#theres intimacy and vulnerability and trust here but none of those things are inherently romantic
mokutone · 2 years
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Where the majority of pages before were in red hues, this is all green and blue and teal, cool colors.
Over the entirety of the page, there is a drawing of Tenzō, naked and loosely coiled in black cords, just as he was in canon flashbacks to his time in Orochimaru's lab. His hair rises from his head as if floating. His expression is neutral. He appears to be the same age as he was in the red pages.
Tenzō's head dominate's panel one. His hair obscures a lot of the panel behind him, but we see a close image of ninja sandals on a tree branch. "The mission went impossibly smoothly," Tenzō recounts. "I only got injured because we were accosted during our return journey."
Tenzō's torsō rests over panel two. Behind him, to the left, his mokuton branches bind an enemy shinobi to a tree. To the right, Rabbit-Taichō is crouched on a branch and hand-signals at a different Tenzō, one which is fully dressed in his Anbu kit. Tenzō watches, his own hands poised in a seal. The Tenzō whose body stretches over the page continues, "They were rogue shinobi from the Hidden Rivers. But the mission itself was just gathering intel with Rabit-Taichō, from a lab just east of the border." Much like the black cords, the tails of the speech balloons weave and wrap around Tenzō's body.
The third panel is split by Tenzō's body. On the left, there's a single panel in the red hues of Kakashi's room. On the right, there are rows of lit, fluid-filled tanks. "A Lab?" Kakashi asks, looking uneasy, on his guard. "Yes," Tenzō's speech balloons reply. "An old one. Former hideout, but now truly civilian."
Tenzō's legs dangle over the fourth panel. Behind his legs, Tenzō and Rabbit-Taichō observe a fish as it swims in a tank. "The lab was conducting experiments on the chakra natures of non-summoned fish," Tenzō says.
"We deemed it safe after ten days of study, and several infiltrations."
/end ID
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