#theres 4 people mentioned in text not including narration. 6 if you include so.
b0mblover · 2 months
scars dont last forever. (thankfully) nor do people.
By: J
vauge tw; i wrote this bc i over think fucking everything. ikitai by shimon has saved me once again /srs
again. keep in mind i dont reread most of this stuff.
this would be better suited on my main but since its writing.
Ah, fuck.
im getting really tired of the game i play with myself
constant abuse
its nothing new
smoking and drinking myself to near-death
its nothing new, almost like second nature.
those hateful words that he spewed,
those mean jabs that she said,
acting as if i dont take them to heart.
XXX is this
XXX is that
its all a bunch of nonsense in the end.
you tell me to stop drinking, stop smoking
i consider it thrice
giving it chances
i feel like i never change.
you calm me down
saying how i deserve to live
its something i could almost believe.
Her piling up lies
his non-existent self respect,
it all comes crumbling down in the end.
XXX is this 
XXX is that
without noticing im.
when they beat me down
you gave me life.
when they cut me up 
you cleaned the wounds.
purposeful or not.
i cant help but wonder.
‘that jealous- self serving- selfish zealot’
‘the one they always wanted.’
wouldnt you know all about it?
after all. 
they miss you.
they hate me. 
XXX is this
XXX is that
I dont need reassurance from the dead
acting like XXX is-
you dont know -
i watched you question over and over again.
“Who are you” 
repeated more everytime.
XXX isnt this
XXX doesnt know you
that name.
isnt yours to hold onto.
I cant help but wonder, do you care?
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