they do their little cutscene of them driving from washington dc to the bumfuck middle of nowhere at the start of each episode, their roadtrips must be SO long. so what are they doing in that time? are they fighting over which radio station to listen to? filling the silence with conversation? is that how they become inseparable, over mind-numbing hours on the road where stories slip off of the tongue with ease?
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mercurytrinemoon · 4 years
On synastry and how to approach it
If you follow me you may have noticed few of my posts where I'm fixating on the fact that I don't know a certain person's birth date. And I said I'm sensing a nice Venus-Mars connection and honestly now that I think about it, I feel like Jupiter is heavily underlined in here as well. So that made me think of synastry a lot (not that I don't think about it on daily basis) and it made me want to elaborate a bit. Also because I see this weird approach where people single out certain aspects and turn them into "make it or break it" kind of deal and that is just wrong.
Actually it's similar with natal charts. The difference here is obvious - you have two individuals which means double the options in which way the energy may go and more potential for aspects to cancel each other out. So while natal interpretations of, for example, planets in the houses will resonate with you, all the black and white interpretations of synastry house overlays belong in the dumpster imho. And I knooow, I knoooow, one of my first posts was about house overlays. It was very generalized one and I did disclaim to take the entire chart into consideration. But sometimes I see these descriptions where people say "oh my god Venus in the 8th house! This is highly sexual aspect!" But what if none of the people have their Mars nor Venus activated, maybe except for a Venus-Saturn square that puts a big dump on the whole thing. Also, this may as well indicate taking care of shared resources (because that's one of the main themes of the 8th). Besides - and that's my personal take - overlays are less important than aspects between planets unless a) you’re putting a stellium in someone’s house b) it's about angles, because having the same planet as someone's ascendant is a big thing and I can guarantee you that most of the people you create bonds with will have that configuration with you.
Speaking of which, the type of people you attract is highly dependant on your chart. Angles are important but so are aspects and planet placements. I'll give you an example based on my own natal chart, because, obviously, I know myself well and I pay attention to charts of the people I come in contact with. As an Aquarius rising, I attract a lot of Aqua personal planets, Leo risings and people with personal planets in Leo - surprisingly not a single Leo Sun. As a Sagittarius dominant person, most of my friends are Gemini Moons or Sag Moons. Surprisingly I only befriended one Gemini Sun in my life + my belowed dog who was a Gemini. My Aries Moon makes me weak for Aries Suns. Sun is opposite Mars (5th house) - it, again, points to Aries (and Scorpios as well). Dominant fire element and Aries in the 3rd (easy communication) helps here a lot. Having Sagittarius in the 11th (house of friends) and Jupiter in the 7th (house of partnerships), I tend to be friends with other Sadges BUT that Jupiter in the 7th makes me very attracted to Pisces as well. So DO take classic rulership into consideration!
That leads me to another point - modalities. I have a lot of mutable energy so I love other mutable energies. SQUARES omg, especially in romantic/sexual relationships. They do bring tension but hear me out. You need trines and sextiles but squares bring spice. I can guarantee you that having a flowing Mars-Venus contact will give you a pleasant feelings for one another, easiness in communication and a natural synchronicity, but it's the square that will make you wanna rip each other's clothes off. Soooo... I mean, whichever you prefer I guess. Squares are also stimulating, with trines the energy flows nicely, squares bring interest... it's a different element, but the same modality... a perfect mix to make you drawn to the other person. It's similar yet intriguing. Another example, as a Sag Venus my tastes concerning arts and music should clash with a Pisces Venus - that’s what a textbook definition will tell you - but surprise, surprise, half of my favourite artists have Venus in Pisces.
Now with oppositions it's a completely different thing. I think they work wonderful when there are yin-yang planets involved. As I mentioned earlier, as a Sagittarius Sun I love Gemini Moons. They compliment each other. The thing is, with opposites you either get each other or you just pass each other. So it fluctuates. I've noticed that especially when there's the same planet involved. Two people having Mercury opposition will get each other so well they will finish each other's sentences one day and then completely miss the mark the next. Like two vehicles driving in opposite directions.
