diarioelpepazo · 2 years
El tripulante del Apolo 11 compartió las fotos en sus redes sociales. Su novia, Anca Faur, es 30 años menor El legendario astronauta Buzz Aldrin contrajo matrimonio por cuarta vez a los 93 años. Su flamante esposa, Anca Faur, es 30 años menor que él. Aldrin, que cumplió 93 años el viernes y formó parte de la histórica primera misión de alunizaje de la historia,publicó la noticia en su cuenta de Twitter: “En mi 93 cumpleaños y el día en que también seré homenajeado por las Leyendas Vivas de la Aviación, me complace anunciar que mi amor de siempre, la Dra. Anca Faur, y yo hemos contraído matrimonio. Nos hemos unido en sagrado matrimonio en una pequeña ceremonia privada en Los Ángeles y estamos tan emocionados como adolescentes que se fugan”. Faur, de 63 años, trabaja actualmente como vicepresidenta ejecutiva de Buzz Aldrin Ventures LLC, y en su página de LinkedIn figura como trabajadora de la empresa desde 2019. Tiene un doctorado en ingeniería química de la Universidad de Pittsburgh y fue tesorera del Consejo Empresarial de Hidrógeno de California. Foto: Twitter @TheRealBuzz Aldrin se ha casado y divorciado tres veces anteriormente, con Joan Ann Archer de 1954 a 1974, Beverly Van Zile de 1975 a 1978 y Lois Driggs Cannon de 1988 a 2012. El segundo hombre en tocar la superficie de la Luna tiene tres hijos -James, Janice y Andrew- con su primera esposa Archer. El 16 de julio de 1969, Aldrin, Neil Armstrong y Michael Collins despegaron de la Tierra rumbo al espacio en una misión sin precedentes: llevar a la humanidad a la Luna por primera vez. FOTO DE ARCHIVO: El astronauta Buzz Aldrin, piloto del módulo lunar del Apolo 11, posa para una fotografía junto a la bandera de Estados Unidos desplegada durante una actividad extravehicular (EVA) en la Luna, el 20 de julio de 1969. El módulo lunar (LM) está a la izquierda, y las huellas de los astronautas son visibles en el suelo (Reuters) Aldrin es conocido sobre todo por haber saludado a la bandera estadounidense en la superficie de la Luna durante la misión lunar Apolo 11. Se retiró de la NASA en 1971 y en 1998 fundó la ShareSpace Foundation, una organización sin ánimo de lucro para promover la expansión de la exploración espacial tripulada. Daily Mail recuerda que tras pasar a la historia, Aldrin atravesó una época oscura: luchó contra la depresión y el alcoholismo, pero ahora lleva más de 40 años sobrio. El astronauta retirado también se ha mantenido en el ojo público haciendo cameos en exitosas series de televisión estadounidenses como Big Bang Theory, Los Simpson y 30 Rock. Y Buzz Lightyear, el personaje de Toy Story, fue bautizado en honor de Aldrin. . (Adam Bettcher/Getty Images for WE ) Aldrin ha escrito varios libros y en los últimos años ha abogado por la colonización de Marte. El astronauta afirma que una “gran migración” es necesaria no sólo para la exploración, sino para la supervivencia de la raza humana. El año pasado volvió a ser noticia cuando Aldrin la chaqueta que llevó en su histórica primera misión a la superficie lunar en 1969 se subastó por casi 2,8 millones de dólares. La chaqueta del mono de vuelo de Buzz Aldrin, usada por él en su misión a la Luna y de regreso durante el Apolo 11, que fue vendida por 2.772.500 dólares en Sotheby's, en Nueva York, EE.UU. el 21 de julio de 2022 La chaqueta, que utilizó para ir y volver de la Luna, lleva la etiqueta con el nombre de Aldrin en el pecho izquierdo, encima del emblema de la misión Apolo 11, y la bandera estadounidense en el hombro izquierdo. la tripulación del Apolo 11 formada por los astronautas estadounidenses Neil Armstrong, (I) que fue el Comandante de la Misión y el primer hombre en pisar la Luna, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, (D), que fue el Piloto del Módulo Lunar, y Michael Collins, (C) que fue el piloto del Módulo de Mando. La prenda confeccionada de un material ignífugo conocido como tela Beta, que se incorporó a los trajes espaciales en respuesta al incendio que mató a tres astronautas a bordo del Apolo 1 en 1967.
