#there's one of him shirtless on the bike his rookie year
darkangel0410 · 2 years
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The President of the Student Union
Every Hybrid was ranked on a sliding scale, from S to G. S being the highest combination of dragonblood purity as well as the rank of the dragon in their ancestry. 
Someone who had high dragonblood purity but who’s dragon ancestor was only a fourth generation, could only possess lower level soul skills even if they could perform them very well. Whereas someone who had descended from the blood of the four kings and possessed a high level of dragon blood purity could be ranked A or even A plus.
The legendary S rank was afforded only to the Hybrids who descended from the Dragon Gods, The Dark King and the Light King, and possessed their genetics in high percentages.
But that power came at a cost. The influence of the dragon genes created an uncontrollable bloodthirst that, if not balanced by the human DNA, turned Hybrids into terrifying serial killers that only Cassell could handle.
The target Hybrid had a Soul Skill that created psychedelic illusions and he shouted this Word across the beach. The sound itself was masked by the thunderous explosion of the fireworks show but the effect was apparent in the crowd. Shouts and moans of ecstasy began to rise up from the people. They surged forward, rushing into the water.
It was going to be a mass drowning!
Jason shook himself. He was a hybrid and resisted the mind control but he still felt the strong pull that compelled him to leap from the building.
“He’s in the water!” He yelled.
“Every first and second year student step back! You will not participate in the apprehension!” The President’s authoritative command echoed in everyone’s ears.
At this moment, a motorcycle was flying at a reckless pace down the beach, a trail of sand rising from the back tire. It’s rider was clad head to toe in black body armor and a black helmet. A group of four other agents arrived on speedboats and started forcing the drowning people up and out of water, shooting them with Frigga bullets to keep them from leaping back in. 
However, unless the Hybrid could be stopped, there would be more people drowning than in boats.
The  motorcycle skidded to a halt and the president aimed a long gun fitted with a sharp, jagged spear. A dark shape was moving about in the water, visible only by its glowing yellow eyes.
The spear shot from the gun trailing a rope with enough tensile strength to slow a train. The spear disappeared beneath the waves and the rope immediately went taut. The President was yanked from the bike and dragged towards the surf. It stood up from the water grabbed the rope and pulled.
It looked to be a man over six feet in height, shirtless with tanned skin lined with glittering dark green scales. The spear should have caused a fatal wound, but it had barely penetrated the scaly armor.
The President released the gun and drew two semiautomatic pistols, modified by the gear department for their explosive force. The dramatic booms from the gun rocked the Night Stalker back into the water and the spear gun vanished into the waves dragged away by it.
“We need all hands to get the civilians out of the water!”
Jason and Rebecca sprang into action, repelling down the building and onto the beach. They stumbled over the soft sand. 
“Do whatever you can to keep people out of the water!”
Rebecca tripped a woman who had staggered towards the waves. The woman was yelling, “Mama! Mama!” with a rapturous smile.
When the woman saw the person trying to save her from certain death, her expression turned to a violent anger. “LET GO OF ME!”
Rebecca grabbed the woman’s arm pinned her and knocked her out with one of the powerful Frigga bullets. She checked her pulse once, nodded and stood.
Then she saw it. The dark shadow making a beeline towards one of the boats.
“Look out!” 
Her warning came too late. The boat rocked and one of the agents went over board!
Rebecca scrambled to run to the surf as the monster Hybrid’s shadow circled back to rip apart its prey. She aimed her pistol and fired into the water, teeth clinched, eyes narrowed, fearful that someone might die here. She couldn’t let anyone die here!
The Nightstalker’s linage must be incredible. It wasn’t slowing down at all. It rammed the boat again and again, attempting to sink it. The scales protected him from damage as he turned himself into a battering ram!
But Rebecca had a Soul Skill! She closed her eyes, uttering it like a prayer. The electric static in the air gathered at a single point over the water and at the final ‘Amen’ it burst in a blaze of crackling electricity!