Trines aren't 100% amaaaazing. I know many people who, like me, have inner planets in fire signs and our values, ways of thinking and approach to certain issues are completely different. We do express them in the same manner though, which is by being loud lol. Trines also bring laziness so if you have too many of them the relationship may just fizzle out. Sextiles on the other hand are so underappreciated. Air fuels fire and water nourishes the earth - it’s way more interesting than a trine where both signs are in the same element, imho. Some astrologers will tell you sextiles are "weaker" but that's just stupid. They’re just as important, okay?  
Sometimes you don't even have to have an actual aspect. Whoa, I know, mind-blown. But I see that constantly. Obviously having planets in a tight aspects is very important but let's say you have Aquarius Venus at 5° and the other person has Sun in Aqua at 20°. They don't make an aspect but it's the same sign, therefore you're going to express these energies in the same manner - which makes you compatible (tho I don't like that word). Now the smaller the orb, the more significant the aspect is. I've read somewhere that the aspect with the tightest orb kind of represents the theme of the relationship - I haven't been able to really analyze this theory tho. When it comes to orbs overall, Alexander Von Pronay is suggesting to use aspects up to 7°. I'd do that and then look at aspects under 2° to really see which energies are stronger. Liz Greene said that if you're feeling an aspect, even if the orb is wider, well, you're feeling it and it's there. I suspect it may depend on what energies you're sensitive to. If, for example, your chart ruler is Venus, you may feel Venus aspects more. And then with Uranus, Neptune and Pluto I'd say up to 2°.  
What's actually awesome are so called double whammies. It's when the same two planets are aspected both ways. So A person's Sun is trining B's Venus and B's Venus is sextile A's Sun. Or A's Moon is conjunct B's Sun and B's Sun is opposite A's Moon. I like double whammies cause they provide mutuality. People often ask "wHo FeeLs iT mORe????". First of all, there's no clear answer to that because everyone's different and their charts are different and some respond to the energy one way and some, other. That's why I like to ask people: well, how do YOU feel about that aspect (if you, of course, know astrology well enough to pinpoint the energy). But with double whammies you basically exchange the same aspect so, hopefully, in 99%, it will be mutual.
What I also love is having the same aspect natally. Let's say you have a Mars-Mercury trine natally and the other person has it conjoined. That is awesome. It's like going through the same experiences in life and going "yeah! I went through that too! I understand!" Better yet if then those planets also make an aspect in the synastry chart. It's great. You're going to vibe so much.
About mutuality... A few weeks ago I was watching a livestream from Nina and Shaina from Party Trick Astrology (love those girls) and they were talking about synastry so I asked them a question related to these things cause, you know, I bet they've seen hundreds of charts and I'm always curious about other people's observations. So I asked about mutuality and one of them gave an example of a girl whose Venus was beautifully aspected by a guy and the guy's Venus not being aspected at all. And how this, for example, pointed to the guy being into the girl but not vice versa. And I thought that's interesting because I'd assume it would be the other way around. Her planets didn't activate his Venus so he shouldn't be into her romantically. And I actually experienced that myself one time. I had this Aqua friend and had literally zero aspects to my Venus. Not even a semi-sextile, not even a quincunx, not even a wide generational planet connection. And I didn't see him through these romantic lens. So I guess there are no rules to this. OR it’s all about projection (which btw happens a lot in astrology). That's why I like to look at synastry charts and just get the overall vibe. 
Now with that being said, the shocker. YOU DON'T HAVE TO HAVE ASPECTS WITH THE OTHER PERSON AT ALL. I know, a bummer. Here we, astrology junkies, are in the lookout for the perfect synastry chart but as I look at charts of celebrity couples I often see them having no Sun connections, no Venus or Mars connections, lame Moon aspects etc. That is indeed disappointing. That's why I was so stoked about that Britney-Justin synastry. Because I don't see connections like that one between all the "it” couples of today.