La cantidad pagada por la chaqueta del Apolo 11 es la más alta por un artefacto espacial estadounidense vendido en subasta, según Sotheby’s, que gestionó la venta. El precio superó en casi un tercio las expectativas previas a la subasta, ya que los pujadores se volvieron locos por la legendaria chaqueta. El ganador no identificado, que participó por teléfono, superó a varios otros en una puja que duró casi 10 minutos. El Apolo 11 despegó de Cabo Kennedy el 16 de julio de 1969, llevando al comandante Armstrong, al piloto del módulo de mando Collins y al piloto del módulo lunar Aldrin a una órbita terrestre inicial de 114 por 116 millas. Armstrong y Aldrin permanecieron 21 horas y 36 minutos en la superficie lunar. Los procedimientos de reentrada se iniciaron el 24 de julio, 44 horas después de abandonar la órbita lunar. El Apolo 11 aterrizó a 13 grados y 19 minutos de latitud norte y 169 grados y nueve minutos de longitud oeste el 24 de julio de 1969.   Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Infobae
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dfroza · 2 years
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humans have increased in technology over time, but has Love increased in the world?
think of what humans have done with technology in just the last 100 years. some good and some very terrible things. wars have erupted through the use of powerful force because of the technology to do so. we’ve had medical breakthroughs to help people live better lives, but also people who use such knowledge to manipulate life in an immoral way. life on earth is a far cry from Heaven.
humans cannot rule the world in the way only our Creator can. we’ve tried and failed numerous times. we’re living in a time of in-between, from when the Son walked earth and left, departing for Heaven, until His return to restore, to make peace. although the world will be judged beforehand.
earth is a beautiful planet in its True nature but it will also be made new at some point.
in A grand end of time
the heart is searching for its “Home”
people conserve natural places on earth, which are all temporal, and so even more significantly we are conserving the spiritual truth of the heart
A tweet (with photo) by Buzz Aldrin
76 years ago, V2-No. 13 launched from White Sands, NM and captured the first picture taken of earth, only a year after WWII ended. Much different from what we took on Apollo, and a far cry from what we capture today. Think about this: now we take photos from space...on phones!
10.23.22 • 11:06am • Twitter
we’re in a time of sharing a message of rebirth to the ends of beautiful earth.
the Scriptures have been conserved to document this.
neither the world’s wealth nor technology can save the heart (spirit) since only Light (Spirit) can. but we can use wealth and technology to share and do good.
(humility of heart & mind is a necessity)
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smbizamerica · 5 years
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Small Business News 7-17-19
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tatmanblue · 4 years
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sinclair27 · 5 years
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zzkt · 5 years
Looking back, landing on the moon wasn’t just our job, it was a historic opportunity to prove to the world America’s can-do spirit. I’m proud to serve the country that gave me this historic opportunity. Today belongs to you. We must hold the memory of #Apollo11 close. #Apollo50th
— Buzz Aldrin (@TheRealBuzz) July 20, 2019
(via http://twitter.com/TheRealBuzz/status/1152577513165598723)
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betterhomebusiness · 5 years
Story Of #EdgarCayce #Predictions For 2017 https://lnkd.in/eRkNteW
Story Of #Luke12 #KJV
#APrisonForYourMind - #RedPill - #BluePill - #ItsYourChoice! https://lnkd.in/ezPymRC
Yay❣️its official.
#Matrix4 officially a go with #KeanuReeves, #CarrieAnneMoss and #LanaWachowski (EXCLUSIVE) bit.ly/2zdeDbs
'Red pill' has become a popular phrase among #cyberculture and #signifies a #FreeThinking #attitude, and a waking up from a "normal" life of #sloth and #ignorance. Red pills prefer the #truth, no matter how #gritty and #painful it may be.
A growing number of people consider themselves #RedPilled, aware of hidden #truths that #contradicts the official narrative most people #believe.
It's important to remember how easily we can all become unreasonable about our beliefs, being unwilling to examine basic presumptions.
Yet, if your views are correct, they will stand up to careful #scrutiny.
