#theres no need to jump thru millions of hoops to rectify your hc
daemon-in-my-head · 7 months
I'm genuinely confused about how that one post of mine turned into a debate on how to/if Gortash is redeemable. Whether he is or not solely depends on your headcanon. Some may think he can be forced into changing his mindset, and some may don't. That's a personal thing, as the game's version of Gortash can differ vastly in interpretation. There hardly is one "true" Gortash, whatever reactions you pick will influence what you think of him as well as your personal bias.
I stated what I deemed to be his motivations—asked what could've been if he had been saved back in the day. But I never once questioned whether he can be redeemed. Cuz that question is not essential when you debate his motivations, the reasons why he does what he does. He is a twisted man. Someone who will go over corpses for his safety and sense of control. He is downright evil, vile, sadistic, what have you. He has no regard for any life besides his own and maybe those he treasures. And it all stems from what happened to him. His primary motivation is the same as the one small kid Gortash had, just his means changed.
Whether he can be redeemed or not is a completely different question. Why someone turned evil should not be the defining factor whether someone can be redeemed or not. It should be their actions and their willingness to change, to clean up the messes they made and to truly understand why what they did was wrong.
But at the end of the day; it's all hc. It's all fiction. You can have ur evil villain or you can redeem him, as long as you enjoy it.
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