So I guess... astrology is bullshit... Nah, just kidding. But it is complex. Sometimes it’s quality over quantity. And you should approach synastry as a whole, just feel it out, you know? And I’ll leave you with that for today because it’s getting long.
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ainaindou · 7 years
gosh executive dysfunction is gonna kill everything i try to do whether out of love, passion, or necessity. even projects where i am invested 100% voluntarily slowly decay in my hands due to the lack of a drive, and it’s so disappointing.
spotify is probably the best thing ive ever subscribed to 10/10 would recommend
concerning pasts. i’m not sure if i’m healing at all or just just really good at slapping another bandage on. most days it’s all very numb and it feels as if i’m merely processing information as an observer from the outside, sifting through memories and “feelings” that are definitely mine, yet they don’t seem to really affect me anymore. rare moments come when i have more time and quiet and suddenly my mind spins into overdrive and suddenly i’m me again, which is great but also feels immensely awful bc those “feelings” turn from cold information back into actual active ongoing emotions- god knows how awfully i process those things. 
considering the amount of failed attempts at securing a traditional career path it’s probably time to explore other alternative options but i have no real idea where to start. i could idle where i am a bit with no real issue but boy my parents are fking annoying about their passively suggested disapprovals concerning many different aspects of my decisions despite all the support they claim to have.
concerning present. context is actually super important and there’s never really enough. a habit of mine, for comfort and ease of mind i love to set clear and concrete definitions as to what certain relationships between myself and other people, and lock it as such inside my head. but relationships are organic and they grow and change and even sometimes decay. so it happens a bit too often that suddenly something happens that’s completely out of my expectation and calculations one way or another and i have to redefine exactly what is my standing with another person. sometimes adaptation is very easy and of little consequence, but other times, the complete relationship becomes rotten due to this. part of it is on me, whether or not i want to invest further energy to try and salvage a disconnect. part of it is on the other side, whether they want to be patient with me or not. as a side, i’ve only met two people in my life so far that share my exact social dynamic, one in which we can comfortably hold our relationship in indefinite stasis for whatever length of silence just so happens to transpire between us, and then easily pick up momentum wherever we left off and develop things mutually at our convenience. that’s super precious to me, and very comforting to be fairly honest since i know i’m not the only one who functions in this way.
i’m not super sure what my next big purchase will be. i do want a full-powered workstation/gaming rig, and i also want a cintiq. but i’m functioning fine with the tools i have right now. i could finally invest in the doll collection i’ve been thinking of, but where the fuck to i even start lol. my living arrangements are very temporary anyways and to invest in a physical item collection right now might not be the best.
i’ve migrated partially from tea to coffee. not like a full migration, but more like i just guzzle both now 24/7. tea at work and coffee everywhere else.
concerning future. ambitions grows slightly dimmer every year bc reality becomes more concrete. there’s also a really weird thing where i “know” what is optimal to pursue, but the arbitrary scale of effort vs reward makes it so that i don’t bother to optimize. this is a statement that applies to so many aspects of my life, and the end result is my life is mediocre. not great, but not horrible. vaguely i thought about seeing if i wanna find a way to become a tattoo artist bc for one thing im super interested in meeting and working with (on) people that normally wouldn’t be in my field of sociability. in any other context ofc i wouldn’t even bother bc my social energy level is like below negative but anyways i should look into that. it’s something, at least.