Being willing to learn and discover is crucial to the pursuit of #truth.
The person who "already knows everything" can no longer grow.
See if any of these red pills #challenge you to learn, #grow, and #think about #life, #history, and #future in a new way!
#GoodLuck #God #Honor #Country #Duty #USArmedForces #Congress #Democracy #AMERICA #NewDeal #Democracy #HealthCareForAll #America #American #Braveheart #FREEDOM #Constitution #DeclarationOfIndependent #RockTheVote #WeThePeople #BabyBoomers #Twitter #Facebook #Tumblr #LinkedIn #Wix #Congress #REPUBLICANS #TaxReform #TaxCuts #Jobsact #Medicare #Medicaid #Immigration #NewDeal #NASA #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #WhiteHouse #LlibraryCongress #FLOTUS #POTUS #VP #USHouseNews #TheRealBuzz #nytimes #latimes #HOUSTONCHRONHS
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billytucci · 6 years
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25 Years & 364 Days of Shi: Day 18 & the 25th Anniversary #wayofthewarrior #1 #AlbuquerqueComicCon exclusive by my bro from another mo’ @TheRealBuzz Only 100 copies produced, come by and see Buzz and I at the albuquerquecomiccon.com this weekend! https://www.instagram.com/p/BsxfFqKhUr5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=cajztesfto9h
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dfroza · 2 years
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when the Queen sailed in Michigan
[TV6 & FOX UP]
On July 5, 1959, Queen Elizabeth passed under the Mackinac Bridge on her royal yacht, the "Britannia." According to historians, bridge traffic had to be stopped at each tower because of security, but hundreds of people left their cars and ran onto the center span shouting, waving and trying to see the Queen. This resulted in what was called one of the worst traffic jams ever in the Straits area as it was around midday on the Sunday of Independence Day weekend. The Queen and Prince Phillip were traveling from a ceremony to officially open the St. Lawrence Seaway to Chicago.
Photo courtesy: Mackinac Bridge Authority
9.8.22 • Facebook
and another scene in History
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God bless #QueenElizabeth, a gracious leader, lady, and our host on return from the moon. On behalf of the Apollo 11 crew, Godspeed and God bless the Royal Family. Sincere condolences.
9.8.22 • 3:37pm • Twitter
we dream and do in life, and are our dreams aligning with the truth of our Maker or are we doing things against True nature? will we stand with the genesis or against it? it matters what we come to believe in the space of heart.
truth is illuminated for us to see, but it is still a personal choice.
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sciencespies · 3 years
Pilot of the first Moon landing, Michael Collins, has passed away age 90
Pilot of the first Moon landing, Michael Collins, has passed away age 90
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American astronaut Michael Collins, who piloted the Apollo 11 command module while his crewmates became the first people to walk on the Moon, died on Wednesday of cancer, his family said.
Sometimes called “the loneliest man in history” because of his long solo flight while his colleagues loped across the lunar surface, Collins never earned the same global name recognition as Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.
But he was hailed as a lifelong advocate of space exploration: erudite and witty yet also self-effacing, maintaining in a 2009 interview with NASA that his historic accomplishments were “90 percent blind luck” and that astronauts should not be celebrated as heroes.
“Mike always faced the challenges of life with grace and humility, and faced this, his final challenge, in the same way,” Collins’ family posted on his official Twitter account.
Crewmate Aldrin led the tributes, writing on Twitter: “Dear Mike, Wherever you have been or will be, you will always have the Fire to Carry us deftly to new heights and to the future. We will miss you. May you Rest In Peace.”
Dear Mike, Wherever you have been or will be, you will always have the Fire to Carry us deftly to new heights and to the future. We will miss you. May you Rest In Peace. #Apollo11 pic.twitter.com/q4sJjFdvf8
— Dr. Buzz Aldrin (@TheRealBuzz) April 28, 2021
US President Joe Biden said that while Collins “may not have received equal glory,” he was “an equal partner, reminding our nation about the importance of collaboration in service of great goals.”
Born in Rome in 1930 to a US army officer serving as military attache there, Collins went on to become a fighter pilot and test pilot with the air force.
He applied to NASA after being inspired by John Glenn, the first American to orbit the Earth, and was selected to be an astronaut in 1963.
