#theres this woman fanny described in another volume lemme just
mire-7viii · 5 months
I will suppose you, then, to be my best friend; tho' God forbid you ever should! my dearest companion—& a roman- tick Girl, for mere oddity may perhaps be more sincere—more tender—than if you were a friend [in] propria personae [sic]—in as much as imagionation often exceeds reality. In your Breast my errors may create pity without exciting contempt; may raise your compassion, without eradicating your love. From this moment, then, my dear Girl—but why, permit me to ask, must a female be made Nobody? Ah! my dear, what were this world good for, were Nobody a female?
Fanny Burney, aged 15, in her journal writing her secrets and every thought without fear to Nobody, on March 27th, 1768, London.
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