about actual romantic relationships. it almost feels weird to me that i have any sort of experience at all. and it also feels super alien to me (for most part) that i even care about this aspect of my life still. predominantly, i can’t be bothered. i spend almost all of my available effort and energy just barely holding myself and my life together and afloat, how the fuck am i gonna even be able to spare some for another whole living breathing person? my emotional state is super stale too, and it’s not like i have a desire or desperate need for intimacy (quite the opposite sometimes). yet, i think my own situation is somewhat akin to having acquired the taste of a forbidden fruit. i know what i could have, and i crave it so. even full well knowing how poisonous it most likely could become. my past experiences all ended up kinda suck, and i always kinda hate the things i did/didn’t do that made it that way. (except the very first one. we were young and completely naive and stupid some of what she did was fucked up too lmfao so) i kinda crave a very simple sort of distant intimacy and i have n o fucking idea how to describe or define what i want or if anyone else in the world is compatible with what i’m looking for. language fails me for sure bc i’ve tried at least once with this definition with someone else and the end result was we both figured out we said and agreed on the same words but we had very different definitions. our original friendship has been strangled also as a result. which is one other thing that i am exasperated with myself for.. it’s pretty much impossible for me to consider an intimate relationship of any kind with someone unless there’s a pre-existing friendship as a foundation. yet in the pursuit of a deeper relationship it just puts the friendship at risk and i don’t know if this is ever worth it. should i just be happy with the friendship now and like not fuck up shit again? is this also parallel to my tendency to not pursue optimization in my life? but friendship isn’t a mediocre thing either. super confusing and will require further thoughts definitely
ashmute has godly music for whatever’s left of my soul i hope they make another album soon bc there’s not enough.
my nose bothers the fuuuck out of me. not appearance wise, but the fact that the cartilage inside just isn’t properly attached to my skull and so slips off-center all the fucking time but idk if i wanna get surgical procedure done either. same thing about lasik bc i’m actually tired of glasses but laser eye surgery is not perfect and my vision is invaluable to me and my livelihood. idk idk idk.
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On expectations and pessimism
Our lives are powerfully affected by a special quirk of the human mind to which we rarely pay much attention. We are creatures deeply marked by our expectations. We go around with mental pictures, lodged in our brains, of how things are supposed to go. But expectations have an enormous impact on how we respond to what happens to us. They are always framing the way we interpret the events in our lives. It’s according to the tenor of our expectations that we will deem moments in our lives to be either enchanting or (more likely) profoundly mediocre and unfair.
What drives us to fury are affronts to our expectations. There are plenty of things that don’t turn out as we’d like but don’t make us livid either. When a problem has been factored into our expectations, calm is never endangered. We may be sad, but we aren’t screaming.
Unfortunately, our expectations are never higher, and therefore more troubling, than they are in love. There are reckless ideas circulating in our societies about what sharing a life with another person might be like. Of course, we see relationship difficulties around us all the time; there’s a high frequency of splitting, separation and divorce, and our own past experience is bound to be pretty mixed. But we have a remarkable capacity to discount this information. We retain highly ambitious ideas of what relationships are meant to be and what they will (eventually) be like for us – even if we have in fact never seen such relationships in action anywhere near us.
We’ll be lucky; we can just feel it intuitively. Eventually, we’ll find that creature we know exists: the ‘right person’; we’ll understand each other very well, we’ll like doing everything together, and we’ll experience deep mutual devotion and loyalty. They will, at last, be on our side.
Our expectations might go like this: a decent partner should easily, intuitively, understand what I’m concerned about. I shouldn’t have to explain things at length to them. If I’ve had a difficult day, I shouldn’t have to say that I’m worn out and need a bit of space. They should be able to tell how I’m feeling. They shouldn’t oppose me: if I point out that one of our acquaintances is a bit stuck up, they shouldn’t start defending them. They’re meant to be constantly supportive. When I feel bad about myself, they should shore me up and remind me of my strengths. A decent partner won’t make too many demands. They won’t be constantly requesting that I do things to help them out, or dragging me off to do something I don’t like. We’ll always like the same things. I tend to have pretty good taste in films, food and household routines: they’ll understand and sympathize with them at once.