The Hybrid surfaced, stunned and gasping. It turned to her, teeth bared, fangs white against the dark. “You...” He hissed. The threat in its yellow eyes terrified her.
She’d given it all she had and she’d only made him angry! Even so, she stood in defiance. If she could distract it, the people could escape!
“Rebecca!” Jason saw what was happening as he wrestled to subdue another innocent on the beach.
In the water, the Nightstalker came at her faster than she could run. She backed away, fear coursing through her veins as she echoed the words of her Soul Skill again. She knew he was going to kill her. His eyes were fixed on hers. He stood from the water, rose to his full height, towering over her from the surf like a Kaijuu. 
Bullets from the sniper rifles stationed round the scene lifted the sand around him, shrapnel ricocheted from his armor, sending out red colored mists of anesthetic to no avail. Other executives wanted to help but couldn’t. There were too many other people in the way, or drowning in the surf.
Rebecca suddenly heard a sharp crunching and saw the surprised look of the Hybrid as he was fully lifted from his feet and sent sailing through the air and landing hard on the sand.
At her feet, Jason lay, writhing in agony, screaming in pain.
He also had a Soul Skill, one that was considered useless by most. It wouldn’t allow him to kill a dragon, that’s for sure. So even at Cassell, he was a nobody.
The Soul Skill was simply called Speed.  It allowed him to, in short bursts, become a blur of motion.  In the space of a millisecond, he’d closed the distance between himself and Rebecca. He’d aimed himself directly at the charging hybrid and collided, saving her at great cost to himself.
She dropped to her knees next to him. His left arm and the ribs on the left chest were jagged and uneven. He gasped for breath and sobbed with the pain of the effort. 
She looked to her left. The hybrid was getting up. She hauled him to his feet and started to stagger away. But there was nowhere to run. She then turned and moved up the beach away from the water. If she could get the hybrid away from the people, the other executives would have a clearer shot!
The Night Stalker roared in fury and leaped to his feet, running claws forward, mouth agape like an animal. But the sound of a motorcycle’s engine made Rebecca’s fear turn to hope! The President!
The President lifted up the front wheel and slammed the vehicle into the beast. The Nightstalker grabbed the bike and held the spinning tire away from his face. The President performed an acrobatic backflip and fired two rounds into the motorcycle’s fuel tank.
The motorcycle exploded into flames that engulfed the Nightstalker. He screamed and flailed his arms, rolling into the sand. 
The President landed neatly and ordered. “Open fire! Open fire!”
Now free of obstacles, the executive department let loose on the hybrid with a red rain of Frigga bullets that hailed down until the armored scales began to pulverize and his skin started running red with blood. 
The Hybrid staggered, blood running down his face, swinging its arms about to maintain his balance before falling to its knees and then to his side.
The crowd, released from the grip of the Hybrid’s Soul Skill woke up confused and disoriented. The executive department quickly whipped up a story about a nearby gasleak as an explanation for their wooziness or in some cases, the fact that their family members were unconscious.
The President approached Jason and Rebecca and removed the black motorcycle helmet. Bright red hair cascaded to frame a pale face with the piercing crimson eyes of Chen Moutong. “Can we get a med team down here?” 
“You two...” She shook her head, smiling at Jason especially. “It’s not usually a good thing when a Class C Rookie shows up on one of my reports you know.”
Rebecca looked at him. He was shaking with pain. She didn’t know he could be so brave. She owed him her life. “Thanks...”
“Normally, I’d say don’t worry about it... but... after this...” He flinched. “Can... I call you some time?”
Her face grew hot. “Of course!”
“Don’t let this one get away!” She winked at Rebecca.
Nono backed away as the med team swarmed the pair, then she walked over to the unconscious hybrid, nudging him with her foot. “Let’s get him secured and on a plane and delivered to Ms. No-name for rehab.”
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