theexecutionerssong · 5 years
thereisnowhyquestion replied to your post “Erm im sorry to ask...whats happening with axel??? did he do a live or...”
I hope someone recorded it
You can to listen to it here if you want!
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illgiveyouahint · 5 years
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thereisnowhyquestion replied to your post “I loved the hug, it was so soft and tender and perfect and so them....”
I went David to tell matteo. I don’t want David to be outed. Just I want this to go as right as possible. I am so stressed!
Yes that's another worry of mine. The rumours that they showed us slowly spreading. I really need them to talk tomorrow and for David to tell Matteo. We're nearly at the end of the line here and the stakes are higher than ever. So far this season has been so so so amazing but we need this to be done right. It absolutely has to be done right otherwise it'll put a damper on the whole season. So let us all pray that they'll have the talk tomorrow, David will come out tomorrow and be accepted and we can put at least one of our worries to rest.
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otppurefuckingmagic · 6 years
@thereisnowhyquestion asked - What is this ?
you can find ITSB here :) xx
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lecrit · 7 years
@darquebane replied to your post“GUYS. I GOT IN. I GOT THE PHD I APPLIED FOR. I’M MOVING TO CANADA...”
Are you coming my way? ;)
I am!! Montréal, baby!!!
@thereisnowhyquestion replied to your post“GUYS. I GOT IN. I GOT THE PHD I APPLIED FOR. I’M MOVING TO CANADA...”
Wooooooo. What are the next four years of your life about ?
Political Science! More specifically the rise of extremist far-right parties in Europe in the 2000s.
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fuckyeahjudezero · 7 years
Do you know where I can watch their storyline. I have seen the series but I just wanna rewatch their bits and most of the YouTube links are down. Copyright police ;(
There’s a link in our sidebar to a Dailymotion Channel that has Zude clips.
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avengemeeee · 7 years
What’s this? A tag?
Tagged by: micamone  (thanks!)
Name: Cassandra Blakesley
Nickname(s): Cas, Kitty, Squeaks, Minion, Hey you
Zodiac Sign: Aries 
Height: 5′8″
Orientation: Good question. I like dudes, theoretically, but girls are pretty too. It doesn’t really matter to me what the lips I’m kissing are attached to. I get turned on by stuff, but the thought of actually having sex is kind of weird and gets a ‘?????” from my brain most of the time, so....queer? I don’t know.
Favorite Color: Currently, I’m feelin’ a black, green, blue, red, and purple aesthetic. Dark and jewel tones. mmmmmm
Favorite animals: Cats, Dogs, Foxes, Bats, Bears, and Squirrels. And Sugar Gliders.
Average Sleep Hours: Less than I should, according to science. Seven-ish. Less sometimes, depending on level of brain activity. I generally fall asleep between 130 and 2 and then get up between 9 and 10. I’m sure it doesn’t help that the way my room is set up, I sit on my bed while I use my computer.
Cats or dogs?: Both. Both is good.
Favorite Fictional Characters: To avoid a block of text, I’ll just say Vox Machina, Team Free Will, Marvel, DC, Mako Mori Fanclub, Khaleesi (book), Derek Hale Appreciation Squad, and several hundred other movie, television, comic, book, and fanfiction characters. 
Number of Blankets you Sleep With: 10. Don’t worry, I still respect them in the morning.
Dream Trip: Honestly, just a world trip meet-and-greet with my fav Internet Personalities. That’d be killer. Also, San Diego Comicon. It’s too expensive, too crowded, sells out too quick, and is too far away, but if I could meet Liam O’Brien while I cosplayed War, that would honestly make my life.
Blog Created: July 25th 2013, but my posts back then were pretty basic. My other blog was created shortly after, and my beginning posts were obnoxious, but I don’t remember if there was objectionable stuff. I mean, probably. I was kind of an ignorant asshole. Sorry. Anyway, it’s mostly just old yahoo conversations with my bestie and really, really bad, incomplete fanfiction.
Current number of followers: 290 on here, but I think it’s mostly porn blogs, and I haven’t weeded them out yet. The other one has 144, most of them recently, which I’m still kind of...I mean, it’s awesome, so thanks. (edit: when I was tagging, I weeded out the pornblogs, lol, so now there are 269 followers here)
tagged peeps: @jediknight2014 @rileysgotitgoingon @thereisnowhyquestion   @cursedtruth @hello-necromancer @commontrashcan (which it won’t let me tag, fsr) @werwolvs @nightcoremoon @managerie76
I like your blogs.
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