Strangely, even when we’ve had pretty disappointing experiences, we don’t lose faith in our expectations. Hope reliably triumphs over experience. It’s always very tempting to console ourselves with an apparently very reasonable thought: the reason it didn’t work out this time was not that the expectations were too high, but that we directed them onto the wrong person. We weren’t compatible enough. So rather than adjust our ideas of what relationships are meant to be like, we shift our hopes to a new target on whom we can direct our recklessly elevated hopes.
At times, in relationships, it can be almost impossible to believe that the problem lies with relationships in general, for the issues are so clearly focused in on the particular person we happen to be with – their tendency not to listen to us, to be too cold, to be cloyingly present … But this isn’t the problem of love, we believe. It wouldn’t be like this with another person, the one we saw at school. They looked nice and we had a brief chat about the theme of the keynote instructor. Partly because of the slope of their neck and a lilt in their accent, we reached an overwhelming conclusion: with them it would be easier. There could be a better life waiting round the corner.
What we say to our partners is often quite grotesque. We turn to someone we’ve left everything to in our will and agreed to share our income with for the rest of our lives – and tell them the very worst things we can think of: things we’d never dream of saying to anyone else. To pretty much everyone else, we are reliably civil. We’re always very nice to the people in the sandwich shop; we talk through problems reasonably with colleagues; we’re pretty much always in a good mood around friends. But then again, without anything uncivil being meant by this, we have very few expectations in these areas.
No one can disappoint and upset us as much as the person we’re in a relationship with – for of no one do we have higher hopes. It’s because we are so dangerously optimistic that we call them a cunt, a shithead or a weakling. The intensity of the disappointment and frustration is dependent on the prior massive investment of hope. It’s one of the odder gifts of love.
So a solution to our distress and agitation lies in a curious area: with a philosophy of pessimism. It’s an odd and unappealing thought. Pessimism sounds very unattractive. It’s associated with failure; it’s usually what gets in the way of better things. But when it comes to relationships, expectations are the enemies of love.
A more moderate, more reasonable, set of expectations around relationships would include the idea that it is normal and largely unavoidable that people do not understand one another very well in a couple. Each person’s character and mind is hugely complex and convoluted. It’s hard to grasp exactly why someone acts as they do. And, by extension, we’d be assuming from the start that no partner is going to have a complete, reliable or terribly accurate understanding of us. There will be the occasional things they get absolutely right, a few areas where they really grasp what’s going on in us; that’s what makes the early days so charming. But these will be exceptions, rather than standard. As a relationship developed, we then wouldn’t get hurt when our partner made some wildly inaccurate assumptions about our needs or preferences. We’d have been assuming that this would be coming along pretty soon – just as we don’t take it remotely amiss if an acquaintance recommends a film we detest: we know they couldn’t know. It doesn’t bother us at all. Our expectations are set at a reasonable level.
In a wiser world than our own, we would regularly remind ourselves of the various reasons why people simply cannot live up to the expectations that have come to be linked to romantic relationships:
One is dealing with another person.
Much that will matter to us cannot possibly be in sync with another person. Why should another human being get tired at the same time as you, want to eat the same things, like the same songs, have the same aesthetic preferences, the same attitude to money or the same idea about Christmas? For babies, there is a long and strange set of discoveries about the real separate existence of the mother. At first it seems to the child that the mother is perfectly aligned with it. But gradually there’s a realization that the mother is someone else: that she might be sad when the child is feeling jolly. Or tired when the child is ready to jump up and down on the bed for ten minutes. We have similarly basic discoveries to make of our partners. They are not extensions of us.
The early stages of love give a misleading image of what a relationship can be like.
The experience of adult love starts with the joyful discovery of some amazing congruencies. It’s wonderful to discover someone who finds the same jokes hilarious, who feels the same way as you about cozy jumpers or the music you love, someone who is really able to see why you feel as you do about your father, or who deeply appreciates your confidence around form-filling or your knowledge of wine. There’s a seductive hope that the wonderful fit between the two of you are the first intimation of a general fusion of souls.