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Mike Collins in 1966, training for the Gemini mission. (NASA)
Collins’ first spaceflight was on the Gemini 10 mission, where he made a then record-breaking two spacewalks.
But he is best known for being a member of the Apollo 11 mission when, on July 20, 1969, his crewmates Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin took their giant leaps for mankind.
Remarking on Collins’ role, a NASA press officer would later tell reporters: “Not since Adam has any human known such solitude.”
Collins spent half a century trying to debunk that myth.
“I would enjoy a perfectly enjoyable hot coffee, I had music if I wanted to,” he said at a 50th anniversary event in 2019.
“Good old Command Module Columbia had every facility that I needed, and it was plenty big and I really enjoyed my time by myself instead of being terribly lonely.”
He was worried, however, that Armstrong and Aldrin might not make it back alive – remarking once that being the mission’s sole survivor would have made him “a marked man for life.”
World in my window
Ultimately, Apollo 11 was a success and after the crew splashed down in the Pacific, they embarked on a worldwide tour, at the end of which they were all awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Collins would go on to say the Moon mission forever changed his perspective, impressing upon him the fragility of our home planet and the need to protect it.
“When we rolled out and looked at (the Moon), oh, it was an awesome sphere,” he said at a 2019 event at George Washington University.
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Mike Collins in 2019, at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington. (NASA/Bill Ingalls)
But “as magnificent as that was, as impressive, and as much as I will remember that, that was nothing, nothing compared to this other window out there,” he continued.
“Out there was this little pea about the size of your thumbnail at arm’s length: blue, white, very shiny, you get the blue of the oceans, white of the clouds, streaks of rust we call continents, such a beautiful gorgeous tiny thing, nestled into this black velvet of the rest of the Universe.”
“Hey, Houston, I’ve got the world in my window,” he told mission control.
Collins turned down an offer to command his own Moon mission and went on to become a diplomat, serving as assistant secretary of state for public affairs.
He later became the first director of the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, and authored numerous books on space including his well-received autobiography Carrying the Fire.
He retired in Florida, living with his wife Pat until she died in 2014.
Asked by Fox News in 2019 whether he thinks much about Apollo 11, he said: “Not very often.”
“I lead a quiet life. I’ll be walking along down my street at night, when it’s starting to get dark and I sense something over my right shoulder and I look up and see that little silver sliver up there and think, ‘Oh that’s the Moon. I’ve been there!’
© Agence France-Presse
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tatmanblue · 5 years
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adambowielinks · 4 years
Favorite tweets: #Perseverance pays off! pic.twitter.com/nXsoKUqj3M— Dr. Buzz Aldrin (@TheRealBuzz) February 18, 2021
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humanoidhistory · 7 years
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Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin makes history on the Moon, July 20, 1969.
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slenderframe71 · 7 years
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Buzz Aldrin @TheRealBuzz
12 oct.
#TBT 2013 to that time I ran into some fellow MarsGuys in DC #GYATM
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bfelsheim-blog · 7 years
Here is Buzz Aldrin trying to defend the fact that they went to the moon. If they really did land on the moon why would he feel the need to defend himself? This is not the only tweet he has defending his glory either, in fact he has numerous tweets replying to many skeptics trying to defend himself. It seems very weird to me that he argues with people trying to convince them that they landed. If it were real, and he had nothing to hide, I don’t think he would waste his time replying to “dumb skeptics” theories as to why they never went to the moon.
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dfroza · 4 years
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what would you want your first meal on the moon to be?
how about a sugar cookie cube dipped in coffee?
A tweet by the National Air & Space Museum followed by a reply from Buzz Aldrin
@airandspace: Necessity is the mother of invention. Rita Rapp and her team of food scientists created the perfect cookie that hardly crumbles — perfect for spaceflight — like these sugar cookies from Apollo 11: http://s.si.edu/2HMwMQD #NationalCookieDay #ArchivesBakeOff
12.4.20 • 10:04am • Twitter
@TheRealBuzz: Neil and my first meal on the Moon included bacon (in squares), sugar cookie cubes, a fruit drink, and some coffee. It's not exactly an epic feast for a couple of guys about to make history, but when you're in space you have to make do with what you got.😁
12.4.20 • 10:41pm • Twitter
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