#there's so much textual evidence to his brain developing under massive amounts of chemical and emotional stress
spaceytears · 8 months
Y'know what really fucks me up about Johnny? If we are to believe the timeline as it's presented, he was a child for a lot of the war and sexual exploits we hear about in the game. He was born November 16th, 1988. He died the first time August 20th, 2023. He was 34. For all intents and purposes, he was at the beginning of his life. Samurai was mostly around from 2003-2008, we know that this was after he deserted from the war. He was 14-15 in 2003. The psycho fan quest we go on where we see all of the posters and he's making commentary on various shows? There's one where he specifically says that the food was terrible, the acoustics were terrible, but the girls were great. It was quote, "The best pussy I ever ate". That poster is 07/01/2004, which makes him, again, 15. Admittedly, I could go on for a while. I won't, and I know someone's probably going to see this post and pull the "Johnny's an unreliable narrator" card, which to a degree is true, but these dates aren't coming from him. We know Samurai was formed when he was 14, we know Samurai was formed after he came back from war. We know he was exposed to a rockstar lifestyle as a teenager. We know he struggled with addiction as voiced by him multiple times, and his repeated return to a bottle of pills during his conversation and argument with Altiera Cunningham. I would never try to justify his actions, but I can say that they're pretty readily explained. I can also say that he deserves a fair measure of empathy.
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