#theres a freedom of sorts in those stillsuits
estellaestella · 1 month
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Still not over this! I cant ever remember seeing the male and female leads of a movie wear the same outfit on a red carpet, albeit in different colours.
Such a clever way to do a nod to stillsuits. I even like that Law, Zendaya's stylist, got their custom JUUN.J jumpsuits in pink and blue (as all the articles described them; ignore that they look peach and grey in some photos.) He's making a statement about how future fashion will be more gender neutral but to make it palatable to us he put them in gender coded colours. That's both clever and funny. Also, bold move on Timothee Chalamet's part for wearing the same thing as Zendaya : how many people wd dare that?! Such a cool collab! Fashion history was made here!
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