#theres probably massive plot holes in this but idc
irbcallmefynn · 8 months
Tell us about your characters!
Ok this'll be fun! And very, very long.
Fynn's Dad was a blacksmith. Made weapons for whoever had money. Just so happens the army of hell has a lot of money. He had a one-off fling with a demoness, and was promptly executed. Fynn spent most of his childhood in hell, being taught Demon Magic. He was not, however, taught how to control his emotions or his hunger. Basically, if you make him upset, he'll probably eat you (and not in the vore way, like contort your body into a milkshake eat you). He magicked his mouth out of existence at a wizard convention after a freak accident involving a slight mispronunciation (the demon words for "target" and "area" are very similar, as are "directed" and "indirect"), so he's excommunicated from Wizard Society™. He can't verbally speak anymore, so he uses a mix of telepathy and "air text" to communicate (that's why his dialogue has no speech bubble). He eats by simultaneously teleporting food into his stomach and macerating it.
Nauno was, as a child, abandoned by his parents, who believed they wouldn't be able to survive, as he's rather small and weak compared to their peers. He was adopted by a band of thieves, who raised him to aid in theft (small stature, light feet, and dark feathers makes for easy breaking and entering). This led Nauno to develop Kleptomania, and even after running away (turns out a band of thieves does not make for effective parents of an Avali, their needs were not being adequately met), he continued stealing and exploiting their feminine appearance to lure in wealthy men to pickpocket.
Coincidentally, Fynn and Nauno both met Euphi at the same time in a bar (Drunk guys have a fascinating taste, and make for easy pickpocketing targets, Euphi was just kinda there). They struck up conversation, and eventually realized all three of them are fucked up in some way (Fynn for being half demon and a literal man-eater with no mouth, Nauno for being a Kleptomaniac femboy with a body count higher than they are, and Euphi for somehow finding both of these guys adorable). Fynn saw value in Nauno for bringing in victims, Nauno saw value in Fynn for dealing with misogynists (which have been problematic for them in the past), it was only natural they'd want to cooperate! Euphi was very lonely, and these were the first two in a long time she's ever felt anything special with, so they all agreed that living together would benefit everyone involved. You can call this Polycule formed!
Considering Fynn was homeless (no job, and nobody wants to rent out a place to someone who will eat them) and Nauno was also homeless (on the run from both the police and his adoptive family), Euphi was more than happy to welcome both of them into her life. She also doesn't have a job (not sure why), but heart found an abandoned house on the outskirts of The City (that's the name; The City City, located in Country). They were able to renovate the place to a livable state through a mix of stolen goods and demon energy-based electrical appliances, and now live there as a happy polycule of Murder, Prostitution, Theft, and Willful ignorance.
With this new life setup, they've also been trying to actually help each other become better at fitting in with society. Fynn never really figured out what love is, Nauno never got a formal education, and Euphi's just kinda odd. Heart does make a decent teacher for Nauno (better than nothing, at least), and Nauno's trying their best to help Fynn grasp what love is (all he can really follow is that he loves the taste of human, and loves having people that actually like him).
Euphi honestly treats Fynn and Nauno better than Heart-self, and borderline babies these two "grown" men. She lets them get away with damn near anything, only being concerned when the law could get involved. They can be a handful at times, especially when Nauno lures one of their victims home, but heart would never dare tell them to stop!
Ok... I think that's all I've got for right now. That was a lot... gave me something to do during lunch, at least!
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