#there's still like a solid 1k of you who dont do shit tbh
rexsjaigeyes ยท 3 years
Not sure if anyone will read this or if anyone even gives a shit but this is my blog so whatever. Needed to rant about some stuff I've been feeling about tumblr lately. But before I do that, I would like to reiterate that MINORS ARE NOT WELCOME HERE. Unkindly fuck off if you are under 18.
As for the other shit I need to get off my chest:
I've honestly been very disappointed in the vibes on tumblr lately. I know this doesn't apply to ALL of you, but it's feeling like more and more people are taking advantage of content creators on this hellsite. Interaction has been shit lately, and yeah that includes the horrendous likes-to-reblogs ratio on my fics (as well as other people's fics).
Again, this doesn't apply to everyone; I have so many amazing moots who take the time to interact with me even when they are creating content of their own. It's just that when you have literally 2,000 followers and only get interaction from your 20 moots, things start to get extremely frustrating.
Before the ship requests, I was literally begging for y'all to interact and send asks. It seems like only when I do celebrations, people flood my inbox like never before. Where is that enthusiasm the rest of the time? And why is it so hard for my fics to get reblogged when I (once more) have literally 2,000 of you following me??
On top of that, I've been putting so much work into these ship requests (and the rest of my blog) but some of y'all have been so entitled with the way I spend my time. It's not just me; I've seen the same rancid vibes and entitled asks sent to other blogs too. Don't even get me started on the fact that I take the time to post clear rules, guidelines, etc. all over my blog yet I still get asks and shit about things that are clearly stated if you just READ. I'm not exaggerating โ€” it's getting so bad that I'm starting to question if the people sending this shit are actually minors bc the reading comprehension really ain't there.
Content creators on this site are not asking for much. We give you consistent free content and, at the most, ask for a reblog. For you to hit ONE button. But apparently, some of y'all can't even do that. And on top of that, y'all are sending me shit that gives me the feeling you don't understand I have more shit to do besides continuously churn out free content for you. It is frankly disrespectful and I'm tired of it.
Again, this probably only applies to like a handful of you. But it is getting to be so much that I'm considering taking a long break from tumblr. Bc the rancid vibes have really been unacceptable. As of now, I don't know if I'll actually do that, but I'll keep y'all updated...
I don't think this post is gonna change anything honestly, bc this shit has been happening to me since I hit 1k. I don't know how many times content creators can beg for a simple reblog before y'all understand the importance of that.
And I don't care if this post pisses any of you off. The unfollow button is right there. I'm done keeping quiet about this. Yeah, I write for fun, but I'm not gonna put the extra work into posting publicly if all these people who clearly like my shit don't want to support me. Because let's not fool anyone โ€” with 2k followers and y'all begging me to finish simple ship requests, you obviously think my writing is good. So do the bare minimum to support me and other writers you like.
Interact in ways that don't say "write this shit for me" or that hassle content creators about when they will finish something. And fucking reblog content that you like.
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