Love is the discovery of harmony in some very specific areas – but to continue with this expectation is to doom hope to a slow death. Every relationship will necessarily involve the discovery of a huge number of areas of divergence. It will feel as if you are growing apart and that the precious unity you knew during the weekend in Paris is being destroyed. But what is happening should really be seen under a much less alarming description: disagreement is what happens when love succeeds and you get to know someone close up across the full range of their life.
Any upbringing will be imperfect in important ways. The atmosphere at home might have been too strict or too lax, too focused on money or not adequately on top of the finances. It might have been emotionally smothering or a bit distant and detached. Family life might have been relentlessly gregarious or limited by lack of confidence. Getting from being a baby to a reasonably functional adult is never a flawless process. We are all, in diverse ways, damaged and insane. The child might have learned to keep its true thoughts and feelings very much to itself and to tread very carefully around fragile parents; and in later life, this person may still be rather secretive and cagey in their own relationships. The characteristic was acquired to deal with a childhood situation, but such patterns get deeply embedded and keep on going. Our adaptations to the troubles of our past make us all maddening prospects in the present.
The error we’re always tempted to make is to see defects as special to our own partner. We get to know the irritating and disappointing sides of one particular person – and draw the conclusion that we’ve been especially unlucky. We’ve become involved with someone who seems lovely on the surface but has revealed themselves strangely disturbed and defective. What a curse! What a problem to correct! We therefore look around for a new partner with whom we can finally have what we always knew was promised to us: a problem-free relationship. Our romantic impulses are continually renewed. We blame everything but our hopes.
And yet, the reasons why other people are disappointing are universal. The problems may take on a local character, but everyone would have them to a significant extent. We don’t need to know the specific eccentricities we would find in a prospective partner. But you can be sure there will be some – and that they will, at times, be pretty serious. The only people we can think of as normal are those we don’t yet know very well.
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NurseyDex Friendship
Ok, I love these two as mushy saps but that’s unrealistic, so what’s the part of their relationship outside of fighting, roasts, and lovey dovey gross shit.
It starts when Nursey goes stiff in one of the classes they take. At this point they still don’t really get along, but Dex can’t fight someone who won’t fight back, and someone so collected as Nursey being thrown off, it’s bad
So Dex switches seats with the LAX bro next to him in exchange for a slice of pie, since people are defensive over their seats.
Nursey notices, and as soon as Chad leaves, Dex immediately is like, “What The Literal Fuck Happened and Do I Need To Fight Someone.”
Nursey is actually alright it’s just that he’s bad at the subject and he gets ye olde Anxiety so Dex is like, I will mcfucking tutor you I just can’t take you acting like this please let me help
Nursey is reluctant because he isn’t one for being helped, but he’d like to stay on the team, and Dex is pretty smart in his own right, not to mention he has an insane work ethic.
So then they start to tutor each other for varying subjects, not without chirping, but now Dex can roast Nursey without the guilt of him being unokay
So moving foward from mutual respect and stuff, the tutoring is what brings them down a bit from arguing to friendly anger/ roasts/ arguments.  It’s also how they become casual, asking about each other’s day
But they’re still not friends, so how?
Well Chowder is still a mutual friend they love, and he’s such a good guy, and so energetic,but sometimes people who are so outgoing can be too much for others and in comes Under Cover Chowder Defense League so like, this is where they start casually texting outside of important shit, this includes a pie blacklist if they overhear any shit being talked, roasts of any new blacklist member, and just sharing their mutual love of Chowder this could totally be the start of polyfrogs getting together
The UCCDL becomes a group chat with Bitty, half the volleyball team, and Tango
But sometimes they’d just bitch about people when this first became a thing and the league chat is not the place, so this where they start to be  casual friends, great when together, and they def talk, but don’t necessarily seek each other out
So again more how
The answer, Haus Game Night, all d man pairs and liney pairs must be a team.  Ollie and Wicks are drift compatible ass kickers at Mario Party
Ransom and Holster will kick your ass at Mario Kart
Bitty and Jack run a mean just dance duo
Chowder and Lardo pair together since they have no one to latch on to, and well, board games are banned, but cards aren’t. yet. Don’t challenge their card game skills
And nursey and dex literally must compete the fuck together, so their new goal, FUCK UP EVERYONE. Which would be hard, if they both weren’t dirty players, which they are
They end up being great at kareoke, and lip sync battles, since Nursey is artsy fartsy, but Dex has EMOTION (Carly Rae Jepsen 2015), so they work well together
Holster stops Ransom to be like, bro why can’t we sing like that to each other.  Why don’t you sing with me?
Ransom probs said, Bro if I sing with you then I don’t get to focus on your beautiful voice.
During Haus Game Night they get to be strong casual friends, so how do we hit BFF Mode
It’s summer and Nursey doesn’t really feel like hanging out with old friends, so he sometimes drives to Buffalo to see Holster(They are friends and he canonically respects Holtzy ok)
But halfway through summer Holster leaves for The Falls to be with the bro of his life Ransom
And Holster is just like, go see Dex why not, and so He and Dex coordinate a way to hang out
Dex is Near Like Eddington (Shout Out, You know who you are)
The Halfway point that I was given was Andover. And I’m sorry but um, WTF my laptop knew ok
So yea, Andover becomes their Niagara Falls.
Which is hilarious because at one point Shitty is like, you don’t know what those assholes were like sweet sweet Dexy
To which him and Nursey chuckle
When they get back they connect even better on ice, and Holster feels so goddamn proud
Unfortunately now if Nursey is about to get checked REAL hard and Dx is close enough he will literally take it.  He is practising with Bitty to get faster because he will help keep pucks away from Chowder, and people off of Nursey so help him
Nursey gets really good at knowing when he’s about to get checked and also starts to try to one up his speed so he can show Dex he can get himself out of the way in time, seriously STOP IT
But he’s touched, on the inside
They balance each other, when Dex needs to chill, when Nursey needs to FEEL, 
When Dex needs to dream more, and Nursey needs to pull his head out of his ass.  
When they both need to check each other’s privilege. 
Nursey who has learned to be tactful and careful and cautious, and Dex who cuts to the chase. 
Dex who gives in actions and time like it’s nothing, and Nursey who gives physical affection and random small gifts, who doesn’t share his heartfelt poetry lightly but shares with Dex
They share childhood movies, and stories, Dex will send Nursey photos of things he’s fixed or built when he’s proud, Nursey sends pics of his poetry, albeit it’s hard to read since Nursey totes writes small guys
The two roast each other’s music taste, but will always have the other dj for them
During family weekend Nursey’s parents can’t come down because they need to be in town waiting for a client to get in, so he’s just going to go
But then Dex’s family can’t come, so Nursey takes Dex home to cheer him up to keep him company in case his moms are way busier than they said since that always happens
No one says anything about it when they get back because they know it bummed Dex and Nursey out, and really this is good for them
But Dex loved Nursey’s moms, and loved New York, and Nursey really loved showing him all the things he never got to show anyone else, not the kids at Andover, not the prep school kids he was with before that, not even the rest of the team, not even girlfriends or boyfriends.  Nursey has never had a chance to bring people into his home, into his life so fully, to have them help him, and know when he’s upset, and know his coffee order
Nursey starts the Dex poetry at this point, but it really is platonic
Also yes, fanon change, Dex meets Nursey’s family first
After Hausgiving when everyone goes home for actual Thanksgiving Nursey’s moms are out of town, so Dex takes him home
The Poindexters love Nursey. Dex canonically has one brother, but ALL  the nearby family comes by, regardless of how extended it is. Everyone brings in spouses or BFFs or just friends without a home to go to, it’s super normal.
Nursey and Dex become each others best friends, by senior year they are Ransom and Holster level. They show Hockey Shit to people, but they have their own shit Bylaws and Crap.
Best Friend Sundaes come back, but they are a three way between Chowder, Nursey, and Dex
So really, if you ship NurseyDex and stuff, this kind of leads up to it, so really it’s not unsurprising/ borderline concerning.  They can still argue, and roast and chirp, but there has to be something to take the true bite out of their words so they can really love in a healthy manner, the crushing could start earlier in the timeline and all, but like love is also friendship, and most fics don’t focus on them being friends, now I love them being in love, but I’m selfish and want both so here, both.
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fromwatermelonworld · 6 years
Curious part 2
As I mention in latest post, I would post about which zodiac is compatible with mine; Taurus for love. So I found in the Internet that say are generally considered to be Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces.
So to make it I would choose a guy that close with my taste. His name is Younghyun. Yeah, he is one of member of my favourite band. Someone who I can’t have in reality, hmm this is so sad. Why I like him? It is because he does multitask. He has a career which is as singer but he is also a song writer and producer, but he doesn’t forget to study. He takes business major in university.
But oh my god, I just figure out his sign is Sagittarius. Not even close with signs that mention above hahahaha this is so fucking damn awkward. I can only stare at what I just read. At first I don’t believe at what I just read but most website said almost the same thing. I will share here a short one.
This relationship is filled with compliments and conflicts. Sagittarians are party goers, while Taureans are definitely homebodies. Compromise is the name of the game here. (I’m not good at compromising! Yeah I admit that I’m a bit selfish so I’m not good at compromising. Please don’t ask why because I also don’t know why.) If Taurus can give the Archer enough space to breath, and if the Archer can offer Taurus plenty of one-on-one time and avoid flirting with others, these two signs can balance each other. (I’m the type who really needs my own time, at least a day for me to do stuffs that I want; alone. So if this guy can’t give me that, I would hate him because I’m so used to it. He needs to understand and that is why in this article says compromise is very important.)
Hahahahahahah I also found an article that says Taurus and Sagittarius is one of the nightmare relationship or worst match. But I don’t think my Younghyun is like this. I wish his sign is Capricorn hmmmmmm.
But I also found an article saying that…
Best Matches
Cancer: Taurus and Cancer natives share a deeply ingrained need for security, creature comforts, and an interest in cultivating a more serious relationship built to stand the test of time. They are also both highly sensitive, empathic signs that will naturally be able to listen and nurture each other through hard times and rough patches. (For me, communication is really important. If he can’t communicate well with me, it is a problem. I really like a guy who able to listen about my problem without judging but gives his honest opinion in order to solve the problem. I don’t like when someone with dual personality so it will be a problem too.)
Capricorn: Capricorn and Taurus also share a mutual and very deep-seated need for security. Capricorn’s natural drive to succeed and make money makes them a perfect match for security-loving, sensual Taurus. Capricorns are also romantics deep down and naturally appeal to Taurus’s sensitive, passionate nature. Both are interested in forming successful long-term relationships that stand the test of time. (Who don’t like when someone is romantic? I love it. But communication?)
Pisces: Taurus and Pisces are similar in all the right ways. Both great lovers of peace, beauty, art, and music, the two together are capable of building a wonderful, harmonious relationship together that is full of everything they both crave. These two are also different in all the right ways as well. Taurus’s stability and dependability helps dreamy Pisces keep its feet on the ground, while Pisces’s imagination and intuition will add a much-needed sense of wonder to Taurus’s world. (I don’t understand because currently it’s late night. I can’t think properly. I will reread it when next time.)
So in conclusion of tonight’s post is, I will not change my mind and even next year I will not have a boyfriend. Let’s wait and see hahahahahaahha. 
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